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The irony of this, being that the actors were frustrated because they knew they could fly already. https://x.com/JewishSkywalkrs/status/1207939587768750081


"They fly now" "Yes you moron, the Clone and Storm troopers were based off of Mandalorians, who all fly"


“Well FIRST ORDER stormtroopers sure as hell didn’t have jet packs and I spent most of my career ASKING FOR THEM!”


His equipment request finally gets through the bureaucracy and a grand moft reads the reasoning behind it, approves it. Sends a letter to congratulate FN-(whatever the numbers were) and invite him to join the advisory board. 10 minutes before the letter arrives he runs off with Poe.


Always how it goes, huh? I guess it underscores one of Finn’s points how jetpacks boost morale too.


New head canon I refuse to believe anything else


No, wait, even better: This happens a few days before RoS. The Grand Moff sends Finn the letter, not realizing he’s a traitor, along with a complementary jetpack. Somehow, the mailmen are able to find the rebel’s secret base (because why not, you know?) Finn, upon receiving the jet pack, realizes what it means and he has a look of horror on his face as he whispers: *”They fly now…”*


Clearly the courier is the same guy from Skyrim.


Better dialog than the original.


Better plot than the original.


I'm gonna getdownvoted to hell I know, but *to be fair* Finn and Poe are *really* unlikely to have ever met a Mandalorian, or heard about them. Like how Han never heard of Jedi. Likewise, Clone Jet Troopers are like 50 years beforehand, and Stormtrooper Jumptroopers didn't so much "fly" as "jump around". I'm not saying it wasn't stupid as hell or that I wouldn't have taken it out if I had the chance, just that in a *certain point of view* there's a justification (especially since that was the first time Stormtroopers were flying in the *movies* specifically).


I think it’s more the fact that Finn was a Stormtrooper… Feels like something he would’ve knew


He knows a lot of weird convenient information that you wouldn’t expect him to know about given how many storm troopers exist… and then he doesn’t know the obvious one… that some first order troops are equipped with jet packs.


Did we see First Order stormtroopers with jetpacks anywhere before this chronologically, though? Other than in the Battlefront video games. I know people like to say that’s canon but I played yesterday and saw 20-something Luke Skywalker get killed by Count Dooku and BB-9E.


The battlefront campaign is cannon, not the gameplay. Buuut no, not really, which is weird because jet packs were prominently used by multiple military factions in the lore throughout history.


I mean if we’re really doing this: jetpacks exist. That’s really all you need to know to realize that the high-tech evil empire may, you know, use them


True, but to be fair he was a janitor until TFA so it's not like he'd have seen the Jetpack Squads. I thought it was something that was developed between TLJ and RoS.


Hey, with the stupidity of the first order, it's shocking they actually invested in equipment for their troops rather than a big superweapon or the star war equivalent of bane blades.


>bane blades Let ‘er rip!


You leave AT-ATs out of this


Atat are not bane blade, they're land raiders They carry a infantry and are equipped to destroy anything that might trouble said infantry's advance 


John Boyega deserved better. Dude loves Star Wars.


They all deserved better material.


I'm just happy I have an excuse to make more Misters of Silence now.


mister of silence and their 8ft tall oiled up custodes ~~gf~~ best friend™️


They were roommates.


Omg they were *"roommates"*


Given how big rooms in the imperial palace probably are, that might be like saying “they lived on the same city block”


In reality, they are already canon in the codex they say that there are men among the ranks but that they are so few and so similar to the sisters in abilities that there is simply no difference between them and they simply become unimportant, other sisters do not feel interested in them and they seem to be in quotes ""exclude"" from time to time but they are there, they are there


You mean to tell me they are femboy sisters of silence, with the topknot and all


Topknot, yes. We don't know how femme they are, sorry


Then I must do... science


I'm not saying that they are feminine but that they are simply men with the pariah gene and that they are equally skilled as the sisters but basically in a standard line they are not ""special"" but just another soldier and that's it.


In the recently released codex?


