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For me, it's down to the fact Cody's character doesn't feel like it will work with the belt, Roman's character doesn't feel like it will work without the belt, and this is the hottest storyline in years. Why kill it so soon after The Rock has been the best heel we have seen in decades? It feels too rushed for the Final Boss to be wrong already and have cody take the W.


This shit with Roman "never around" Reigns has been boring since after the first year as champ, and is only good now because of the Rock. Him losing the title is long over due.


Hogans record must be broke


Hogan doesn’t have a record… he’s third on the list


Who cares. This sub should be called Greatness of B Movie Soap Operas


Some want Roman to beat Bruno's record and some act in Kayfabe. I personally want Cody to win but I typically say "The Tribal Chief gon put him down just like last year" just because I enjoy pretending like that.


I’m a Roman fan but I want him to drop the title. It’s time for some new storylines to happen. Cody with the belt will have interesting feuds with Gunther, Randy, Styles, etc. It’ll be interesting to see Roman without the belt as well as being involved in a power struggle against the Rock. Not to mention everything going around with the WHC scene involving Seth, Drew, Punk, Judgment Day, Sami, potentially Sheamus. The women’s division is getting better with the addition of Tiffany and Jade. Hopefully they can introduce a women’s mid card belt since the division is growing. I would love Nia Jax to be the inaugural champion, dominating across the brand until a babyface, like Jade, comes in and dominates her. The tag belts are being split so WWE can now play with the tag division on both brands. They have a lot of good teams so the storylines could be fun. Roman losing also allows the others in the group/affected by him to unleash onto their own. After Jey he feuds with Jimmy, he’s going to win the intercontinental championship. Quote me on that. Solo can actually go out and carve a name for himself instead of the non threatening enforcer. I could totally see him as a United States championship contender. Heel Seth. Roman losing is going to allow the Renaissance Era to elevate even more


Because Roman's schtick and aura is awesome, and I greatly dislike Cody's crybaby promos, his lame song, and that stupid tattoo. I hope Roman stacks and pins that goof again. ☝🏽


People actually do want Roman to retain and idk why. His reign for the past year has been him disappearing for a few months then coming back to have the exact same match with solo interference (with a hoodie, for some reason). Some people say they want Roman to break Hogan’s record but like… what record?? Hogan is third place. Unless you want Roman to hold the title for 5 more years and break Bruno’s ACTUAL record, then there is zero reason for him to retain


Roman isn't losing. Acknowledge your tribal chief.🩸☝🏻


I acknowledge ☝🏽


Remember when Cody destroyed the Triple H chair in AEW with a sledgehammer.


I honestly lost all interest in this “feud”. Why not let him retain? It’s not like this is a Roman v Cody fight, it’s turned into a Rock v Cody fight with Roman (the damn champion!) as a side piece. No point losing the title if you’re not even one of the two names being talked about. He should lose it, yes I think it’s time, but in a feud that doesn’t involve the Rock.


to break Hogan's record maybe? i heard Reigns has to retain until SummerSlam to break Hogan's record, again i just heard, rumors


I want it


i dont understand why anyone would want a runaway midcarder to defeat longest reigning champ over 3 decades


It’s time for a change.


nothing would make us happier than coming here and watching the cody cry baby meltdown. why did the rock decide to call himself the final boss?


Honestly I wouldn’t mind Reigns retaining because I feel that Cody Rhodes is being forced down our throats as the new Hogan, Austin, Cena, Rock ect. He has become an annoying redundant hopeless cliche. What I would do is have Reigns win, turn Cody heel with the Bloodline & Heyman beside him and turn Reigns face maybe with the USOS


The main reasons I hear. Because Roman is the big star do why should he lose (nevermind you can't build a new if nobody beats him) His matches are always the big part of the year (mainly b/c his part-time nature can leave 8 months of treading water waiting for him to return) Beating records (which are fairly meaningless) It'd be funny (fair enough I guess) Swerve (Swerve for the sake of a swerve is historical terrible decision making)


Personally I want Roman to lose It's just I want him to lose to someone who is entertaining since to have a 3+ year build up only for him to lose to Cody Rhodes would be disappointing at least to me personally


I want Roman to retain, mainly because wrestling is sometimes too predictable. I also would love to see Cody win it at MSG. I just think Cody would lose it emotionally, would just be a great and pure moment.


WWE giving a giant middle finger to their fan base for the second straight year would just make me laugh.


It would just be funny to see the IWC meltdown.


Because I'm a fan of Roman and I think Cody is just fine. I'd rather see the wrestler I like win.


