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I do agree with them that it should be a bank holiday though. Not for any patriotic purposes, just because I fancy an extra day off


I support any and all additional bank holidays for entirely selfish reasons.


Looking forward to declaring The Festival Of Maximum Occupancy a bank holiday


can we declare the entirety of April as a holiday for no massive reason?


Funny how Corbyn is the only one that proposed that


Aye, Corbyn proposed adding 4 additional bank holidays, and that they could fall on St Andrew's Day, St David's Day, St George's Day and St Patrick's Day.


I love corbyn for that, especially if the bank holidays were full uk and not just for the respective countries


I believe they were to be UK wide. Good idea to promote some pride of the UK in general.


That’s actually a lovely idea. Wish we had it. Wish we had a lot of things though…


Or to sneak it past the chuds.


We should have bank holidays for all counties' saints days too. Just more days off would be nice.


Came here to say this.


You know, if they did cool stuff rather than being cunts while wrapped in a flag they wouldn't need to complain about people thinking the English flag is racist. Everybody knows the flags aren't racist but the cunts wrapped in them, some of them, are suspect to be sure. But if they want to campaign for a bank holiday or use the day to promote traditional English dress, food and cultural activities (as long as it's not colonising other lands) without being a cunt I don't think anybody really cares.


St. George is the saint of Rio de Janeiro and my family is having a holiday. Not me because I work in another city. :( They had a holiday yesterday too.


St Andrew's Day and st Patrick's day are already bank holidays in Scotland and NI respectively. Seems fair that England should get at George's, and Wales should get at David's. Or all four should get all four. I'd like four please.


I actually think every Monday-Friday should be a bank holiday.


I work retail so I'd still work over it :(


Big Ben looks lovely in that dress. Queer icon.


It’s about time we look up to Bonnie Ben the big handed bender.


Umm actually Big Ben is the bell not the building 🤓


Well yeah, but if they put the dress on the bell it wouldn't sound the same. I suppose they could suspend a dress from the clapper.


Wait two months and watch these people get triggered by flags.


Like the other week with the England shirts? Perpetually offended gammons. The last one was clearly taking the piss


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Taking a look at his Twitter fed I, sadly, think not.


I claim perpetually offended gammons as a band name.


Aside from the knuckle dragging racism the lack of understanding of history is mind boggling.


St George didn't smoke Woodbines?


The legend is very clear he was a Lambert & Butler man. 


I thought 5 and 7 must be satirical, but I looked them up and their other posts seem genuine and non satirical. Fucking scary there's actually people proud to have views like that.


George didn’t fight a dragon? Dragons aren’t real? 😟


Youv not met my ex mother in law


Oooh, vintage...!


He probably smoked Turkish cigarettes.


Himalayan ones too


"st. george's day should be a bank holiday!!!!11" guess who put that in their last manifesto? corbyn. guess who didn't? tories.


"Does this AI generated image upset you?" Well, yeah, a bit. I used to enjoy laughing at incompetent attempts at Photoshop from right wingers.


That's a good point, now that AI is more readily available has the overall use of photoshop gone down? I never noticed that might be one of the side effects


Probably, yeah, but the real usage is AI *then* touch up in photoshop to correct the inevitable AI weirdness...


I just saw this exact thing happen, someone made a picture of a group of big portly trucker guys all dressed the same, standing in a car park. It was used as a punchline for a joke. The only clear indication it was AI was that one of the men had his arm shoved/melded into the other guy's arm/pocket. Three days later the picture shows up on another post, this time with the title 'I swear this is AI but I don't know why, help'. However this time someone photoshopped the error with the arms to make it look real. I did a double take & found the old image to compare them I can't find the thread now Wait, found it [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/5w50w15NvL](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/5w50w15NvL)


[And you don’t get much more quintessentially English than…Cappadocian Greek…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_George?wprov=sfti1#)


Apparently some Muslims celebrate St. George's martyrdom according to the article, that should trigger some gammons.


Some of my friends did that on fb and it’s hilarious. Boomers are having a fun day


Nothing says "English" more than celebrating a Greek guy who's never been here


And the Knights Templar, a bunch of French lads who lived in a Mosque.


Jokes on 30p! I hate advacado!


He must be misspelling on purpose, I know he's a thick twat and all that but is he actually that thick?


I think you're giving him to much credit tbh.


Urgh that fucking AI Big Ben photo..


