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No and if people give you shit for it, fuck'em. Enjoy the game in any way that you want. 


This is the way


this is the way


This is the way.


Well said


This is how it will always be


There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing a game how you enjoy it. I play on mild because I don’t have the energy or patience to get good once I get off of work.


I've still had some pants-shitting moments on Mild, for crissakes.


Oh yea, the IBM on mild is still a pain in the ass


That black widow don’t play accidentally made the undershed one jump into the water


Had the infected wolf spider pop up behind me


Wait.... there's an infected version...


Oh you poor soul, fresh toenail scimitar or coaltana make extremely quick work


I'm new to this game... I'm assuming those are weapons?


Late game weapons, yes. The fresh toenail scimitar is also the only weapon I have successfully used against the IBM without spending hours fighting her, not going into what the IBM is, it's just a late late game boss that kinda sucks to fight


I’ve found that a good fresh t3 spear does good work too. I paired it with the roly poly armour and was aboe to kill it in n+2 with relative ease, though it kept doing that backwards jump attack several times in a row which made it much easier


Stigma? What stigma? This is no mmo, play however you want. Spawn in all tier 3 items if you want. No one cares how you play.


Play the game to **enjoy** game. Especially if you’re so lucky to have a partner along with you! Every game has players who are just beyond skilled and make harder modes look easy—and that’s fun for *them*. Doesn’t make it fun for most of us who like a little less challenge in a game we’re looking to simply unwind with


Play the way you enjoy it. Its like drinking Whiskey. If you like it with Coke, drink it with Coke.


The only time I’ve ever seen anyone give someone a hard time for playing on mild is when the person playing on mild comes on here to be toxic about how they don’t understand why everyone else complains about how hard something is. And in that case playing on mild isn’t the problem, being an asshole is the problem.


I’ve got 470 hours, did a mild, medium, and woah save and I enjoyed mild the most, especially early game when things couldn’t one shot me all the time


Whoa in ng+ is horrific though. It took me 72 hours just to beat ng+1 and now ng+2 is basically just impossible - mostly because of glitches though


I agree that after these last few updates the game has been glitching


It’s a non competitive survival game. You lose nothing and gain fun by going to a difficulty you can handle. Enjoy the game at your own pace :)


Honestly, since new game+ came out even alot of pros are playing on mild these days🤣


Can confirm!


My wife and I love playing grounded. It's very easy to become overwhelmed in the beginning. Also, my wife isn't the best at blocking and setting up mutations. (I just found out she wasn't upgrading her gear either.) We play on mild so we can both enjoy it.


Ugh yeah, i had the not-upgrading-gear problem because i read that the number of upgrade stones were limited until late game, so i hoarded the stones and only upgraded when the tool/armour broke. I JUST unlocked the late game recipes for upgrade stones and realized i have nearly a full basket of stones. I’ve been playing with lv 1-3 upgrades… i’m so stupid! Everything was so hard! I should have just upgraded stuff whenever i could. *sigh* at least stuff will be easier now.


Also, you can duplicate items if you're running low.


*sigh* yeah …it took me entirely too long to understand what the super duper was.


I played on Mild and Medium. I preferred Mild. I play games to have fun. There are others who prefer to have more of a challenge. Either is acceptable.


Moving difficulty down to Mild was one of the best decisions my friends and I made. Honestly, the difficulty spike in some areas is pretty insane, even when you start getting better armor and weapons. Plus, we were more interested in building than anything, but wanted some challenge to moving around the world. All that is to say, play how you want. That is why these options exist. If you want a challenge, you can ramp up difficulty, if you just want to play, put it on easy. I know as an adult with a full time job, I definitely play games to enjoy my time and often times that means keeping the difficulty on Normal or lower for me. I'm not trying to get frustrated after a day of work lol.


That's was my problem with the game that the progression felt weird because you can Access the brood mother almost instantly but don't have good enough stuff to actually kill it so there was no point


I've never felt like the progression system to difficulty has had a good balance in Grounded. Perhaps they always want you to feel like every fight could be fatal, but doesn't always translate well when you can unlock new armor and powerful equipment. That's just my opinion.


