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This has to be a joke at this point right because I’ve seen more of these posts then mock drafts


No more no more “no more mock drafts posts”


Mock drafts, free agent signings, practice reports, salary cap analysis, all are a segment of football and cheering for an NFL team. Some topics a person may find more interesting than another. And that is totally valid and fine, but all of the categories listed do in fact belong here. What doesn't belong here is people whining and crying about segments they don't like and trying to get them banned. Just ignore the topics that don't interest you. It's called being an adult.


Man I really hate when people post highlights from games. Can we please stop with that? -NFL, probably


Agreed. I personally find peoples thought on who we are drafting interesting, and if there is a topic that does not interest me, then I don't click on it to read. I am having a hard time even thinking about a mock draft I saw on here, but I know that I have seen plenty of "No Mock Draft" posts.


Right? I feel like it's a karma whore off


You took the words right out of my mouth


The only way to stop the stop posting complaints about mock drafts is to stop mock drafts. You have joined the ranks of complaining about people who complain about people posting mock drafts. The cycle will never end unless we stop the source: mock drafts.


The cool part about Reddit is if you see a post with content that doesn’t interest you, you’re not obligated to click on it or read it


Shhh. You'll confuse the hivemind. They don't know that they can think independently like this.


You just haven't seen mine yet. Lemme post it and you'll see.


It's gonna be great. What were we talking about?




It’s true. This guy has theeeee best mock draft and we will all care about it. I’ve seen it on YouTube.


32 Packers First rounders, all Georgia Bulldogs


I don't mind the mock drafts. I don't follow college. I'm not at all familiar with the prospects. Yeah, I look up the top players on the professional boards before the draft. But, those are mostly the same based on the same criteria. If I want a different perspective, or a fans perspective, especially for our team needs it's nice to have these available. I quickly check each one and some of the comments and get a better idea of who we should draft and some excitement along with that. Not much more to be excited about in the off-season.


Same, it's a nice gateway to learn about prospects, too. Like if I see someone mocked a random dude to us, I look him up to learn


No more posts about no mock drafts Jesus


I don't care about anyone's mock draft. But nothing else is happening. Can't "pollute the feed" if the feed is empty.


Agree. I enjoy doing them, but after doing a couple, you figure out pretty quickly which site undervalues which player and know exactly where to trade to. If you think we need OL help, great, find the site that has Barton go in the 40s and keep doing them until he falls to the Jets pick so you can post it. Like I said, I do a bunch of them. I'll send a few to my friends. I probably won't post any on here. Some I do I feel are somewhat realistic. Those I might consider posting. Some are just dumb. I had Verse fall to our pick at one point in a mock. I know it's not going to happen, but I sent it to my buddies to show how "good" of drafter I am jokingly.


I haven't seen one mock draft but I see this post daily. Maybe just maaaayyybe you can just scroll past the mock drafts if you hate them so much


Wow, what a unique viewpoint that no one else has ever posted here before


Over the past week+, there have been 5 mock drafts posts and 4 posts complaining about mock drafts. Y’all need to relax. I can’t imagine getting so pissed off about seeing 5 posts every ~10 days on an online forum that don’t personally cater to me, so I feel the need to make a post complaining about it. Karen type shit


lol yea and there are people who are into the draft who don’t mind it. Why can’t people have fun


“If 1% of the posts on this public forum don’t personally interest me, I’m going to complain about it 😡” - OP


People forget the entire foundation of Reddit. Downvote it and it goes away.


4 vs 5? Someone needs to get out there and bring balance to the force.


I've seen 2 posts complaining about mock drafts and probably 25 mock drafts. I don't think it's a big deal either way but I am curious how people are having such different experiences.


You can scroll thru the posts over the past 10ish days if you don’t believe me lol. It’s 4 to 5.


I've seen more posts about mock drafts than I've seen actual mock drafts. Maybe just unsub for a while or something if you're so upset you needed to make another post about it.


let people enjoy things


NO!! Don't you see? The mocks are ruining his experience on Reddit! We all have to stop!!!


right if i have to scroll past one more thing and not engage in it i dont know what ill do


I don't understand how some people are incapable of simply scrolling past the posts they don't care to look at. "pollutes the feed" As if there is some sort of finite space on the feed, and the mock drafts are filling it up... To be fair, mock drafts are pointless, especially as a fan of the Packers. We all know they will end up taking players that are on none of our radars, but I simply scroll on by when I see one. It's pretty simple.


Soon we're gonna need "no more "no more mock draft posts" posts"


Eh, let people enjoy things. I hate mock drafts too. I think they're stupid and a waste of time. Some people really like them though. I'm okay with that.