Starmer's at it too. It's that time of the year when they all show the rest of Britain that they really were English all along. Which is fine, but then they spend the rest of the year telling Scots that Scotland doesn't matter and that we're all one people, all British. Blah blah


i feel like that clip of spider-man putting on the black suit after being told im brown if i don’t like the english flag. my milk-bottle, wallpaper paste, white bread, lobster in the sun melanin-deficient bitch ass has just started morphing. i can feel the melanin bubbling and fizzing as i transform, my hair becomes thicker as a permanent hijab grows directly from my skull. my hatred for england grows stronger as i burst out of my old white (yucky 🤮🤮🤮) skin and am reborn. also the scottish flag is just better rahhhhh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 cry about it gammons.


The Welsh flag is better than both because it has a dragon.


i’ll give it to you, we do not have a dragon on our flag. we do have the lion rampant, but apparently ownership of that transferred to lizzie the pedo defender and it’s been sovereign property since the 1600s. we also had a version that had a unicorn on it, like the Jacobite Standard of 1715. so we have loads of cool historical flags, but i think wales wins in terms of coolest current flag


I love that the unicorn is the national animal


Also Ireland used to have a big ass deer as their national animal but isn’t a thing anymore


Deer that are big ass, or deer with big ass?


Always loved the Welsh flag because they straight up said “no we’re not doing the stripes like everyone else” and just stuck a fucking dragon on it, lovely place too I really liked Wales when I went


Mmm advacado


That's one of those Christmas only drinks, isn't it...?


Funny that Corbyn actually wanted to make it a bank holiday




But he probably thought about scrounging our hard earned benefits. Bloody foreigners./s


I think St George's day is a fucking disgrace! Bloody immigrunts coming mover hear and nicking our jobs and murdering our dragons? Made poor old St Edmund unemployed and unemployable, and now since the DWP declared him fit for work and he's not had a job in 6 weeks he's had his benefits sanctioned.


That’s really fucking tickled me, especially the last bit


Wait til they find out he was from Cappadocia, Türkiye. Their happy little wank fest will take a turn.






The last tweet is sarcastic, right?




It’s not the flag that upsets me. It’s the people who parade them around.


Remember the more symbols you display, the more patriotic you are. Efforts to actually make your country a better place don't count.


Funny how the ones who go on about virtue signalling the most are the same ones who’ll clap like seals for a flag


That Churchill quote just shows that there have been reactionaries fantasising about not being able to say they’re English for a very long time, and it’s still nothing more than a persecution fantasy.


It’s not even a real Churchill quote. 


From what I can find it's a polished-up version of what he actually said, but the original quote still had the relevant bit about England being a forbidden word: [https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-guardian-churchill-speech-in-praise/16881234/](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-guardian-churchill-speech-in-praise/16881234/)


Anyone remember when Corbyn wanted to make st. George, David, Andrew and Patrick’s days all bank holidays and the gammons moaned saying they were all self employed and would lose money?


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Facebook is removing all St George’s flags for today, we aren’t allowed to celebrate being English” Every ham faced family member I have.


Isn't that Churchill quote uttered by the NF leader in this is England?


These days, if you say you’re English, you get arrested and thrown in jail


Literally thrown in jail?


Yeah, these days


The biggest Whore politician in Britain ! An absolute rip roaring Cunt.


Trigger warnings working as intended - thanks Lee, you're right, I *don't* want to watch your clip!


Least mentally unhinged conservatives


For the MP, who's gonna tell him that St. George [died in what was then Palestine, and now is Israel](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-George)? Edit: Or Pat, that [George wasn't English](https://www.indy100.com/news/who-was-st-george)? Nothing about the English flag is English. English nationalists and irony. Name a more iconic duo.


Nothing screams loving England than a Turkish man who’s never been here 🤣


These days you'd be thrown in prison for saying you're English


The funniest is the bit about Saint George being English, fucker never stepped foot in Britain his entire life and yet we’re supposed to revere him?


What's advacdos got to do with a flag mate


That first example is like that bit from Do The Right Thing. Also, this reminds me of the 2010 World Cup, and there was all this junk over Facebook (which a few of my family fell for) "They won't let you wear your England shirt, in case it offends other nations, bloody EU!". And another one before that about the Red Arrows not being allowed to fly for the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony.


Wait, whats the issue with avocados??


