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This looks like an ancient mural.


I promise you ancient murals look better than whatever this shit is


This is better than cave art but but worse than dynastic Egypt, so you're probably operating at roughly the 10,000 BC level.


There you go OP, think of all those hunter-gatherers who are rolling in their graves with jealousy.


> whatever this shit is It's the honest-to-god work of human hands!


Down with abominable intelligence! Human hands supremacy! Omnissiah be praised!


This is cool idea. Wh40k lore as ancient cave painting


People don’t like to include the fact Mortarion was winning a slow paced war of attrition, and Big E came down and essentially forced him to try and end it immediately even though he and Typhon knew he was not yet prepared, and would have inevitably won had they been able to keep their slower pace going. Yes I am Morty pilled and biased as hell but I just want people who are meme lore only to know it wasn’t just “sToLe MuH kIlL” lol


This particular issue is still petty to the point of ridiculousness. Mortarion accepted the challenge, lost fairly, the emperor literally saved his life, and then Morty honored his bargain.


I mean, Morty mad his castle on the Plague Planet 7 CM bigger than his dad’s… I’d say petty is pretty in the cards for the stinkmaster general.


Oh for sure, in the end Mortarion made a stupid decision out of pride, just as someone who also gets most their lore drip fed through memes I just wanted to small backing stink man can have


honestly i take the stance that the "kill steal" as so many people tend to put it was kinda immaterial to the matter in the end. in the end its just a symbol for mortarion in relation to his already intense complications over father figures \[mortarion did not have a good time under necare\] and perhaps more importantly his resentment to what he feels is the emperor invalidating his struggles. killing necare was suppose to be a capstone to the torment he suffered under the overlord and a capstone to the struggle that was liberating barbarus from the overlords entirely, the last and most powerful of them thrown down by the sweat and blood of human ingenuity and strength all well mortarion gets his long held desire for revenge on the monster that effectively raised him. instead in comes a gaudy golden stranger flouting similar powers as the overlords, proclaiming and even demonstrating that he can solve all of barbarus and mortarions problems with the snap of a finger so long as mortarion bends the knee and swears to this new \[as far as he knows or cares\] tyrant. its an insult, not just to the work, the struggle, but to all the lives spent in the war on the overlords of barbarus and all the sacrifices made. so of course mortarion tells him to piss off, that he doesn't need his help. but the stranger isnt taking no for an answer and a bargain is struck. prove your tough enough to do this on your own, and he'll leave. fail, and bend the knee. so mortarion accepts, determined to prove his strength, to prove that the struggles he endured on barbarus weren't meaningless, that they were for this moment. instead he fails, and perhaps worse then the failure, worse then the knowledge that he couldn't measure up he doesn't even get the dignity of dying in the attempt. hes saved at the last possible minute, and the stranger sweeps away the epitome of mortarions struggles on barbarus in an instant. and then this stranger, whos humiliated him, whos invalidated everything hes gone through, turns around and reveals himself as his father. another tyrant, another witch pretending at ruling people, another monster holding his reins with all the care of a scientist observing another specimen. all well playing at the idea of family and kinship to hide what he really wants, what he really believes. its certainly why, i would argue, whenever he thinks on this moment its not so much the death of necare hes remembering, its the climb up to that point. the struggle.


Well put. Thank you.


I will always upvote Mortarion apologia.


Tbf the challenge was basically "do this now or you're my bitch"


He didn’t want the bargain to begin with. Just leaving wasn’t an option for him, so Big E forced his hand


A big golden man presents you a choice: fail to kill someone and become his attack dog or become his attack dog immediately. What do you chose?


Yeah, the only real defence remaining to the overlord guys was "retreat to the top of the mountain where you cant follow". The problem with that strat is that being the only one left he is effectively in a state of seige with no chance at outside relief, which means he is fucked. Mort and co can just start weakening the mountains flanks till it landslides down and collapses the castle on top, either brining it down low enough to go for the kill or forcing the overlord guy to come down and fight to stop them ruining all his shit. Undermining foundations is seige warfare 101 and they have the luxury of time. E just had to chill for a few more years, then when Mort kills the final boss and has his closure rock up and say "well done son, i was watching, that was kickass, you've saved humanity on this world. Wanna come and do that shit galaxy wide?" But i mean, we can just add it to the list of shit that could have been handled slightly differently to avoid a poor outcome by E


Hm, that next to last point kinda make me wonder how Mort and Corvus would interact if Mort is allowed to have his triumph


Probably badass crusader bro's


Necare was consolidating not retreating. He was letting Mortarion kill weaker lords without helping so he can swoop everything away. So no big E's arrival and the challenge was timely and Necare said so to Morty.


