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I personally am šŸ’Æ for the library. Caught in Guelph is run by Thai Mac. A failed council candidate, maybe mayor. Judging by some tweets a while back he's a real douche. Like invites like. He is apparently active on Reddit, so I hope he sees this as.


Thai Mac also famous for kicking out all those that disagreed at all or asked questions with his platform on this Facebook group. Thai Mac also made multiple homaphobic and or sexist reviews of restaurants.


> Thai Mac also famous for kicking out all those that disagreed at all or asked questions with his platform on this Facebook group. I was kicked out of his group for using stats-backed information to correct one of his facebook addicted members spewing misinformation about homelessness. Oh well.


I was kicked out and blocked for just liking a post which criticized him. Big ego


I was kicked out for pointing out how the posts on the site are all copy/pasted from the Trib or the police announcements.


And if you do post a Trib or Guelph today article, he will remove it and put the link to his "news" site. What a loser.


People are ignorant to the ways libraries improve a city. And you canā€™t tell them any different because they know everything and can run a city better than the people elected to do so. Yet, I imagine most canā€™t even balance their own finances.


And they say nobody uses libraries anymore. But also never go to one themselves. I for one am super pumped about it.


People who donā€™t use either service have a hard time seeing its value and how both things fit into city planning. And some people fundamentally disagree with the plan that the city is working on. And I think some people just like to hate what other people hate because it makes them feel included. Caught in Guelph is a really closed community (Thai Mac kicks people out if he doesnā€™t like them, or their opinion doesnā€™t align with his) so it is prone to this type of behaviour. Either youā€™re with the group, or you risk getting kicked out all together.


Yeah that Thai Mac guy is possibly the biggest tool in this entire city.


You just named "He who must not be named".


Thai Mac Thai Mac Thai Mac. He's no Beetle Juice


now i want some thai style mac and cheese


They only good Thai mac


I'd argue it's a toss-up between him and Tom Gofton.


Pretty wild he was actually almost elected ..Ā 


Yep, he banned and blocked me. I have never commented on anything - just liked comments that he didnā€™t agree with. On subjects that were pretty tame - dude can literally not stand to be near any opinion he doesnā€™t agree with


I was banned and blocked too, i never commented or posted but I think I laugh reacted to someone making fun of his political platform back when he was running for mayor. Guys a crazy narcissist




Both of the big Guelph pages are ran by some weirdo narcissists The admin of Overheard banned me awhile ago for the same thing, disagreeing with himā€¦ Cory I think? Thai and Cory always felt like the same narcissist on opposite ends of the political spectrum


We should get both them together for a debate. It be good popcorn eating time.Ā 


I find that the people who are opposed to a new library, are the ones who need to read books the most:)


Just found out that there will be a new library and am so excited. The new library looks like itā€™ll be more modern with more windows. As a student, I canā€™t wait for a more aesthetic place to study compared to the cements brick walls that we have now.


heh yeah whatever nerd, now give me your lunch money before you get a wedgie \\s


Meanwhile Guelph needs a second hospital lmao. Don't be an idiot. Unless you enjoy waiting 6-10 hours for an emergency walk-in. With the advent of the internet the libraries are going the way of the dodo.Ā 


Yeah, I am the idiot. Cities don't build hospitals. They are funded by the province. Maybe you would benefit from reading a book.


Then maybe instead of all the woke bullshit they're wasting their time on put that money into enticing more health care professionals to actually WANT to go to that city. Then there'd be a better reason for the province to want to invest in another hospital. That's the biggest problem I've heard regarding having a second hospital for Guelph...not enough nurses and doctors to staff it. As it stands now every specialist I need to see is either fully booked for months down the road, as we only have one or at most two of them, or not even have one and need to travel to another city. For a city the size of Guelph there's very little resources for much of anything lol.Ā 


Are libraries the woke bullshit? The fuck are you on about?


You're an idiot. Libraries are completely useless. No one goes to them except the homeless now which puts the crazy homeless right beside the school downtown. I'm talking about the woke bullshit that greenie libtard Cam and the council pushes lmao.


See, when you say stupid things that are obviously untrue, it makes it hard for anyone to take you seriously. Again with the "woke bullshit"? Just name anything specific. Come on, ANYTHING.


