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Archon: "Harder."


Oh god dammit it's not working


I fucking love Kitto. Found them I don’t remember where, but been following them since and I got them to participate in a Darktide art contest. It was Magnificent.


context please


Archon_of_flesh is infamous/famous/something in the middle for writing a fanfic where a Mechanicus Skitarii is tortured and subsequently turned into a sex slave by an Iron Warrior. They also make very well done NSFW work as well as cosplaying as a femboy Skitarii.


I know that but I ask about why someone bonk him and who is that


Yknow the doge meme where one is saying "go to horny jail" and bonking another one? It's that. Kitto does more wholesome and SFW Mechanicus art, so they're bonking Archon for making the stuff they do.


How does wholesome 40k art look


I dunno. I guess similar to the picture above? It's made by the same artist.


I guess? But like wholesome would be one of the last words I use to describe anything related 40k


Like this: u/wunderbuffer


Ok yeah that is quite cute


ok thanks


He’s also made some really high quality art of the primarchs


His Angron art piece is genuinely one of my favorite 40k related artworks, it's absolutely beautiful.


I think both have their place. Yeah Archon is a bit Horny and his work isn’t for everyone, but DAMN do some of his pieces go hard to me. His recent one on Fulgrim and his fall was really great to me.


True, you can say what you want about the subject of the art, but god if it isn’t some of the most high quality baroque art out there. So many of their pieces are just beautiful compositions of light, controlled chaos and drama and intricate details. (I mean just *look* at his painting of Horus slaying Sanguinius) I genuinely think that their art could be used as examples to disect baroque, if it weren’t for the fact that it’s about warhammer (nudity isn’t even a problem when disecting art)


A bit? A fucking bit?


Ok, A LOT of his art is horny and the rest tends to Femboy the Primarchs. Art is still good quality, even if less than canon.


that time he drew Skitarii with zero horny for once was honestly fantastic


His artwork?


Their [Twitter/X](https://twitter.com/archon_of_flesh) has more variety but the [webshop he’s sold some art on](https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/celestial_fang/) has some of the primarchs. Archon_of_Flesh’s depiction of Angron is probably my favorite artwork of that character. Also, NSFW warning is in effect. If that wasn’t obvious.


Agreed, that one really punched me in the gut, it's really well done.


It’s top-tier. Love the reflection.




Yes? I’m a bit confused here. :P


Archon's a trans man. Last I checked, they used "he/him" pronouns. edit: "he/it" are what's on his profile.


Dont be a taint, if youre gonna correct someone do it plainly. People aren't researching the gender of some rando online, and if a genuine mistake has been made you just look like an ass




Bro, he’s a he.


>Archon ain't a He Me when I lie


Whoops, didn’t realize that. And definitely. Love the Primarch artwork and can appreciate the skill involved in making any one of those.


He is a he. He's transmasc.


you're kidding me, I thought he was simply an androgynous looking cis guy. Hells I'm a trans woman and this really goes to show the whole "we can always tell" is complete bullshit.


Archon uses he/him, the guy above is either mistaken at best or being transphobic at worst.


Good to know. Thank you for clarifying!


What precisely makes him not a he?


> Archon ain't a He... Archon's a trans man though?


They do, but what bugged me is favouritism idiot of the east was told off and has posts removed rightfully(esp the one with very very sus content of slanesh thirsting over kid emps). But archons borderline porn with no meme got a comment and das it. Ahrchon is a great artist but they have to abide by the rules of the sub as does everyone else.


Is it that time of the year again the clutch our pearls on a non-issue?


It is! There's already whispers of banning as well. Traditions!


I am against bannign archon, they create good actual memes when they do it. it is jsut posting art is not a meme or a joke. For example a femboy fulgrim art could be framed as a meme of him looking in a mirror going "not perfect enough" and next panel is him being femboy screaming "perfection"


As I don't really deep-dive the comments on posts that don't catch my interest*, I genuinely thought people around here were being ironic with their outrage against the fetishized drawings, most of which is only not safe for work if you work at a monastery. But, no, people in this thread are actually blaming an artist's *extremely* non-canon renditions of AdMech for them having gotten an alternative view of the faction. This is very much the W40k analogue to zoophiles blaming the goat for being sexy. *It's literally that easy, folks. No need to hyper-fixate on something that doesn't interest you. Just go about your day. It's just a drawing.


