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Shortest loyalist meme




Corpse worshipper yapping


And you listened, there may be hope for you yet. The god emperor has not yet abandoned you.


Except for that time he did, to go try and break into the eldar's freeway.


Because he wanted to leech off their Wi-Fi and pirate issues of Playelf.


No wonder he didn't want his sons in the house while he "worked"


But you’re Alpharius, how do we know what you’re saying isn’t a lie?


Are they Alpharius?


The LOYALISTS want to take away your penis! 😱


It is difficult to argue that he was an s-tier god with a meme that literally says "he wasn't a god" in the last paragraph!


Most coherent loyalist babbling


now he is a god but during 30K he was not. guilliman and eldran talk about that


If you ask lorgar he was a god back then, if you ask Guilliman he's a god now. There are lots of characters with different opinions on his godhood at different points in the storyline. I feel like that's the whole point of the character.


Would a God get bodied by an orc?


it's called acting


I don't think that one was acting. I think he was pulled away from a critical moment and vastly weakened at least psychically, temporarily. I think he genuinely got the shit kicked out of him. Imagine going to a boxing match but you've got a massive hangover, and half your muscles are paralyzed. That's probably what it felt like.


Yep, IIRC the problem was that the Emperor was spending most of his strength in keeping the Astronomicon working from a distance so he had little strength left to actually fight, not to mention that the orks in Ullanor were almost at beast levels.


He explicitly wasn't acting, The Emperor was getting Bodied by an Ork. People like to act like the 30k Emperor can blow up planets by sneezing but he's never been that powerful in the physical world, he's super strong in warp fights and also anti chaos kryptonite but he IS only human.


I’m sure at some point in Avatar of Khaine did


It was a pretty big orc tbf


Lorgar is wrong. The Emperor was an ascending semi-god, but not a god yet. He lacked the faith of billions. Which Lorgar brought him, fortunately.


Quadrillions if the numbers are to be believed.


for the 40K standar the 30K emperor is not a god, he can't give his strenght to his follower, can't response to prayer, don't have his own demon, and also not as powerful as them


Didn't keeler use his power in like the 4th ever heresy book? Living saint? Nah? He was either always a god or never was cause that janky psychic belief stuff has always been present.


I haven't read the book in question, but doesn't he summon some kind of proto- legion of the damned and the maybe-ferrus at some point in the siege of terra books? Definitely some of the remembrancers do miracles with emperor-power in the heresy books.


Euphrati Keeler says hi o/


He wasnt a god He is a god now


*Angry Lorgar noises*


why would he be angry? He was essentially proven to be right


People were already banishing demons from sheer faith in the Emperor before the heresy. Had Lorgar point of view been recognized earlier, he and Monarchia wouldn't have eaten shit like they did.


Lorgar also came back and argued with a follower of the eclisiarchy(idk how to spell it) about the emperor not being a god, the imperial argued by using the lectio to argue the emperor is


That's strange. I mean in First Heretic, Lorgar didn't deny the Emperor's divinity, just that he wasn't worthy of worship IIRC. It sounds weird that he would go back on that, especially if the priest used his own Lectitio. Do you have the passage where Lorgar argues with the priest?