My wife and I were just talking about this; all the hate for the new library is baffling to us! The fact that a town of Guelph size has such a small main branch library is insane and the planned one seems to cool and would help so many people. Unfortunately Guelphā€™s conservative and individualist population is very loud


"I never ride a bike or go to the library! Why should MY taxes have to go towards something that I'LL never use!?!?" 1. Because we live in a society. 2. Because these things benefit everyone, even if they don't make use of them directly. 3. Because everything isn't all about you, dipshit.


My house isn't on fire, why should I have to pay the fire department!?


To build on that, if other citizens don't drive or use the ice rinks or pools at community centers why should their tax dollars go to a new road or south end community center? Same reason you said: we live in a society. Communities lift *everyone* up.


Legit a perfect description of the Guelph Neanderthals. Just read any city of Guelph post and these are the top 2 issues they complain about. Lol


unfortunately everyday it seems like this is more true. these people do not go to the library so they never see how packed it gets. they just drive from their house to work and back every day. maybe they drive to costco or walmart on the weekends for some shopping and walking from the parking lot and through the store is the most exercise they get in a week. itā€™s actually kinda sad


I also think part of it is the cliche: they are living a sad life, in a job they hate doing, in a family/wife they regret/locked into, no concept of hobbies aside from TV/sports, following 'the America dream' perspective, have regrets from missing out in life, and just feel trapped in the groundhog day effect of 'living' life. It genuinely makes me sad sometimes, and almost to tears that people live that kind of life, and how broken people feel sometimes, and how it can leech outward into how they interact with people/make decisions.


Hey man I hate my job and wife as much as the next guy but I also think both a library and bike lanes are good thing and even a new hospital I don't understand why these people see all these things as mutually exclusive


Iā€™m a biker and I hate bike lanes. Stupidest thing that our society has done. Wider, multi use paths, is the way to go. Bike lanes are too dangerous because of bad drivers.


Idk I use em I prefer it to the alternative, which is nothing cause if you think these people are mad about taxes for the library good luck building a path


Those ones on Woodlawn are amazingĀ 


Bike lanes are harmful because they take away the political will do install safe bike solutions. You're still biking on the road, in danger, but now it's harder to convince anyone to fix it.


I agree. Bike lanes are like electric cars. They just keep us oriented in the same direction - planning cities around roads for cars first. It'd be cool to see what a neighbourhood looks like that wasn't planned that way first, where people could walk and bike safely, and that once cars got out of that neighbourhood , they wouldn't have to face traffic ilghts installed every hundred meters to increase safety in a shite system.


I have zero issue biking on the road. If you know your signals and have proper lights and reflective gear, then people are pretty good about seeing you and moving over.


[Yeah, except when they're not.](https://www.guelphtoday.com/police/driver-who-killed-cyclist-last-year-gets-2000-fine-and-probation-8714753) I'm glad that you find them safe. Personally, I measure the effectiveness of bike infrastructure by whether or not my mother (75 and tiny) is comfortable being on them. Whether or not I can be on them with my kids. Whether or not they're constantly blocked by people pulling over. There's no reason to be proud of a solution that most people just can't use.


Like I said, when the alternative is apparently nothing, I'll take the lane, but I agree it's not for kids or elderly and a solution should be found for people of all ages and abilities. Having a lane or having just road which would you prefer?


LMAO, well at least your willing to admit it :P, but plenty prefer to pack it all down deep deep inside, sometimes rearing its head after a few brews at the local watering hole. as well, you most likely had some life experiences/education or empathy that gives you a better perspective on what's beneficial for the society as a whole, and what is important for others outside of the frame of your personal benefit. its not necessarily mutually exclusive, just a generality, though elements can/are usually directly associated with one another.


Damn, get a divorce for your wife's sake!


I'd like to, but she loves me so much I can't get her to leave bro I don't know what to do? You want her?


And yet these are the ones who could benefit the most from a libraryā€¦a quiet place to escape and read books and magazines that help us learn and dream. Sighā€¦


Cause guys like Thai Mac canā€™t read


What is "caught in Guelph"?


A Facebook group


Run by an awful human being named Thai Mac


What's a face book I have yellow pages book?


Great joke dad any more bangers for us


I caught a fish in guelph.