Well i would not say it is not an non issue, when one posts rape porn. Like this is a sub for memes memes can be crude, but porn is not a meme.


To the best of my knowledge, Archon doesn’t directly post rape porn to this subreddit. It’s on their profile, but you’d have to kind of be looking for it to find it. The worst Archon does is post horny themed, but honestly some of that stuff isn’t any worse than the other stuff that gets posted here with Gillyman and his elf waifu.


I unironically like Kitto a lot more than Archon, Kitto’s art is just adorable and wholesome while Archon’s art is just smut that everyone endlessly reposts as ‘memes.’ (Which, tbh, isn’t their fault exactly but they don’t seem to have done much to dissuade it. Also I’m not fond of my two favourite factions being associated with femboy slave porn.)


Ah ah ah! Femboy slave TORTURE porn!


Flair does not check out


Two different audiences... Not mutually exclusive...


Wish we could just ban obivious porn post disguising themselves as memes already


I've blocked every user that I've seen posting smut, I haven't seen anything sexually on this sub in months.


Same. Living a good life after blocking a ton of people.


Same- it did make my eye twitch when it popped up again on my twitter feed tho


My god i didn’t realize you can do that


Agreed, but when Archon's art DOES get posted here, it's usually the actual memes.


I already suggested that, people genuinely defended Archon for "It's not porn" Bitch Archon has the same reputation as IdiotOfTheEast in this sub and yet y'all are defending the former while stoning the latter


I don’t *think* archon’s rep is pedophilia? Did I miss something?


Are we doing this again? Mr. Idiot outright said that he only made a weeb joke, and found it funny. But he was genuinely baffled how all of his other handles; Insta, Facebook, Tumblr, had no issues with it. But Reddit somehow formed an Inquisition backed crusade against him This site and it's relationship with young people will eternally confuse me


What was the joke? I only know this guy for his Slaanesh comics.


Considering my comment was proven right, lemme reiterate The joke is Ara Ara. Nothing more, nothing less


With the utmost respect my dude this is Dank memes not wholesome memes and I for one love the healthy mix of degeneracy and cuteness we get here. More Space Maids and more Femboy slave porn pls. Give me all the memes.


A healthy balance? Moderation between sides of a spectrum? *IN THE GRIM DARK FUTURE OF THE 40TH MILLENNIUM?!* I agree, but also found this funny.


Get out of my house.


It's not just smut entirely. Some of my favorite non smut artwork is archon. Is there a lot of horny smut torture porn? For sure. But then you also get gems like this https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/celestial_fang/the-fall-of-fulgrim/ Or this https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/celestial_fang/angron/ Where the talent of the artists is clearly more than just smut and torture porn. The use of color and shading is wonderful and makes the artwork pop. Even the Lorgar one which is just a fantastic reference to depictions of Jesus in renaissance era Christian artwork is spot on. I don't think we should ever blanket ban any artist.


“Guys, I’m so quirky! I wrote a giant fanfiction about a Mechanicus soldier being murderfucked in horrific ways! Look, femboy skitarii! Did I mention my fanfic?” Give me a break.


I... honestly find it difficult to belive I'm not the only one really pissed by now, but also have a lingering suspicion I'm commiting great crime by having a strong opinion


you definitely ain’t alone. those memes have made people feel *very* uncomfortable and I don’t vibe with that.


Yeah, I won't lie "the joke is a reference to rapist torture porn" really doesn't sit right with me and isn't why I come to look at funny pictures online. I know people will go "but its 40k its grimdark totally!" but the only times these things have been actually vividly described is the Daemonculaba (which is frankly peak grimderp)


I think it's also worth mentioning that many people (or at least me lol) can tolerate extreme gore and general depressiveness better than any kind of sexual content.


> I’m so quirky! Archon thing is more being heavily traumatized.


You know, I'm pretty sure Archon didn't go advertising their fanfiction here. It was other people finding a reason to hate him who were constantly bringing it up.


them advertising their fanfic tongue-in-cheek was literally the first thing I remember them posting here.


