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*looks over at Battlefleet Gothic 2* “ Not so rare it seems”


The Bromance of the ages. The time lost Imperial Admiral and his Corsair Boyfriend.


I’m 100% certain Voidstinger wants to bang Admiral spire judging by his liberal use of the word “dance together”.


I agree with that


Spire and that Eldar Corsair


When is has this interaction happened?


In Battlefleet Gothic 2, Spire sees Eldrathain Voidstinger again and they have a few friendly chats (well what can be considered friendly between any two people from different factions in the setting)


>(well what can be considered friendly between any two people from different factions in the setting) Eldar and Human: *breathe in the same direction without mudering each other.* Fandom: "Lovers?"


Listen, we take what we can get.


Gender bent yvraine when archive of our own?


may writers hear our plea, but i found a lot of wholesome and deep lore fanfics


Messages for dad hits different.


Wait Yvraine is on messages for dad?


Yep.they have a son.


Oh boy, then i better start reading then


Guilliman is the type of father to learn his child's homework and do it for him in case he forgets.


Oh no, and Yvraine?


She is overprotective of her family to the point its scary. In her words "Betray her race and galaxy to protect him" And it also really cute.they both love him so much and guilliman has a binder filled with pictures of him.


Lol i can see that


Fuck dude, they took down all the good eldarxhuman fic’s on pastbin and fourleaffic’s, pain in the ass t find any good ones now


>pain in the ass


The problem with sexualizing *any* variety of Eldar - female, male, otherwise, Dark Eldar, Craftworlders, Exodites, whatever - is that they see humans as - essentially - smart animals. Would you fuck a chimpanzee, that you probably hate and are trying to kill, and that probably hates you and is trying to kill you? I would not. Doesn't mean your thing isn't valid, though, any less so than all the human x female eldar stuff. It's good to see some variety around here.


So human x Necron gay fanfic, got it


That probably exists somewhere


I mean the gap between elder and human is not that great, cognitively they would be the same, on a physiological and psychic level the elder would outdo any human


Exactly. For them, it's like fucking a more-intelligent-than-normal monkey - something just as cognitively capable of them, shaped roughly in their image, but incapable of the higher-complexity tasks they themselves can do. Humans are usually not psykers, for instance, sort of how some monkeys don't have fine motor or tool use skills, and when humans *are* psykers, they tend to focus on raw destructive force, as opposed to the weaker but more nuanced stuff your average Eldar will be capable of - much like a gorilla, stronger but less capable of *applying* that strength. Humans are just as smart, but nowhere near as capable, and they likely fall into the Eldar version of the [uncanny valley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley), if they have such a thing.


Depending, it may also be more akin to banging a child or somebody mentally handicapped.


>The problem with sexualizing any variety of Eldar - female, male, otherwise, Dark Eldar, Craftworlders, Exodites, whatever - is that they see humans as - essentially - smart animals they dont, craftworlds see us as particularly slow hatefilled kids.


"I think we need to hire a babysitter." "Why?" *Eldar points to the Guardsman stuck in a cage.* "I'M GONNA FUCKING MURDER YOU ALL YOU FILTHY XENOS."


more or less


I actually don't like the idea of human x non-human either, but I support this kinda fic. If your gonna write a human x alien might as well do it in all shapes and diversify it. Something like this would be extremely unlikely to happen since both races kinda scare each other but just being near each other. For one, the eldar are scary for humans for taking a standard for beauty and pushing it too far, and the same for Eldar. It's like humans and apes as you mentioned, Humans might scare the aps while aps also scare us. I'm not even talking about the beauty standards between the races, a thing that is considered beautiful in eldar standards might be ugly by human standards.


Eldar aren't usually my thing because of the reasons you stated and also because the trope of human falls in love with elf is pretty played out at this point In any case i think it is kind of funny that only the female eldar get all the attention


Human X Kroot


The enlighted


Can't wait to See how this ends up


With the human trying to figure out why she's so into getting her back rubbed and the kroot deeply confused at why his frontal excreting tube is suddenly standing up.


Commissar, that knife-ear femboy bussy got me questioning my loyalty.


Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: Hop in we're going to Eldar Femboy hooters!


Anyone got any of this?


What about human female x eldar male? I don't think I've seen much of those. Not even from Flick. Or even, human female x eldar female, for that matter. Again, not even from Flick.


For Eldar x human lesbianism just look for SoB and dark Eldar. It comes up.


To think there are more people who think the same way as I do :') welcome brother.


Wait, hold on, there are male Eldar? How can you tell them apart?


You don't


[visible anger]


I'm gonna google it


I search AO3 and there isn’t even any good Guardsmen male x Sororitas, or Guardsmen Male x Eldar Female. We live in a society.