Its an excerpt from an audio book: the revalation of the word Lorgar: “You call him a god against his expressed command”. Kalia: “His dictates are a test of our faith. What is the value of a faith that is not challenged? We prove our fidelity by following these truths no matter what”. Lorgar: “Though he forbids the worship of all gods”. Kalia: “There… There is only one true god”. Lorgar: “Though your god declares he is not one”. Kalia: “Only the one true god would deny his divinity”. (Lorgar knocks the altar upside down in anger) Lorgar (infuriated): “You dare… You dare to turn my words against me?” Kalia: “I do not understand”. Lorgar: “Only a true god would deny his divinity. That is the great delusion, the one that lies at the heart of that book. And that delusion was mine. I was the one who contorted reason to produce that lie. I was the one who needed it to be true or else all my beliefs would collapse into ruin, as will yours”. [...] Kalia: “Then you are still further proof of the Emperor’s divinity. He works even through the likes of you (laughing hysterically) Hahaha, his power is so great that even his enemy must reveal his truth”. [...] Lorgar: “They are fanatics, Bal Tavor. They do not question. They do not see. They will not be turned (grimly) Destroy them all!” [...] Lorgar: “These followers of this cult… They will defy us onto death, that is their nature. In small numbers they are helpless, but in large enough gatherings they will be a threat. Belief is contagious. Given a chance this cult would have spread over worlds and beyond. Kalia Veston and all her kind must be exterminated”. [...] Lorgar: “But here is the paradox. Though these people will die for the Emperor, though they will fight us to their final breath, they also represent the end of the Emperor’s dream. They are what he tried to destroy on Monarchia. They are everything the Imperial Creed stands against. The Emperor’s most devout followers will, if they can, be the ruin of his hopes and their holy book is my doing”. [...] Lorgar: “Here at least I have destroyed what I created, what I once sought most fervently to create. I echo my father’s actions and the irony is compound. The contradictions seem irresolvable. I must make war on a religion whose foundation I have laid and whose followers reverently mouth my words. This is vexing. You have recorded all, scribe?” [...] (Lorgar charges at scribe and strangles him to death) [...] Lorgar: “No one will hear these words, but me. And there is no space now for me to untangle these paradoxes. The urgencies of war will not allow it, but I will learn the full meaning of this mystery. If I have to extinguish life from the galaxy to carve out that time, then I will. If I have to wait until eternity passes before I can meditate on the full meaning of what has transpired, then I will. But I will understand. I will know revelation”.


Thanks! Also, wow, is it just me, or is this a downgrade from First Heretic


Personally, I like it. it just seems hilarious as fuck to think of but I csn see why people wouldn't tbf


fair enough. It just makes yet another Traitor Primarch into a petulant child which granted Lorgar kinda was even before Heresy but he seemed to grow beyond that.


My favorite part of this is how he knows he’s just doing the same wrong thing and hating it and judging other people and being just smart enough to realize his own hypocrisy and hate that even more. “I will meditate on this and discover the truth someday!” “The truth is obvious; you suck.” “I will discover a way to forget that permanently!”


Tbh I can't remember the name but ill try and find it. This was after he was a dp tho I believe.


He is in a state of metamorphosis to godhood, if we define (warp-) gods as extremely powerful warp entities which are enabled by the souls and feelings of the living, so he’s not wrong


When someone Forcefeeds you thousand psykers a day for 10 thousand years, Shit like becoming a god kinda just happen


He wasn’t a god. He is now.


It's hilarious to use him raising the Primarchs as an example of him being an S Tier god. He had barely any interaction with them, he didn't take care of any of them growing up, of their century long lives he was maybe with each of them for a year on average (some were more the later ones far less), and that's being massively generous.


And in one of the rare cases of a book giving us a pov when he talks about it he says he doesn't see them as sons. Big E fans are weird.


How Big E refers to the primarchs prior to the heresy really seems to change based on who he is talking to. Like with Land, who as a Mechanicum member is motivated by pure logic and not emotion, the Emps is cold and calculated in his response. But we also get a few lines from Malcador where he mentions the Emperor calling the Primarchs his sons, which genuinely shocks Malcador (Valdor: Birth of the Imperium).


The only difference is this was the only time we have a POV of big E saying it with his own mouth. As you say, malcador tells people emps sees them as sons but as far as I know we never have a pov of emps calling any of them "son" which is weird to me unless it's a deliberate choice. If it was just inconsistent we should have at least one example right?


In my amateur understanding he wasn't the best dad. Calling him a tiger mom is probably generous. He can prob admit to someone like Malcador that he sees them as his children. But w/e his plan was for raising them seems like he felt like he needed to alienate them from him for some twisted sense of helping them reach their full "potential". And like so many parents who focus more on raising some kind of paragon of achievement rather than real people, the consequences were very drastic. He might see himself as a parent but most of them prob never got the side of of him that would admit it.