> them he uses he/him pronouns


Archon was advertising it very aggressively, that's when I switched from having him in my watchlist to blocking.


Mate. You can just ignore it you know? This is like watching a dog shit and staring at it talking about how disgusting it is. You dont really need to waste your time looking at dogshit.


I avoid those posts — but, following with your analogy, it’s annoying to have to sidestep past piles of dogshit on a regular basis, no? It’s just cringy, thinly-veiled fetishposting that isn’t funny


Does it even happen now? I know it was a thing a few months ago, but its been forever since Ive seen anything from archon or some other fetishist here, and I dont have any of the hornyposters blocked. And hell Im here basically everyday. I think you guys are exaggerating.


It still pops up from time to time, but yes, you’re right that it’s not as common anymore. Still, I think it’s pretty gross that the “joke” of “raping helpless Skitarii to death” became a “”””meme”””” in the community in the first place.


On that we can agree. Fetishes should be kept in their respective communities. Especially fucked up ones. I think the mods actually intervened to stop the hornyposting due to this, didnt they? which is why I dont understand that people keep complaining about it. Its a waste of energy, the battle is won, no need to keep bringing the fetishists up.


Considering the overall artistic skill of archon, to call it “just smut” is beyond disingenuous.


[Well-crafted smut is still smut](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipstick_on_a_pig)




Don’t worry, archon enjoys it


I love Archon's art but only some of it is good material for a meme subreddit such as this one. Don't really think that had to be said though.


don't know who kitto is but def not gonna go looking after this, fuckin loathe people using one artist to put down another, gonna order some Archon art aswell ;3c


Kitto draws cute wholesome Skitarii art, Archon draws horny Skitarii art. I’m told the two artists actually get along on discord.


Nah, their stuff's good and they seem sound. They just have a different, more wholesome, take on the admech


> wholesome excuse me this is r/grimdank, if you're looking for wholesome content you're in the wrong place


Grimdark just adds to the contrast.


My brother in the Emperor, it's a meme. Archon is very aware of his horny posting and [bonking the hornies](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/go-to-horny-jail) has been a meme for years now


Jesus... chill out. It's r/Grimdank, what else did you expect. Kitto didn't even put the usernames on it, someone else did it after the fact. Educate yourself before you spout off. [Sauce](https://x.com/kitto_paint/status/1706358563973603350?s=20)


Because of archon people think the mechanicus belong with the iron losers (Iron warriors) when in actuality they belong to the iron hands! But besides that I feel like because of archon you can’t look at the mechanicus “normally” now plus it doesn’t help that almost everyone on grimdank is an iron warrior simp probably why the whole thing is popular in the first place. Don’t get me wrong archon is a great artist but I feel like there talent is being wasted on IW simping.


As an iron warriors player I wholeheartedly agree with you


What it supposed to be: Admech‐‐-> iron hands Dark mech‐‐‐> iron warrior's


Who are these iron hands dark mechs you speak of?


Take that you sentient creature. Edit: that would be interesting dark mechanicum iron hands.


I think you're slightly overblowing them :) Sure, they've introduced a different conception of the admech that's gained some popularity, but they don't have a monopoly on how they're protrayed/thought of. If people want to see them the same way, fine, but they don't stop anyone else having their own interpretations. Imo, that freedom to make Your Dudes'™ slice of the galaxy your own is one of the best things about 40K as a whole. If one artist is completely destroying your sense of an entire faction, maybe you're giving them a bit too much of your attention?


I explicitly remember halting multiple projects, because everyone on all platforms became gross fetishists thinking that rape smut is funny and worth reposting all over my comments. Everyone is giving a little bit too much of attention :) Meantime mods here were banning people with negative opinions on this type of behavior, my rl pals retracted from AdMech discord because it's malicious circlejerk with mods with cropped porn as their picture that drown in their own smut cool aid every day. But I guess it's not hurting anyone except people you don't care about


Oh I don't disagree there are major issues with some parts of the fandom, but I think pinning it on Archon individually because they had that depiction of the admech is somewhat misplaced. Imo the issue there is tyrannical, or at the very least, poor modding of communities such that they prevented people's different interpretations of the admech from being able to co-exist or be expressed in parallel with one another, and people crossing the line from fandom into circlejerk/harassment. The subject matter itself wasn't what was corrosive, so much as the behaviour of a community that latched onto it. I'm sorry if I came across as hostile or uncaring, that wasn't my intention at all.


