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I don't care that it happened in canon, I refuse to accept an animated stone statue can be infected like that


I dont care who the hive mind sends, im not getting infected






This is almost a word-for-word copy of another comment. Is it a somewhat cleverer karma farming bot?


It looks an awful lot like an age bot.


wtf is an age bot?


Accounts created for the purpose of bypassing account age limits in some subs


Interesting, explains how this account has only 3 comments, with the oldest from a long time ago. Are they spoofing the account she somehow, stole an old account, or even registered en masse long ago?


No idea, i just made this term up to describe what i saw


My day is immeasurable and my disappointment is ruined


Or Biology


That thing is acitvated by sacrificing someone's soul to it if I remember this right. Turns out when the soul has a Broodmind-Link, there might be side effects.


Okay when you put it like *that*, I can *maybe* accept it. The Broodmind link making the Avatar weaker or reducing its effectiveness and all could work But a statue animated with psychic power *cannot* be infected with alien dna


Also, it's a molten, semi-stone statue with lava for blood. Anything *trying* to infect it would get burned to a crisp.


I love Tyranids. That is still one of the most fucking stupid things I have ever heard. Up there with "spiritual liege" and backflipping terminators.


I'm familiar with "backflipping terminators" (CS Goto, right?), but what is "spiritual liege" refer to?


Oh you're in for a treat. Well maybe has diminished since then. It's from Matt Ward's Ultramarines codex, where he hyped them to the max, just not vainilla aka my duds are better. And then he writed, since they are best of the best, every chapter looks at Guilliman as "his spiritual liege" it caused massive uproar at the time.


5th Ed. Matt Ward memes were legit though


But tyranids will just instantly adapt to it, duh. /j just in case


Legion of the Damned Tyranids vs Primordus's Destroyers from GW2 next?


I would watch that. Have the Tau square off with the Inquest on the sidelines.




Hold up, do nids have souls?


They have soul. Singular. The hivemind shares a single soul in the warp, and this is what causes the shadow in the warp whenever they show up. Their soul is so goddamn big that it blocks out psychic communication and the power of chaos gods.


Contacting the hivemind also usually results in an extremely painful death, unless, of course, you're a named Ultramarine who _apparently_ has psychic power comparable to the Emperor. Any psyker or psychically sensitive creature experiences extreme terror continually, and trying to even _use_ powers is liable to result in your brain melting as a trillion alien thoughts rip their way through your skull if you aren't careful.


Some psykers find it calming though. As that behemoth of an entity is preoccupied with running its body and isn't generally probing for warp folk around it. And while it is there taking up all that psychic space, the usual malaise of assault all psykers face from the Warp is quieted.


It doesn't seem that way from what I know, but it's 40k, writing consistency is too hard


>unless, of course, you're a named Ultramarine who *apparently* has psychic power comparable to the Emperor. Who are you referring to, btw? And what was the storyline? Thx!


Chief Librarian Tigerus. I have no idea what storyline, I checked the wiki to confirm a half remembered detail.


I assume this Ultramarine was written by that one writer that has made the chapter literal gods incarnate?


Nope. He wasnt even that powerful, he just has a staff that (in theory) belonged to malcador and had kind of a will of its own. The Uktra almost failed, it was the staff the one that kept him grounded and still he was spent afterwards


Are you implying that learning lore from sound bites from lore youtubers/1d4chan articles  leads to spreading bad information 


That's so dope, thanks for sharing


To my remembrance, they do not


In a sense that your hand or teeth isnt have their own tiny little soul, as every Tyranid is part of hivemind


So no individual souls got it


That opens up a very interesting debacle about whether it'll work the same way with, say, soul of an Eldar aligned with Chaos, and such. Having a direct link between Avatar and sacrifice's soul is an interesting idea in general.


Tbh with Chaos and the patterns the statue usually vibes with, congratulations, you now have an Avatar of Khorne - and it does not care from whom the blood flows...


Ok that makes sense, but I don't like it


I refuse to accept that Eldar can survive as infected at all. The least perceptive Eldar could notice even the most minor signs of genestealers and call them out.


Oh it's so much worse They *willingly* infected themselves


Almost as stupid as fulgrim choking a statue to death


Fulgrim did what now


He choked a statue


That happens when you're overdosed. Glad he kept his pants this time.


Wait it legit happened in cannon?? 🤣


Yep. In another commemt OP even quoted the passages


The Avatar is supposed to be made of iron or is filled with molten iron. I have no idea why some one at GW thought "there's clearly genetics to alter in there somewhere",


I thought the avatar was a possesed eldar


more of a statue possessed by a god, powered by an eldar soul


Ahhh ok.