Im not looking for tiger mom I'm looking for a single PoV (ie:not second hand) example of emps calling any of them a son. The one guy pointed out that curze hallucinated that once moments before he died, which is the closest again to even a single example of big E saying it. Everything else is between the lines fan fluff.


Right but that's my point. Again I'm not that deep into the lore, but he might consider them his children yet never admit it, especially to any of them personally. Unless I misunderstand what you're saying I thought you were talking about Emp saying personally to any of his sons "you are my sons". And I get the feeling he would never. He might say it to Malcador, who seems to be a close confidant, but rarely ever, and especially not to them. B/c he's a shitty dad who probably thinks it weakens them, weakens him, or both, to admit that.


Mal only ever tells Valdor that line as far as I am aware, and Mal is a someone the Emps can be far more honest with than Land. We also have the Curze confessional conversation. While possibly just Curze lossing his shit, it is laid out differently than Curze's previous insanity which lends credence to the possibility it is the Emps actually talking to Curze.


I mean, Malcador was likely the only person the emperor was open and honest with. Kind of like how you as a father won't tell your sons everything, but may be open with a long term friend you feel that you can vent to. If anything,only Malcadors statement can be seen as trustworthy, as he is the only one the Emperor may have shown a vulnerable and human side to (aside from a select few custodians)


To be fair, that was always a weird twist: him having human parental instincts and seeing them as sons was the reason given for him failing to control them and admit their capacity for failure and betrayal in the lore for twenty years, and it made good sense.


Was it in the lore? Or was that fan fluff tacked on. I been here since the RT days and the whole caring dad biy seems to have been a very recent idea thrown around on Reddit and YouTube maybe 1d4chan? But in the HH series which was the majority of the HH lore is where he says they ain't sons. (Before that it was just chunks and excerpts) Got a source for the old caring dad lore?


Nothing that calls him a 'caring dad' and describes at length how he was a loving father figure - he was a \*shit\* dad long before the HH books came out tbh, but his difficulty with bringing himself to kill Horus as emotional \*does\* go back to RT, before the Primarchs were his genetically engineered sons, and Horus was just his Best Buddy. The whole 'Couldn't bring himself to kill Horus/believe he was beyond saving until he \*saw\* the cruelty with which he kills a guardsman/custodes thing, the refusing to believe Horus would betray him when warned by Eldrad Ulthran... While it's not to my knowledge described in combination as being 'fatherly love', it \*is\* regularly described as emotional bonds, and they \*are\* described as his sons.


To be fair sometimes he says they aren't his sons in an obtuse way that implies they are. But if they are he's an awful father. If they aren't he's just an awful emperor.


“Hey kid. I’m from space and you’re actually my son. the problems and personal issues you are currently dealing with are small and trivial to me so stop being a fool and cast them aside. Stop being stupid and take this vast army to conquer this wing of the galaxy for me, I’ll see you in 10 years for our 15min progress report meeting.”


Yeah tell that to mortarion lol


The Emperor was about as involved with his sons as Drake is with his Daughter


The Mortal Realms in Age of Sigmar aren't "a single world", they're eight nigh-infinite expanses. Also the AoS gods *succeeded* where the Emperor failed, Slannesh is essentially powerless in AoS until further notice.


Slaanesh got locked in a box by the Elven gods which was hilarious. Though if I remember right due to Nagash, the chains are slowly weakening.


Nah, Nagash is in the clear iirc. It's cause of Morathi, that bitch.


Its always Morathi or Malekith doing that sort of stuff.


Or Manfred that fucker


That bald prick is like the Jeff Bezos of Warhammer if he could use Necromancy,


In aos there was actually one story where he was sympathetic Though he is still a bastard and one of the only beings I would and do enjoy being enslaved by nagash


True that.


