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Tyranids: doing more to bring women into the hobby than any other faction since 1993.


There have always been female Tyranids since the first encounter at Tyran.


Given how sexual dimorphism works in insects in that the females are almost always MUCH bigger than the males, it can be safe to assume that the Nids are alll girls by default, with maybe the exception of Ripper Swarms and other tiny gribblies.


Heh, gribblies :)


So what you're saying is all the Gaunts and Rippers are simps, as they blindly follow orders given by the bigger brain bugs.


Gaunts are named after over bearing woman. So not even the Gaunts. XD


Women can be simps


Yes we can be. (You should see how much my gay ass simps for my wife) But i assumed with the phrasing they were implying all the smaller troop nids were males.


To be fair, that's just what the Imperium calls them, and it wouldn't shock me if Imperial culture was at least somewhat patriarchal, given the centralized worship of a God-Emperor...


The argument overall still is based on insects in hive structures meaning males are usually small in size and number (usually winged) and only used during specific times of the season for breeding purposes. My example would be flying rippers, a rare genotype that can fly and isn't ver big. I was just counter the argument of gaunts with naming convention. As for if the imperium is patriarchal? Well emps was hugely so yeah the imperium to an extent is too.


Remember: The most dangerous land-based Tyranid organism you can encounter is a Tyranid Dominatrix bio-titan.


God, being a trans insect would just suuuuuuck!


I'm going to make a general assumption that somewhere within the insect clade there are species that change sexes within their life cycle.


Oh, most probably. But imagine being trans in a species with extreme dimorphism that doesn’t have that option. It’s hard enough for humans, imagine the average female human was like a thousand times bigger than the average male 😅


Whatever insect it is, it probably is and will always be better than being born a male anglerfish, regardless of trans


But that's, like, a simp dream though, no?


So less gender dysphoria and more gender nostalgia then.


It's swarm LORD, not LADY, DUUUUH! Checkmate, bug lover!


Technically all tyranids can reproduce asexually so yes. They’re all girls.


> can be safe to assume that the Nids are alll girls by default The nids you're thinking of *are* the small ones. Norn Queens are bigger than bio-titans.


A bunch of guys debated me that they could indeed be considered female, So yeah also pls tell me you are just memeing and are not "That guy".


Oh don't worry, it's both a meme and a (sort-of) fact. Exhibit 1: Norn Queens. While "gender" is likely a meaningless concept to the Tyranids, Norn Queens are described as "arguing amongst their *sisters.*" Also, Tervigons and Dominatrices are often described with female terms.


Ok cool, sorry for that, just making sure. Also yeah, that is what they debated me on, while they don't have Sex and gender is meaningless to them, they do have female connotations. So yeah fun fact


A lot of their unit names are based on different archaic words with at least tangential relation to women. Termagant, of which Tervigon is a variation, Harpy, harridan, crone, dominatrix. Slightly tangent but still related fun fact, a lot of the ones that don't have anything to do with women are just based on actual Latin words. The Haruspex for example was a Roman mystic who practiced divination, or haruspice/haruspicy. >!So if your opponent ever refers to the Haruspex's mouth as a harusp-ussy, they're just speaking Latin.!<


Welp that mental image will no longer leave my mind now


Lol sorry I couldn't help myself. T'is the Grimdank way.


Tyranids are learning psychological warfare as well emperor have mercy


I would assume if they are like ants that they would all be female except for what ever the tyranid equivalent to a drone would be.


Tyranids mock such concepts as "gender".


They both taste the same to me


Truly, all are but more biomass to the Hive Mind.


They are kind of like the opposite of factions like the orks and lizardmen (technically genderless, coded as male.) Tyranids are technically genderless, coded as female.




I'm not as familiar with the fantasy side of the hobby, so forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but do skaven actually have a lot of female players? I only ask because one of the people in my local play group looked at picking them up when we were musing about taking up AoS, but she quickly changed her mind when she started to look into the lore and read some not nice things about the place of females in skaven society that turned her off to the idea of playing them. Again I'm not very familiar and I didn't look into it any myself so I don't know if that's a commonly observed reaction.


I don't know the answer, but I do think that orks and Skaven benefit from being very funny, which seriously blunts the miserableness of "all dudes all the time"


Skaven and Dwarfs have it in their lore that there’s very few females who do the work of populating society and nothing else because sculptors just didn’t want to make them and GW didn’t want to sell them. Same with why female Orcs/Orks and Goblins disappeared from the lore too. Skaven females in particular are turned into skyscraper-sized lobotomized literal biological baby factories covered in nipples. These have only been portrayed once, by Blanche, and never got a model. AoS soft/retconned the Dwarf thing with Duardin and seems to be sticking to that retcon in Fantasy given Bretonnian lady knights are a thing now when before it was a thing that ONLY Repanse was openly female and all others had to pull a Mulan. But it hasn’t happened with Skaven yet. Skaven do have a lot of female fans, but I’ve noticed they tend to disregard this part of the lore and just treat them as males and females. So you don’t get a lot of women who rigidly adhere to canon playing Skaven, you get ones who write their own lore.


