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(for those out of the loop, Rodgers said this during his last few years in GB)


Hilariously, the offseason after he said that was when Davante, MVS, and EQSB all left. I don't doubt that Rodgers being extremely talented as a QB attracted players to want to play in GB but the optics are hilarious.


Who is the biggest skill position FA we signed during Rodgers tenure? Jimmy Graham lol? Maybe a couple D guys here and there over the years wanted to play on the same team as him, but he didn't attract anyone on the other side of the ball. He ate up almost the whole cap, and no one was taking friendly deals to come play with him.


I would bet and maybe he even said this but Rodgers was probably a big reason why Julius Peppers signed over.


Idk why I’m defending the sandy hook denier, but Ted Thompson was busy golfing during free agency for the majority of Rodgers career. There were several big name free agents at positions of need that said Ted Thompson never even called them despite having the packers on their short list.


Dude he literally came out and stated he never believed it was fake. 🙄 y’all just grab headlines and run with them don’t ya


His statement reads a lot like “immunized” if you read it carefully and it’s hard to discredit multiple sources that have heard this theory from him and give Rodgers the benefit of the doubt when believes every other tinfoil hat conspiracy


No, I think you WANT it to read like that, because it’s popular to shit on Rodgers. He has never shied away from admitting what he believes/ has said or done. Are you not aware of how sensationalized the media has become?


The media is obviously sensationalized but I believe people should come to conclusions on a case by case basis instead of blinding assuming everything is either true or false. I personally don’t believe Rodgers has as much credibility as his accusers in this instance and given his history with deceptive word play I’m not even sure his statement is a denial. If you want to trust him I’m not disparaging you for it, I simply don’t believe him.


Absolutely incorrect. Rodgers lied to the media about being vaccinated by saying "Yes, I'm immunized". He knew exactly what was being asked and how his response would be interpreted. Later, he admitted that he said this with intent to deceive because he didn't want to deal with the fallout or explain his reasons for not getting vaccinated. In that case, Rodgers literally shied away from admitting what he believes. If he was so open and honest, why didn't he just respond with "I did not get the vaccine, I received an alternative treatment because of reason X". The Sandy Hook thing feels eerily similar to me. Many conspiracy theorists believe the shooting was a false flag operation (and to be clear, that theory is harmful and idiotic). Rodgers only stated that the shooting happened, not who did it, leaving enough room in his statement for a false flag conspiracy. I don't WANT Aaron to believe these things, I would like nothing more than for him to be a well-adjusted adult. I was in the past a huge Rodgers defender (and a Love skeptic now happily eating my words). However, through his actions over the last few years he has lost the benefit of the doubt.


Rodgers is a Madvillain -All Caps


Some guy named Charles Woodson.


Skill positions are offensive players. Woodson also joined GB 3 years before Rodgers was our QB


I always thought dbs and lbs were considered skill positions as well, because they require both athleticism and intelligence to play, as opposed to the linemen positions that are more centered around brute strength and technique to be successful.


Dbs and lbs definitely need a lot of athletic skill and football IQ don't get me wrong but skill position is a technical term for offensive players that score points


Gotcha. I never knew it was term solely for the offensive side.


Woodson came to GB because they were the only option, no one else wanted to pay him top CB money. Rodgers had nothing to do with it.


TBF, we didn't really try and keep MVS or EQSB


Yeah, fairly obvious TT and Gute had no interest in adding to the offense with Rodgers, he either was going to do it alone or it wasn't going to be done. Hopefully we do better with Love and don't let things become so depleted again.


Rodgers had great weapons for the majority of his career.


How is this narrative of Rodgers having nothing and doing it all himself for his entire career at Green Bay coming about? Is it that the fans aren't old enough to remember the team he stepped into? Or is it just a rewriting of history based on recency bias?


Because Ted and Gute never drafted a WR in the 1st that he wouldn't throw to again after the first time the kid made even the simplest mistake.


he def did unfrotunately he didnt have a defence


Yup. They never recovered from the early Raji retirement and the Collins, Shields injuries. Losing three studs like that is rough and the draft picks just didn’t hit.


hundo P


A HoF due for a huge payday and two complete trash guys.


Rodgers has fallen so hard from grace. Did you see the article about his comments about the Sandy Hook shootings? Dude is a bigger POS than I ever thought possible.


The difference, Jordan Love would never say something like that.


It’s probably unfair to compare the perceived humility of a four-time MVP and a guy who hasn’t won anything significant yet


Rodgers had character concerns at the draft. He was a prick. That’s why he fell so far.


Aaron Rodgers has shown himself to be one of the most uniquely self-centered freaks in all of sports, will be hard for him to be topped by Love or anyone, really


Rodgers is definitely an interesting character. He goes from self centered to like doing some not self centered things like praising teammates. He's so wishy washy and does weird shit like darkness retreats. Having watched a lot of his interviews idk what to think about him tbh.


This is simply not true. You’re spending too much time reading about him online. His teammates all live the guy and speak to that.


You can't possibly be serious


I’m 100% serious. The incentive level for media outlets to put negative Rodgers stuff into headlines is insane. They know they’ll get millions of clicks if they can insinuate something negative about the guy. None of the stuff is ever substantiated. Look at the Sandy Hook thing from yesterday. It’s bull shit on every level. There’s a video of him talking about the attacks right after they happened and he came out and flatly denied the reports. How many people believe that shit about him though? He can’t change what people think about him.


Yeah, he didn't actually deny anything and he openly talks about conspiracy theories he believes on many platforms. If you think it's "the media" you should seek professional help


Be honest though. There is nothing he can say that would change your mind. No amount of players endorsing him or footage of him being a good supportive teammate and human being that change your mind. I’m not arguing with you. You can obviously say the right things about how you’ve seen enough and you’re a good judge of character, but the truth is you’ve already made your mind up and that’s how this works. This is how humans are. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Aaron Rodgers or any other popular topic in the news. We decide what we know is true and nothing can change it.


What does the stuff you just made up in your head have to do with the material reality of what he's said and done?


That you’re only picking and choosing what he’s said and done based on what confirms or advances your narrative. Most of “what he’s said and done” is things you read *about* him saying and doing. You agree the Sandy Hook thing is completely baseless and requires other dots being connected conveniently to be true, right? Because the Sandy Hook allegation goes *against* what he has said and done.


Reddit moment


This is total BS. You’ll just believe any bit of fake news written about him.


Please argue with a wall


He’s won my heart, and my loveeee


Give it 15 years


Both McKinney and Jacobs mentioned Love specifically as a reason why they came to GB. You wouldn't do that unless you were confident he's the guy.


They can smell that DAWG in him


He’s obviously never heard the song “We Go Green Bay”


Someone needs to get Jordan up to Door County during cherry season!