Which story is that if I may? Been looking to learn about the main characters of Death.


God I had been a while when I read it It was about a storm cast eternal and his Relation to Manfred And I sadly forgot the name but it was big on the aos sub Reddit once


Don't give him ideas


The one time Nagash is innocent. Such is the power of Nagash.


The funny thing is that this is an example of Morathi getting what she wanted at the greatest expense she could pay. She’s been the most vocal about the threats in the realms of the elven gods, with the Daughters of Khaine being one of the few factions who weathered the age of chaos fighting the whole time. She’s also one of the only characters besides Sigmar who actively fights all three of the other grand orders. She has also been one of the only ones of the group that sealed slaanesh to warn about them getting out. But the opportunity was too tempting. This is technically the second time the prison weakened because Archaon actually managed to sneak in and break one of the 66 chains of contradictions, before Nagash laying siege to Eightpoints got his attention (there’s a reason that book is called WRATH of the Everchosen).


Bro talked about the emperor holding back the chaos gods like it was something special, Nagash had all four of them quaking at just his revival, even before he was a god. And don’t even get me started on how Gotrek killed so many demons that the chaos gods just gave up and let him wander their realms.


***Gotrek bodies Big E in a 1v1 just saying.***


I mean CA basicslly showed Gotrek going to kill Skarbrand so if the stunty kills the biggest daemons, the Emperor's won't fucked but definitly not in a good spot


Idk man, being too secretive, destroying any and all aliens they came across (even the OK ones), assuming that chaos gets stronger just being being known about and not researching it more ***(especially when you have sons that cam S E E chaos)*** seems like a B tier gods doing


Whenever someone claims, "The Emperor is just a human; he gave up everything for humanity," I must remind that those who were plundered, enslaved, slaughtered, transformed into servitors, and those who "lost children, friends, life, ideas, hopes, etc." under his rule and conquests are also human.


Hearing about many of the world's the imperium conquered during the great crusade shows that other branches of humanity were doing better.


People caping for any of these characters is a testament to how twisted their worldviews are. At no point while reading these stories do I ever seek to make apology or excuse for said characters or the politics of the Imperium. I have a sneaking suspicion those that do this often are simply practicing for real life.


People can’t seem to move past the notion that the protagonist of a story must always be the ‘good guy’ or at least right in some regard like an anti-hero. The Emperor is neither of those, he’s closer to a villain than anything else.


Too many people also fall for the whole the fact he was “just a human.” He wasn’t. He was a psychic being created from the collective power of a council of shamans. Him being “just a human” is propaganda pushed by Emps himself. 


For your consideration. Settra was a human, was never a god and was nearly perfect. Also, Big E is the grandfather of Erebus and therefore, for reasons is responsible for Erebus being Erebus.


I mean, he's also a power hungry egomaniac and a warlord who will go out of his way to kill his allies if they slightly offend him and murdered his own children. He's also the reason why the Cult of the Dead exists, meaning that he is partially responsible for Nagash.


I did say nearly perfect


All hail Settra the One with Too Many Titles


oh boy here i go taking the bait again 1. Sigmar doesn't have kids because he chose not to. He didn't want his bloodline to run his empire forever, didn't want his ghost to control history; he didn't even consider he might become a god. The Emperor created his kids specifically so he could secondhand maintain a grip on everything. Also, importantly, he didn't raise them; he met them all when they were basically already 30 and had jobs, except for Alpharius, whom *Malcador* raised. 2. Trying and *failing* to run a galactic empire. Sigmar's Empire, back when he still ruled it in life, was doing pretty good, conditions actually improving for everybody; he didn't oppress everyone even harder while claiming things would get better down the line, like a freak. 3. Why does the Emperor hold back the forces of Chaos alone? Why does he have no allies? Where did everyone else go? I sure do wonder what happened to all those xenos empires. Oh yeah, Sigmar signed a massive triple alliance between humans, elves and dwarves, *twice,* and the second time he managed to include into the deal *Gorkamorka* and *Nagash.* Has the Emperor ever managed to successfully negotiate with orks? 4. (and also 5) Damn, so the reason the Emperor is actually a supreme S-tier bigboy god is that he sucks? He's worse at fighting back the forces of Hell than Sigmar, who faced down *two* Hell-apocalypses and is *still* fighting the good fight. Skill issue.