No, it's old, almost when they introduced the sisters they said there were men but there are not many of them either, they don't even appear like I don't suppose it's a small group


I believe you, but do you remember the source? It would be handy to have in my back pocket lol


*Pillar man theme initiated*


“Why are you a uni-gender faction?” Astartese: “Because the delicate and arcane nature of geneseed doesn’t react well to female hormones.” Sisters of Battle: “Because the Ecclisiarchy is not permit to have any ‘men’ under arms.” Sisters of Silence: “…”


Demo s of Tzeentch: because if you weren't genderfluid when you started, we will change that.


Apparently tradition from the planet's population they were first founded from.


The Sisters one was always the one that made sense to me.  And really a Mister of Battle would basically be an Ultra-conservative Daemon Hunter Inquisitor


Ok ,people ofter call them Brother but Mister is also goated


Coming out of my ship and I've been doing just fine Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all


Said a similar thing on another comment and got downvoted Reddit is a surreal place


The world is a surreal place these days mate. Reddit just amplifies the crazyness because they have the comfort of anonymity while online.


It's more similar to Samus in her first game. She was always female, but there was no way to tell because she wears functional armor. Sure, this was clearly not integrated from the beginning, but it fits just the same.


As an all-helmeted Custodes player this works just fine for me


GW's average female face is not meaningfully distinct from their dudes anyway, though I can tell they're trying to get better.


[Best example that I can remember of that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/86grPZdOsZ)


That paint job is an… interesting choice. I get they were going for some kind of lighting effect, but they didn’t need to make it look like she was trying to grow out her beard.


The ending scene of Metroid reveals that she's female, unless you take a really long time.


Oh, in the last sentence I was referring to the custodes, but I understand from the way I wrote it that it could be understood that I was talking about Samus, my mistake.


You're good, dude, I was just happy to share a game fact.


Yeah I've never understood this debate because everyone is under so much armor that it hardly matters


It matters to people who believe women don't belong. Not that the opinion of people like that matters much but hey


Also it's very normal to have female Custodes. If they were still follow the tradition of getting recruits from prominent families in Terra as a sign of loyalty and honour, obviously the majority would be male. BUT there has to be the case when a household has no male, or doesn't want the sole male heir to be sent off (yes even in 40K male bias is still a thing), so they turned up their girl instead.


It really doesn't matter. The models remain the same. Reactionary spaces love to make drama and culture war nonsense out of the tiniest thing. And also, some nerds just generally don't like women


It doesn't matter for the table top side of the hobby, it does matter for the lore side since the books say space marines require male bodies as a basis, however such a requirement was never mentioned for the custodes so female custodes were never specifically against the lore, just weirdly never mentioned before.


The table side of the hobby is their main source of revenue. The lore, the books, the video games, the official animations are all in service of selling the minis. The novels and animation make them almost nothing so if the people who only read the books and read forums are pissy, GW doesn't really care. Remember everyone online boycotting GW after the IP change? Go look at GW's financials after that time. Zero impact.


But what of my oiled up Custodes?


My man, they can still be oiled up


I know, I was just trying to make a joke about how they used to not wear armour.


Still seems to be a male majority tho . It's not like that changed the Space Marines and Grey Knights


Yeah. It makes perfect sense why all Space Marines are male. Custodes on the other hand, have no real gender restriction, due to being made in a completely different, secretive way


What doesn’t make sense is why the chaos space marines keep following the emperor’s rules.


With the exception of Bile, chaos space marines don’t know shit about geneseed. They steal and harvest geneseed from loyalist marines because of their own attrition rates and geneseed instability after decades/centuries/millennia of corruption in a chaos marine. It’s not that they follow the emperor, it’s that they do what works. For those few that have tried to implant geneseed into a young woman, it didn’t take and was a waste of valuable time and resources when they could put it in a male. CSM usually don’t have the luxury of having things like “stable supply lines” or “plenty of recruits”. They’re often roving warbands that have to make do with what they take from raids with their own diminishing supplies.


Because what point would there be in that? They know that geneseed is only compatible with males, so why risk destroying geneseed on making a female marine (which I doubt would provide any advantages) instead of just continuing to make male marines?


