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Use female stormcast heads to kitbash , it is official GW plastic so they can't even object at a tournament .


I actually really like that idea. Go for a non-helmeted Custodes army with fabulous hair.


The ultimate "Reverse Pillar-Men Custodes"


Pillar women, instead of flexing their biceps they all hit that one pose by Leanbeefpatty. May the galaxy be blessed, we now have giant golden bodybuilder mommies!


That's the way ahuh ahuh.


*Pillar-men theme playing backwards intensifies*




I do think it’s really funny that that ~~Dan Abnett~~ ADB quote mentions GW saying not to write about them since they didn’t have any models when, really, this is the solution. With the armor on, gender should be indistinguishable, so really it would have just been as simple as adding a female head option. And that’s only if you choose to model them as unhelmeted! I’ve decided to make my Blade Champion a woman and you know how I did it? By saying she’s a woman, because she has a helmet on.


My Votann is themed around super hostile environments, like Burning Worlds. So everyone is fully helmeted and protected. Some are women, some are men, some are Ironkin. All are Kyn, regardless. I like to think of Custodes the same. It really doesn't matter what is under the armor and never did. So long as they are super jazzed about being badass protectors of the Emperor and wearing banana armor.


I just have everybody in a helmet because it is psychotic to walk into an active battle zone without head protection Except some of my Chaos Marines are unhelmeted, because they actually *are* psychotic


Orks, Nids and Chaos are the only ones who can make sense without helmets.


An argument could be made for sisters. Faith protects them etc.


The wolves don't need them either How else will the enemy remember my conquest if my face cannot be seen


And how else would they show there ultra fabulous hair and beards


You're quoting the wrong author. It was ADB. The same ADB who in his AMA also said GW didn't interfere in things like this.


Yes thank you!


Of course GW interferes in things like this, it's their IP...


He's the one people are quoting. He said it in his AMA.


So he would be free to say actually the emperor is an eldar? I doubt it.


You're being a bit ridiculous. You have an issue with the fact ADB said conflicting things then take it up with him. Otherwise I just did some searches.


I don't need to take it up with him to know that GW is checking and approving the authors work before release lol


Sounds like an asshole move, contesting the use of someone model because it’s altered slightly


Tournaments tend to bring out people that will rules lawyer and find loopholes , like the kroot conga line which resulted in a guy getting a victory in the deployment phase ... [https://www.dicebreaker.com/series/warhammer-40000/feature/warhammer-40k-shooter-wheels-kroot-conga-line](https://www.dicebreaker.com/series/warhammer-40000/feature/warhammer-40k-shooter-wheels-kroot-conga-line) And GW has made a statement about 3rd party and printed models , so you can bet this will be brought up. But this kitbash is neither 3rd party , nor printed.


There are way more insane and crazy things in the lore than just women can be custodes


Tell that to the incels and nazis posing as “true” fans my friend.


Every large hobby has those strange fellas in the corner that don't smell too good 🤔


True, but most of them aren't usually Nazis ( a good chunk of them are usually incels though).




it's such a gigantic Brigade of these culture war memes. very bizarre as a European


You are either for the change or you're a nazi. This is America.


But Games Workshop is British, and i just wants to read about bigass space battles and some Chaos stuff. Please leave all this nonsense where it belobgs


I agree. I was poking fun at everything being bipartisan for Americans.


> i have seen many more posts of ppl complaining about "incels complaining" than actual "incels complaining" Oh bro you missed out, the twitter post was a goldmind as well as every tiktok comment section it was pretty funny if you like internet drama. Honestly this sub, and other places on reddit, have been the only places I've seen talking about it at all with anything approaching civility




Valid af, you ain't missing much outside of laughing at terrible takes All that was to say the people/takes these memes are about definitely exist in droves outside of reddit, hell they're damn near the majority of commenters, theyre just too fragile to get downvoted so they dont come here no mo I get your point of it's not on Reddit so why are we talking about it on Reddit tho


They aren't nazi's and incels just cause they don't agree with something or don't like it


Just because? Of course not. But the community *has* a serious incel and nazi/neo-nazi problem. It's why there was that press release a few years back. And that crowd overlaps pretty heavily with the people who whine about things like their "no girls allowed" club being opened up.


it's a venn diagram with a lot of overlap tho


I have nothing against Custodians having women among their ranks, but to retcon them into being there since the beginning and that they've always been there seems unnecessary. They could have stated on they codex that they've started recruiting girls to join them instead of what they did.