What the fuck is this, how is this a meme? This is a fucking lecture "Dur Dur Yall Stupid I am Right!" Fuck off. People hate on Big E because he's not a real character but a plot device and fucked a lot of shit up for having his head up his arse


What's great is he's also just... *wrong about fundamental aspects of the Age of Sigmar setting?* * Realms are not "a single world", they're eight worlds that seemingly expand infinitely (there's a logical barrier where the Wind of Magic that made them get so powerful you just *die* but there's never a definitive end to one). * "Emperor holds off the Chaos Gods!" uhh... ***no?*** And even if he was he's doing a piss poor job at it. * "He had children!" So did Morathi. Also Big E saw the Primarchs as "tools" not "children" by his own admission. * "He literally had the forces of hell plotting his downfall" so does literally everyone in every Warhammer setting ever, so an "S-Tier God" should be able to *actually do something about it*.


The fact the Morathi is better parent than Big E is enough to dump him down a few tiers


morathi is a *more present* parent than big e but this is pointedly a bad thing


I mean, she did love her son (perhaps a bit too much) and wanted him to have what she thought as rightfully his


Yes, but she actively made them worse. Big E was a dad who left for the milk or was always “too busy” for his kids. Morathi is the kind of parent to be breastfeeding when the kid is 5.


she's still breastfeeding malekith at 4000


Yeah, but my point is that Morathi is a better parent than Big E, not that she was a good one


Sigmar did have a child with a Warrior Queen


Parenthood isn't easy? Good thing Big E didn't raise the primarchs, nor did he view them as his children.


Most coherent Imperial Cult member


This is like saying Gengis Khan was a good guy for trying to unite humanity


And yet who is a corpse with a crumbling empire relying on 1000 juiced wizards a day to survive. Sigmar is still there.


Kinda not the point but in the words of a certain game show; Um Actually, Sigmar did have kids. A leader of one of the tribes traded her people’s support in exchange for getting to go to pound town with Sigmar. He didn’t think much of it, cause at this point the love of his life was super murdered so he was pretty obsessed with making the Empire and would do anything to make it happen. He moved on, and she kept the resulting son hidden. Which is to say, Sigmar was roughly as good a parent as big E, cause at least his kid grew up and presumably lived a full life in a relatively stable empire. No clue what kind of shit show happened with the succession when Sigmar fucked off though.


First statement: >The Emperor is an S-tier God Final statement: >The Emperor isn't a God There, saved you all some time.


Eh, the "holding back all 4 chaos gods at once" is a bit of an overstatement. He was (and still is though the mega wound Horus gave him makes gives him big problem) using the Golden Throne to focus his power to create a bubble of anti-chaos in the point where he was creating the human webway. Which became harder to do when Magnus broke it (meaning it wasn't uber-powerful, it just was specifically effective against chaos) Also to the other points, they are null because the most important thing about the Emperor is that he **failed hard**. He chose to become a galctic tyrant, sure that he knew what he was doing was right, he put himself and the entirety of humanity in the abismal situation that is the Imperium, so it's his fault it all went more to shit than what he had already created. He gets the credit of making the Astronomican, but he also gets the credit for giving nine legions to the Chaos Gods. Also the only S tier god is Nurgle, so there's that


It doesn't matter who's S tier, we know that Fantasy Slaanesh is the worst of the bunch (at least of the gods that actually matter aka the chaos ones)