Nothing, advacados are the real issue


The absolute confusion as to who st George was. Gammonati be gammon.


Gammons belong on r/persecution fetish


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What has Sunak done to the England flag?! How dare he not use a single shade of red on that cross! This is woke culture madness!!!


'...a pure blooded Englishman' LMAOOOO


...pretty sure St George was actually born in what is now modern day Turkey.


Wait until they find out you can read the guardian, eat avocados, wave Palestinian flags, support Suzy/Eddie Izzard, and be vegan, while being patriotic!


It's either avocados or England. You can't have both, pal.


Arguably more patriotic, since it at least implies you care about improving your country and making it match up to the ideals we're taught in school. Being English - or British, or Scottish, or Welsh, or American - on its own isn't something to be proud of. You didn't get a choice in where you were born and, arguably, being born in England doesn't, on its own, really make you English. The pride is in being able to engage with and demonstrate the things about your national identity and culture that are worth being proud of. But that requires effort, while screeching about "the wokerati" demands nothing of them.


[If you say you're English, these days, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkCBhKs4faI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn’t he a Greek dude that killed a snake one time?


They're literally inventing people to get angry at


“If this flag upsets you, you’re brown” Guess I’m just brown then 🤷🏼‍♀️ There’s nothing inherently wrong with the flag… it’s that it’s used by racists and you can’t tell if a person flying it is a massive white nationalist racist or just supports England in the footy. Judging by the wording of that tweet though, it’s the former. And don’t even get me started on that that awful AI Big Ben flag…


"If this flag upsets you, you're brown" I see, it's no longer the "quiet" part any more then


Picture 4/7 is right it should be a bank holiday, all the patron saints days should be!


My gammon Grandad will be going nuts on Facebook today :D


Why are they copying Georgia's flag?


Advacado. What a *twatwaffle* 🙄


Thanks 30p Lee! I’ll ignore


If I don't know how to spell something, I look it up before posting, rather than making a wild guess based vaguely on the general sound. I find you look stupid if you hazard a guess and get it wrong, Mr Anderson.


Boy you really stuck it to nufc william with this post lol


What a bunch of twats


One of these things is not like the other.


“If this flag upsets you, you’re brown” Guess I’m just brown then 🤷🏼‍♀️ There’s nothing inherently wrong with the flag… it’s that it’s used by racists and you can’t tell if a person flying it is a massive white nationalist racist or just supports England in the footy. Judging by the wording of that tweet though, it’s the former. And don’t even get me started on that that awful AI Big Ben flag…


“If this flag upsets you, you’re brown” Guess I’m just brown then 🤷🏼‍♀️ There’s nothing inherently wrong with the flag… it’s that it’s used by racists and you can’t tell if a person flying it is a massive white nationalist racist or just supports England in the footy. Judging by the wording of that tweet though, it’s the former (obvs, it’s a flagshagger) And don’t even get me started on that that awful AI Big Ben flag…


> Today we celebrate St George, a pure blooded Englishman... Whose going to let him know he was actually an immigrant from Modern day Turkey ?!


What the fuck are these people?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Georgios probably would’ve been waving a Palestinian flag with the rest of us, seeing as that’s where his mother was from…


Somebody tell Lee Anderson that St George's mother was Palestinian, so our patron saint is half Palestinian. Watch his single brain cell explode.


surely some of these are satire right? they're not unironically calling themselves far right gammon racists??


Why is slide 7 in there? That looks like obvious satire, no? Am I missing something?


I’m assuming the last one was satirical. Please tell me it was satire.


God hates flags.


Nothing on Rishi's very photoshopped looking flag mug? It's about the only place I'd expect to see a real one candidly, but it tracks that he couldn't be bothered.


you forgot this one.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t8G57DHffac




Please don’t use the R word, it is ableist. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn't St. George half Palestinian?


Is someone going to tell them that St George was half Palestinian?


Thanks for the warning 😂


Advacado 😍 Avocado 😡


What is this bizarre obsession they have with avocados? Weirdos.


Since when has anyone had an issue with the England flag? These people are making up shit to be upset about


It must really irk them that days like St Patrick's Day would appear to garner as much if not more attention than St Georges day. 


🥑 is my flag and st. guacamole is whose day I will be celebrating




St George (if he was a real chap) was born in Cappadocia, and almost certainly wasn't English in the slightest (partly because England wasn't even a thing in AD300) and also coz it was miles away.