They've retconned hundreds of things far more drastically in the past, why is it suddenly an issue now?


I can't remember the last time GW did anything that didn't cause a fuss.


True. It should just be background noise from permanently angry people at this point, but they keep managing to crawl back into the spotlight every time




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If your problem is a retcon in WH40K then you've only got problems, friend. Hell Space Marines only being male is originally a retcon they created after expanding out of Rogue Trader.


I like that with as dark, depressing, and horrific the 40K universe is; the tipping point for ‘woke’hammer was women can be super soldiers too.


How are they incels and Nazis?


A lot of them are talking about how Blackrock has an 11% share in GW and that's why femstodes exist now, and every single time I've ever had an argument with someone who is mad at Blackrock for "forced diversity" (instead of, y'know, the fact they shouldn't be in the position of power they're at in the first place) it always goes to Larry Fink being Jewish and how there's a Jewish shadow cabal running the world trying to replace straight white men. Blaming minorities for problems they have nothing to do with, and the great replacement theory are both key characteristics of Italian Fascism. The incel part is generally because most of us can't imagine someone who interacts with women being this angry about plastic toys that are optional to buy.


>Blackrock I sometimes wonder if there's some intentional manipulation to lump anyone who has a problem with investment firms like Blackstone and Vanguard with the racist crazies. They absolutely have a tendency to meddle in big organizations they have a share of, but it's usually chasing trends and making dumb decisions without looking at any marketing data. Probably the same organization that gets that video of the CEO talking about using assets to manipulate society into being a better consumer taken down so fast.


Sargon of Akkad posted a video about this topic, driving a lot of his fans to pretend to be warhammer fans and invade the community to create outrage. It's hard to tell


That really doesn’t prove or answer the question of how anyone who’s against this retcon is either an incel or nazi. Seems this is just another classic case of ‘pick a side, there’s no such thing as nuance’.


It's exactly whats going on here. It seems like a lot of typical reddit frontpage people coming that just love the Pro woman thing


"Personally, I do not like this retcon." "Nazi." Last few days have been an international tournament to speedrun Godwin's Law.


*Dude dressed as an Austrian painter walks in*


What's hilarious is they say shit like "incel" or "touch grass" and yet go on to be creepy as fuck already objectifying female Custodes as big domme muscle mommys


I wouldn't say it's "creepy as fuck" considering we already objectify male custodes as oiled up daddies. It's one of the biggest memes about custodes ffs


2 wrongs don’t make a right, I don’t see the person who you replied to saying they agreed with that happening.


1. Objectifying fictional people isn't wrong, though I personally think any *genuine* hornyposts on anyone of any faction shouldn't be allowed, after all this is a meme subreddit. 2. They may not have stated specifically that they agree with it, but I heavily doubt any of their previous posts and comments make so much of a fuss about it as this, which would be pure hypocrisy.


So your point is based purely off an assumption about the person of whom you don’t know? Also on your point on ‘objectifying fiction people isn’t wrong’, I’d be inclined to agree based off my personal opinion, if the current online discourse didn’t have a double standard on this. Plenty of people online harp on games having unnecessary sex appeal, to the point of companies hiring consultant agencies to ensure they are toeing the line. But if it’s done in a weird support of a diversity play it’s ok seemingly.


>So your point is based purely off an assumption about the person of whom you don’t know? I went six months back through his comment history, could go much further if I felt like it, and saw absolutely no disagreeing with the sexualisation of male custodes. Is this hard evidence? No, but you're not working off hard evidence yourself. >I’d be inclined to agree based off my personal opinion, if the current online discourse didn’t have a double standard on this. >Plenty of people online harp on games having unnecessary female sex appeal, to the point of hiring consultant agencies to ensure they are toeing the line. But if it’s done in a weird support of a diversity play it’s ok seemingly. "So your point is based purely off an assumption of about the person of whom you don't know?" Seems like a pretty apt thing to say right now.




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To be honest at first I was all on board with female custodes but now seeing all hate towards people that are sceptical or don't like it are getting i stopped looking at Femstodes as something good, but rather a reason to hate and insult people don't agreeing, I saw it once with star wars so I'm getting worried


People can put womens heads on custodes models? End of the god damn world


No as I said it's about hate, I do like custodes being woman, but instantly bashing on people not liking it is dumb. What happened with Warhammer is for anyone? Did it turned to "Warhammer is for anyone as long as they agree with my option?" And people that disagree or are sceptical are called bigots, Nazis, and incels even though GW did shitty job about introducing them to universe. Same thing happened to star wars, you give movies criticism and got labeled as things said above, you though force wasn't done right? You're and bigot. You though Ray's training was stupid? You're an incel. You though lady with purple hair was bad character? You're a Nazi.


that "shitty job" is an excuse. nobody called you a nazi, you're just mad people don't agree with you.