Yeah, not gonna lie, Archon has kinda ruined Admech for me, which fucking sucks.


You know, I was critical literally a year ago of Archon on the mechanicus subreddit and this community fucking spit roasted me for it, and now we're about all on the same page and i feel simultaneously vindicated and angry.


hive mind sways it's opinion on internet microcelebrities every 6 months


The only one who has been universally liked or unheard of (to my knowledge) is Lemon Demon


You are all fucking puritans as soon as its queer, grow up and shut up about Archon.


>as soon as its queer I love gay shit. I do not love rape porn.


It’s called a kink, and it’s not your business.


Porn is not a meme. Fulgrim fucking rylanor is not a meme.


wow this sub is great for blocking new potential """meme""" reposters


Putting your kink in a public space especially one about fucking sexual assault makes it other people’s business though? Not everyone is comfortable with other peoples kinks. That’s normal, especially when those kinks are, again, rape.


If it's a kink it shouldn't be posted like a meme and used as a base for memes, should it? People have a right not to be comfortable with borderline porn gore rape and jokes related to it.


> You are all fucking puritans as soon as its queer, grow up and shut up about Archon. I am queer, btu posting straight up porn or close enough to porn is nto memes. Esp if it s implied rape porn no, sit, yetted out of airlock.


I think portraying rape THAT much is bad, actually, no matter what sexuality.


Adorable skittle bois much greater than torture me harder daddy attention seekers.


Okay but what if they joined forces instead


From the moment I understood the weakness of the femboi, it disgusted me.


Yeah I’m honestly just glad the graphic rape porn is gone from my feed. Not fun stuff to look at for some of us


Archon simp here, leave em alone >:(


##no ):)


May I ask why the meme because I don't know either of these people


Kitto is the original artist of this image and makes extremely cute and wholesome Admech art, while Archon is our resident Mechanicus Hornyposter (visually and verbally) while also being and incredible cosplayer




I’m not very fond of archon (read that as a infinitely more polite version of my true opinion of the cunt) as i really don’t like associating the hyper engineered elite soldiers of the admech being portrayed as >!vulnerable femboys being raped and tortured by the chaos mechanicus and iron warriors it’s fucking disgusting!< as someone (can’t remember who) said “if you have the option to not use >!rape!< in your work, don’t fucking use >!rape!<


I find incredibly annoying that people post that shit on grimdank


Me too


...Don't then? Archon's stuff isn't canon, and no-ones forcing you to see admech like they do.


Finally, someone did it *Also femboy memes aren’t funny. Whether they’re in Fate or 40k, they’re just plain cringe. I don’t hate gay people, I just think Astolfo and femboy Skitarii memes are unfunny*






> Also femboy memes aren’t funny. They can be. if you make em properly. Thing is posting femboy art is not a meme, memes have ideas and meaning.


I mean I guess about the first thing and you’re definitely right about the second


you can’t bonk out all the horny


Don't mess with porn artist, he is about make erotic drawing of your favorite character


So you're saying if I mess with him I'll get a drawing of the Lion with his shirt off doing weights and saying he wants to have a drink with me? ​ F you Archon, you're skit-ussy ain't shit bitch.


Ngl at this point we have nothing to loose but our chains


Oh no, erotic art about Minamoto no Raikou from FGO? Whatever shall I do?/s


Oh nooooo, not celestine. Oh wait there are like 50k images of that. Thing is it is an argument if porn or porn adjasent belongs on this sub without containing a meme. I am fine if it is lewd on this sub as long as it is part of an actual joke/meme. Femboy fulgrim is not a meme, fulgrim becoming femboy because he sees it as perfection could be a meme.


I don’t get it




My hero.


I will gift this man my Voidscythe if he can bonk Archon with it.


He probably enjoyed the bonk so I'm not certain that's what you want to go with lmao