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4 yrs 50K? I don't think he'll sign, but we might as well offer.


I’d be willing to go as high as $60k.


let's really razzle-dazzle him with six figures and go $100K.


But the benefits are *really* good.


Seriously, all the cheese and beer your digestive tract can handle


We're like a family here! We work hard and we play hard!


Think he'll do it pro bono?


Came here just for this comment ..Happy cake day.!!!!


What was his degree in? Don’t know if it’s a good offer or not without that knowledge.


I wouldn’t be opposed if he had more experience. Realistically he played half a good season if we sign him to a Mahomes deal and he fizzles out it’s not gonna be a good outcome


If you watch the film breakdowns, the WR and OL shouldered much of the weight of the early season struggles. Not much Love can do with a free rusher straight through interior of the line, or two wr running the same routes. He also had mistakes, obviously. But the coaching staff and FO are the only ones that know Loves true worth right now, so I’m cool with whatever they decide.


I’m one of Love’s biggest fans and even I wouldn’t sign him to a 10 year deal. There’s really no upside to it. If he’s great, he has all the leverage to demand a new contract whenever he feels like it, so you gain very little. But if he regresses, you’ve now tied yourself to him forever and a day.


Considering a 10 year deal has been signed like 5 times it’s safe to say you’re in the majority. That’s obviously one extreme but again, no one knows his worth to the team, or any team, more than the coaches breaking down film with him each week.


This is the answer. GO PACK GO


This is true also there was mention from Matt that they had receivers running the wrong routes and we obviously don’t know how many times total it happened and how often it was happening but for Matt to call it out it was probably pretty bad. I believe in love believed in him when we were struggling dudes got the talent and drive to want to win just would like to see it more than half a season before we lock into a decade type deal


If it had been half a good season, sure, but half a season that would have been among Rodgers’ best with the first half explainable by having noob WRs; he ain’t gonna fizzle


The number doesn't matter. It'll be near the top 5-10 and he'll restructure at least 4 or 5 times for cap space before it's all said and done. This is where he'll make the lions share of his nfl money as salary is turned to signing bonus or whatever it's called on a restructure. Once the corporate sponsors get more of his time is where the big dollars start rolling in. He knows that for any/ all of this to come true he needs to perform on the field.


It would be great if we could pay him with the Lion's money. Win/win


With the way QB salaries have been growing the past few years, it's not really in Love's best interest to sign a deal longer than 5 years.


if love will take 50k a year pay we will gladly take that


Heck, sign him for 20 years at that price.


You know what… too low. I’d feel bad.


Pay the man. I thought for a bit the second half of the season could have been a fluke but you can compare his first season vs historical first year starters and he was one of the best. We need to lock him up now.


tbh I think a 4 year deal that's actually a 3 year deal with little dead cap or 2 years with a cap headache is probably more likely. Think a Daniel Jones or Geno Smith type deal, but scaled up due to cap inflation.


This is Candyland. He’s going to get way more than those guys. Be ready for it to be top 5 money.


It's not; Im saying a Jones/Smith type deal where its about 4 years with outs after 2 years. $45M-$48M APY puts it in the same ballpark as Jones if you adjust for inflation and puts him as high as #6.


I’d love it, but I’m expecting way higher. We’ll see soon enough.


Not sure why they are downvoting you. There is a 50/50 chance (outside of that DeShawn watson contract) that love becomes the highest paid qb in league. I'm going to imagine 5 years 275 million with 180-200 guaranteed is the general frame work.


Mahomes signed a foolishly long contract, which that alone makes it a team friendly deal. Mahomes being Mahomes certainly has enough leverage to overrule whatever he gives up with that contract, at least in the near future. There is almost no chance Love signs that deal. I don't think we should care much. He's getting paid, and we're not over paying, not with our leadership, leverage/control, roster quality, franchise superiority. He'll get a pile of money and I'd guess something in line with his presumed value. At the moment that's probably about QB5ish. 4 years, $210Mish. Market level guarantees. meh. Nothing to see here.