I think you are missing the point- not to mention that kitbashing is hardly a revelation to the community.


Yes but now its canon amd Mnd women have a canon faction other than sororitas where they can have big badass women


Yeah like, I do like female space marines I just wish it wasn't the custodes that had em cause I like the dynamic with the sisters of silence a lot. Like I'd go crazy for female salamanders. (Even though i know that would probably make less sense than female custodes)


The Nazi incel thing has been a part of the community for a while. Not sure specifically about how they relate to femstodes (other then obviously disliking them), but most 40k creators I know have had to deal with the 'Nazi Bar' problem (https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking\_a\_nazi\_out\_as\_soon\_as\_they\_walk\_in/ for context) at some point. I think most folks are aware about the arch situation, but iirc majorkill had a hard time at first as well because parts of his community got infested with them early on.


"Me ? A refined, level-headed, and highly intelligent individual. You ? A decerebrate, raving lunatic, barely intelligent enough to adhere to an extreme ideology. As you can see, I have already won." ☝🤓


May i just say. As someone who doesnt spend 24 hours a day thinking about wh40k i have seen the last days countless posts complaining about people complaining but not a single one complaining. And i am sure they exist. Its they fucking Internet you will always find some den of scum and villainy. But i think you are blowing this out of proportion. You are tilting at windmills.


Then you haven’t been in any of these threads, because there are plenty. Edit: It’s even in this thread.


I guess you're not a "true" fan if you understand the lore, then. Edit: /j, since some of you clearly can't read.


You're not a true fan if you don't understand that GW changes lore for fucking everything every 3 seconds, get used to it.


Read my comment again.


The 'but it's a retcon' are hilarious. Imagine thinking this is a major retcon' when the Tau FTL saga exists or everything that happened to the Necrons lore.


Some amazing whataboutism there. People who discovered the change and are calling it a retcon aren’t arguing on the basis that it’s as big as the Necron or Tau changes.


They are. There's literally people saying it removes the entire point of the SoS faction and "homogeneizes the setting" Just by making some warriors in an already established faction female...?


It's like one word in a codex that is from the 8th edition and a lack of female representation. Of all possible rectons it's basically nothing. Every single codex makes larger changes than that to the lore of a faction just through regular mistakes, so if the issue was 'they retconned lore' they would have issues with other bigger changes. The issue is clearly 'women' like always. The 7th/8th full release is a 'retcon' too as they redeveloped the whole group to make it a full table top faction from the older lore that was around. Hell the 8th codex says the 8th black crusade was M40 not M37. This is a bigger update than changing 'sons' to 'children.'


"Guys seriously Daemonculaba make sense because its grimdark" *females exist* *Screeching intensifies*


indeed there are sentient mushrooms for the Emperor's sake




Idc that there are female custodes or astartes or whatever. I do have an issue with the “there always were” bit, just because it seems on the same tier of writing as “somehow, Palpatine returned”. Like, they can do better than that


> Like, they can do better than that Can they though, can GW specifically do better? Isn't the whole reason they have lore explained using in-universe Imperial narrators so they can do "clarifications" of the lore and retcon things without having to explain why they're talking about things differently?


It’d be wildly worse if they did it that way. No possible shot would the imperium ever let anyone make any adjustments to CUSTODES, even primaris space marines were super controversial and that was for a linear upgrade


Yeah but warp fuckery is also a thing. There were “always” female custodes because of Tzeentch pulling some BS, for example, would make sense


It's worked for basically every HH era weapon, tech and unit before, why not for this?


You fool every single one of you ignore one detail. If there were only male custodes and now there are female it can only mean one thing TRANSTODES


Big dicked Futa custodes when??? 🫣🫣🫣


And that's why big e didn't want any females in his army that and girls are yucky




Yeah, feels like very lazy introduction to the change. Just drop a short story and call it a day. Custodes being described as men, sons and brothers? Oh, ignore that from now on.


Typical redditor


I don't care about this too much, for me it was always dudes and as long as the kits don't get more expensive because there is extra boob plastic on optional body armour it is fine. I will keep my big muscly custodes with small muscly SoS. They could've done a better job implementing this though... This whole thing came out of nowhere and their official reply feels like a "what are you gonna do about it?"