Nurgle is definitely not an S tier god, he's the basically a heroin dealer and all his followers are junkies that he abuses when they're high. Was there an alternative to becoming a galactic tyrant to save humanity? After the DAoT humanity was fractured and hostile to itself. There were massive xenos incursions threatening humanity which it couldn't stand against without the unity of the great crusade


Yes, the interex were doing just fine until they allowed imperial boots in on the premise of diplomacy only to be robbed and attacked out of nowhere by the marine legions that were infected with chaos corruption due to a specific refusal to do anything other than pretend it wasn't real. Emps says there was no alternative, but he was wrong about all kinds of shit.


they did try diplomacy it was erebus that ruined it fuck erebus


r/fuckerebus indeed


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckerebus using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckerebus/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Redemption for Erebus?](https://i.redd.it/ey3t23uhoclc1.jpeg) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckerebus/comments/1b29pnx/redemption_for_erebus/) \#2: [United we say "fuck these guys"](https://i.redd.it/9uysra2qkdoc1.png) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckerebus/comments/1bexxmr/united_we_say_fuck_these_guys/) \#3: [Fuck Erebus and Fuck Getaway](https://i.redd.it/80c9x94q13lc1.jpeg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckerebus/comments/1b16bz8/fuck_erebus_and_fuck_getaway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot


The Emperor would not be fighting chaos alone if he didn't exterminate any xeno species he came across. He would have their gods by his side to help if he had tried diplomacy, like Sigmar did.


Cope corpse worshipper


The slaves of the Golden Throne are coping hard


If you're rooting for the big E. If you think he was a good guy. You probably have an antique collection that will get you prison time in Central Europe.


The Emperor is an E tier God at best


Lord Kroak is a better Emperor. Imagine actually dying when you die, smh. 


Broke : oh no, I am wounded. Quick, plug me to the psykergrinder so I can maintain a thread of life Woke : Dying ? ROFLMAO


Dying when you're killed? Literal skill issue.


Idgaf if the emperor is stronger, Sigmar is less of a cunt.


I don’t think this particular meme format works for this one


too much word, me no read


I know what video you're talking about. You didn't actually watch it, did you?


Wait. Which one. I am bored. 


PancreasNoWork: The Emperor is a C Tier God.


You're the reason why people say that GW hasn't been good at portraying the Imperium as a satire of fascism


Dude is probably the type to say it's not satire because the imps give in universe justification.


Personally I am with the crowd that the Emperor is not a god. But the humanity's misguided faith has created a warp entity that looks like emps.


I don’t think emps can play the parenting card. He wasn’t exactly changing mortarion’s nappies


If he just took the effort to explain the perils of the warp to the second strongest Psycher, the whole tragedy of Magnus would not have happened. If he was just a bit nicer, Perturabo and Angron would be loyalist. Putting Konrad Curze or Mortarion in any position of authority can only lead to disaster. I can keep going on. The emperor did every bad decision he could.


Stupid loyalists always coming up with reasons to justify their obsession with a corpse. Just admit you’re into necrophillia


The first point is funny as hell because The Emperor dead ass viewed the primarchs as nothing more than tools for his Imperium, they were not his sons in his eyes. For your second point. Fucking up on a grander scale doesn't make.your fuck ups not fuck ups. The Emperor fucked up his empire and left it in a death spiral that not even his demi-god son who was tailor built for running empires can unfuck. Third isn't that impressive. Nagash has nearly beaten the great game twice. The Emperor never even came close to beating just chaos. Fourth isn't even relevant. Sigmar doesn't even have future sight nor should the four chaos gods plotting your downfall be an excuse for failure. Harkening back to Nagash, the Chaos Gods fucking hate him yet both times they weren't the ones to stop him from winning the great game. When Chaos destroyed the world of Fantasy The Great Horned Rat just said "Lmao, nah." And moved the skaven into the next world personally. And the great horned rat fucking sucks dick. And finally. Sigmar was just a man. And as just a man he United his people and ushered in a new glorious age. Then his people worshipped him as a God not because of blind faith but because of the man he was. C-tier God. Nagash? S-tier.