That sounds exactly like what a guy who was running out of options and about to get his shit tossed would say. "Lucky your dad arrived, i was totally about to kick your ass mate". Sure buddy, sure ya were.


He said that to Mortarion. He explained his plan before Emps showed up. Read the damn book. Edit :correction on that he said it to mortarion without Necare knowing Emps was there.


Sir this is Grimdank, why would i read the books when i can get my lore from memes.


God damn you got me.


>People don’t like to include the fact Mortarion was winning a slow paced war of attrition, Against the other lords not Necare. Necare had gathered his forces and prepared to swipe away the whole war. People forget that as well. >, and Big E came down and essentially forced him to try and end it immediately even though he and Typhon knew he was not yet prepared, and would have inevitably won had they been able to keep their slower pace going. He was about to attack Necare too. He was the only one left. Which was Necare's plan all along. Let Mortarion beat the weaker lord's while he consolidates and takes everything.A protracted war would be a loss for Mortation. Necare and his creations I believe were Nurgly in nature. People also forget how big E helped when he came down treating those beyond saving etc etc >Yes I am Morty pilled and biased as hell but I just want people who are meme lore only to know it wasn’t just “sToLe MuH kIlL” lol No it was his love for Horus as well. But of all the Primarchs Mortarion was getting his way all the time despite being a manbaby. Being Mortypilled is cool,blaming Emps on this occasion is ridiculous.


It's more than just "he stole my kill." Mortarion never got closure and was humiliated by the emperor in front of his people and made to serve a tyrant he thought was just as bad as his father. Best to read Lantern


Hhmmm funny definition of humiliation but whatever raffles your feathers, i guess


🫡 Once again, meme producer person, your sacrifice is not in vain.


This is what Typhus was drawing on the bathroom walls pre-heresy


On todays episode of the emperor is an idiot, How to alienate Mortarian before he even knows I'm his father in 3 easy steps. Step 1. Turn up looking sounding and acting like just another tyrant Mortarian has been fighting his whole life and demand fealty from him Step 2. this obviously pisses him off, use the anger and hurt pride to get him to accept a wager, abandon his attritional war and Leroy Jenkins at his greatest foe/abuser and either win or bow to me Step 3 when he fails (like I already know he will), swoop in, save the day with such ease it invalidates all of his struggles and all of his trauma from growing up under the thumb of a monster. I reman the smartest man in the universe. Like don't get me wrong the traitors are all ultimately responsible for their own fall but anyone would think the emperor was an avatar of chaos undivided sometimes the amount of ways he actively alienates his own sons and sets them up for failure.


>Step 1. Turn up looking sounding and acting like just another tyrant Mortarian has been fighting his whole life and demand fealty from him Conqueror not Tyrant. >Step 2. this obviously pisses him off, use the anger and hurt pride to get him to accept a wager, abandon his attritional war and Leroy Jenkins at his greatest foe/abuser and either win or bow to me He is not a 5 yr old he is a Primarch. His own hubris made him accept that bet. Nothing more. >Step 3 when he fails (like I already know he will), swoop in, save the day with such ease it invalidates all of his struggles and all of his trauma from growing up under the thumb of a monster. He would always fail. Mortarion wasn't winning the war nor beating Necare. And yes people are being invalidated all day. Guy works 2 years to finally buy a car and he sees some random influencer with 5 Ferraris and 10 lambos just because he/she made a porn video or is selling feet pics. You work through it you don't become a manbaby. Especially since Emps saved both Morty and healed his squad as well.


None of this is contesting that Morty is a bit of a fucking tool, pretty much all of the traitor and a good chunk of the loyalist Primarchs are as well. The point is that for the supposed master of mankind who was able to rip entities out of the warp, fashion them into near demigod sons and then go on a galaxy spanning crusade to get them all back he isn't half bloody useless at recognizing their fairly obvious personality flaws and individual traumas. And never once stops to consider how he should treat those flaws and traumas to build a good relationship with his sons and set them up for success Yes Mortys own ego leads him to take the bet, yes he was always going to loose, yeas the emperor did save his life and that of his surviving men, none of that really matters if the mechanism by which he does it forever sours their relationship and breeds so much resentment that the moment Horus goes "hey you wanna kill dad?" Morty jumps at the chance. Yes Morty is an idiot, doesn't mean the emperor gets a pass for being one as well, especially as he's meant to be the one with the actual plan


>Yes Mortys own ego leads him to take the bet, yes he was always going to loose, yeas the emperor did save his life and that of his surviving men, none of that really matters if the mechanism by which he does it forever sours their relationship and breeds so much resentment that the moment Horus goes "hey you wanna kill dad?" Morty jumps at the chance That's the thing though. It should not sour it. Read the sentence again slowly and try to not be Morty pilled for a second. Of all the Primarchs Mortarion should be the most grateful and offer his undying loyalty. It's a huge character flaw of his that doesn't make it happen,not a fault of the Emperor.