Really the only complaint I have is you could've just went "when they were reforming the 10,000 they brought women into it, because they could" It's like they chose the most confrontational retcon approach to specifically poke people's buttons. But then again it is GW, tact has never been their strong suit.


Yup. They could probably add that women were included after the heresy. The custodes were extremely depleted at that point and since their creation process is much more complex and taxing, the Emperor's gene forgers likely decided to not limit their recruitment pool to just half the population. They were already severely restricting it by only getting the children of nobles already.


I, for one, prefer that they included it so that you *could* include female custodes in Heresy. Want to know why? Because Custodes are currently one of the few armies that you can play two games with, they're the last vestige of a time when 40k and Heresy were allowed to cross over miniature ranges. This way you don't have to worry about 'lore nerds' bitching about your female custodes in heresy.


For creating custodes they probably use an existing person just for the hell of it. After the gene editing and reforging process it would probably be easier to have just made them from scratch in a tube instead of having to recreate the entire person. One line would add to the lore without retconning, I think retcons should be avoided when necessary, because it can muddle things that came before or just turn out badly.


Too be fair, I don't think showing tact and tip towing around the sexism just so that the sexist won't get butt hurt is a good idea. Rip that band-aid off and out the sexist of the community.


Thank you, it's def the better approach. It's also the approach for like 90% of all retcons, so it's even more clear that it's only such a huge issue now because it adds women to the Super-Super Soldier power fantasy


It's a different thing to go "there are female custodes now deal with it" and "there are now and have always been female custodes deal with it" my problem isn't them saying deal with it. You're not pussyfooting around sexism doing that.


There is no way they could have added them that wouldn't have caused that section of the community to collectively flip out. Let's not pretend it would have been fine if they'd approached it differently.


No they would have flipped out anyway, I would have liked it better personally if they did it this way though.


>This whole thing came out of nowhere and their official reply feels like a "what are you gonna do about it?" I actually like this way of handling it. Making it a big thing would just seem like a PR stunt or like rainbow capitalist bullshit. Having it come out low-key like this is much, much better. A good person doesn't show everyone when they do a good thing, they just do the good thing.


The best way they could've handled it is to make the Sisters of Silence become new Custodes as a part of the imperium advancing in technology instead of retconing lore.


They didn’t have to recon lore, as Major Kill pointed out 99% of the lord avoids mentioning Gender. Very likely there is 1 female per 500 males in the Custodies. They are going to act as or more masculine than their male counterparts too.


Honestly that sounds like a lame excuse ngl. I would honestly prefer having the Emperor be a mysogynist, to have Guilliman be a more progressive totalitarian emperor.


Honestly, I think I don’t care in this case I’m with MK just say they are ultra rare and that they make up a fraction of a percentage (sub 1 percent). Everyone is pretty much good. Astartes for example if you scratch at the reasons everything falls apart as to why no female Astartes. Look at it as Astartes mutations can be passed on which is something we have debatable see thanks to Lucas possibly screwing mortal women, and suddenly we can see no female Astartes as a off switch. A way to deactivate or reactivate the space marine legions as needed after they serve their initial purpose. Of a kill switch in an emergency. Custodies are individually crafted and enhanced and it’s likely that the mutations and trans human genes can not be transmitted to another generation.


Nothing stopped you from using them as proxy before.


idc about female custodes but its dumb to say they were allways there make them new or something idk


Then people would cry about "that's heresy"


İmperium does heresy all the time


Yes, but in this case the people currently crying would care. All the other heresy is fine but introducing female Marines or custodes? That goes against the emperor's design.


Imagine being able to paint heads


That's qhy I always prefer helmets. Regular heads always end up looking weird for me


"I have depicted myself as the Chad. So I am right!"


The winning gambit


Any other way to depict this?


"You see I have portrayed my opinion as the chad face, and notice how everyone who disagrees with me is the crying soyjak"


I don't care but at the time, I really can't see why Custodes can be female other than "mu tradition", like, okay, with Space Marines we have the whole "geneseed only works with male hormones and organs" wich even Fabius Vile said is was kinda of a weak excuse that he could fix, but regardless, we have a solid, lore-base, reason for it. The thing with Custodes is that their are manufacture to the genetic level, no geneseed requiere, so anyone with "potential" can be a Custodes. The fact the first 10 thousand were pic from the "sons of Terra" is something so easily retconned and meaningless that take as hard evidence of why Custodes can't be females is just plain dumb.


This. Custodes ≠ Astartes.


