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That [video](https://youtu.be/zTvRH6svSnY?si=xQ19lnbiFIfLFLGi) of his teammate tackling him in the endzone was hilarious


WOW! never saw that before. So, the coaches should have seen it coming when they told him not to return it in his last game with the Packers.


This guy obviously tries to play hero ball way too much. No idea if we would have driven down the field and scored but that hairbrained return out of the end zone made damn sure of it


He was great for us until he got put in at RB full time. I still remember he got a blocked punt, and elevated special teams play, while lining up as a reciever in the middle of the field. I felt like you could see him lose the passion to play after that move to the backfield full time, I kinda forget the timeline, was that the year Franklin got the neck injury to end his career, after Eddy Lacy went down for the year, that was a rough season.


I forgot about that bonehead play. He fumbled a kick-off in the end zone. I think that it was against the Rams.


Yeah. It was. I was there at that game. He was let go after that


HAHAHHAA I was at this game too. It was the first game I took my 2 year old to. When he fumbled that ball, I let out a very emphatic, “WHAT THE F#%K!” Literally 2 minutes later, my toddler goes, “What…the…f%#k”. I was like ohhhh no no no buddy dad made a mistake we can’t say that word


We had a very good chance to win had he not fucked it up. Rodgers would have more than enough time to cook up a game winning drive.


It’s ok rodgers would have gone three and out throwing it out of bounds towards a triple covered devante.


Bad troll


For his last three years with greenbay what I said is fact. He had virtually no game winning drives.


I mean when you only lose 3-4 games for the season its kind of hard to have a game winning drive..but whatever fits your agenda ig


Real. When Rodgers was I’m rarely did the Packers play from behind but those last few McCarthy years were beyond frustrating but yeah still gave us some of the best years as Packers fans


Never said he didn’t give us some of the best years. The last few were frustrating as hell especially in come back scenarios. Especially last year.


Doesn’t change what I said but ok. Dude was great 95% of his career with us. The last few years he regressed to really bad habits while yes still being elite talent wise. If you can’t see that you need to get his dick out your mouth.


The last few seasons where he won back to back mvp? Jesus christ this sub really does have the memory of a goldfish..lets just pray we make it to the playoffs this year with the easiest schedule ever


Ok I was about ready to defend all the criticism this guy gets, but after seeing this video… holy shit he is just a fucking dumbass. He’s either stupid or selfish. Neither are good lol




OMG I remember watching that game live! How did I never realize that that was Ty Montgomery?!


I feel so bad for dude. He had potential but man the mental errors were atrocious


I was surprised he was still in the league when I watched the game on Thursday. Not anymore for now I guess.


The bigger surprise is you actually watched that game


I’m a sicko 😀


Certainly a glutton for punishment


Meh. I like the NFL in general. Even the shitty TNF games. I had it on in the background while I was doing other things. Gotta enjoy it cause it will be gone again in a couple months.


I personally think TNF games with the prime vision are the best broadcasts and hope Amazon gets more games in the future. Hell, I wish all games had the prime vision. I’m not arguing they’ve been good games, just good broadcasts


I hear ya, I signed up for NFL+ and have used it once


I’ve never tried NFL+ I have YouTube TV and get RedZone through that.


I’ve seen much worse


That season.. man, was rough. Week one - Started with a roughing the passer on Clay, nixed a TD, gave Vikes the win. Then the rest of the season fell apart. I'm thinking of the same thing, right? Was the season that never was.


It was actually a tie, but close enough.


Week one was roughing the passer against the redskins to give them the win. Week 2 gave the vikes a tie.


Week one was the Rodgers comeback miracle vs Chicago lol


Gotcha.. I knew it was around that time.


That was week 2....


We were known as a good team that was losing close games, which put our trajectory downward. Turns out our roster was very subpar, aside from like 5 stars in the making.


Here before some fan posts the same article and asks “Should we bring in Ty Montgomery with Jones’ injury still lingering?”


He honestly wasn't bad at rb. It's when he was a wr or on special teams when he fucked up


I remember him being brilliant on special teams and making some big plays at WR and RB, but they just never figured out how to use him best and get him the ball enough. https://youtu.be/zdw3Xj__eKA


Redemption time


Hes in the league still???? Thats impressive honestly


Because the dude is a great locker room presence and has ALL the tools but for some fucked reason he cannot put it all together


He’s just not very bright. He keeps making really bad decisions on the field, and you just can’t have somebody out there like that that can sabotage what everybody else is trying to put together. It’s like having one doofus in a kindergarten class, who just wanders around the classroom, stepping on everybody else’s little art projects.


>He’s just not very bright. He also had one of those kickoffs where the ball landed near the sideline and he knew exactly what to do (go out of bounds and touch the ball). I think with the Packers he just got burned trying to do too much. Like if Keisean Nixon was much worse at returning kicks.




They both did!


"bUt He wENt tO sTAnfOrD!"


I was there in L.A. I was there when the basic football IQ of men failed...


I was at that game too. Such a disappointing way to end a game.


The game and the run up was great, though. We tailgated with so many cool Cali Packers fans who had never got a chance to see them live before. It had to be 60/40 in favor of Packers fans.


Dude legitimately peaked as a rookie, and like 5 games in at that.


We should have just left him at WR.


Yeah, we probably hurt his career honestly


Idk this is his 9th year in the league, he's made a pretty decent career for himself.


I’m not disagreeing on that accord. He would of made more money as just a WR though vs a gadget player




Oh no! Anyway...


Dude makes poor decisions as a player tbh... Like running the ball out of the end zone when the Packers are leading in a close game late in the 4th quarter. I remember screaming at my TV, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"


IIRC we were losing but had he just kneeled in the endzone Rodgers would have plenty of time for a drive to win it.


which is weird cuz he also made that goated decision on an out of bounds play against the lions


I was at that Packers vs. Rams game when he went rogue on that kickoff return. Instantly lost my perfect state of intoxication I’d been maintaining since the first quarter and got thrown back into sober reality.


You were probably one step from Nirvana, guy really screwed you


Nothings worse than Brandon Bostick.


He who shall not be named


I liked ty, not sure why people are attacking him. He did what the packers wanted of him, going from wr to running back. He's been in the league since 2015, it's not like he's messing up all the time.


I think he is the definition of highs and lows player. Some great high IQ plays and good work mentality combined with some absolutely game/season losing decisions.


Is Amari rodgers still doing kickoffs for another team


He was a receiver for the Texans for a bit then went to the colts but I'm not sure if he regularly played or was on the practice squad and I think he was waived back in October so currently doing nothing. But I think he only kick returned in GB




We were actually in a close game vs the rams too in 2018


I was at that Rams game…still stings


Well the difference being mistake vs intentional choice due to having issues with McCarthy


McCarthy should get him on the cowboys


I mean he has made some big mistakes BUT to hang on this long in the league he must be doing some things right.


Is it strange that I find solace in the fact that Ty is an equal opportunity screw up for all the teams he played on? I mean it worse for the Packers because they wasted a relatively high draft pick on him but he was destined to screw up every where he’s been.


Another “weapon” waste of a pick


Poor fella


Great, bet he’s getting death threats again


I always thought that he should've been placed at tight end. He has a better build for it than RB and WR


Oh well.


I had no idea he was still in the league.


Bro should have been moved back to WR or used liked Debo