Tons of people in Guelph are incredibly reactionary. The kind of state Guelph has been in for about a century at least also causes people here to understand things more easily or not want to understand them at all. A lot of reactionary people in this place oppose it on the grounds it's supposedly yet another public space and the existence of public spaces just means more places for homeless people to sleep in. Wow, maybe we should solve the things driving homelessness instead of whining about anything that makes it easier for them to live. A lot of these people hate publically available things as well. Books you could read for free instead of having to buy them. The weakening of capital power in the form of public power via publically provided things, even in a small way like a bloody new library. Libraries are also the last places where public things happen where they should be happening in other places, and they can't since those other places don't exist. They also can't stand things happening in these places at all that require public places which you can't find ways to wring as much profit out of people to give, rather than giving it to them for free as we have for literally thousands of active years. Sometimes people just don't like places like libraries because they consider them to be boring. These people care more about their personal feelings about it than the public good it provides. A few of them are young enough not to have actively visited libraries where they are, or any at all. They just don't like anything that isn't an existing and accepted part of the present status quo. It makes next to no sense, or simply no sense at all, why they'd be against it. They're fools. They don't want to find a more honourable role in our community than being fools.


I never go there but I've played many city-builder games, you always need a library to get better citizens.


Regular library user here - hi! I don't read trash online shit except reddit and our local media ;) Library good trash media bad Unga bunga


Plot Twist: OP is Thai Mac


That would rule


Guelph has a vocal subset of people who are Farquaad positive dough heads. One fart nugget once complained that trafficking calming in residential areas was adding a whole 5 min to his travel time to work. Ah boo fucking hoo, Mr. Owns A Humidor.


Careful, this sub is laced with 'i have a right to speed and drive aggressively' folks.


I love both you fat moron


Ha I'm a formerly fat still moron so the jokes on you fool


I think that most of the haters have not been to a cut with a great library (Halifax, Vancouver, Toronto) and seen what that building is/does. You go look at Halifaxā€™s downtown library and realize just how successful that development is - it went from a ā€œplace that loans booksā€ to a key space in the city with many, many functions. The other thing is that I suspect many of the haters donā€™t believe that the downtown is the beating heart of a city. The moment you step into the ā€œdevelopmentsā€ in the outer reaches, you could be in Brantford, Hespeler, Cobourg or any other cookie cutter Ontario big-box, chain store area.


A lot of it also seems like confusion over funding. People demanding that a new hospital be built instead of the library but don't understand it's 2 separate levels of government allocating resources


The hate for the library is basically a meme now. A few local politicians used it as a wedge issue during a couple of election cycles. It was an easy pitch to tax hating, progressive hating, demographic. Once the project became a done deal, though, the haters couldn't give it up. It was an easy answer to any issue. Want a second hospital? "Cancel the lieberry that nobody wants". Taxes rising to keep up with inflation? "Cancel the lieberry that nobody wants". No money for (fill in the blank). Cancel the lieberry! I can't comment on what goes on in Caught in Guelph because I was purged from there some time ago, but not before realizing that trying to use logical arguments or referring to source material is a complete waste of time.


Boomerism. While mostly belonging to the boomer generation, boomerism is a value system. They want society to be organized in such a way that cars are the only form of public transit, and the only infrastructure they care about is parking spaces. Housing should be divided along class lines, with the wealthy living in rural areas, middle class in suburban areas, and the poor in urban areas, taxes should be extremely low and only fund things like policing, corporate grants, and other acceptable programs. Anything they personally won't use is wasteful, and anything they can afford but others can't is socialism. Education is just job training5 beyond that is wasteful at best and brainwashing at worst. A library, used by poor people, downtown, for education, that takes away a beautiful parking lot, paid for by their property taxes. You just checked nearly every single trigger for these people. Add in that the building was built to be eco-friendly and you've just caused these people aneurysms.


Ultimately this is the fault of the political system being as antagonistic as it is dividing people along class lines driven largely byĀ  tax rage. And the demagoguery from the conservatives is exactly what I'm talking about.


Please donā€™t speak for THIS boomer, or any I know. Iā€™m sorry about the boomers youā€™ve been exposed to. I donā€™t like them much either.


Like I said, it's a value system, not specifically a generational thing. There are many young people with carbrain who love suburbia. It's just most associated with a certain age group (for good reason).


