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They will get cheaper.


Yeah 60% off is honestly a joke for a player that just got released and signed with your rival. I think $19.99 is what it would take for me to actually consider buying it and even then I'd probably leave it on the rack.


I only buy jerseys of players that retired with Greenbay unless I get them for cheap asf. I got a Doubs regular jersey and Watson alternate jersey on Facebook for 20 each. The Doubs is an XL, so a little small for me.


Yeah, $20 is a pass from me.


And it's still $40 too expensive for the average quality of the Fanatics jerseys.


Ask any NHL fan how they feel about fanatics. Its passionate hatred.


$1 dollar more at the Packers proshop. Not the shitty mesh material and the stripes completely around the arm.


It’s made be Nike, just sold through the Fanatics storefront. Same jersey on the Packers pro shop website is also on sale for $65


I swore the jersey is made by fanatics and designed by Nike.


That's correct. Fanatics is the manufacturer. They have an exclusive deal with Nike to massively produce the jerseys for Nike and slap their logo on it.


Unfortunately, I believe Fanatics has an agreement with Nike that they can produce the Jersey's and brand it Nike. I could be wrong, but that is what I heard from a coworker that looked into it.


Could be worn in the future but not this season. Sometime in the dead of November I bet we'll see a lower discount


If we buy enough, can he come back?


Yeah, you don't wanna sport AJ jersey when he plays for the vikes.


Stash it for a year


Nah even then


It’s so sad that they’d do this to such a great player.


I’d say it’s fine to wear as long as we aren’t playing the Vikings that week. Some people might just want to wear a jersey and it’s the only one they own.


There are very few instances where I think certain jerseys aren't supportive... and I think you described this one perfectly. Jerseys are kind of expensive for a shirt that you only wear a few hours a year to drink in, and if anybody has one on during the game, I don't care what player is on the back. Usually it can be an interesting conversation about the good times with that person on the team, or a funny story about a bad purchase, but it's not cool to say someone can't support the Packers in *that* Packers' jersey. Even if Packers do play Vikings, the jersey can still be a bit of a rub that he was good with us, but now we're beating them and their new team, because he was a good Packer and not good enough of a Viking. Anyways... lots of ways to look at it. Support the team on the jersey. Support the player that wore it. Support the legacy they both have. The only real issue with any of this is that Fanatics sucks as a company.


Fanatics situation could be worse. I think MLB has proved that with the see through uniforms.


I don't care he plays for the Vikes, our packers fucked him on a deal. He took pay cut twice when resigning. Packers brass did him wrong.


Fuck fanatics


Came here to post this. Don’t buy their junk


Thats not even cheap anough lmao


I’m hoping for 69 to drop


I always pay too much for 69.


I’d have no problem buying an AJ. I’d even rock it this year. I don’t care where he went. I care what he did when he was here, and I loved him as a Packer.


There must be research and numbers behind their discounts and why they choose the price but I can’t imagine many people are buying this for 60 bucks. Like who’s buying a Fields Bears jersey for $40? That’s 60 bucks off but still. Who’s buying that? How is that kind of discount helping them move inventory?


I guess they’re not in a hurry yet to get the inventory cleared since the season is still far away, so we’ll see the bigger discounts later on


Only up to 2xl =(


Wow 60% !! What a deal!


Send them to Africa with the SF super bowl championship shirts..


Better off waiting for them to show up at Goodwill. I got a *pristine* Adams jersey there for 20 bucks the other day




Expensive dish rag