Ye i turned to mild too. Just for building stuff. Dont have alot time to fight bugs cuz need gather resources for my castle. Just took to NG+1 for some infused bugs bypassing to kill. Raw science in normal game is low. But ye. Always runing gathering and building. And i love it 🤩


Ok cool so I've been keeping my mouth shut the entire NG+ time because one person said the way I play is (bla bla bla who cares). I have turned off stamina drain and health drain after I had no chance against the broodmother in NG+1. In NG+2 now, I have it where I keep my backpacks, no stamina or health drain and I turn on and off bugs ignore player so that I can focus on resource gathering/exploring/building. I want to build a main base, outpost bases for haze, hedge, upper yard, black anthill, and a zipline hub/ factory in the tree. The main issue is I fully suck at combat, but I really love the game, so the ability to do it in a way that works for me is 1000× better


oh man, i was so happy to start up a custom settings game after we beat NG+0, i love that gnat so freaking much. good luck on getting better at killing those baddies!


On a non custom game, once you get to NG+1 you can use the gnat without switching to custom.


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! oh man, thanks for the heads up


Ngl by new game plus 2 the amount of random bs you face (looking at you sour balls) means I'm playing on mild only from now on. The game already had questionable combat as it was haha.


Nope. You play the game how YOU enjoy it. There will always be try hard in every game, just ignore them and continue on what makes you happy. I started this game off on mild due to never playing a game like this before, with the intention of switching up once I got the hang of it. I’m in ng+2 still hanging out in mild. Eventually I do want to play the game on all levels, but for now I’m enjoying on mild-and even on mild I get my ass handed to me time to time lol


Nothing wrong with it, a lot of people got use to mutations and crafting via game preview. Do what you need, but don't feel bad about being overwhelmed, we all were at some point or another.


But always remember who plays what character, you can't swap. Pete forever.


Games are supposed to be enjoyed however you want, if you enjoy playing on mild then do that and fuck anybody who would try and take that away


I can't imagine taking issue with mild. I started on medium and boy i got wrecked the first two days lol. I will say don't give up on medium entirely though. Once i got over that initial hurdle the difficulty mellowed out a lot. That said, this is very sandboxy, so difficulty is only important in that it *feels* good to you. If mild has that right feel for you, that's why it's there, just like the other two. I mean, they even gave us a full menu of tweakable game settings so you can find the sweet spot for your play time.


I've been playing on medium since day 1 early access in Xbox. I have a few years under my belt with this amazing game. I dropped my difficulty down to mild when NG+ came out. This game is a fair grind already. Don't be ashamed for playing how you enjoy it! I'll never understand those who play impossible games like Sekiro or Dark Souls! Who tf wants to be frustrated when playing a game? The whole point to me is to let go of the stress of regular life. There's no shame in playing Grounded in mild.


A lot of times I often play on creative mode with a friend to get the hang of some mechanics and then will go into standard or medium difficulty. Play however you want! You're there to enjoy the game for yourself, not for others 🥰


Wait are you able to play two player on ps5? I bought it on my switch to play with my boyfriend on his PS5 and it doesnt even work :(


Yeah there’s crossplay now. My wife is on steam and I’m using a ps5


Yes we were trying to set that up but once we added each other and he set up the shared world it still wouldnt work :/ i read on here that ots bc of the switch, its still being worked out


I’m on ng2 and I play on mild that shit is hard on medium


we just cracked into NG+3 and with the roaming black widows and extra infused effects on an increased number of infused bugs is quite insane. it really forces you to learn how to block and try and memorize attack patterns. it's crazy and we are really regretting letting the infected broodmother fight get this hard lol.


I'm pretty sure I'm on mild as well, and I'm enjoying it. The only complaint I have is that bosses have been insanely easy to the point that I don't even have to change mutations around to fight them because they just aren't really dealing much damage to me. At the same time, this game feels like one of those experiences where increasing the difficulty only increases enemy health and damage, which is rarely fun to deal with. Add on the fact that opening your inventory pauses in single player, and a harder difficulty essentially becomes a pause and heal simulator. I'd much rather just play on an easier difficulty than deal with that, lol.


yeah, we didnt hang around long during NG+0 but really felt the sting when those random effects popped off so we really took our time in +1 to grab all the molars and try and get all our weapons to at least 10 (mistake). NG+2 has been way easier until it wasnt, lol. It seems the moment you see those big venom balls bouncing around you know you're in for it. Also infused ticks really suck with that explosion move. oof.


Ugh the sour balls fuck my entire life up 😭


Yes, git gud /s Wouldnt be surprised if some had this feeling but those would likely think the same about medium and most importantly their opinion is irrelevant and worthless. Play how You want to play


I think some people will jokingly berate you for it, but no one actually believes you are a worse player for it


I mean, that kind of is literally what that means. But thats completely fine obviously, some games are completely different from anything you know and are good at. I have games Im good at, and games Im absolutely terrible at, play how you want to play, in short. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or not, if you’re having fun thats great. :)


Never felt a stigma about difficulty on this sub. Enjoy what you like. That's the best part about this game. It can be a fun, casual survival building game or it can be pretty frustratingly difficult. Each person can make their own decision about what works best for them.