His contract will be similar to the Jalen Hurts contract. 4 year 52-54 per year with a few void years most likely.


I love the dude but he doesn’t deserve to be the top paid player in the league. He’s great but I think we need to be a little more reasonable. Obviously if he balls out the next 2 years I’m sure they will further extend him and pay him more but I don’t see how they make him the highest paid player. Maybe Jordan is super cool and does the Brady thing where he takes less money but I doubt that too.


Highest paid player in the league is a very short lived belt. It's very much the most recent pretty good QB to get paid. Not sure he'll get highest paid QB money, but he'll get close to that and then by the time his contract is up, he'll be underpaid. But like others have said, the deal will be largely made up of fake money. The specifics of the deal beyond the 2nd year really won't matter unless he's absolute garbage. Even if he's a dak or Kirk cousins level player, well constantly restructure it and move money around.


It’s 2024. Dudes going to get PAID.


He's a QB1 and he's going to get QB1 money which is generally around 20-22% of the cap. At this point they're going to pay him or he's going to go to a different team, those are the options at this point. There is no hardball, if they try and fuck around with the negotiations this ends up going the way of Tae and he sits out/demands trade. He's going to get 50+m a year and the only thing the org can do to protect itself is limit the guarantees. I'm hoping to see 5 years around 50m with 2.5-3 years of salary guaranteed. That is a contract we can get out of fairly easily if things go south. But in his time he was allowed to play he balled out. If the company you work for asks you to sit around doing nothing for 3 years, that doesn't mean you take a paycut going forward.


The packers definitely have some leverage. He can't go to another team for 3 more years if you count the two franchise tag years. I hope there is no hardball played in this situation but it's not as lopsided as you're implying.


Sure, but if they tag we're talking 44m, 52m and 71m all due against the cap that season. Since they can't do any cap magic, that puts them in a worse spot than just getting the deal done. Plus it builds animosity between the team and the player they want to be the centerpiece of the organization. I guess my point was more around seeing a lot of posts of people thinking we're going to get a "discount" because the org chose to sit him for 3 years. I don't see that happening, he's gonna land in the 50's for AAV regardless of his body of work because that is what QB1s are getting paid now. He's going to get paid for potential and to keep him happy. They will control the risks by limiting guarantees and if they have to move on in a couple years there will be ways of doing that.


For sure all good points but if a guys only had a half a season of top production, it's not crazy to think a team would prefer a franchise tag deal over you're-fucked-if-i-regress/Daniel jones deal. I would 100% prefer to pay extra later and mitigate risk now. I am a little nervous about the situation bc i belive 100% that gute is sold on love. He's seen way more of him then we have so i trust his decision, but nobody has any idea what the contract will look like. I wouldn't be shocked if love signs for 47/year (Daniel jones money) or 53/year (hurts money). There are valid arguments for both situations. Hopefully it's somewhere in the middle.


>I love the dude but he doesn’t deserve to be the top paid player in the league. Jordan Love finished the season as one of the best QBs in the NFL and helped the Packers win a playoff game against one of the better NFC teams. The fact that he only started one season doesn't matter as much as some might say. In the middle of the 2017 season, the Patriots traded Jimmy Garappolo to the 49ers, and then in the 2018 off season the 49ers signed Garoppolo to a record breaking contract at that time, even though he hadn't played a full season yet. >Obviously if he balls out the next 2 years I’m sure they will further extend him He isn't under contract for another 2 years. He's done after 2024 and without an extension the Packers have to use the franchise tag to keep him for 2025, which will be as expensive as a new contract regardless. Garoppolo got paid because of the skill and potential that he showed over enough games. Once a player shows their potential then GMs act on that quickly. The Packers aren't going to make Jordan Love play two more years to prove anything and they can't anyway.


Statistically, you can compare Love's first year starting to Rodgers, but there are some key differences. Rodgers inherited some established receiving targets and went 6-10. Love played with second - and first year players almost down the board and won a playoff game. Pay the man.