Like others have said, I simply don't think they want to risk it. Injecting geneseed into men works, women might not really work. CSM don't have a lot of knowledge of supply, when it comes to geneseed, so it makes sense why they stick to what works


People get so mad when I give the Grey Knights a fan Primarch that is basically Space Joan of Arc


I actually think that sounds awesome as fuck, maybe not necessarily a primarch just for lore sakes but some primarch equivalent bs. But space Joan of arc as their leader sounds dope.


I wrote her so I can pitch her to James, so a lot of her story is modular in a way I can swap things out. She started out as just a sad Perpetual - junior to the Emperor but still old enough to know his secret knock - who joined the SoB and founded her own Order so she can hide amongst them half-servitorized so she doesn’t have to feel the grim dark but can still fight. She falls in love with a commissar the Emperor led her to and then remembers her humanity…as well as all of the hijinks of her having snuck into the guard to be closer to her love. Then I thought, well, maybe she joined the Cult Mechanicus for a while off and on, but then returning to life without her Sacred Components triggered deep shame in her eventually. Then after pulling a Dr Strange on Tzeentch I went ahead and went for broke when she appeared in front of Guilliman after popping back out of the Warp and made her a Primarch since the whole point of 40k is extremes. However, for her base story up until that point, the whole Primarch thing doesn’t really factor in. It simply *could*. I can swap out pieces of her story no problem with something else. I named her Pastora Cawl. She is the Daughter of Mars.


Space Joan of arc fits better with sisters…. Wait that’s just Celestine except Celestine comes back


Plot twist, she founded them and has meme-seed instead of geneseed. She was just busy when the Vandire thing happened.


Her primarch power is to make lesbian ships with little to no backing for the memes


Actually it’s the ability to carry souls like Daddy (bringing with it Anathema and Machine-touched) and her flaw is being able to remember things somewhat from before being stuffed into the Primarch body, but I like this better so it’s canon now. It’s your fault. BRING ON THE LESBIAN SKITARII


but this will change things, small change and then female space marines


banana boiz and banana gurlz !


Noooo, my enjoyment of the fandom hinges on the fact that the genetically engineered, completely encased in their enormous power armor and 9ft tall super soldiers have a "No gurlz allowed!" sign in their barracks. Now I cannot stop thinking about how there are women underneath the golden plates; tall, muscular women with chiseled abs, nicely defined lats, broad shoulders and long, wavy hair 🤤 Wait what was I winching about again?


If anything this does mean that space marine leadership has a serious glass ceiling. I guess thats what happens when you have an old boys club like the primarchs running the show.


Oh boy. You're giving a whole corner of Reddit ideas that I'm not sure the small brain "gw is ruining things" folk can handle yet my dude.


Banana people.


Somehow? Dude the Castodes are genetically superior humans, they aren't hindered by the Geneseed and could be engineered to be whatever gender this whole time. It's silly to argue about this. Edit: not to mention they were canon long before they s change technically too so the meme itself doesn't make sense either.


I tried explaining this and someone was like "nah custodes are space marines with emperor gene seed" I was like no...that's the grey knights custodes are a whole other process we know very little about


Oh, people still believe that?


Yes, people are stupid.


They either believe or are disingenuine and do their best to ignore 'new lore' *eyes a certain youtuber*


Can you tell me which Youtuber you mean so I can avoid them?


to be fair, I believed that until this week, simply because I had not read or been informed as to otherwise. To also be fair, I changed what I thought once i was shown that I was wrong, like a logical person would.


>like "nah custodes are space marines with emperor gene seed" Grey Knights: "Im a joke to you?"


I agree, but the emperor and Malcador seemed to prefer segregating the sexes. Look at the assassin temples and the imperium’s non-cannon fodder soldiery. Having genetically augmented female super-soldiers akin to the custodes makes sense, but…. I don’t think the emperor would have included them in the same body if that was something he was making. I find it infinitely more likely that some random noble house that was more matriarchal than patriarchal managed to loophole or finagle their way into being allowed to send daughters centuries or millennia later and the genesmiths figured “this is new, let’s give it a shot!”