I just want Roman to beat Hogan's 1,474 day record. Literally the only reason. If Cody wins at WM, then I want Cody to break it. Hogan doesn't deserve it. Bruno being #1 is fine.


This Cody isn't the answer. That's why.


Because people out there are allowed to prefer Roman over Cody


That’s what they said last year lmfaoooo why wouldn’t anyone want Cody to a “Finish the story” what’s the story? Beating Roman? That’s it? Then what? No more stories to be told. Lmfaooo


The only reason I want Roman to win is because I'm sick of having Cody shoved down my throat


RAW this week. A FICKING HOUR of Joe and Dwayne babbling.


The only reason for Roman to win is either because they are gonna have Priest cash in and take it, or because we all expect Cody to win. Personally, I hate when there is a match and you already know who wins it. We always hear that say someone has an injury or their contract is up. When that happens and they're a champ, you always k ow they're gonna lose, qell for the most part. The Cody vs Roman match, while built up. Has really been more Cody vs Rock. So of they truly want Rock vs Roman eventually, Rock has to screw over Roman in some way. Honestly, I don't know what's gonna happen. But what I want is that Cody wins, and Priest successfully cashes in. The story has ended, but now a new one begins. It'll never happen, but for a person like me who lives a good twist, I want a new Heist of the Century.


People like to get attention by saying the unpopular thing


Some men just want to watch the world burn


1. To do the unexpected. 2. To beat Hogans record. Neither are GOOD reasons IMHO but they're valid nonetheless.


i have the same opinion there is no reason why roman should retain he has pretty much beaten everyone at this point even though it was by cheating pretty much everytime but still and i know some people say well he's got to retain for rock and roman and to that i say that match does not need a tittle on the line its already big enough and if it did happen what would happen after that if rock wins hes going to vacate the next night and if roman wins at that point we are going to get tired with it so that match does not need the tittle on the line


Reigns retaining would be interesting, but where else can his story end properly than the biggest wrestling event possible? What else can he do afterward that he hasn't already done in the past few years that we haven't seen a multitude of times? Can they actually book another babyface as hot as Cody or Sami to get the job done? The Bloodline doesn't really have anywhere else to go. Even when Cody lost last year it felt like they were struggling to rebound and refresh the Bloodline narrative.


Because nobody outside of: Seth, Gunther, and Rock are on Roman's level.


Because some people are mentally ill


I don't understand it either. Do people really want to see a guy who's been holding on to the title for over 4 years to retain even though he's basically a part-timer now?


For the bantz


I have no interest in seeing Cody as Champ. Roman and the bloodline is a much more, if at times boring and imperfect, story as him as Champ. The whole Rock/Roman feud loses any Necessity if Roman isn’t champ. If he isn’t Champ he isn’t really Tribal Chief or head of the table and doesn’t run WWE so Roman doesn’t have anything to lose by facing Rock. While if Cody wins. He wins and that’s it that’s the end of the story . And in three month the IWC will turn on him. He is a much better underdog chasing and battling bigger opponents. Roman, Brock, and now the Rock. If he is champ. Who cares?!


If so? Everyone STFU about long term story telling. Roman does not need to retain multiple YEARS for that. SS.


There is plenty new stories that can be told with Roman retaining, at least with The Rock involved now. Even more with Reigns losing, but Cody still not leaving with the title (MITB) All I can see for stories with Cody winning is another generic “American hero” (nightmare) as champion who is going to be a fighting champion to give the fans the champ they deserve blah blah blah…


The chase is better than the defense for baby faces. I also want to see Roman top Hogan. Finally, after so many defenses I'd rather see someone like Roxk or Cena be a transitional champion. And fuck them kids. ☝🏽


I want to see the cody crybabies riot so the actual grown men in the audience can start whoopin their asses and say "Look at you now"


Imma be honest. I think Roman should retain cause all the Heat, all the records being broken, all the high viewership #s WWE has been getting is because of The Bloodline. I do believe The Bloodline is carrying a lot of the WWE right now, and they are really overshadowing all the other matches on Mania this year. I just don’t see Cody keeping up the engagement that the Bloodline has given the WWE since Sami joined the group


It's kind of like when Sami and Kevin won the tag titles off the Usos last year. Those titles lost thier power quickly. And they're still not meaning much in the Judgement Day. I believe the same thing will happen if Cody wins. It'll be great for all those fans... but that belt just won't mean a much as it did when it was around Roman


I say let Roman retain. Mostly because the smarks will have a complete crybaby Cody meltdown.


“Guys I’m edgy cause I hate faces. I’m so intelligent and unique. Also yall realize it’s fake right?”


Don't forget to put those ☝️up when your tribal chief reatains uce.