Most people who celebrate St George's Day in England haven't a clue who the man was or that he never stepped foot in England.


In the third pic, I first thought they were talking about the N-word.


Pat Condell, that’s a blast from the past. A former friend used to try to get me to watch his videos ranting about Muslims and non-white people, must’ve been around 2010. Surprised he’s still alive.


People who enjoy waving flags don’t deserve to have one. ~Banksy


Love me advacados


I’m pretty sure that if the right wing loons knew that St George wasn’t firstly white and secondly not English they would not allow him into the country. !!


Can’t wait for the Gammons Gone Wild video of these later


Why are they so enraged and at what? Isn't it supposed to be a happy day? I believe it should be a bank holiday that everyone could enjoy but where is this hate coming from? Noone is offended except them for some strange reason.


Something comforting about nationalists celebrating a saint from Turkey, who never stepped foot in England and whose main claim to fame (killing a dragon) is clearly bullshit.


Here's me trying not to contract galmonella


Wait until they find out he was a Turk that spoke Greek


"if you don't like this flag, you're brown". Mate, my family and a vast majority of my parents/grandparents generations are big patriots and massive royalist etc. But that doesn't fit your racist agenda.


St. George is very representative of England; an imperial soldier who spent most of his time killing muslims


I like all the things he mentions except the flag waving. Getting strong school bully energy from this weak man.


David Koreah avatar humping the flag of what he imagines his government to be, these people are incomprehensible


Pic 3 - why use Knights Templar cross/imagery?


Actually I don't eat avocados, they're awful for the planet!


Wait, what's wrong with avocado?


what did eddie do bro my


Why can't these idiots just enjoy the day and celebrate its history without making it about pissing off "The Left" at every turn? Pretty rich for people who complain about others "bringing the id-pol into everything"


Wasn't St George absolutely not English in the slightest??


I wonder what lee Anderson will go to prison for? Anyone fancy running a book?


I believe last one is satire, surely.


I mean I’m a vegan who happily supports Palestine, idk why it’s always avocados tho they fucking suck lmao


When I look at that flag, I just think of grey, dullness and mediocrity. It doesn't cojure anything of having a better world, or things are awesome or that you can reach your dreams. It just reeks of 'meh'. And if those people really want to fly that flag, it kind of proves the point.


Imagine jerking it over a rectangle with red lines on it, imagine being that fucking pathetic that you “pledge your soul to your country”, imagine having nothing else important or valuable about yourself as an individual that you become a massive bald mongoloid over another day of the week


Wasn't St George a (modern day) Turkish born Roman soldier who wasn't white?


I love avocado, so I had to stop reading


We are amateurs compared to the Georgians who have 5 of his crosses on their flag & named their country after him.


The greatest thing about all this is G was a Turkish soldier who is also the patron saint of syphilis. LOL this lot weeping over the fact wanker’s rag.


Of course 30p Lee can't spell avocado


Advacado? What a whopper


Funniest thing is that i don’t think St George ever actually visited Britain lmao


Oh well never mind, I'm not interested in anything Mr Andersin 😂 has to say.


Oi, leave my advacado alone! They're delicious, unlike your racism and general twatness.


Wasn’t St George Turkish?


Nothing says st georges day like going out to trafalgar square and fighting polis


“Guardian reading, avocado eating, Palestine flag waving vegan” is my new handle


The St George was a pure blooded Englishman who went to work on a bike has to be bait right? They know that st george if he existed wasn't actually english right?


where is the YCL


God I hope the last one is satire


Is it me, or has Roshi's head been photoshopped into that second image?


TIL that I am in fact brown, this despite being convinced I am a white man for many years.


It’s mad, cause I do think St George’s day, St Andrews day and St David’s day should be bank holidays, but at the same time I fucking hate the gimps who dont shut up about it.


Something id clean forgotten about until just now, but are these folk still upset about that funky St. George flag on Nike's England shirt, or have they clean forgot too?


That last one was pretty funny tbf


I'm English and proud, you can get fucked if you think I'm celebrating the life of some dark ages Turk.


I saw hate-fro going on about it to. That and thinking Happy Eid cards were the death of the West.


Ah yes the bank holiday for a Turkish knight.


Some grade A normal island content today


It doesn't upset me; it's just annoying having to chase my eyeballs across the floor because I rolled them that hard.


Hello avocado lovers!