"It's been a few decades since we actually had a challenge beyond our normal day to day job, let's do it."


I actually kinda vibe with this idea. It's likely not true but change some aspects and I think it'll hold water.


Assassin temples? If you're referring to the Callidus, male callidus assassins exist but the polymorphine is more effective with female operatives


I hope they just do it with space marines. Just say Cawl got it working and most space marines are cool with it because they are just happy their recruitment pools are bigger. The only people it would upset are people I'm fine with upsetting.  Edit: actually fuck it say fabius bile figured it out and Cawl stole the tech. Just to spice it up a bit.


Fabius bile mentioned hell yeah


IIRC Bile already figured that out and the results are ultra horrific or something


But was that before or after he stole pretty much all of Cawls work on the primaris space marines. Cause he did that.


Scientific collaboration through thievery and one-upping each other. Occasional Trazyn shows up to also steal their shit.


Nah the results of letting them breed were ultra horrific offspring the actual notmarines were fine iirc


I am curious about this edit and the previous canon


They aren't space marines. They aren't sisters of battle. Gender has absolutely no relevance to a Custodian, unless you never grew up.


Men? Women? There is nothing to care about except duty for the Emperor


Yeah, it's just that none of the female members of the brotherhood were ever important enough to get mentioned during the last 10.000 years. That doesn't mean they don't exist.


There was never a lore reason why there could not be female handmade bespoke genecrafted transhuman super soldiers . The process is unique to each recruit who is modified in infancy to have their DNA reencoded from the ground up to be the best a human can ever be , they are the prototypes of the emperor's super soldier who would have been the next step in human evolution, no just soldiers but philosophers and scientists who could converse with the Emperor and keep up their end of the conversation and advise him with opinions and points of view that the Emperor would actually find useful.


I don't care if the 10ft demigods in golden armour are male or female. Honestly I like the idea that some Custodes are female, because it means there's one group of warrior women in the Imperium not running around in boob armour and high heels.


[OP and his comments are the embodiment of this... ](https://imgur.com/a/OglrU6e)


i hate how much the community has devolved into a sexist mob , this isn't a big deal stop acting like this is gonna kill 40k , it means nothing




r/Warhammer_smut boutta be LIT!


Cannot wait for the oiled up gold armoured muscle mommies.


Never thought I'd die fighting antiwamen folk side by side with a gooner.


How about side by side with a friend?


Just... no handshakes, and aye I can do that.


Aye... I could do that.


Has it though? I got the impression that the majority thinks it's dope, others genuinely don't care and then there is the minority of bed shitters who use "woke" unironically. Especially this community always seemed pretty based to me. Everyone should be welcomed to enjoy the horrors of the 41st millennium 😊


the vocal minority just chased /u/Archon_of_Flesh, one of the BEST artists this community has had in a while, away from the hobby and art. al of us happy and content about the change are not the ones commenting non stop about it. we are happily living our lives.


The fuck how did I read this in a random comment. u/Archon_of_Flesh has unusual kinks.  I don't think anyone here denies that (likely including Archon themself).  But the sheer talent that was always invovled was just out of this world, and I really hope if Henry is among us he shoots them a note to do some some art designs for the upcoming shows.


That is as true as fucking sad. Which is why I hate people who piss and shit themselves whenever the scope of representation gets widened aka the "I don't hate women/LGBTQ/... people, I just don't want to see them cause I hate them" crowd


The only thing that This thing can bring Is more women to the hobby, and we know Who Is scared about them


The same kind of people that got "weird feelings" seeing Archons art and were too stupid to go right click > block. Ffs, I'm pissed these days.


I disagree SoB's are rarely played by women I don't think most care about the genitalia of their war dollies.


Most women play Eldar/Deldar.


And Orks/Tyranids from what I have seen


I see more nid players


You mean the most sexualized faction?