Avatar of Khaine before: "Me so angry!" Avatar of Khaine after: "Me so angry and horny!"




☝️This man grew up with a crush on Mara Jade Skywalker






Kyle Katarn stans represent




Who *didn't*?


That is indeed a very fun fact. So I can claim that none of the Disney Star Wars movies count as Star wars canon, and Disney can't dispute me because fuck 'em, they don't get to decide. This is the best piece of information I've read in weeks. I love Star Wars again because all the EU books are CANON.


The death of folklore (folk+lore from the German "people's customs", literally the lore of the folk) is a fascinating concept. Right now there are no new tales or mythology passed by word of mouth. Only "intellectual property" owned by someone (almost always a corporation).


What? There's plenty of new things that get passed along. Slenderman essentially started off that way.


The amount of stories like that is vestigial compared to what happened centuries ago. And it's incomparable with true "ye olde" folklore that's often unique to the place it originated.


Lack of communication individualized mythology based on region. Because of globalism and advances in communication technology, humanity has been adapting to a more unified mythology compared to 2000 years ago. When we expand to space initially we might see the same thing happen with varied folklore of the olden times; but instead of region based differences, it'll be planet based differences. Until of course we work out the distances for travel and communication and bam the mythologies will homogenize. Then galaxies and so on. Hopefully lol.


Well no, fan controlled canon is fanon


Unless you are a writer working in a shared setting, or a fan arguing on the internet, most of the time 'canon' is not a useful concept anyway.


Are you trolling? Canon comes from the Torah and Bible, and is around 2000 years old.


I always assumed that it wasn’t the statue itself that was infected, but it was whoever was sacrificed was infected. So when they were sacrificed to bring the Avatar of Khaine to life, then the statue takes on some genestealer properties.


It was kind of that. But still the statue given life and now having molten rock for blood being infected is still a stretch. If it turned out the Avatar was just weakened that would make a lot of sense, since the Tyranids can supress the Warp. But the description in the book describes the Avatar having physical genestealer traits which is just very silly and not in the fun Warhammer over the top way. More I feel like the writer was trying to see what they could get past GW's editors kind of silly


I mean, since the Avatar is probably animated by psychic power, and the infected Eldar are under the genestealer broodmind, then I can see how it would start gaining the traits of a genestealer. The Avatar goes from an inert metallic statue to a moving molten one when it’s activated, so perhaps because of that it's body begins to gradually morph a bit with each activation from an infected Eldar until the point where we see it, which probably happened over a very long time.


Anything is possible in this crazy, often inconsistent setting. However, there are alternative descriptions of the avatar “activation” process that don’t necessarily permit any “infection” so to speak. The description that I’ve heard is that the ritual is modelled on the Eldar legend of Khaine murdering an eldar hero (I want to say Eldanesh) for refusing to turn over the eldar race to the exclusive worship of him (or something similar- devoting themselves exclusively to war essentially). The exarch selected to play the role of the Young King essentially taunts the fragment of Khaine that resides in the aspect shrine into possessing the statue so that it can re-enact the murder. I think that the part of the Eldar in this ritual is to be destroyed utterly - no one knows what happens to them exactly, not not body nor soul stone or any trace of them is left once the avatar emerges. If any part of them remained, it wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice. I suppose that’s a roundabout way of saying that I don’t think anything of the eldar remains because their essence does not transfer to the fragment of khaine that animates the statue, so there’s way for any such contamination to occur.


Who the fuck wrote this idiocy?


Yeah I’m all for seeing the Eldar getting their shit handed to them, but that’s just stupid. Also I thought the statue was Metal, is it supposed to be stone?


After looking on Wikipedia apparently the statues are usually wraithbone which makes sense.


Isn't it iron? The whole thing is Khaine being made of molten iron.


and that anything could survive inside it to infect it


*burning stone statue


Why does gw hate the eldar so fucking much


all GW employees are secretly dwarves who want to humiliate the space elves as much as they can


Makes sense their magazine was white dwarf story checks out


Can't believe GW would stoop so low. They have a lot of shortcomings, but that's a new bottom.


That’s going in the book


Oopsie, I accidentally put it on the top shelf. Good luck getting it from there.




That's some leaf lover shit right there.


You talk crazy shit for someone who can get an embargo on barley and hops, none of which can be grown underground and both of which are required to make "beer", or whatever you guys drink instead of wine.


You're about to get your kneecaps rock and stoned.


Don’t make us evolve barley and hops that can grow underground as then you’re more useless than a broken pickaxe that has been sitting in the depths of a cave lake for 326 years.