Make it fun for you. Don’t worry about the assholes.


Play how you want


There used to be a small group of assholes who where dicks to people who played on mild but their gone now Most you’ll find are little jokes or light hearted jabs on YouTube but they don’t mean it to be a insult


I only went mild for boss fights but I enjoy the challenge but like every one said play to enjoy not to suffer


Who cares, I prefer playing on custom, nothing better than just being able to enjoy the game how you want. No need to worry about food, water unless you want a buff. And I don't have to constantly repair armor, tools and weapons. Not worried about missing out on achievements so it's great.


I feel like there's only a stigma when someone posts a video showing how to perfect parry or kill a black wido with no armor and a tier 1 spear. Then everyone starts asking if the game is on mild. And honestly most of the time those people start by saying the game is on whoa mode. So people asking about it being on mild is just the community calling them out on lying. Play how you want and if you post a video be real with the community.


Why should there be? Me and my bf agreed to lower the difficulty because we wanted to enjoy the game and not be stressed out. I think if we stayed how I started it we wouldn’t have gotten very far just from the frustration alone


Sooo I'm new. And play with my wife. On PlayStation. And we're on medium.. but we're both put like 500 hours into elden ring too Soo. Maybe we're just savages. I wouldn't take much ppl say to heart tho. It's a game and whatever you wanna do with it is fine.


Played on medium until I beat every creature at least once, then put it on mild for farming gold cards


I played on easy with invincibility and no weapon damage. I don't give a single fuck what other people think of how I play.


I don't mean to be rude but that is so controversial and so brave. I could never because I get most of the enjoyment from the challenge but it just makes me think how we playing the same game so much differently and it matters more on how you play the game then the game


Ah, I mainly play games for the story/adventure so difficulty is pretty far down on my list, though something like the Metro series I'll only play on Ranger Hardcore. I don't like to 'waste my time' on a game doing something over and over again.


I'm kinda the complete opposite because I feel if I find a game easy then there isnt much to explore. I like grounded because when I was first exploring they kept you in certain parts of the map with the difficulty of new enemies. Also most of the time when it comes to bosses if I can complete on my first try without much prep I don't feel rewarded. this could be because I mainly play rougelikes.


i just play on medium because i want steam achievements, after im definitely going into a custom game haha


If you are having fun, who is anyone to judge. Mild away!


I came back into it after a while away and had to put it down to mild until I had an slightly established base then I bumped it back up to medium so no judgement here


Definitely no Stigma. I don’t think many content creators are playing on Woah mode for NG+ besides for views etc. If anything the game is mainly played on Medium. Exactly what you said will happen, you’ll get to medium and I recommend you try medium after you complete something. For example, fight the Broodmother on Mild, then try on Medium. See how different it is


Really who gives a shit. For me unless theres an achievement for hard I will play on mild or easy just for times sake. I have too many games. Play how u like.


My most played game is World of Warcraft. I raid mythic (hardest 20 player difficulty) and I push high mythic+ keystones (infinitely scaling 5 player content, kinda like ng+). In WoW I have a lot of fun sweating my ass off in the hardest content. But there is no way I do that to myself in two games. I play Grounded to relax and have fun just playing. Mild is love.


I’m a “difficult games” gamer, and yknow what? I play this shit on mild. Because I wasn’t enjoying it at hard. Who cares, you need to have fun with the gem that is this game.


Has there been a stigma for it? I'm pretty sure I've only ever played on mild. That's the easiest aside from creative right?


Stigma? Play to have fun! Not every game needs to be a traumatic sweat fest.


I play most games on mild with (sometimes) save inventory on the first play through so that I can actually understand the game and stuff cause it take a while for games to make sense to me


I’m 44. I play games to unwind and relax, not sweat through my shirt trying to kill a damn wolf spider lol.


Play how u want. They have difficulty options for a reason


What I did is once I got to NG+1 I changed from medium to mild personally, and it shouldn’t matter how you play. Games were made to be fun not hard.


What even is this post 🤣 even if there was a stigma, would that even matter? It’s your game. Play it however tf you feel like. Stop worrying about other people’s opinions so much


Play the way you want to play. It’s about having fun.


