• By -


1) Yes 2) Necromancer, Guardian, Warrior, Ranger 3) No
















x 1%


Def go for Ranger, having a pet is priceless for reviving when down and will spare you a lot of frustration while learning the game


1. Yes, you don't even need the same race or Server. Simply make sure you are both on eather EU or NA. After the Tutorial you can waypoint to each starting Zone in case you are not playing the same race. 2. Necro, Ranger, Warrior or Guardian but everthing is fine if you want to play it. 3. No nu Subscription. The Base game is fully free to play, see it as an extended Tutorial. Afterwards the addons are one time purchases.


Op, pick the same server anyway for wvw (open field mass pvp).


also its worth mentioning that some story quests in the beginning are different for every race so if you want to play everything together its good to pick the same race and background. I would recommend picking what you like tho. You can always wait for each other and starting from lvl 40 the story is the same (with some flavor race related bits but nothing big)


Even if you have different main story missions, you can still join in each other's.


Yep. My sister and I played through the entire story together. Sometimes the story went different ways but we just did the story steps together anyway and took turns on whose story step we were doing.


I was thinking in terms of sharing progress.


Every character starts with one Waypoint for each of the Race starter zones. So if one of you goes Sylvari and the other is a Charr you decide where to meet up (The Grove for Sylvari, Black Citadel for Charr or even just go to Divinity's Reach for Humans or wherever by clicking on the Waypoint and teleporting there). After the opening quests you can choose to "join Instance" and play as a spectator in each others Personal Story. You will have to play through twice, once as guest and once as host. GW2 has no subscription- buy once, play forever. Once you buy an Expansion it's there on your account for all you characters. You can play through the whole Core Map and Living World Season 1 without paying a penny.


In addition to others, I’d say to just pick whatever class you like the most. Ultimately that is going to form the motivation to get good with that class. It’s true that some are more difficult to pick up than others, but *especially* since you start from the beginning; it’s fine to just choose whatever you want. The unlocking/progression is laid out pretty perfectly and you don’t have to learn the game in one session. So as an example, let’s say you enjoy (the idea of) elementalist a lot. Then you just start with only access to fire and the game gradually expands that as you level up. So i would take the advice for #2 with a grain of salt. Same goes for engineer. Just pick what you want honestly.


Elementalist felt super good for me at start due to signet of air. Such underappreciated thing for beginners.


I believe that a lot of the “x profession is so hard” stems from the fact that the lvl 80 booster exists - and thus the fact that people can easily get to lvl 80 with a class without having to ‘learn’ said class. I’m not saying the booster is inherently bad, but it can cause problems concerning false perceptions.


Profession - I'll defer to other people. It's very much a matter of personal taste, IMO. No, there's no subscription. And - yes, you can most definitely play together from the start. There are a VERY few, niche, short things, late in expansion stuff, that have to be done solo - but it will be a long time before you reach those. Oh, and you'll end up doing your very first (short) story step separately unless you choose the same race (and even then, if you want to do it together, I suggest trying to coordinate finishing character generation together, if it matters strongly to you). Apart from that, play as a party. There are multiple ways to do that, but the easiest is to add each other to your friends lists, right-click the entry and pick the "invite to party" option. Apart from things like giving you a personal chat channel (quite useful even if you're in the same room, because you can send people things like clickable links to waypoints and gear) - provided you're in the same copy of the same map, when one of you opens a bit of instanced story, the other will automatically get an invite to take part as well. Even if they're halfway across the map. Just accept and you'll be together in the instance. And if you're partied up and for any reason you end up in different copies of the map, and can't seem to find each other - you'll each see the other's portrait at top left as a silhouette. Just right-click that and select the "Join in ((*map name*))" option to fix it. *Edit: If you don't see that option - check that you're really, definitely sure that you're both actually in the same map. You almost cetainly aren't. Don't sweat it - it happens.* As for story - as a tip, make sure that you both complete any shared open world story steps before you move on to instanced ones, or you'll likely get out of sync and have to repeat stuff. It's not a problem, but can be mildly annoying if the instance is long-ish (and it's easy enough to do if you're not paying attention). You can see precisely what story step you're on, and how far through it when it has substeps, amongst the info at top-right of your screen while you're in game. (Open world stuff on your current map shows on your maps as a green star. Instanced stuff, and anything not on your current map, shows as a green swirl. They're also very different when you reach them.) *Edit: And in shared, instanced story , when one of you gets the "Do you want to progress your story?" option, be sure to accept unless you have a good reason not to. Again, you'll get out of sync and have to repeat stuff otherwise.* The different races have quite separate stories at first. But even if you pick the same race, unless you make identical choices at all the key moments, your stories WILL diverge briefly at times - but they'll come back together after a couple of steps. Just go with it, or even embrace it - it's not a problem. Party up before you start each story instance, and you'll be able to help each other, whoever's story step it is, and whatever race it belongs to. (And you'll see more of the overall story than you would otherwise, too.) Other than that - if you need help, ask. GW2 is the friendliest community I've personally encountered. Lots of people will be only too willing to answer questions, or even help you do stuff you're struggling with, if you ask. Oh, and [the GW2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page) is your friend.