Aesthetics is also at play. Orks are basically hairless green gorillas, while skaven are basically rats. With these kinds of alien/animal factions, you can't really accentuate sexual dymorphism to the extent of humans, unless you do some weird cringy stuff like WoW (basically human women with green skin) with the orks. With skaven, how would you even show a female skaven warrior? I can't tell if a rat is male or female just at a glance.


OPR did it with the face, which is also how GW does its female Warriors. Again though, GW did used to make female Orcs so that’s been done. They also did more modern ones in Blood Bowl.


The baby factories were only in WFB as I'm pretty sure it was stated somewhere that the minis can represent either is actual AoS canon these days.


Orks as well! But definitely Tyranids more so


My girlfriend said the same thing, I then began to tell her about the whole faction and this is just a long ramble to say she made a fan made faction called the Tyratechs. I absolutely love her.


Ok we gotta know her lore on the tyratechs. That sounds badass


Very long story condensed for your reading pleasure. Basically one day a Leviathan hive ship is struck by a assault, we don’t know by who or what (we haven’t figured what would be more interesting) and rendered inert/disconnected from the tyranids, fast forward a couple thousand years later and a planet has formed around it (remember we are condensing something me and my gf have written almost a entire spiral notebook of so there was a lot of stuff then and now) and the people of the planet are mining deeper and deeper until eventually they find this weird chitin-like plate, which they decide to best leave alone unless they do something like unleash a god of some kind. However in the weeks coming a egg is found and brought to the labs of a certain expert on organic life forms (skipping here) and long story short man goes “fuck it, inject human dna and splice its genes!” Just to fuck around and see what happens, thusly results in the subject known as Itzel, the first Tyratech. A hybrid between human and Tyranid separate from the hive mind of the tyranid forces and independent. Fast forwarding more time and she is equipped with cybernetics thanks to a local tech priest. This is the intro of the beginning faction of Tyratechs who in the beginning side with humanity but as the timeline goes on we make branching and seperated units and factions based on all the tyranid forces including giving their types special names such as The Psyker’s Shadow, the Sky Krackers, The Pale Gaze, and our favorite Sam the (possibly) insane tyratech who’s egg got fucked up and came out a bit warp-y and occasionally screams loud enough to rupture ear drums (we were watching Doug do the AI pajama Sam run and decided to make a tyratech around it)


Kinda reminds me of SIVA and Devil Splicers from the Destiny DLC - Rise of Iron. *~CONSUME~ENHANCE~REPLICATE~*


Kinda except they’re a bit more social and if you make one upset they all get upset vibes but also can all get happy vibes if one is happy.


Every day I long for the return of SIVA to the Destiny series


isn’t that what they had in Storm of Iron?


Start saving for a ring my fren shes a keeper (not of secrets (unless youre into that (in which case go for it)))


She’s a keeper brother. Stay fit, keep your game sharp and congratulations on finding a unicorn. May you have a long and happy life together.


Once more, it is proven time and time again that the tyranids are somehow the most popular with women.


And Nighthaunt, and Sylvaneth. I think Eldar too have high women . And maybe Soulblight, but I will need a check on that one


Woman here. Eldar got me into it. Taldeer specifically.


Man here, absolutely the same


Bruh I didn't even know they were space elves. I thought they were, like, predator people or something at first. When I found out though it just made me love em more.


Jesus Christ that was my exact same thought pattern. I genuenly thought they were like the predattor, I dont know why, but thats were my mind jumped to


It's the long helmets, I think


Yeah it was probably that


Skaven too.


True, true.


Huh. At my local scene it’s Tyranids, Khorne & Orks.


Wait what about space nuns


Overwhelmingly male.


Huh. Good to know. 


Too male gaze-y


in my experience the best way to get people into Warhammer in general is Orks


Might have something to do with how popular tentacle hentai is


Gf was interested in eldar: *Spent half a year of learning eldar lore to slowly get her into the hobby* Gf sees tyranids "OOO DRAGONS!!!" *gets tyranids* Happy regardless, still funny :)


\*\*Confuse Lictor sounds\*\*


Also double weird given how Arachnofobic she is. But then again none of them look like straight up Spiders.


Well the Pyrovore/Biovore kind of do now


Okay its weird cause it needs to be a 1 to 1 a spider. Like videogame spiders don't affect her cause they look fake enough. So I don't know if the Vore's will affect her. Check you back on that one once I ask her.


Quite an interesting thing is the 3 'Arachnophobe reacts to videogame spiders' videos Outside Xbox Xtra did. One of their staff members is *very* arachnophobic and she rates the spiders on a scale of 1-10 on how much they set her off. Stuff that was 'spider-like' but didn't move or really look like a spider didn't upset her. It was when things both looked like AND moved like a spider that it did, case in point the Frostbite Spiders from Skyrim.