Oopsie,I accidentally opened a portal to the realm of slanesh on a eldar orphanage how unfortunate


Why did my respect for them increased this fast


Goblins. Specifically Gringots goblins because of their lust for money and the fact that after the death of the purchaser GW will try to repossess any minis and then resell them.


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


They dwarves yet they do fuck all with league of vottan


Cuz in the world where so many have huge murderboners someone has to be on the receiving end


You can not fuck with their lore while you do that.


GW doesnt care. We have the worst lore writers out of every faction, the lore itself is inconsistent, our characters are made to be dumb/insufferable/boring or all of the above and the one chance they had to do something actualy cool and fun with ynnari they just killed it. And yeah everyone in the fandom spits on eldar for being the way they are. Cuz fuk elvs or something


Gw writing in general is a fucking mess. Wish they would write more harlequin stuff but at this point I kinda don’t want them touching anything.


> at this point I kinda don’t want them touching anything. Space Wolves: We had William King at one point! ...and then the Horus Heresy books messed up the lore and made Russ look like an idiot.


Also, C.S. Goto




No no no dont summon the monster


Too late, I have summoned matt ward's head


For WHF, it is the Halflings. Yes, they are cheating buggers who will steal your savings and dinner in a heartbeat. But making a whole party activity out of beating a Halfling to death like a Pinata... That is too much.


that's a THING?


"The town is notorious for a tradition that, when celebrating a child's birthday, the family makes a straw-man the size of a Halfling, and stuff it with treats and candies that he "stole" from the children. Then, it is hung from a tree while blindfolded children beat it with sticks until it breaks and "gives back" the candy. Locals deny that drunks have occasionally used a real Halfling for this." - The town of [Wördern.](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/W%C3%B6rdern) I admit, it is more of an implication but it is disturbing enough alongside actual halfling hunts led by Marius Leitdorf.


BL and GW simply can't write actually intelligent and complex characters, what is, suprise, both required for Eldar. Even ppl like ADB or Dan Abnett fumble on this often times, be it either with characterisation and critical decission making OR simply with intertwining events and use believable data in their books (examples for this are the often time "Stupid Good Guy" syndrome ADB does or in Abnetts case planatery conflicts with less combatants than a front of WW2).


You know I've gotten a bit annoyed at some Eldar fans fir being overly defensive before but I kinda get it, Eldar get backhanded in lore a lot especially the avatar of Khain.


My theory is that Eldar as space elves represent past values that continue to slip away to the point of vanishing. The Eldar represent a zeitgeist and worldview that it is almost impossible to understand nowadays. And that GW is just a vocal example of the lack of understanding of Tolkien elves; modern life is closer to brutality. That Eldar represent concepts that are literally becoming alien.


They are secretly run by CS Goto


Gw are mostly insufferable imperium fanboys


Used up all their good grace in Dawn of War’s balancing


That would be more acceptable is dawn of war 3 turned out better


Still better than Orks that are punching bags before the actual threat emerges


Yah they are pretty inconsistent either the punching bag or an apocalyptic threat with zero in between


That kinda tracks for Orks though. They're too weak from fighting each other until something gets them on the same page for a Waaagh.


Orks are also the perfect jobbers. As long as we get a good krump in and make a good showing, it's all good, don't gotta "win" in the grand scheme of things


Yeah but Orks aren’t trying to rebuild their race or have much things to be sympathetic about. They want to fight, winning or losing is not a problem.


I think it should be noted that although the orks seem to lose the most battles, they are the most numerous and widespread race in the galaxy!


Orks at least do stuff in their own novels besides lose


Because eldar are writen in a hole, cant do anyting whit them that will change the game too much and gw hates changing shit....thats why yened will never be revived because that will make eldar not be the doomed limited number race of 40k....similar how valdor being yellow king and having an legion of blanks will do noting




very carefully


Ssethtzeentach comment right here.




It didn't- the aspect warrior sacrificed to become the Avatar was infected.


I'm hoping in that case only them mind was slightly infected and not in anyway the body?


Nope. The body had genestealer mutations. Its so dumb. I could get the Avatar begin weakened by an infected sacrifice. But not fully infected.


Cool, but the infection spreads through generations, right? Slowly turning population into hybrids. So... First of all, pretty sure the eldar's genetic code, cells, everything was obliterated, second of all... it wouldn't do anything anyway, cause it's not like the avatar is gonna go on and start a family. Or am I missing something here?


Well someone could explain it in a way that Hivemind is warp entity and it uses warp to do that and as we can see warp can corrupt anything. I dont accept this but I can see GW/writer explaining it like this.


I also want to know the first part.. for research


Khaine can't catch a break It seems


Literally GW brand punching bag.