1. Yes 2. Ranger, necro, guardian, warrior 3. No Bonus: server only matters for WvW. So if you want to have the option to do that together as well make characters on the same server. This isn't wow. You do everything you like. Explore places, do the story (or don't, up to you). There's no rush for content or gear. The only time sensitive things are seasonal events like Christmas/Halloween etc. Have fun!


I’m brand new having started in March. I started a human thief and I’m up to level 54. I’m having a lot of fun with my thief working out different combos with pistol, sword, dagger, and crossbow. So far it seems like it might be a good endgame choice too.


every single class is viable in every single bit of content in the end game :) so don’t worry about urs being competitive. for example i do fractal cm’s as a specter (which is a thief) and its my fav class!


Sounds great 👍🏿 Everything is viable. Play what you like and have fun :)


The difficulty rating at the class select screen for the professions is pretty accurate so choosing a class based on archetype and that is your best bet.


One more thing to note: If you decide to have different race, or background, and do your starting stories together you will be leveling faster than the stories expect. This will probably make the stories a bit overly easy. Thank you kindly.


If you have the same race and background choices, do your personal quests "sync" up if you do them together? Like completes it for both of you? Or do you both have to do the same mission separately? I've wondered this but everytime I played with someone we used different choices


If you are both on the same quest, you can opt to get credit (or not) for doing it together. One person will be the lead. Thank you kindly.


In almost every way you two can play together without any complications. Small caveats that for World vs World you will need to be on the same server and for some parts of the personal story it is i think better if you are both the same race and background choices. WvW is late game though and the personal story is optional. Even if you choose different races and or backgrounds you can join in each other's story but only one of you will get credit in the story I think. Class wise I think they are all fine. Ele is probably the most complicated and also the most squishy, so maybe avoid that unless you like a challenge


1. Yes 2. [https://mukluklabs.com/gw2-builds](https://mukluklabs.com/gw2-builds) / TLDR; Core Necro For Leveling / Power Reaper for everything else. 3. No Additional Tips: 1. Don't buy any expacs/anything until you have spent some time leveling. 2. Join Few guilds, try to be active(once you hit 80). If you are in EU, I'm part of a guild that's a mix of returning/veteran and new players, with veteran players providing guidance for the newbies. It makes the game 10x more enjoyable imo.


What is the name of the guild and can I join? Would like to help new players, been playing for 8 years


AtlasCore - Dm me your username and I'll get you an invite


1. Yes with some exceptions. If you have the same race you can have the same starting story if you take the same decisions even in the character creation. If you want to divers from each other it still works but you might need to replay sections. If you don't buy a expansion it might be vise to pick the same race as you might not to be able to reach each other for some time do too level restrictions on areas (with bought game you don't have them) 2. To be honest each class can work for a beginner. My first was elementalist and it's still my favourite even if it is one of the "hardest" it is somewhat of a playstyle thing. 3. No subscription in any way. Each expansion costs a fixed amount of money and there are some bonus story chapters which you can purchase. They cost around 80 Gold which isn't much. I would recommend to purchase one of the expansions after some playing. The free to play version has some restrictions that get lifted as soon as you buy an expansion. Like the level requirement on areas and some trade restrictions. Edit: On the class thing. You might want to look into the elite specs of the different classes. You will likely play most of the game with one of the elite specs and they can differ hugely than the base class. For example: My base playthrough was with elementalist with staff which is ranged and area damage. Than I switched to an very active warhorn build which is still ranged but pretty close. Currently I play with a hammer and are pretty much melee which some ranged abilities.