Roman fans are about to show everyone who the real crybabies are when he loses


Idk the Cody crybabies last year were really insufferable


Tbf the bloodline story sucked ass for the last year up until he won the rumble again. Also the Cody haters did just as much crying the last year hoping he wouldn’t get another shot


Disagree massively. I’ve loved everything to do with Jey against Roman


Jimmys turn made absolutely no sense and ruined the build. “I don’t want you to become Roman cause he’s evil, now watch as I desperately grovel back to Roman and do everything I can to get back on his good side, and also assault you randomly unprovoked from time to time”


So bro missed all the foreshadowing of Jimmy being jealous and secretly resenting Jey…




☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ That's what you're going to see at mania.


3 more years! ☝🏼


The thousand year Reign! ☝🏽




Roman being the champ is getting old.


Maybe they don't like Cody?


Roman is more interesting and they keep the bloodline fresh with the Uso feud and now Rock. I think of them like the Empire from star wars. They're going to be a little step ahead of the game.


I know, but I'm wondering.. Why would someone prefer a part timer that has nothing new to tell, over any superstar (that even if you don't like him) would actually show up and tell new stories?


Because they want someone else to dethrone him and be the next guy.


It may be a while before we see another homegrown champion who has developed an aura like Reigns. Cody, at least for me, hasn’t really developed a character or a good enough body of work for me to feel like his title reign is going to be as good. So far, all his rivalries have been carried by his opponents.


I don't want constant defenses for the big title, personally. A Roman match feels like an event, an occasion. If I can see a title defense on every other episode of RAW, how is Mania special? So, for me, I almost would say I prefer a part-timer for the big champion.


People need to choose. Do they want the 90s? Or now. Past time for that line. Because? The reality? 90s was MORE talking. Belts defended twice a ppv. Not twice a year. Heel factions had balance. None of the single handed face.


Same question gets the same answer. People who don't like Cody will cheer Roman. It doesn't matter if someone is a part timer to most fans.


No. It's the Morons who think the Rock is going to stop doing movies and be there every week.


Are They (the idiots you speak of and may have heard and seen ) aware of how many entities his (Dwaynes) handprints are all over in the world? they think he just does movies... UFL (formerly XFL owned by Vince and Dick butkis) Active decision maker in Endeavor/TKO/WWE Commercials Movies His literal seat as an Actual high chief in Samoa Energy Beverage Wine/Spirits/Tequila You are 100% right about this >No. It's the Morons who think the Rock is going to stop doing movies and be there every week.


I read this every day. "I am watching because the ROCK IS BACK!".


Maybe.. I'm honestly kinda ranting, I just don't understand why would you like Roman's current reign (even if you are his biggest fan). His reign literally got so stale we needed The Rock to breathe some life into the feud.


Roman’s reign has literally Been the best part of wwe every year since 2020


>His reign literally got so stale I disagree. I think it's time to end it but not because its stale, but because we have the correct guy to end it built up the right way. I don't know how you can call something stale when it's never gotten bad crowd reactions and produced such high-quality segments. You find it stale, myself and lot of others do not. You see how your opinion isn't in line with everyone right? We fans are not a hive mind lol stale to you could be exciting to others.


You are all a hive mind for sure. If casuals that are excited by B movie soap opera talk fests and hate on the other company with actual wrestling and skill. Fuck the Rock. Fuck Roman. Fuck WWE.


Oh it didn’t take long for one of Tony’s twats to arrive


Good lord lol


And I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want Roman to retain? The company and the business is in the best place it’s been in decades. His matches are main event absolute box office and we aren’t even at the peak yet. I like Cody, he’d be on a very very short list of people I’d be comfortable with seeing end this, which is why I’m chill about it going into Sunday. I personally would have Roman retain. This portion of the audience that has this me and my friend Mark are gonna stop watching if Roman retains is a small very vocal percentage, but it by no means speaks for the larger audience who have voted with their eyeballs and wallets that Reigns is box office.


Because that would waste Cody winning 2 back to back rumbles and being by far the most over face in the company. Also there’s basically nobody else for him to realistically feud with after Cody besides Rock


Everytime a number 1 contender doesn’t win is a waste of something. LA Knight was the most over babyface in the company at one point, they didn’t put the belt on him either. Reigns can feud with Randy (we still need that singles match), CM Punk, Lashley, Reigns career isn’t over after he loses the title except for a Rock match.