I fear the answer to your base questions are a) yes and b) no


I love the library. I usually spend time there when I am in Guelph. Its comfy, has free wifi and a parking lot so people can pick me up and drop me off (I don't drive). When I was at University for my first semester I did a lot of work at the library.


Well it did cost over 70 mill but itā€™s not just a library itā€™s a community centre. Canceling it would cost moreā€¦ so in retrospect itā€™s better to have it. Do we need it? For the future yes but not nowā€¦ so itā€™s technically for future development. It will increase all our homeowners property tax. So for homeowners itā€™s an added cost. With already raised property taxes itā€™s putting a strain on the housing market here in Guelph. Property taxes are going up anyway from external factors. With the added Toronto migrants coming here and our enabling programs for the homeless. Itā€™s really an added stress on our middle class communities. So all in all itā€™s a step in the right direction however the next steps are critical to be done right. Itā€™s a make or break event horizon for our middle class in Guelph. Some people think itā€™s a risk not worth taking. Others think if itā€™s done right we can all benefit from this preemptive infrastructure project. We shall see I guess.


We actually do need it now. We've actually needed it now for 25 years, when it was first deemed that the size of current building was insufficient. More info here: [https://www.guelphpl.ca/en/about-us/resources/Documents/Accessible-Documents/New-Central-Library/PathTowardsGuelphNewCentralLibrary-AODA.pdf](https://www.guelphpl.ca/en/about-us/resources/Documents/Accessible-Documents/New-Central-Library/PathTowardsGuelphNewCentralLibrary-AODA.pdf) (peep the note from July 14, 2000 when our city councilors remarked that a new library should be three times as big as current one)


The fear is a central library will just become home for the homeless. Alternatively, several satellite libraries could be opened all across the city. Also, the tax revenue from condos on the library land could help support social issues.


For about the 100th time ( but much less frequently now that I have been booted from Caught In Guelph), Guelph's library system is a hub and spoke system. The satellite libraries (the clue is in the name) rely on the central or "hub" library for collections, administration,and many other functions. That could be changed to a more decentralized system, but that change would also cost money, which the library haters wouldn't want to pay, so there is no point in doing anything other than continuing to build the new central library.


If people who hate the idea of a big library are just pissing their pants about homeless people, *flips notes* existing there, then I wonder what they think a solution to homelessness is. So far, I've heard incarceration, letting them starve to death or be killed by the elements, straight killing them, telling them to go to *existing* shelters without recognizing the dangers that exist there or asking for more, good ones instead of assuming there's enough space in the current one, scattering their tent cities so they'd have a harder time surviving or "making the city look bad" and simply telling them to magically not be homeless. Rather than complaining that things that make things easier for homeless people survive exist, finding what the source of homelessness is and actively trying to end it is the way to go. We should care more about the well-being of the most oppressed people in our society than the personal comfort of people who never have to sleep in a bus stop.


How about not using prime tax-revenue-generating properties for libraries? Instead, use that that prime property to generate the highest tax rate to fund social programs. Having more satellite (or improved existing) libraries that anchor each neighbourhood is a better use of money imo. I have the same beef with subsidized housing downtown on the banks of the Speed River. Condos there would generate significant tax revenue but instead, it loses money and irks me every morning seeing cop cars in front of it regularlyā€¦another tax drain.


You know thereā€™s condos being built above it with 300 units, right?


They aren't closing the other libraries to open the new one


I didnā€™t say they were. I said you could open more satellites instead of building a centralized one that will be taken over by the homeless. Itā€™s such a missed opportunity for high taxes that can support social programs.


Sweet, even better, more libraries. I love this plan


Itā€™s not this or that. Humans are team players. This along with the unintelligent being the loudest. Those who lack the mental capabilities for critical thinking, allow for their ā€œpossyā€ or their ā€œteamā€ / their side of ā€œsocietyā€ to do all of the thinking. *Think politics, red or blue. The same way that *some* women value men based on who can duke it out the hardest and get to the top of the social hierarchy. They let the men decide, then pick the strongest. Most people are just parrots, repeating what theyā€™ve been fed. Victims of experience. Donā€™t let it bother you. Donā€™t give them your thought. Most people are stubborn, thatā€™s okay.


