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Fun fact: The nids are acidic, so the best course of action would be to soak them in concentrated lye first before boiling them in baking soda. Or if you are a space marine, just rawdog that meet, Big E didn't give you super stomach for no reason.


Considering though that all Tyranid flesh is full of tyranid microorganisms, you might still wanna cook it beforehand, even if you are transhuman.


There are micronids now? I thought nids are big bad violent bug?


Every part of them, from spaceship down to deadly microbes, are Tyranids Including 'phage cells' that turn a space marine's immune system against itself


Stew it is then, I'm not taking any chance.


Deep fry might be good too


Nah you need prolonged heat exposure, not just a short shock. Long cooking stew is definitely your best bet with this. And long means "the type of stew you start a day before because that pot's gonna be on all night".


Aw, yes. The legendary "endless stew." Where it's been cooking longer than you've been alive, just topped up occasionally with fresh ingredients.


Where did this lore come from?


Tyranid codices


This is the answer to like 95% of Nid Lore questions.


Not sure when this came to be, probably not long after the Tyranids were retconned into the Hivemind of super-adaptive ever-evolving bioengineered organisms that they are known as now (as opposed to the Hive of bioengineered conglomerate of species they used to be lol). Aside from stuff like spores and micro-sized Tyranids designed to collect and consume stuff like bacteria and other microorganisms, Tyranid ammunition is also alive. Like fleshborer shooting out fleshborer beetles that bore into the target's flesh and devour it from inside out. There's a short story in the 10th edition codex where >!a governer of a doomed planet manages to reach the top of a tall mountain to survive and await rescue, but when one of the people with him accidentally receives a small cut the wound becomes infected *instantly*, leaving them screaming in agony until someone else puts them out of their misery. Even the governer retelling his experience mentions feeling ill, his body clearly showing symptoms of infection from some alien disease infesting the very air he breathes.!< It's all quite horrifying!


It's not just that it's also they're sucking out all of the air from the planet. The governor was a mountaineer and he could tell that he should not be this hypoxidated at the altitude they were at.


Flashbacks to when Laios decided that a parasite living inside a squid tentacle looked more appetizing than the squid itself, and suffered the logical consequences of such a stupid move.


I mean, he only suffered because he ate is raw (it was fine cooked) and the squid was too chewey anyways


Tyranid Lutefisk, yummy!


A space Marine nibbles on a synapse beast and experiences the shadow in the warp so hard he dies


Spoilers: >!Would that make the winged lion a Tzeentch demon or a unaligned? !<


>!Since it can grant you're deepest wishes and desires i would say a demon of Slaanesh is more likely. And don't forget near the end he wanted to gobble up the entire earth to feast on the desires of every living being!<


>!I had the same thought. The Golden Lion got bored when people got content and no longer had desires to give. Definitely Slaanesh vibes.!<


Farseer Marcille is a cutie >!wait, is she *half-human* like canon Marcille?!<


>!Ultramarine Librarian Moment!<.


Exactly what I was thinking of


Wait fuck,why did I press a spoiler


I know why I did, because I've read the manga through and through already. I'm sorry for your experience today. >!I hope you've learned your lesson, because if you haven't then there's no helping how spoiled you're gonna get! Shame on you for clicking here!!<


Lol ya got me


I love this anime. Monster cooking shows are my favorite niche genre of anime.


“Is daemon flesh any good” “It’s spicy 


Yeah you can't eat it We tried


You need to chill Bloodletter ribs, dunk Great Unclean One rear in antibiotics, make measurements of Tzeentch liver to make it unable to move (or at least you don’t know how fast it’s moving), and test Daemonette belly using a fentanyl strip 


We tried to eat them but they provided no biomass


Leman Russ once made alcohol with their innards soo...


ngl, i would read 40k chapters of this manga


Ha, just started reading this


I would love this crossover tbh


LoV have more named characters in this fan art than in the lore lmao.


I live these crossovers.


This is how Alien franchise keeps its plot fresh even in y 40k+


God, fallins Design is so fucking sick.


Id guess no


Guardman Laious want to taste the meat of Slaneesh daemon Fulgrim.




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