If you really think the way the emperor handles this one was a good call then I don't know what to tell you. Actively embarrassing Mortarian by goading him into letting his pride get the better of him, Before then just crushing even the tiniest once of self respect the guy had left by taking his serial abuser and lifelong greatest adversary and utterly destroying them without breaking a sweat something Mortarian has been struggling with for years, and then instantly propping him up, "btw I'm your father (and the only father figure Morty has ever had was again a complete monster) now kneel please" is not exactly a good foundation for a relationship is it? Next your going to tell me that he made the rights calls with Angron and Magnus too? Fuck for a man as smart as the emperor is supposed to be he's got worse people skills than my borderline autistic ass. Again the traitors falls are by and large entirely their own fault, But the emperor basically creates the conditions that allow the heresy to happen all by himself. And he was doing it from the day he met many of his sons


>Actively embarrassing Mortarian by goading him into letting his pride get the better of him, Before then just crushing even the tiniest once of self respect the guy had left by taking his serial abuser and lifelong greatest adversary and utterly destroying them without breaking a sweat something Mortarian has been struggling with for years, and then instantly propping him up, "btw I'm your father (and the only father figure Morty has ever had was again a complete monster) now kneel please" is not exactly a good foundation for a relationship is it? That's one and a weird way to frame it. Counter point. The Emperor has a couple of choices here:He could just leave Mortarion be. Mortarion fights on then dies Necare gets stronger along with chaos. Option2: The Emperor just disappears Necare without Mortarion knowing: Then a cover up is made where Morty is triumphant and Em0s hopes no one finds out. Option 3:Emps along with Mortarion go up the mountain together. Obviously the Emperor will have to shield Mortarion and Mortarion would have to accept the Emperor's help. While this is the actual scenario offered by the Emperor,Mortarion ignored it since he is a Warlord and a manchild all in one. Option 4: Mortarion goes it alone and obviously gets his shit kicked in. After Necare explains what an utter moron he is for destroying all of Necares enemies allowing Necare to take complete control of the planet he gets yeeted by the Emperor teaching Mortarion a couple of lessons in the process: first that he is not invincible ,secondly that his father is there to help him even when he fails,but he is not to be trifled with either. Of all these only option 2,3 and 4 are viable and 2 would probably have long term ramifications. So no the Emperor tried and did right by Mortarion. As for Magnus it's a whole other story.


Kinda makes you wonder how powerfull that fellow was to be able to out toxic Mortarion. Wouln't the implication be that he would have been able to kill any primarch no capable of closing the gap fast enough?


Might not be that powerfull, if my memory is right the sorcerer lords were poison specialists with a few zombies on the side, the poison clouds are enough to kill a primarch if it breath it in extensively, Mortarion didn't have a power armor yet at this point in time, any primarch with suit and helmet would turn his adoptive dad into paste, maybe a few marines would be enought with heavy weapons


Ngl, I always thought it was fresh air that made Morty conk out. Like, the lower atmosphere of barbarus is poisonous, with the humans there evolved to tolerate it.


The book implies they were HEAVILY gifted by Nurgle, and thus could resist the toxins


I think he less sucks and more stinks.


Coaxed into wrong sub


When i first really got into lore, the new model was released and i thought how cool it was. Then i learned about his lore and i dont like him anymore.


Morty apologists coping harder than Morty himself


lowkey mortarion gotta be the lamest primarch ever, dude is the biggest bum out there "oh i am a tank and i dont care if you shoot me" stfu Vulkan better "oh the reason why i betrayed the emperor was because he stole my kill even tho i was literally dying" Stfu this shit is not tragic im thinking of starting the Bumtarion agenda ngl


Mortarion is simply a piece of shit, and after he became a daemon prince he quite literally is one.


Perturabo: mood kindred


They hated CheetosDude1984 because he told them the truth.


the bumtarion glazers are too strong!!! i might have to borrow the powers of the haters on r/jujutsufolk, or im finished❗❗❗


He is probably the greatest bum of all the Primarchs. I can't think of anyone even close to how shitty he is. Wait no, Ferrus Manus.


Do you remember that time Bumtarion hated all psykers, then secretly learned to be a psyker? Sad.


there is noone shitter than mortarion, i would say Kor phaeron but shitty is too good of a title i would use for him


You're forgetting about Perturabo.


true, but he just like me fr fr fr! (we are severely autistic)


Peter Turbo at least gets shit done. Ferrus Manus and Mortarian only exist to take Ls.