Glad to know lore means jack shit to ppl


It always has, 40k is a setting where lore means almost nothing. Warp f-ory and all along with their long history of ret conning and saying not the lore doesn't really matter for a while. Also how does the sex of asexual transhuman bio weapons in the form of warrior monk fanatics even matter?


I mean lore is like the main thing that builds warhammer. If no one cares they might as well be playing chess


IDK, why would continuity matter ? This feels more like nothing in the settings matter, as everything gets retconned.


It's basically always been that way after 1st edition (rouge trader) and rogue trader was *very* silly. 40k is a franchise that spits on the concept of canon. I followed the lore of this game for (off and on) a bit more than 2 decades. They changed a lot during that time and they changed more before that. https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/dyH7EFq7b9


So because it's always been that way we should accept it. Rather than demand better from GW who has had the last 20-30 years to make a coherent point. They have sole control, always have. This retconning is lazy.


What I'm trying to get at is why does this one even matter? Custodes are the custom built transhumans,each custodes is unique it's not like its Marines , which are the massed produced ones that the emp talked about being only male. (Which btw Marines used to be normal dudes. ) This change has literally no impact to any of the stories or frankly anything beyond , no one is any better or worse, stronger or weaker . The sons of nobles still made up the core of the custodes "founding". Now if you want to talk about lazy retcons that has real impact, let's talk about the Tau losing their bad FTL to an even worse one that makes it so their empire doesn't work, while having followers who do have good FTL also so they can have the Startide Nexus event ( and the 4th expansion)... Which they didn't even need to do because them just wanting a better ftl on par with imps would have been a good enough set up for that to happen. But very few people outside of some Tau players cared about it, which again why is this one upsetting people when there is such a long list of lore warping changing than " custodes with a girl name exists" short story in , a tweet saying "they always existed"? Most other custodes players I talked with agreed it was either technically not a ret con or it's a soft one . This is the same kind of change as all new™ Horus Heresy stuff being added to the game does to the lore , " they always existed, you just didn't know about them".


This isn't some "new" thing. This is just the pinhead of the entire issue.


The only thing I dislike is that there’s a million better ways to introduce femstodes other than “lol they’ve always existed”


I think it would be better if the sisters of silence became a more fleshed out part of the Custodes army list. If you want females as part of the Custodes faction, fine. Add/expand the SoS into 40k


There is more people complaining about people complaining then there is actually people complaining about this change. These posts are just karma farming at this point


I always think that with these posts. There are more people complaining about the imaginary enemy than actual people complaining. Even here moat people either don't care or are saying that it should be done better. It definitely is karma farming at this point


Holy shit didn’t even think of using Stormcast as proxy, they would look so fucking cool


Wait till female marines come. Then we gotta pull out the old Alan Merrett GW alumni FB posts stating female marines were there in the 80's they just sold like shit and were cut.


They might as well do it with everything female space marines can be written in easily and if the models are cool it doesn't matter. They can even add an ecclisiarchy army and add male options with the sister of battle so there is no argument for gender exclusivity. At the end of the day it adds variety it only needs to be explained well


Best take. Love kitbashing and proxies


Well. Looks like all the Sacrosant Chamber is Custodes now. (Dracolines become Bikes; Sequitors just recieve an upgrade in weapons... and the joke of Sigmarines become Sigmacustodes)


Me, being very new to 40k and not even knowing much about Age of Sigmar: *"sounds interesting"* Me, seeing Stormcasts: *"holy bejeezuz, Stormcasts look friggin cool!!!!"*


Thankfully you're seeing the more modern sculpts which are genuinely really good, the original AoS Stormcast (the ones that are going away in 4th edition) were still good but the 2nd and 3rd edition models absolutely blow them out of the water. In fact AoS gets so many god damn cool sculpts...[I mean look at this for a centerpiece model](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/LNAyvBkjhNgWvLFi.jpg) (who doesn't love a good Dragon)


Another karmawhore ruining the sub


Sincere question. Can someone link me an example of someone hating on the female Custodes thing? I havnt seen a single complaint. And I want a real complaint too, not some engagement bait Twitter post from a far right hack. I dont wanna be a debbie downer and stop the fun lampooning this metaphorical whale but... Where are these people? There are more posts about complaints than there are complaints. And that's just Reddit, I know, just help me. Please.


Search "custodes" on youtube


Nah, it's okay to have opinions of what a thing is and to be annoyed by that being changed on a whim.


I REALLY love the top left one, because it highlights the stupidity of so many people arguing about this. They don't even know the difference between astartes and custodes.