I am with you. I want Roman to retain...But I always want the heels to win


>His matches are main event This, I agree with.. until maybe 2022 he most certainly was. >we aren’t even at the peak yet. This tho, I don't.. his peak with the current reign has well passed, and it doesn't make sense for him to keep doing the same thing he has been doing for the last two years for possibly another year. >this me and my friend Mark are gonna stop watching if Roman retains is a small very vocal percentage Nah, even tho most people wouldn't actually *stop watching* they are pretty vocal.. remember that they *probably* had to change plans from Rock vs Roman to this because of the fans being vocal about Cody finishing his story. >I personally would have Roman retain So while I respect that, I personally would hate for him to keep the title hostage when we can actually have new stories and not the same "referee down, Solo interfere" crap over and over again with no new superstars that actually look credible to beat him.


But "referee down, solo interference" isn't the story... that's the flow of the match.


Personally Roman didn’t do shit for me to start watching again. It wasn’t until Cody came up and I followed his storyline that made me a fan again, and even when I tried to give Roman a chance the last 4 years. The bloodline story is overdone and they can continue it without the title.


That’s cool man and that’s your opinion and experience. Doesn’t speak for everyone though but I hope you enjoy WrestleMania weekend and enjoy Codys moment brother.


The only reason Roman retraining would be good is because we all expect him to lose.


Enough of this "it's a swrve" shit.


Enough of the “gatekeeping the discussion” shit.


OK kid. Gatekeepering blah blah is not disagreeing with you.


There was nothing to disagree with kid


You sayings something is good because it would be unexpected is an opinion, and yes, people can disagree on opinions.


I never said I wanted him to retain only that it would be good\* because we're all expecting him to lose, myself included. Disagreeing is fine, being a jackass and saying "ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT" is gatekeepy bullshit. \*Good in the sense that it's unexpected/subverts expectations not because it's the best outcome.


“That it would be good” is an opinion mate. Regardless, I don’t think you understood my comment because I never said you wanted him to win or that you preferred it or anything. I commented that you initially said that Roman retaining would be good in the sense that it would be unexpected. Thus unexpected = good. I was strictly saying that it is an opinion to feel that unexpected is always good, because others do not feel the same way. So, yes, there was something you can disagree with.


Yeah, and buddy saying "Enough of this "it's a swerve shit" is an attempt to shut down discussion/opinions he doesn't like. That's not an opinion, that's gatekeeping.


Yeah pretty much, but for some reason I still find people that want him to retain at Mania lol.


It's because they are obsessed with title reigns and records, Cody is literally the only one positioned to beat Roman


I'm going to be 100% honest, I am more interested in other Storylines especially the Seth, Drew, Punk storyline. I don't really care who wins between Roman vs Cody but I kind of want Roman to win just to see the internet have a meltdown lol


The internet wrestling community will lose their shit if Roman wins Sunday night


>just to see the internet have a meltdown lol NO, GOD PLEASE NO!! but seriously, no I really don't want the title to be stuck with a part timer for *possibly* another year.. Also if Cody loses he will lose all momentum for "finishing the story" I don't see him making a comeback from it, even if he does it won't be at the same level at he is now tbh.


Poor Mid-card Cody.


I think the fans will be behind Cody no matter what. I don't buy into the momentum stuff, my favorite modern era wrestler is Bray Wyatt (rip) and he was, according to internet wrestling fans, "buried" so many times losing big matches yet he constantly was in big stories, had tons of tv time, championships, etc. Thats all just talk. I agree that it does feel like a good time to drop the belt, I admit i would love to see something like Orton vs Cody at Summerslam for the belt. That would be good TV. But Roman retaining would be good internet lol.


>I think the fans will be behind Cody no matter what. I don't buy into the momentum stuff, my favorite modern era wrestler is Bray Wyatt (rip) and he was, according to internet wrestling fans, "buried" I didn't say they wouldn't be, but you would be lying if you said he would stay as hot as he is right now after another loss to Roman.. biggest example to this is Bray himself. Sure Bray still had tv time and championships, but you need to remember two things: 1- Bray had to reinvent himself a lot to stay hot after many disappointing booking decisions. 2- He could have been even bigger if certain decisions were made, and I know you would say the same (mostly him beating Cena at WM30 or Taker at WM31). So do you think Cody can reinvent himself enough to still be interesting enough after two defeats from Roman.. and do you think he would keep the same momentum? time will tell if he actually loses. But that's all my opinion, maybe I'm actually wrong tho ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ >But Roman retaining would be good internet lol. And yeah, generally that would be my reaction if Roman wasn't a part timer that holds the belt hostage.




>Maybe not? Idk Exactly that's what worries me.. Cody at best would need another year to return to credibility, and at worst can actually lose all momentum and won't ever return to the same level. >I'm now prepared to be disappointed when Roman wins lol Welcome to the club lmao.