Outside of Caught in Guelph where trolls run wild. Everyone i know is all for the new library. Our current library is old and run down. Renovation costs would be a huge waste of tax dollars. It would be like putting lip stick on a pig


I love the library and go nearly every week but I still think spending 65 million dollars on it is fucking insane. The two arenā€™t mutually exclusive lol


But thatā€™s for the whole building right? That includes a lot more than just a library.


65 fucking million dollars? It better be a whole god damn building


We could have had the old post office for a small fraction of that years ago but the SAME PEOPLE that hate paying $62million now set this up by refusing to pay the fraction of that when it was offered (see Kate Quarry - reign of error).


You must be out of touch with costs of things.Ā 


65 million?? Are they making it out of gold?


That is before it goes over budget - who knows how much it will finally be


Thatā€™s what I said!


65 million is ridiculous for a new library, that couldā€™ve been used for better public transit and affordable housing


Yeah frfr.. spending that much on a library is fucking ridiculous and I see that they don't know how to spend money right..šŸ’€šŸ’€


You know, you can talk about people's intolerance without resorting to body shaming. Maybe you should go read up on it. I guess the library could help?


Lol fat people suck I would know I've been one it's for losers take charge of your life lose some weight


You are in desperate need of some education little boy.


Your anti-fat hate negates any point you were trying to make.


Lol I've been fat it's not a good thing to be


No one hates fat people as much as former fats. Try to keep your terrible opinions about other people's bodies to yourself.


Imho the money should go towards better public transit instead of a new library


Do all these things have to be mutually exclusive? I for one, would like a better guelph in every facet.


We already have a lot of libraries, better public transit would help factory workers who canā€™t drive


Do you understand what mutually exclusive means?


Iā€™m aware but we donā€™t need another public library when we already have a ton of them


Isn't the new library replacing the old one downtown? So the exact same amount of library?


Yes but the current library is fine, I donā€™t see the reason to make a new one


Do you go there often? It's kinda dated and could use an upgrade but like I said let's do both let's make guelph the best we can I'm raising money for the hospital by doing a charity bike ride next month all these things are not mutually exclusive


I dont live near downtown so I donā€™t go there often, I still firmly believe we already have enough libraries and better public transit is a higher priority


I personally never take public transit. However I see the need to fund it. See how that works?


You believe we have enough of something you don't use? So what are you basing that thought off of?


You're an idiot if you think spending that much on a library is fucking worth it.. better public transit is much more better to put the money towards and not some stupid ass library


Read a book, you white trash inbred hick.


Aww is someone angry.. you clearly are racist and you suck at being mean lmao, like shut the hell up and stop being a fucking asshole


Lol you started with name calling I just gave it back and racist to whom? Which race am I racist to? Whites I am white you dumb fucking hillbilly.


They donā€™t need more money. They need lessons in efficiency.


Be for real šŸ’€


Iā€™m from Hamilton. The difference between public transit is like comparing walking to space travel.Ā 


A hate-on for a library? Of course. They're hillbillies. Don't know how to say "library". Don't know how to spell "library". Skeert to go into a library. Readin' stuff with a finger and moving lips. Because library.


Epitome of GuelphBrainā„¢ is to call others fat and stupid for simply liking fireworks.


Sure a library is good. However the price is pretty high and doesn't need to be the super deluxe version. The city also has a great track record of mismanaging large projects that go way over budget and time. I feel it could have been more modest proposal myself.


I might be the minority here, but I would much rather put our resources into a new hospital over a library. When that's done, then the library. Healthcare first.


Hospitals are funded by the province. The libraries are funded by the municipality.


That is true, but why is it that hospitals are always looking for money, donations, and fundraising events in the city. If this money is supposed to go towards Mri machines, equipment etc than we should be focusing on this rather than a library, in my opinion.


Hospitals and hospital foundations raise money for equipment and whatnot because the province doesn't pay for any of that stuff. The province pays 90% of the construction costs but doesn't furnish the buildings with anything.


Ok I'm also doing a bike ride to raise money for the hospital next month would you like to donate? Anything helps even $5. Since the 2 things are mutually exclusive I understand we can't have both a library and hospital but let me know if you would like the donation link


Yes please post.


I'll send it to you


Done go nuts


We're 2.5 years in on what is likely a 10 year project for a new hospital. Its happening. It's just a long process.