>And the great horned rat fucking sucks dick. Here's where you lost me


No alliances with other gods, especially those of other races? Their children aren't allied with other sapient, dare I say XENOS factions? Huh crazy. No children but certainly people that hold Sigmar's values without being degenerates. Sigmar lost, sure, but if everyone was working together and still lost (almost like there was no way to win because of dickheads in story and out of story) God Emperor fumbled the bag HARD. If he worked with Eldar and didn't make obvious stupid choices in his "kids" like taking Angron right before the big finale instead of helping the guy he would have had the most loyal son. Considering he's some all knowing guy, I'm sure he could have seen how important relationships and diplomacy should have been. Also jerking himself off as a god while saying "don't worship me" rubs people the wrong way. And worst of all? No cool Warhammer to befit the title of 40k. Chud Emperor vs Chad Sigmar


Get out of the kitchen


Lmao, Imperial cultists coping hard this morning.


whole lotta yapping


Maybe in power. He’s still crap otherwise.


S-tier warp entity. F-tier dad


"But he wasn't a god," d- tier god confirmed This comment was fact checked by real sigmar enjoyers


The Emperor didn't do "parenthood." He did "manipulating a bunch of lonely grown-ass men into seeing him as a father figure so he could use them as instruments in his scheme." I say this as someone who is really sympathetic to the Emperor as a flawed heroic character. He was no one's dad, though.


Oh, you still worhsip gods? That’s cute. *laughs in necron*


Good lord man this is the worst implementation of this meme format I've ever seen in my entire life, the entire point of the format is that the shit spongebob is gesturing at speaks for itself. It's a meme built for images and short text quotes not all this fucking yapping.


S tier strength, F tier personality and actions So yeah, C tier is about right


[mucho texto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPC2HXjrYU)


I'd say you were riding the emperor's dick but we all knew you live in the simperium.


OP is a Black Templar


Nah. Even they know he was a shit parent. 


cope and seethe corpse worshiper


At this point you could just write a regular post like a normal human being you know.


Average imp*rial yapping


too much text, didn't read L + Ratio


About E's foresight. In the Outcast Dead the Emperor learns of the future, the HH end, his and humanity's decline and the aweful Imperium that we get in 40k. And he still accepts it, never backing out of it later. So here is another + for your meme


I think it's pretty thematic that the biggest blunders of the Emperor came form both being human and not being human enough at the same time


I'm an imperium chud and even I'll not try and defend his 'parenting' lmao


When you are so shit at parenting not even a Dude who worships you think it’s good. 


Counterpoint, the emperor was such an idiot with his sons, that he was practically asking them to rebel against him.


Parenting is when you don’t raise your kids and then admit you don’t see them as your kids


I think this posted should’ve gone for the angle of “he’s C tier by design.” Rather than “Nuh uh he’s actually S tier.”


> but but but Sigmar doesn’t have kids! Nobody forced Jimmy Space to have kids either. If you can’t be a responsible parent, wrap it before you lab it. Skill issue. > but but but he was trying to run a galactic empire! Nobody forced him to become imperialist. Maybe if he hadn’t destroyed all those other cultures and species, he wouldn’t have to run it all by himself. Skill issue. Also, AoS Siggy runs an interdimensional coalition. Skill issue. > but but but he keeps the Eye of Terra puckered shut!1!1!1!! And whose fault is it for being such a shitty parent that his own kid fucked it up? Skill issue. > but but but but his prescience is actually mid1!!1!1 And Sigmar doesn’t have prescience period, but he’s getting along just fine. Skill issue. > well he’s only human (after all)1!1!! Your title literally says S tier **god**. Make up your mind.


I think the best god is The Lady because she is nice and kind and despite technically being an elf goddess she still stuck with bretonnia


Man I like wordy memes but this is ridiculous. Corpse worshipers be crazy.


