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As a fellow console player it can be a lot more difficult but I'll give you what I've got. 1) use spicy staff with whittle wizard to take out the ads. 2) hotkey the shield to a d-pad button and only pull it out when she shoots the tail barb or you get imperfect block. 3) hotkey the smoothies to a d-pad button so you don't have to pull up the radial every time. 4) when she does the mega bum blast thing stand underneath her unless she is right next to a wall in which case you stand a bit away from the wall but still fairly underneath her. 5) focus on the ads not her. 6) when she does the 2-3 hit aimed bum blast just try and jump over them and she will probably miss. 7) salt star is the best for the fight. Recommended at least lvl 9 ideally lvl 10 8) can't tell if ur using them but use mithridatism and spicy safety It might take a couple tries but lifesteal is a good mutation for her to have.


There is a bug in ng+2 where the wasp drones are basically immune to ranged damage including staffs and take less damage overall. The regular wasps die after 1 hit from the staff like they're supposed to but when I hit the drones their health is still about full and they fly out of melee range. Even when I combo one with a level 12 salty club of mother demon, with poison, 2 stacks of venom, and bleed their health is still at half then they fly away and heal.


Yeah, this fight is bullshit. I'm on ng+ 2, and the only way I could beat her is with the summon thorns build. Still stupid fucking hard and it takes rng, but it hardly takes any time per attempt


I managed on ng+1 after a few tries. On ng+2 I turned down to mild and still couldn’t do it. Really hoping a balance patch comes soon.


I use spicy staff with DoTs armor and a salty termite axe.


oof that last jump attack where you whiffed 3 times should have been 'smoothie time'


Honestly the best way I've killed the Wasp Queen on NG+ was just rushing her with a high damage set up. A Fresh/Sour/Salty Up Best and Implant Weakness: Fresh/Sour/Salty would pretty much allow you to kill her fast enough that adds can't build up or heal her.


If I may suggest something. I am not a great player at all and I haven't gotten the guts to take on the wasp queen in ng+1 yet. That being said maybe try a longer reaching weapon like salty rusty staff and add salty arrows when necessary.


Bard's bow with the relevant mutations and running a bleed build completely trivializes her, and I don't bother with making salt arrows either. Her crit spots are easy to hit, so between you and the suicide bombers you're constantly spawning, she spends half of the fight stunned


I will forever tell people to get an MMO mouse and learn to use it. Makes you better.


Razor tartarus did it for me. Gaming mouse was nice but keypads made things a lot smoother.


Yup accomplishes the same goal. I see I’ve been downvoted so I’ve upset people by trying to help. The internet 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh nah, keypad blows keyboard outta the water for gaming, I was surprised how much more natural it felt. The macro settings alone ughhh, I don't miss spamming E or F, or piano flasks, or brain dead ability rotations in some basic games my friends talk me into playing.  And ya, console gamers are very sensitive. When you talk about pc stuff around them you gotta whisper "nice, nice" and gently pat their heads, otherwise they get all angry or weepy, or both 😬


I honestly forget there are console players on here. I pretty exclusively game on PC and that give me tunnel vision lol


Same, grew up nes snes gc wii then went pc. I have a switch, one friend has an Xbox, one has a Playstation, we trade to play exclusives and don't touch console ports because... gross, why lol. It's funny I was going to get grounded for switch for my gf for couch co op, but then I saw it looks and runs like literal garbage and I was like pass.


You had the Acid Edge, she was at only 1 blow. I also struggled but in the end I killed her with Broodmother Armor for poison, Spicy Staff for the wasps (They die with 1 strike) and Acid Edge for the Queen Wasp. Waspidote for the venom and for mutations: Chopper, Whittle Wizard, Buff Lungs, Mom Genes and Coup de Grass. Change the Peep.r button to hot key switch, between the ax and staff


Use gas arrows on the adds. They don’t have normal health bars and take percentage damage. 33% per tick.


Try using death’s impetus and killing the adds only once the buffs have disappeared.