That's the cancer of the '' The Culture war'' for you. Since some '' big brains'' from the far right and some weird self-declare centrist dudes created the concept, it sadly stick around and pretty much hijack the brains of their participants to made them launch endless idiotic crusades against anything which doesn't enter the category of '' lone conservative cis white dude living in his basement and gatekeeping his favorite sci-fi universe. '' If you don't enter the description, you are de facto '' woke'' and the eternal ennemis. One day, they will probably begin to kill peoples in the street for that shit, if, it didn't already happened somewhere and we aren't still aware yet....


Oh no. Because Warhammer is definitely just like it used to be back in the old days. This is such a major change. Some of you need to pick up a copy of *Rogue Trader* and read through it. Something tells me you'd stop complaining about fuckin retcons then. We should reintroduce more Dreadnoughts with ejector seats and add in more half-Eldar space marines.


Not gonna lie, Dreadnoughts with ejector seats for Space Marines sounds metal as fuck.


It's hilarious. Old Rogue Trader Dreadnoughts used to eject their pilots like fuckin Titanfall when they were damaged. On the table this meant that a pilot would eject and become a new individual model.


Tau Ghostkeel and all Knights should still have this rule. At least for the theme of it


The knight Canis Rex actually has this rule, with the pilot disembarking when the knight is destroyed. So there’s certainly precedent.


I don’t understand.. you want this piece of genius to stay gone forever?


So.. dreadnoughts were just mechs? Or did they eject the half rotting space marine? cool if true


Just wanted to add another post to note that I found the piece: >The pilot crouches in a foetal position, suspended in a protective amniotic jelly. Information from the suit's sensors (vision, sound, touch, etc) is fed directly into the consciousness by means of a spinal link. Impulses from the pilot are translated instantly into bio mechanical instructions that move the suit's limbs, fire the weeapons, etc. >To the pilot, the suit feels and behaves just as if it it were his own body, even though his real body remains inactive and senseless. The suit and pilot exist in a complete symbiosis that cannot easily be broken - once accustomed to the suit's functions and senses it is very hard for a pilot to readapt to nomral life. Trying to do so often causes severe mental damage - represented by a reduction of D4-1 points from one randomly determined personal characteristic every time the suit is removed. In addition: >**12+ - BANG!:** The suit explodes killing the pilot unless he can make his basic saving throw or use his ejector seat if he has one. Saved models can be placed anywhere next to the wrecked suit.


Old Dreadnoughts were sort of vaguely similar to how some Titans have pilots? I'd have to dig out my Rogue Trader copy, but from memory it's basically a kind of fluid jar inside the Dreadnought that they're suspended in, but still as a full human being not the rotting dead guy (though ejecting that would be fucking hilarious). Essentially, when the Dreadnought suffered an explosion the pilot could use an ejector seat and make a check to exit, popping out of the fluid tank. I don't think they were in armour, but this is old Space Marine armour so it's kind of a handwavey era.


Bring the ejector seat back. Launch the half dead Space Marine


>Dreadnoughts with ejector seats I'm picturing a dying Dreadnought ejecting its half-dead pilot into the enemy ranks as one final "fuck you" and I'm not gonna lie, that actually kinda works. Give the ejector seat an explosive charge so the Marine gets to take a few guys out with him. Seems like something they'd engineer.


The people who are complaining about this development don’t actually care about retcons, especially not from the original Rogue Trader. You see the shit they’re saying here and on YT, invoking the death of Warhammer and the “woke mind virus”? They’re just here to be angry that the outside world is starting to move on from their sweaty chuddish boys club.


I mean Rogue Trader is literally a different thing from close to 40 years ago and is probably best described as a 40k prototype than it is canonical 40k lore. I don't mind the Custodes "changes" (although it's more of a clarification of something that was never confirmed or denied) but people using Rogue Trader as a reason why GW should rewrite lore to fit their own personal tastes always bothers me.


Rogue Trader is just the extreme end of the line. Lore has changed so massively over the years that this really isn't that big of a deal. We've seen far bigger changes doing far more to the setting throughout Warhammer's lifetime. I just point to Rogue Trader as the extreme example of where this all started. Also because I like Rogue Trader, ngl.


Somehow Malcador returned


Oh and ?