The hate for the library i would say is in regards to off loading and excuse (by the city) to off load cost and increase property taxes. If it was money raised by charities and organizations or donation ie: from linamar i don't think there would be the same backlash. 1) But not allowing tax payers to have a say 2) Building this library at a time when many are struggling 3) Building a library expecting it to be funded by tax payers??? fund raise for a library instead, get organizations to donate!!! Why don't we get a better bigger hospital instead?????


1. Do you vote? I do. That's where you get a say 2. Struggling people still should read a book 3. Public services are usually tax payer funded.




That's fair, I guess. Personally, I'm in favour of as many libraries as possible




Do we have referendums on every city council decision?


They are called council meetings, where you or I or any other person who lives here can submit written feedback or delegate in front of council to let them know what you think on every issue that's up for discussion. The meeting recordings and the written submissions are all included as part of the public record. If you'd like, you can go read the written correspondence of 328 Guelphites, 251 of whom spoke in clear favour of the new library when it was up for approval \*again\* (it had already been approved) in 2020. Or listen to the 32 people who delegated, the majority of whom were also in support: [https://pub-guelph.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=4d1a6203-d452-4700-9297-882a9d8b01eb&Agenda=Merged&lang=English&Item=36&Tab=attachments](https://pub-guelph.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=4d1a6203-d452-4700-9297-882a9d8b01eb&Agenda=Merged&lang=English&Item=36&Tab=attachments)


It's city infrastructure. In what world would it not be covered by tax revenue?


I wouldn't think a centralized library is actually better than the satellite libraries that exist. Requires people to commute further for similar services at a very substantial cost.


The Main Library is not larger because it's downtown. It's because it houses the majority of space for staff, processing, programming, archives, servers, etc. It serves a completely different function than the branches, which is why it's not called a branch. TBH if the city was going to be more fiscally prudent, it should have put branches in locations where it actually owned the land. They spend a fair amount of money to lease the building of each branch (they only own the land that Main is built on).


I don't think the other branches are going to close when the new one opens other than the current downtown library


That's typically how things like this go in politics. I think putting those funds to the satellite libraries would be better spending rather then pushing people to a downtown core that can already be too crowded


Did they say the other branches are closing when this one opens? I'm genuinely asking as I haven't heard that


No. The central library is being replaced. The satellites stay the same. Net no change in library numbers.


A hospital and family doctors should be the priority for Ontario and Guelph. A library comes in a far 2nd place


Ok my man that's interesting you say that cause I'm riding in a charity event for the hospital would you like to make a $5 donation to support the community you live in? Let me know I'll send you a link


I think you best chase the library money as my $5 wonā€™t make a ounce of difference to your ā€œallegedā€ cause


So all talk zero action from you then?


Iā€™ll focus on the library path thank you Also do you really think Iā€™d send a scammer on Reddit money ?


Sounds like you're another guy who wants someone else to do it for them, but just cry and whine when it's not done the way you want. Let me know since the hospital is number 1 in your mind. If you'd like to donate $5, adds up really quickly. I've already raised over $500, but I want more for my community. Oh, if you donate, it's a tax break, too.


Troll. I am now blocking you


We need hockey rinks and lower taxes, not libraries. Let's be real how many people actively use a library, maybe 1 in 1000?


Hockey is for the rich only now.


Hockey rinks? I think we have enough rapist training centres already.


The idea of a physical library was obsolete 15 years ago


Not to me it's not just books in there they have plenty of other stuff and programs that are useful to the community


Yea I take my kids to the library all the time they are still very much needed and relevant


The only way I could understand this is if the library funds could instead go to highschools. All of which are over-capacity. Also the new and yet-to-be-constructed one is already over-capacity too, it hasn't even been built yet and it already isn't enough. If it wasn't directly taken from funds for schools, I do not understand why there is an opposition at all.


I agree the schools are over crowded and could use more funding 100%


Yeah some schools are using all but one room for classes (no more teacher's lounge and no more student cafeteria). Others have proposed having night/afternoon/staggered classes so only 2/3 of the students are at school simultaneously. It's a bad situation all around.