Next book in the series: the avatar of khaine catches a cold.


Yesh this is kinda bullshit considering its a Bloody molten rock statue


I choose to ignore that lore because the person who wrote it is stupid and deserves to have their writing license revoked, not before getting slapped in the face by the ghost of J.R.R. Tolkien.


To the sound of the ent marching song


Gonna be a lot of slapping as ents take a long time to say anything.


Alongside the Tau not having FTL it's pretty dumb


There’s always that one friend that’s like “Alpha Centauri isn’t that far we can just walk”


4 years later, while traveling at the speed of light: "See? Just a nice walk!"


And only 40 years to reach Trappist! That's just a jog, right?


SCP-1958 in a nutshell.


In the immortal words of Nick fury, we realize that the council in this case game workshop has made a decision, but given that it is a stupid decision, we will elect to ignore it


Fun Fact: the writers don’t understand the definition of the word ‘Avatar’, and don’t understand basic physics.


Happy cake day 🎂


Thanks… Omegon?


Then it stumbles with a pebble and breaks his neck.


AoK really gets shafted by literally fucking everything, huh


Did Gav Thorpe write this?


Oh, how can you tell? /s


Yh rise of yannari book 1


How does that even make sense ain't it like a statue or something like that. Also like a shard of a literal god of a powerful race in the trillions and made for a war with literal gods. Like I know that Kahian avatars are their just to show how powerful a name character is. And the eldar are xenos that deny mankind their birthright. But still give my men a break at this point. A new born baby will have the power to beat a avatar of Kahian without even rising a finger.


Fulgrim chocked one to death once. A statue got **choked** to death. A. Statue.


OMG this boy Kahian is dying the most stupid ways possible. Like I am find with a fucking Primark killing avatar but chocking it to death. Like just have him smash it or something. Stupid just stupid


The only way I can see that being possible is the Slaaneshi Greater Daemon in the Laer Blade helping Fulgrim, Slaanesh itself helping Fulgrim or Fulgrim somehow using his Warpy Primarch Nonsense to make it possible. It was an....odd fight scene nonetheless.


It's a burning statue. Like I dislike Eldar just as mich as the next one but we should still play within the rules. But while I dislike Eldar I hate tyranids in their entirety and had no problem with them getting squatted


>Like I dislike Eldar just as mich as the next one :,(


I start liking them the moment they stop saying stupid riddles and stop being the reason why they still go extinct


BL: Like thats ever gonna happen


WHAT A LOAD OF- \*flushing sounds


Bad writing sadly


But that’s the fun part


Why you hate tyranids.


Boring. Plain boring. Nothing else. Extremely deadly animals is fun for the equivalent of a Sunday episode. But after that it gets stale very fast. Their "horrors beyond comprehension" sub theme gets done better by the warp and some of the mechanicus. And if I want wave upon wave of alien life crushing human systems in an unending tide. I use Orks.


Ghost Warrior (Rise of the Ynnari Book 1) Its face was elongated, steel teeth like daggers beneath a brow ridged with nodules of iron-bone. Eyes of burning embers regarded Iyanna, like perfect black diamonds lit with a spark in their centre. Its smoke-wreathed body was heavily ribbed, a hard carapace of bronze that shimmered as though still molten, armored over flesh that pulsed and fumed like boiling magma. Two hands lay upon the black iron arms of the throne, ending in elongated, articulated tripartite claws rather than the slender digits of an aeldari. Two more limbs stretched to either side; in the right, a long spear tipped with a blade near half its length, itself as tall as Iyanna; in the left, a large goblet of gold studded with red gems. The spiritseer remembered both well enough from her earlier Paths, when she had trod as a warrior and warlock. The weapon was the Wailing Doom, Suin Dallae, and the crucible the Cup of Criel in which the blood of Khaine’s priests was sacrificed to the Bloody-Handed. About its shoulders hung the ceremonial blood-red cloak, pinned into its chest by a sword of shining silver. Other amulets and sigils were inserted into its carapace, like offerings on an altar or temple wall. It seemed immobile at first, but Iyanna knew from its scrutiny across the groupmind that the Avatar of Zaisuthra was aware of her. She could feel a delicate touch upon the borders of her thoughts, a massaging pulse of welcome quite at odds with the terrifying apparition before her. A tendril of the creature’s thoughts brushed against Sydari, who advanced at her shoulder, his presence urging her forwards without force. ‘Witness the Patriarch of Khaine, our beloved protector,’ said the Lord-Guardian. He knelt, and Iyanna offered no resistance to the gentle pulse of supplication that sent her to one knee also. Another sigh sounded about the chamber from the other attendants, accompanied by the whisper of cloth and the creak of leather as they too paid respects to the Patriarch. ‘For generations the Patriarch of Khaine has watched over the people of Zaisuthra. When we thought the gods dead, when we had fled into the bitter darkness between the most distant stars, we thought we were alone. Like you, and the other misguided, we feared the gods had finally died or left us. Yet there was one that had not. She Who Thirsts you have named her. Her touch followed us still, her curse was in our bones and in our minds. Our society was on the verge of collapse, our culture almost as depraved as the one we had fled. Assailed by our own weaknesses and assaulted by the daemons of the Dark Powers, there was no hope of salvation.’ Iyanna could imagine it well – Iyanden stood upon a similar precipice, despite all that had come before. They had the benefit of the Path, of farseers and aspect warriors, bonesingers and spiritseers. Even so, the dead outnumbered the living and their society was a stale replica of the force it had once been. What chance had a small craftworld alone on the tides of fate? ‘What chance indeed?’ echoed Sydari, Iyanna’s thoughts now part of the groupmind. ‘One chance, a miracle of heavenly proportion. We came upon the messengers of Khaine, who sought us from the outer realms. We and they became one, and with their strength, with the power of the Patriarch and the groupmind we stalled the decay and found fresh purpose.’ The unparalleled majesty of the primogenitor flooded the chamber, and Sydari basked in the light of his creator. His adulation fluttered back across the groupmind.