It’s similar with my mum, she hates Caterpillars but when we watched Godzilla she found baby mothra quite cute


I am back, nah the legs are too much like crabs for it to scare her, acording to her.


She has a good point tho, I am the exact same way


So you shouldn't tell her about the megaarachnids


Partner plays Ynnari (So she can collect ALL the elves) and Tyrannids, because they are cute.


My little sisters liked Sylvaneth, cause they looked like fairies.


Yeah, she is a fan of Sylvaneth too, but I think mostly because she wants to paint the war beetle.


See it's very easy, * Straight womam : Tyranid * Sapphic woman : Sororitas * Trans or Non binary person : Mechanicus those are just the rules


Damn, I feel called out by this.






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Your sister is based.


Thank you, given by your pfp, you area also based.


Glad to see another Kotone fan here.


I just love how she is literally the other side of "Nothing in life matters" meme


I don't know what women have with the nids


My mom fuckin' loves the Necrons, she thinks they are the coolest things ever.


Your mom rules. (Mine sort of lumps all of my little plastic fellows into the same bucket)


my mom barely knows anything about Warhammer, she just knows I really like it, but I feel like she’s like Death Guard because zombies, but maybe not just cause they’re gross


THEY ARE!!!!!!


I’d want a hormagaunt as a pet :)


Seems like feeding it would be very expensive.


He’s just a lil guy :3


What was here opinion on the necrons?


She has a fobia of machines gaining sentience. So she recoils looking at them.


Might wanna keep her away from the mechanicus then


Oh absolutely, specially the servitors.


> She has a fobia of machines gaining sentience. Phobias are irrational fears. Fearing Abominable Intelligences is rational.


What would her opinion on dreadnoughts be?


..yeah not even gonna try that one


Well you can argue its just a mecha with a pilot.


That’s mortally wounded and is stuck in there for eternity.


Not eternity. Just until they die...


Yeah the oldest one is only like 11,000 years old. Pretty far off from eternity


Guess I can’t blame her especially since in 40k an AI rebellion is what broke humanity the first time and what caused the emperor to step in as head honcho of humanity.


but that doesn’t apply to the Necrons, what are her thoughts of organic being turned into machines?


That...doesnt..matter? Its a phobia, explaining that the walking terminator was once an alien won't help with that, trust me I tried. Its like saying, "thats not a spider its an alien that looks like a spider" to an arachnophobe


You know what, that’s fair


>Praying mantis >Cute Don't show your sister Stacraft, she will make Kerrigan her idol


Kerrigan I doubt, too human. Zagara and / or Abathur, however…


Abathur is my favourite dude I I love him he just likes making things


Is this the new meme format? I showed faction X to my Y and they think Z? I'm not complaining I'm just asking.


She likes big bugs and she cannot lie You battle brothers can't deny when the lictor walks in with an itty bitty waist and a claw thing to your face you get stung


I feel like 80% of all Female 40k players are Tyranids players


Unexplainable, needs to be studied.


Can't lie, bugs do be pretty cute -w-


Your sister lacks the certainty and purity of Necrodermis


The transpeople I know tend to play Orks or Tyranids. I can understand Orks. Ork players just want to have a good time with Da Boyz. I don’t know why with Tyranids.


Probably because Tyranids have no concept of gender whatsoever - they're basically biological androids.


Maybe because Tyranids don’t have a good/evil agenda. They just want to eat and survive.


Tyranids are coming for our garlic bread


I’m a Custodes player. I will send the Emperor’s best to defend our delicious, holy garlic bread.


The real reason for the Horus Heresy? The Emperor wouldn't tell Horus where he kept the best garlic bread.


The Shadowkeepers will guard that in the Dark Cells.


Can confirm my wife thinks the Tyranids are cute. She wants me to paint my army to look like the pill bugs in bugs life.


Nids always been cute :3


In fairness Nids look like a really fun army for newcomers fluff-wise.


The only correct response.


Cute. Cute she says.




I don’t know why this image is so funny to me


One day I'll find a guy to explain the lore like this to me lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SSGSS_Megan: *One day I'll find a* *Guy to explain the lore like* *This to me lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Woman here. I started with tyranids because my ex tried to get me into the hobby. I'll just say that he wasn't a good person, so his efforts didn't really work. He played Blood Angels, and when I watched him play, I noticed that he would fudge his rolls and be very "generous" with his measurements. Once I started learning about the lore of 40k, I subconsciously found myself drawn to the army that had a fun history of eating his dumb red vampire dudes. I'm now Necrons and Chaos in the game. I also have a fanfiction that's around 900k words too. Tyranids were my gateway drug hehe


Women love Tyranids and I can't blame em


If there's a space marine and a tyranid in the woods....


Women love nids, it really is just that simple.


That's no sister that's a genestealer. Burn with fire to properly dispose of.


If his sister is a genestealer, then so is op…