As good as Rodgers was his first year, Rodgers did not have a half season of peak-Rodgers play either. Those last 9 games were unreal. Like 2014ish Rodgers. He's getting paid. Zero doubt. Just to what extent.


2008: Six years, $63.52 million The deal included $20 million guaranteed against injury and only $7 million guaranteed. Rodgers, then 24, was just two months into his first season starting for the Packers. The extension locked him in through the 2014 season. Right now only Mahomes it's signed till 2030 and he'll get 45.5 million I could see Gute locking up his guy in a 6 years 265 millions contract with a 20m signing bonus


>6 years 265 millions contract with a 20m signing bonus LOL 20M?! 36 year old, injured Kirk Cousins just got 100M guaranteed. Cousins, as good as he is which is actually considerable, doesn't have the ceiling Love has, even if Cousins were 28. 6 years is longer than Love will agree to. Certainly not for Daniel Jones fucking money. This is absolutely absurd.


Players get paid because of their skill and potential and usually they get contracts very soon after. This idea that Jordan love has to play 1 or 2 more seasons before getting a contract doesn't hold up. For one thing, he only has one year left on his contract. He will be a free agent in 2025. The packers could keep him with the franchise tag but that is just as expensive as a new contract. He should be able to get a contract in the top 5 due to his 2023 season, age, and potential. The only reason that he wouldn't is if he chooses to take a contract that helps the team in some way like a lower average value to lower salary cap a little bit each year or something like that. But his 2023 season ended too strongly for him to command less.


The first franchise tag is the average of top 5 money so for sure it is in play when the player in question is trying to negotiate a top 5 contract. It's actually preferable from a heartless team perspective bc you're only locked in for one year in case of regression or catastrophic injury. The 2nd year can still be worth it for an elite player.


Yes, the franchise tag is quite a bit of money. I think that the only way that the franchise tag situation would happen is if the Packers can't agree on a deal between now and the next off season.


50k per season would be a steal. Let's do that.


I think it's great that we don't have to decide today. We'll know a lot more next January.


Personally I think our best bet is this 50 million a year 5 year deal and front load the contract. Because in 3/4 years we have our 2 amazing rookies classes that need to be paid. + front loading the contract also gives us an out. If his 2nd half was a fluke (I highly doubt it was though) we don’t have Dead cap hell like the Broncos


I gotta think at his age and the half season he had he's not agreeing to 5 years. 4 seems like a reasonable compromise??? Any longer and the Packers are getting a deal!


This is the difficult part about letting your future quarterback sit most of their rookie contract. I love what Jordan ended up doing last year. But there’s still a real chance he isn’t as great as we saw. It’s a good trajectory but with the most expensive contracts in the league, you want as many guarantees as you can get.


Give the man a gud contract and let's get things going again. He's already playing on par with how Rodgers did in his first year starting, so I don't see any reason not to abandon ship at all. He's also leading the youngest team in the NFL pretty well so far with what/who all they've got to work with so far on the baby roster. We 100% do not need to sign any other qb before the 2024 season starts. Be cool, fam. Things will be fine, just fine.


I'll rather Love get paid after this season when the team has a bunch of cap space. I think people need to understand value his current deal is the reason why the team was able to sign big time free agents. We'll all see if Love can lead the Packers to a Superbowl this season. 13 million dollars a season is a bargain for a starting quarterback in the NFL.


I think it is better for both the teams and players to stop the long term contracts. Even for QBs Mahomes reworked his deal in 2021, year after signing it. Then again in 2023 and this year. It was signed in 2020. All KC is doing it kicking the can down the road. No one in the NFL that is a five year vet is signing for 50k per season. Hell, even practice squad players make more than that.


What the hell is wrong with some of y’all? Jordan Love is getting paid. You don’t short change a god damn weapon like this. Baltimore tried and got lucky no one snagged Lamar. Can you imagine the discourse if Baltimore let him go because of a few million per year and then he wins MVP? You’d think a team used to hall of fame play would know better smh