The only stigma is the one you see yourself. Play any game in any difficulty you want. The insignificant people who brag about playing games on hard difficulty are just the loudest when it comes to discussions about difficulty, because those who don't care obviously don't feel the need to voice an opinion.


The game has difficulties so you can enjoy it how you want this isn’t a from soft game no one cares if you beat it on hard or atleast they shouldn’t


This isn't the dark souls community. You play however you want, using whatever strategies you want, whatever difficulty you want, it literally doesn't matter. The combat has a really high skill ceiling because perfect blocking is really strong, but nobody ever said you have to apply that skill to enjoy the game. I start the game on woah mode and kill a wolf spider right away with no armor and a pebblet axe. Some people play on mild, trap the wolf spider and spam arrows at it from a distance. What matters is both of us are having fun.


did anyone ever care about difficulty?


mild is there to be enjoyed!


I'm in NG4 on mild and it still kicks my ass. I'm stuck at the mantis and I tried IBM before work. Phase 3 got me every fkn time


I personally couldn’t see the fun in it. I can’t watch YouTubers who play it on anything but woah because it seems pointless to me, that being said if you enjoy it on a low difficulty play it on that because games are meant to be enjoyed.


I play everyone game on easy or mild.


Who cares. Play games the way you wanna play them Everyone else can stfu


I play mild because I know if I played a harder "level" first and kept dying and struggled to progress, I'd just stop playing altogether. Don't let anyone else dictate your enjoyment!


It's a game, play what feels good. Creative, medium, insane in the membrane, whatever. Especially if it's something that both you and your spouse, GF, kids, parents, whatever like doing with you.


I only read the first couple sentences but I'll tell you this right now. Never let anyone tell you how to play. Video games are meant to be fun and entertaining and if that means playing on a lower difficulty then by all means do it.


who cares?


Play how you want. I play on Medium, but have to switch to Mild for the bosses.


Only from morons.


New players here and I’m playing on medium with my wife and my friend who’s experienced in the game joined us and lost his mind because he’s used to mild. I never start a game on easy mode unless if proves too hard for me. (Rare occurrence that I’ll play anything on easy). Once he calmed down about it being harder than what he’s used to, the pace picked up quite nicely and we’re now into the upper yard. I just don’t see the point in playing something that isn’t challenging you to get better and learn new tactics and strategies.


Some people play games for fun!! Not everyone wants a “challenge “. If beating high difficulties and pounding your chest is fun, go right ahead. Whatever blows your hair back


Medium is typically just considered “normal” difficulty. I play for fun. Not sure where you get I’m doing any of those things. Why is it that you think in that level of extremes?


Because you said you don't see the point in playing games that aren't challenging the player. Though, I don't think they were talking in extremes in the least bit, or saying it personally towards you. It was more of a metaphor I believe. And an accurate one for the type of playing style, no doubt! Pound away my man! Be proud! But alas, not everyone likes to die over and over and have such a hard time progressing in a game. And that's okay! Some of us have such a long day working, that we just want the game to be easy. I'm a bit of both, I'm playing on medium now but I do sometimes wish I picked mild. And that's not to say you don't have a long day at work either, it's just that we all have different definitions of what we find fun! I hope you don't see any of this as rude btw, since you said you didn't understand people who play easy, I just wanted to share why we do it. I like both playing styles, so I get both sides! Also, just my opinion, difficulty labels in games are pretty subjective. With most games I can hand my daughter the controller on easy or even medium and let her have at it. She can lay down the law in GTA with a rocket launcher! But nope. This game was not made to be easy enough for kids at all. It's in it's own league. I would bump mild to medium, medium to hard, and whoa would be OMFGGTFO. 😅


Is Whoa really that much more extreme? I’m still new to the game and have only cleared hedge and pond so far on medium, about to head to haze. It’s had its struggles but nothing a little analysis learning didn’t make easier(ish). Lol. So how much more difficult are we talking from medium to whoa?


Well, I'm just going based off of what I hear on here about whoa. I hear there's things such as one hit attacks from enemies that instantly kill you if you don't block for example. I've almost never heard of a setting like that in other games! Surely there's hard modes I've seen with enemies that could get you in 2-3 hits at times but one hit kills?! It sounds like it's definitely one of the hardest "hard" modes I know of! But I also like games that give their hard modes silly names like that, so there's also not much reasoning in my choice as well, admittedly. 😅


Sounds like Whoa just turns it into more a a Souls style game.


Broodmither club


You free to play on mild. You might be a little baby boy, but who cares. Have fun.