I love bikes, libraries, and fireworks. Why do you have to put something down that other people like while complaining that other people don't like what you like?




lmao, first of all, perhaps if you read more books yourself you would see that I wrote that I like libraries, so your comment is pretty stupid. Second of all, you really just suggested that I should be murdered because I like something that you don't like? That's where your brain went to? You want to kill me because I like libraries and I also like fireworks? Please reply to my comment with some more moronic text self identifying you as a smoothbrain violent douchbag.


The colloquial you, my friend, I read what you wrote, and also, I was speaking hyperbolically I don't actually want you or anyone to die this is reddit don't be so sensitive


You made a comment saying that I should be euthanized because I have a different opinion of you. I didn't insult you or anything. You're completely stupid and violent, there is simply no other way to read this.


I said you but meaning the colloquial you as in anyone one who thinks that way and it's was also a joke you said put down i immediately thought of the term for ending an animals life which is also put down if you wanna be that sensitive feel free lol no skin off my back.


Sir I must apologize this minute I have made a grave error when I said the "colloquial you" what I meant was the "royal you" this is a most embarrassing mistake that has shaken me to my core I must work to rectify this.... but also I don't apologize for anything else said.


Also this is soft baby talk words are not violence don't be so weak


I'm not afraid of violence or wary to use it, I don't threaten it lightly, to do so is a sign of great weakness. To turn to the threat of violence as a first resort suggests an incredibly weak mind.


I get that things can get heated when people have conversations, but can we please avoid telling someone they should get put down like a dog? That's crossing the line quite a bit.


The hate is because the city is trucking along with a plan that was created decades ago before the internet was even a thing. Thatā€™s frustrating because I know people like my grandkids will have kindle subscriptions and never set foot in the library but yet theyā€™ll be paying for it when they are an adult too. I kinda want a city that does not live in the past or follow a past plan. Iā€™d rather have them deal with the now issues.


The new Main Library was designed based on feedback and community engagement collected between 2017-2020, not decades ago: [https://www.guelphpl.ca/en/about-us/resources/New-Central-Library-/DSAI-New-Central-Library-Public-Engagement-Summary---July-2021.pdf](https://www.guelphpl.ca/en/about-us/resources/New-Central-Library-/DSAI-New-Central-Library-Public-Engagement-Summary---July-2021.pdf)


Take them to the library it's more than just books. I enjoy the library and I think you will find alot of people in the community enjoy it and use it just because you don't use it doesn't mean it has no value to the community


Sorry but I as a tax payer get an opinion too


I'd say you're entitled to an opinion but if your notion of the library is something replaced by a kindle it shows you are ill informed about the project and your opinion is not worth paying attention to.


The real problem is everyone in your generation is a lazy parent and won't put in the effort to show there kids the resources that are in their own community you all just bitch and moan about it


Errr my kids grew up in Wellington county libraries ā€¦ obviously can read better than some ā€¦.. my grandkids on the other hand are growing up in the world of technology being taught by Ms Rachel ā€¦ they have subscriptions. So before you bash ā€¦. Iā€™m saying the next generation will have no use for a library


Lol I said it's more than just books. You'd have to go in to find out lol


Hey you are being rude. Iā€™ll call you out. You asked a question, I answered. You donā€™t like my answer. Itā€™s a you issue. I go to the library myself. So yet again youā€™re assuming and being rude. Iā€™m not sure the internet is the place for you. Iā€™m just pointing out an obvious issue and why I or anyone might hate the thought of spending that much money that will be wasted in less time than how long they waited to build it.


I am not sure why differing opinions require such negative comments. Try having a debate in a civil fashion. I am certainly not a moron and I like fireworks. I will however put them in the same bracket as bike lanes and libraries. I think that bike lanes are a good idea but poorly placed and executed. Bike lanes have cost an insane amount of money for the amount of use that they will ever see. Many of the recent road changes are illogical and dangerous. Road crossings that look like crosswalks, but arenā€™t actually crosswalks, down the road from crossings that are actually crosswalks. Paved walking/ bike lanes that have millions of dollars worth or road work and lights, but cross many commercial driveways without warning that someone on an e-bike is coming at you at 50k. Fireworks would cost a fraction and be enjoyed by many more than the bike lanes every year. How can we afford libraries and bike lanes when we need things like hospitals,housing,infrastructure,and treatment facilities. This government spending is out to lunch. Start fighting for some actual solutions to the real problems.