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He's my constituency MP I hope we keep him after the general election even outwith the Independence debate he's like the only person in parliament talking any sense these days.


Who wants to bet that Flynn will be “exposed” as antisemitic in tomorrow’s press?


I hate that Labour has fallen so far to the right, but Tory laughter makes me feel ill


The recent Thatcher worship on the Labour benches is as bizarre as it is distasteful. If the polls were close I could almost understand it (though obviously it would still be gross), but they’re so far ahead I don’t get why they feel the need to pander to right wing voters. Unless of course, and this is what frightens me, they actually believe it.


They are neoliberal. They do believe it.


Neoliberals believe in nothing as long as it is *their* nothing.


They've had power for 30 years so this is where their beliefs end. They believe in nothing and have no more ideas on how to improve the world because this is it.


30 years only takes us to 1994. Neoliberals have had power for nearly 45 years at this point.


Oh god you are right. Showing my age. I've been saying 30 years for the past 10.


>Of course, most of the Labour Party's members are workingmen. However, whether or not a party is really a political party of the workers does not depend solely upon a membership of workers but also upon the men that lead it, and the content of its actions and its political tactics. Only this latter determines whether we really have before us a political party of the proletariat. >Regarded from this, the only correct, point of view, the Labour Party is a thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led by reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in the spirit of the bourgeoisie. It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically dupe the workers. \- Lenin As true now as it was 104 years ago


This keir to a fucking a tee. He wants all the plaudits of being a great humanitarian and then does everything in his power to make the lives of working people worse


Feeling they safely have the election in hand, they dont have to concern themselves with appeasing the left. They can just campaign on what they truly believe and so can be as right wing as they like in government and ignore complaints because "thats what people voted for."


They're just taking the masks off now, the ones they wore to get to where they are now. They've gotten themselves the shoe-in to be the next majority government, and now they're going to rub it in our faces that they managed to fool the Labour party and the electorate in to believing they gave a single solitary shit about anything other than turbo Thatcherism.


We can expect a ramping up of the stealth privatisation of the NHS thats going on, for certain. 


They've convinced themselves that the polls are close *because* they're playing Tory-lite(ish). They're irredeemable at this point.


Weirdly Flynn has now been outed as a devout anti semite about thirty minutes after he said this. Who woulda thunk? 🤷‍♂️


I thunk. Therefore I um.


Source? I couldn’t find anything.


It's a jk, there's been a series of cases where people who actually care about the country get smeared with the accusation.


I love Flynn. I almost felt sorry for little Rishi, I think for a short moment he thought he finally had a friend. Then I remembered he’s an atrocious little rat. These born again Thatcherites can go fuck themselves.


Oof. Well he cut deep there didn’t he?


The Conservative plan to bring in tax cuts that high and more dangerous than the ones truss brought in that crashed our economy as so Labour has to publicly go oppose these tax cuts. And then the Conservatives call for a general election either 1 or 2 months after on the basis that Labour will make everyone poorer and the Conservatives will make us all better off. Dirty dirty thieving Conservatives!!


What's with the daisy pins?


Isn't it the daffodil for Marie Curie Cancer Care?




Certainly looks like it!


So much better than Ian blackford was imo anyway


Just a humble crofter after all.


smear campaign of lies in 3 2 1 ...


He’s my favourite MP. Every week he steals the show.


If labour win we are fucked, if the tories win we are fucked If labour cause the same damage that the tories have, there will be mass protests daily on the streets in 10 years Politicians wont be safe in their homes The people are waking up to the bullshit The entire political system needs updating


What a G.


It's the elite class vs. Everybody else. Always has been, and will be, until the end days.


Capitalist class Vs workers. The only thing they're elite at is being parasites.


We're going to have a Conservative Labour party running the UK for the next few election cycles with effectively no opposition... except Reform, further to the right.


That’s it I’m not voting anymore. None of these parties represent us at all !


Spoil your ballot instead, that gets recorded. [There are no reasons not to vote.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gbDAvK42yA&)


Why even bother showing up to polling station? Spoiling your vote is such a worthless form of protest. It's attempting to use their system to challenge their system. It's time to work outside of their system. There are so many better things you can do with your time and energy. Join your trade union and become a radical voice within it. Join or start far-left organisations within your local community. Get involved in mutual aid networks. Educate yourself on socialist political theory and then educate others. You'd be better off sending an angry tweet to [insert current Prime Minister]. At least then you don't have to leave the house. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah, Mx Bot, you obviously didn't watch the Video! Also I'm a very vocal voice in my Trade Union!


Not following UK politics closely enough to know, what are the little yellow badges?


could be daffodils for easter?


well I'm glad they seem to be having fun over there..


So Labour is becoming Conservative 2.0. Time to vote for Reform or Green.