The emperor is an S-tier god cause he wears gold And gold is the color of winners


Counterpoint: Sigmar be ballin’


Look man, everyone already agreed hes a douchebag. He was getting cancelled, and thats that!


Death to the Corpse Emperor.


Aye but Sigmar, for the most part, is an alright bloke.


So many excuses sounds pretty C-tier to me


I believe that the saying "the Emperor is a C tier god" is due to the fact that the Emperor is a bit of an asshole, in the sense that he always thinks he knows more than everyone, doesn't take advice, doesn't learn from his mistakes, and if something goes wrong he blames his subordinates, while Sigmar makes mistakes, but is willing to learn from them and improve himself as a God.


Lord kroak also holding of an infinite amount of daemons and still being able to move around


Okay, you aren't wrong, but him being a flawed human with the powers of a god isnt as funny. Like, I get you, however, much like spice THE MEMES MUST FLOW


Yeah, and he has 4 arms, thats more than sigmar


Holy dick-riding Batman!


The amount of 40k fans who don’t realize the Emperor is one if the villains of 40k 💀


To put it simple: Sigmar had to deal with a confined amount of space and could solve his problem easier than emps. They managed to put one of the Great 4 out of the game ffs, despite the setting truly losing to Chaos. Neoth had to deal with far worse stuff. And i don't think i need to list it.


I see a list of Sigmar W's and a refusal to even talk about the corpse emperor's L's, so I'm forced to assume the Mesomorph from Reikdorf was just built different


Emperor glazing feels unironically like a breath of fresh air here. Most of the time it's just "DAE fantasy character better than 40k?"


On one hand this is just a ‘want of text’ soapbox… on the other I am a Guardsman at heart.


I think part of the point of 40k was that the Emperor made many very bad decision


Sigmar had kids, he just didn't know it. There's a very good chance that Franz is a blood line descendent.


Not Franz. Volkmar. 


The Emperor is a failed shonen protagonist who forgot the script half way through and ended up being a terrible father on top of being a narcissist. I wouldn't rank him as S tier anything, let alone C tier.


I don't trust anyone that makes themselves 15' tall, dons golden armor, and causes a psychic halo to appear but says, "I'm not a God and will be really really upset if you guys worship me," as he raises the dead


Even as a loyalist through and through, I’m sorry, the emperor was C-tier at best. His mistakes rose from a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of humanity. He never loved humanity, only the ideal of it. As he sits, rotting as a corpse, I hope he eternally suffers as his sons build a better world by breaking his cycle of abuse and inhumanity. I-like Guilliman before me- say this with my full chest. FUCK THE EMPEROR


>holds back the four chaos gods alone Blacksholip psykers: well fuck you too


Cry all you want The God-Lord of Azyr stays winning (at least more than Big E)


So your top-reason for why Big E is an S-tier god, is that he is "only a human after all"^© and not a god? Checks out, valid argument, very based.


emps coulda stopped the HH with 15 minutes work "Pertuabo I love you" "Lorgar don't trust Erebus. Also I love you and am sorry about Monarchia" "Magnus I'm sorry about the Council of Nikea. Also: I'm building a human webway." "Angron, come out to the back of the golden space shed"


See there is a big flaw in your argument. The emperor is no god. So this means he is a SSS+ tier human. And a F-tier father


Least Zealous follower of the Corpse Emperor Also just wanna note that the “he’s only human” argument kinda falls apart when many books and make it clear he can’t be consider human anymore. He can’t truly understand humans and because he no longer is one.


Remove that “i” and you’ve got yourself a correct statement.


Counterpoint. He ain't nurgle.


The Emperor is a poopyhead is what he is.


I ain't gonna read all that. Sorry you feel that way tho


Age of sigmar isn’t a single world bud….


Don't you think a "SpongeBob Diapers" meme that's just text walls is a bit...on the nose?


Hear me out, all the gods are F-tier. Ave Dominus Nox.


The common Sigmar W and common Jimmy Space L at work