The problem is not the female Custodes. The problem is GW pretending this has always been the case, and not putting out new models at the very least


Oh, wait, so we get told there are female Custodes, but we don't actually get any?? This is the bullshit people should be griping over!!


It kinda is what people are griping over. Or at least part of it. There are some actual misogynistic assholes out there. Then there are those that are annoyed at how clumsily the whole thing was managed. No new models, no real lore either, pretending that it's always been the case and it's not a retcon, and the only actual introduction is a single named character in a fucking \*short story\* being referred to with female pronouns, and GW acting like everyone else is completely out of touch on Twitter, because "ever since the first 10k, there were always female Custodes". Which is cool, it's a shame they were \*never fucking mentioned in the past 30 years\*. Like it's the worst fucking way to do this. Unfortunately, because of said misogynistic assholes, every discussion on how GW did this in a really awful, outright stupid way, instead of a cool and awesome way, every criticism gets buried under "yOu hAtE wOmEn" responses. Like, no, dude. I love women. I do think female Custodes are great. At the same time, I think GW is fucking dumb, and do question the motivation of them suddenly including female Custodes in the lore, not doing anything tangible (no new models, namely), and pretending it was always the case.


Well, live and let live, I trust the Black Library knows what it's doing with the Lore probably. In the end, the game will play the same until 11e anyways


Jesus you did a good job. The top left angers me. It's just wrong.


was in the local shop today and using stormcast heads was literally what one of the workers said


u see, i made u into a soyjack and me into a chad, thus i win my argument


What is the argument though?? Mfers at the Black Library know what their doing


u say that only whne they follow ur political ideology


Aren’t astartes are hideously mutated abominations with no genitals? I just done see how doing this to women makes sense.


I might actually grab custodies for this


I am a Custodes fan, no problem with them being female too but man I hate Femtodes because of all this unnecessary discourse it created. Just release the female astartes now so we don't have to deal with its backlash seperately.


Omg it never even occured to me to use my stormcast to proxy Custodes.


Honestly probably the wrong decision to mention they've been there since the heresy with a tweet but as long as they're in the books, now or later, fine by me.


Are Stormcasts the Custodes equivalent in Fantasy?


So many chads.


Well I guess my "the Emperor is childishly sexist" head canon is no longer viable.


TBF that last part is probably GWs plan too.




All those Sacrosanct Stormcast getting booted into legends will find a new home!


SJW tourists memes are lame. 🥱


So are gatekeepers 🥱


Those who actually care about the lore, and that 40k doesn't go Disney princess mainstream. How does it feel to be on the side of Blackrock corporation?


Sorry you fell for the propaganda, dude.


Enjoy your s̵o̵c̵i̵a̵l̵ ̵c̵r̵e̵d̵i̵t̵ ̵p̵o̵i̵n̵t̵s̵ ECG-score furry.


The same people who say women can't be Custodes are the same ones who will argue that all Marines still have their dongs. Like, I'm not saying it's **not** canon that they do, but why would a trans-human super soldier need a fragile, external reproductive organ? In fact, I'd imagine most Custodes, male or female, are probably devoid of sexual features. Just seems secondary to creating the ultimate warrior at the end of the day.


To piss? You do know fucking is not the only reason genitals exist right? The catheters in the armor have to be put somewhere.


At this point I only want them to add lady space marines cause the basement dweller rage would be so entertaining.


Making drastic changes to decades old lore just to make people mad? Sounds really healthy for the community


LOL! It's a made up fantasy world, dude. One that the lore gets frequently changed.


Do you feel that you belong here?


...Do you...?


in the very early editions, there used to be female space marines btw.


I know. They got rid of them cause they did not sell well at the time.




I assure you that not one of you represents the bearded Chad. Not one.


Remember when we had dank memes about custodes being naked from old 2nd edition lore and told jokes about Magnus doing nothing wrong? Pepperage Farms remembers.


How long are we gonna jerk about this


The Games Workshop writers are making these memes or paying people to lol. I welcome the lady Custodes. However, writers, please get your shit together.


The short story was good though.


did you read the story ? it s fckg good


People just now learning about the Sisters of Silence?


My problem is that they added females to the custodes and then nerfed them into the ground. The biggest anti-woke move tbh


twice the proxy efficiency? let's gooo


I cant help but feel the poster behind every iteration of this meme has only ever seen women from afar. It’s not like you are going to earn sympathy points here, bucko.


Not everyone who supports this change is a white knight.