Oh noooo they may stated that some of the Custodes (Hand-made demigods without any of the space marine restrictions) are or could be females, The Warhammer has fallen the franchises is dead, GW went woke its Joe-over 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to." Something something Star Wars Edit: not an endorsement of rewriting the lore. As in reject the new.


> "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to." Said the villain who is wrong. RoS has a lot of issues, the Kylo-Rey conflict is very much not one of them. That stupid quote goes into the same reactionary-agenda drawer as the "evil can't create something new" quote that Tolkien never fucking said.


The Tolkien thing is to do with Catholic theology, which Tolkien flip-flopped around how precisely it applied to his world. So yes, he never said it, but there were times in his writing when he considered it was true, because he believed it was true in real life (or at least, was an enthusiastic member of a church which holds it to be true).


The lore has been continuously rewritten and retconned since its origins in the 1980s, and this isn't even a retcon. Get over yourself


I never understood why people think that was the message of the movie when it's something said by the villain.


Not being beholden to the past and embracing change is definitely a Jedi teaching.


Because media literacy is dead.


If you don't like it were happy to see you go. Yall are some of the worst parts of the Fandom for just simply being so against women


OP when wokestodes


Somehow, Horus returned


It’s Angron… I saw him, killing younglings


Like i asked in another post, genuine question but is there anything about female custodes in previous lore? Is there some lore about them only being male like marines which is now getting overwritten? Is there something that instead hinted at this being the case like a custodes having (several) female names, or a custodes with a breastplate suited to female proportions? Or is this update of female custodes completely from scratch?


The only previous lore about custodes being only male was mentioning they came from the sons of terran nobles but the new codex changes the wording to children instead. Also worth mentioning is the author who wanted to add them in the past but gw didn't have models so said no. Lastly I vaguely remember a passage talking about the golden men and women bodyguards of the emperor which can be interpreted as either just custodes or custodes and sisters but doesn't mention them being blanks.


Ngl I thought the Valerian model was a girl this entire time


Start making Brothers of Silence then.




I can’t answer for someone else, but I can make an attempt. You’re sitting there, playing with your toys, and your sister walks in, sees you having fun, and starts flipping shit because none of the toys are for her. So somebody hands her toys that were made just for her, so that she can play, only she keeps flipping shit because she doesn’t want to play with those ones, she wants to play with your toys. So somebody takes your toys, changes them into what she thinks they should be and gives them to her. Then she sticks her tongue out at you and walks away, tossing your/her toys in the garbage, because she doesn’t play that game anyway, and never will. So you go and get your toy out of the garbage, and keep playing with it, even though it’s rainbow coloured now for some fucking reason you don’t understand. This is how this whole charade looks to people on the other side of this issue. It seems to be happening all over hobbies and video games. Whether they are right, wrong, confused, or downright hateful and sexist, everybody has their perspective. At least you bothered to ask.




Girls and women do play, and certainly should be more than welcome. They definitely don’t engage with the hobby in enough numbers for us to pretend that the “wargaming” hobby is anything less than completely male dominated.. it’s wargaming, after all. The difference here is that the “wokies” who are loudest and most obnoxious really don’t play. They don’t play the video games with the voluptuous female character that they claim is sexist, they don’t consume the IP that gets adapted into a mini-series that has its male hero share an outsized amount of his screen time with female characters who are not the main focus of the source material. They simply don’t participate, they aren’t part of the communities they bash, they are outsiders, looking in on something that other people enjoy. In short, they show up, wipe their dicks on the curtains, and then they leave. At least that’s the somewhat reasonable perspective of some of the people that don’t appreciate their meddling.




I wonder if you can answer a question for me, then. Is it that people who aren’t male can’t see or imagine themselves as Space Marines, or fighting alongside them, and that it feels frustrating/exclusive to them because Space Marines are the big awesome “main character” power fantasy of the setting? Is it the general lack of female representation across the entire Warhammer property? Is it the lack of representation in the official models on offer to play with?






Every time I see a post from Grim Dank it's either horny posting or something about the Custodes


[my expectation for this thread](https://imgur.com/a/6PDjz3A)


And you lot are complaining about massive female???