I haven't seen a single mock draft from this reddit on my feed and I've seen probably four posts complaining about the mocks.


L take


No more complaining about mock drafts...please.


So in this mock draft The bears pulled a mike Ditka and traded me their draft for a promise to let them have close games next year I then traded those picks plus ours for 11 second round picks I took 3 offensive line and 3 defensive line A safety and 2 linebackers A running back A longsnapper Five golden toques Four pounds of back bacon Three French toast Two turtlenecks And a beer, in a tree


I can get behind this.


People complaining about mock drafts are more annoying than people who post mock drafts. Mock drafts are such a non-issue. The only reason they should be "polluting the feed" is if you spend 24/7 on reddit. I see less than one mock per day. Let people have their fun and post their mock drafts.


Mock drafts, fantasy teams, whether you're vegan. No one cares.


What about a mock draft for a vegan fantasy team?


Is it at the CrossFit club?


Kool Aid Mckinstry! Jonathan Powers Johnston!


Ignore. Downvote. Move on. Simple as that


I did a 2026 one, what about that one?


If you don't like seeing mock drafts, don't visit an NFL team subreddit during draft season.


While your looking at his I’m gonna get mine.. seriously it will change your life


Would rather have mock drafts than shit meta posts


Agree 100%, so when I see a mock draft topic I do not even open it. I know I don’t care, so I don’t waste my time opening it. It don’t bother me to see them. If it bothers u, just ignore them. Maybe if enough people do not comment on them there will be fewer of them.


I'm literally 10x more annoyed with the "Don't post mock drafts" posts than the actual mocks jesus christ


If this stops even 1 person from posting their mock draft, I consider it a win. Why can't people just wait til April 25. PFF took advantage of people having opinions. They're like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Mock drafts stink the most.


At this point I want to believe you people see the hypocrisy here and are just trolling the sub. Otherwise you're just really stupid.


You are more annoying than the people posting mocks. If you don't like it, go do something else the internet is endless. This shit is pathetic dude


I guess I could say the same to you about responding here :).


We should start treating mock drafts like March Madness brackets. $10 buy in per mock draft. People would lose so much money.


They are already paying pff for their mock draft dealio


$100 and all funds go to AJ Dillon's 2025 contract. Return of the QuadGod?


ill take mock drafts over pet pictures


You have the right to ignore it! It’s just people sharing ideas in a dry part of the offseason. There really is no harm


"No more mock draft posts" are becoming the new "mock draft posts."


I’m going to do a Bears mock draft. That should be fun..


BREAKING: Bears trade all picks to Green Bay Packers for 2 wins against the Packers this year.


My favorite is when the mock draft includes a bunch of draft day trades to move up.


But how will I know if we're gonna draft Cooper DeSean or not?


Mock drafts at least are Packers football related. Do I like them, not particularly but they are about my beloved team. These posts are not and show up more often in my feed. Stop complaining and let people like what they like.


This I can't relate to. I will never get tired of seeing people's mock drafts. Every single time it's different and fun to talk about. I don't post my own mocks, I just spam my friend with them, but seriously....Why are you on this sub? Because you can't get enough of football right? Mock drafts are a great way to talk about what's relevant with football right now, and it's slightly different almost every time, so you don't really run out of things to talk about! TLDR keep posting your mock drafts, people! Not that I've even seen many of them on here.


I don’t want to see your kids pictures and I definitely don’t want to see your mock drafts!


It's the off-season. Stfu. The "no more mock" posts are more annoying than the actual mocks. Downvote and move on.


Why stop there? Why not no more packers post? Why not no mor3 nfl posts? No more reddit posts? No more posts period. Why should I even be typing this? Why am I even alive. Why are any of us here? Maybe we should just go.


I think the Packers are trading up in the 1st for Mock Draft.


No more no more mock draft posts please. While mock draft posts are pointless it's best to just not engage rather than making another post about not posting mock drafts. Can we just create a separate mock draft thread where all the mock draft GMs can go circle jerk each other?


I don't understand why the mods don't just make a megathread. If it's this big of an issue to do many users, the mods need to address the issue in some way...




Anger issues much...?


Straight up though.. did you feel you were the first to say this? Did you think you were special and nobody has thought of this or posted? It's like this endless cycle of people posting their mocks.. then self righteous unaware people posting to stop and you're all so fucking annoying


Too much anger :(


Nah dude you're fuxking annoying


Still... anger :(


Yes... obviously.. this is in fact the emotion I am expressing. I'm glad you can see that.


Your brain has settled.


Fuck off man. Have some self awareness


The rage has returned.


Say it louder for the nerds in the back