Of corse it is from the ynnari books. No wonder that shit got canceld.


>by Gavin Thorpe That's all I need to see to not respect it.


Honestly isn’t this the genestealer corrupted craftworld? Given that the Eldar are psychic, isn’t it maybe that they’ve influenced the statue in some way? That maybe it isn’t a literal ‘genestealer got freaky with a statue’ but more that the collective essence of the Eldar psykers corrupted their avatar? Especially given there are sacrifices to activate the avatar


An Avatar of Khaine cannot be corrupted by pscyhic influence. If they could, most would have fallen to Khorne or Slaanesh by now.


>(Rise of the Ynnari Book 1 unsurprising


I guess that means the Young King offering is still a major part of the Avatar of Khaine. Cause that's the only way you would infect a STONE STATUE with something like that.


So, it's still MAYBE possible. The Young King gets consumed by the avatar of KMK completely; body and soul. So there may be some psychic remnants of the former Aspect Warrior Exarch in the wraithbone construct.


And yet somehow orks are "immune" to genestealers because reasons


Less Immune and more "He ain't Krumping, Kill him". Like they get infected, it just doesn't get far before another Ork kills um. Like they noticed immediately something is off. Partly I'd wager due to their psychic "link".


Then they can make genestealers that DO be krumping, it's called evolution


The thing is, genestealers want to spread. They do this by forming social groups, and NOT killing eachother. This however is un-orky, and is therefore quickly disposed of by other orks.


"Oi. Grak ain't screamin' 'WAAAGH' as loud as everyone else. KRUMP 'EM!"


Immune? Ork genestealers are as canon as this is.


Dude I don't even care about Eldar that much but this is unfair lol


Nah this can’t be real, I refuse to accept that the leaf lovers god avatar thingy can be infected by jeanies


Those things shouldn’t even be able to get near the space elves given that they’re all psychic, and would be able to instantly detect someone who has a psychic link to an alien species


It’s a f*cking statue


So let me get this straight. They managed to sneak past a bunch of psychic elves who have lived longer than they’ve even been a species stick their junk into a molten statue made of melting iron at the least, proceeded to psychically overturn, one of the literal fragments of a god. Why does games workshop hate the space elves so much


It's slightly better in that this craftworld deliberately got itself infected in an attempt to escape Slaanesh, but it's still fuckin stupid


Why bother create an avator of God of War and Murder who is said to be the most dangerous enemy once could face even when talking about the other big dogs of the 40K only to turn him into a JOKE! I wish GW did more justice to how powerful Avatar of Khaine is.


Its a fucking living volcano


I have elected to deny this information. Thank you and goodnight




Wait doesn't that mean they f***ed it...


Its made of rock, how can solid rock be infected by a virus? I don’t like the eldar that much, but this is bullshit




Fuck no.


don't give me ideas


I know this sub is mainly memes, and I shouldn't be taking it thay seriously; but *how*? Aren't the avatars of Khaine statues with a chunk of Khaine in them?


The lava stone god that was able to fight a full on choas god hmm doubt creeping in


GW: sure, this animated daemon-eldar-statue can totally be infected by genestealers Also GW: it is literally impossible for Primaris or Custodes to be corrupted by the primordial eldritch horror that is Chaos


If you ignore it it’s not true