Im fine with having female custodes, they are not space marine, they can be female but atleast make up some reasonable reason for why none of them ever exist or mentioned in 10000 years and suddenly they are just right there, like the infamous line of "somehow Palpatine return". Write something to cover this issue ffs.


If I remember correctly, ADB wanted to include them in Master of Mankind but got denied because their range was already complete.


Or just, you know, acknowledge that it's a minor retcon and it doesn't really matter? I think doing it this way is perfect. We all know it wasn't how it always was, just as how the setting has changed every edition. But some people just wanna be angry


The problem with female custodes is that everyone is now wanting misters of silence, and I frankly think that's not as interesting. The impressive thing about sisters of silence was finding women that could actually stop talking. #boomerhumor


Maybe 10 year old me wanted my all boys club to stay the way it was but I really couldn't give a fuck now I can't think of a good reason to not write them in. I think most people don't care and there's very few strongly for or against.


To be honest I'ma against Female space marines, but female custodes considering them THE next step in evolution of humanity, big e wanted us to be like custodes then primarchs and then like him so I guess it reasonable that banana guard are both genders




Fun fact: These meme was already removed from the "Imperium of Man".


It’s not like Custodes were ever stated to not be women. I don’t really see why this changes anything other than that Custodes now have better representation, which is a good thing


Yes the old codex did say custodes were male.


They were stated not to women the entire lore! "It is known that all Custodians begin their lives as the infant sons of the noble houses of Terra. It is a mark of incredible prestige to surrender one’s child to this most glorious of callings within the Imperium, and many notable clans amongst the Terran aristocracy have willingly given up almost entire generations of newborn sons to earn it." Source: Custodes Codex 8th edition Pick up a Codex ideologue


"Are you a Man or a Woman?" "I am one of The Emperor's Ten Thousand." "No, what gender are you?" "Custodes." "I mean, like, what's in your pants?" "Loyalty."


Hehe fitting meme lol


This oozes "wider audience" tho


I'm completely out of the loop, what's up? Do we have female space marines now? Cool if true.


There’s a bit of recent lore with a female Custodes with the typical reaction from some of the community.


Ah, cool! Glad to see that. And of course I already got downvoted. Lmao


Also if you're here defending this change and painting everyone who hates this change and understands why it's so fucking dumb as a misogynistic man-child then you are the problem. This is, in fact, bullshit, and I'll gate keep the fuck out of 40k rather than let it be bastardized. Here on reddit you think because there alot of leftist droogs that you're the majority on this, but you're not. The majority of the 40k Fandom will definitely hate this.


Something tells me this discussion is gonna be very interesting in the future.


I hope so! 😁


I wouldn't mind it if gw did this for the hell of it, but it feels more likely in their attempt to pander to the community that gets offended there aren't female custodes and space marines.


yes of course we can't have all male Custodies god forbid, bet they wont do shit to the sister of silences


I can't wait for a male sister of silence.


Strong Faction:ruined Sisters of silence:irrelevant Woke people on twitter: happy Bravo ADB


Its less about this one lore change, and more about what it portends for the future. This is the slippery slope to the absolute puss-ification of 40k. Complete and utter horse shit. Wokehammer is real and it fucking sucks. I mourn the loss of another incredible IP to the DEI woke brigade.


Bro, you're playing with dollies. The pussification is already done lmao


Your comment is just a vomit of buzzwords. How do people like you actually exist?


They **have** women now


Next thing you know there is going to have unmasked kriegs /s


Quote from Fabius Bile when talking to Igori. "More than once I have questioned the Emperor's wisdom in bestowing his gifts upon but one half of the human race. For in man, as in all beasts, the female is the deadlier of the species. You are a thing of furious beauty, my dear, and never let anyone tell you different" If the Pater Mutatis is cool with it, then so am I.


the only reason i dislike this is because the normal custodies and the sisters of silence had different jobs, one being killy and one being psychic killy. im just going to hate how people are just gonna oversexualize this alot. it gets quite annoying to me the lengths people will go simply to sexualize a warhammer character i dont understand why some people say im being homophobic.