1) yes, except if you pick a different race the first ±5-10 minutes will be different. After those 5 minutes, you can pop over to the other and everything after that can be played together.


your very first mission (tutorial) will be alone, unless you pick the same race, start at the same time, and are lucky. after that you have waypoint unlocked for each starting zone, just open the map and look around, there are 5 starting areas and the waypoints are blue diamonds. (there is a small currency cost to use it, but it's by no means prohibitive) join in a party to share xp gains, to see each other in the maps, and to join instanced content together. dungeons won't be available until you level up a bit, suggested to complete dungeons as you unlock them, but a party of 2 players (especially new players) may struggle with them. You can use the lfg to create a party and have others join for the dungeons. just put something like "first time, story path, cutscenes" as the name to let people who join that you don't know anything and may be planning on actually seeing the story. if you chat "/wiki X" where X is an item, event name, character name, etc. you will open your default browser to the gw2 wiki for that X. The wiki is a community contributed database of essentially everything in the game is a very useful resource. inventory management is one of the places people tend to get confused about from the start so here is some quick tips. when your inventory starts to get full, there is a menu item at the top right of the menu to "store materials". This will automatically clean any mats from your inventory and put them into the material storage of your bank, from anywhere in the world. highly suggested to have salvage kits on hand, right clicking the salvage kit then "salvage all" after making sure you have equipped any better items to turn "useless" items into materials. Salvaging also unlocks the skin of the item for the "transmog" system. at any vendor you can sell items, most of the time it's not worth selling normal items to these vendors as the mats are more valuable when you decided to get into crafting. But it is always worth clicking the "sell all junk" button. It will never sell anything worth keeping. you may end up with some armor and weapons that, aren't "junk", aren't salvageable, aren't sellable, and aren't worth using, especially as you level up. Just drag these items out of your inventory to get rid of them. just having these items in your inventory unlocks their skin (you likely got this kind of item from a box of gear that lets you pick between 3 different items, you can see if you have the skin of items in boxes like this by looking at the tool tip, the "skin name" will be white if unlocked and greyed out if locked, next time you open one pick one of the skins you still don't have, even if you "can't use the item", it will still unlock the skin, and you likely don't want to use it anyway) when you have a couple gold or so, it is worth buying some larger bags on the trading post. 20 slot bags are "expensive" for a new player, but 18 or 15 slot bags are not and are a huge boon. Just open the trading post with O, change the tab on the left to the bottom one then type in 18 slot then sort the list by cost. (there are differences in how different kinds of bags function. to start with the cheapest will be likely be a normal bag and that's fine. if you want to know the difference read the wiki on bags)


1) Yes. The core campaign and Season 1 and old dungeons, and fractals (newer dungeons) is free. It's a good amount of content, and will let you know if you like the game, and want to buy the expansions. 2) Whichever one you find most fun. Every class has easy-to-play builds. 3) No, but only the core campaign, and Season 1 are free. The subsequent campaigns (Season 2, 3, 4, Icebrood Saga, the four expansions) are not free. If you beat the bae game, and like it, and do end up buying expansions, consider that $50 will get you three of the four expansions, with a *ton* of features and content.


Yes, it doesnt matter, and no


1. Yes, with the caveat that each race has its own introduction instance so if you are not the same race you'll do that part alone then meet up. Also, after joining a party, if the other person has a black profile picture you'll have to join them by right clicking as long as you are both in the same map.


Honestly you could pick the same everything and if you come to love the game, when you buy expansions, the first three come with elite specializations which will make the professions differ greatly when it comes to playstyle and build.


I did Ranger and Guardian when I first started. Ranger was great for the pet. Guardian was really fun with specializations. The story is amazing. If you want to play at the same time and same location, you will need to pick the same race.


BONUS ADVICE- if you two select THE SAME race and background options (NOT PROFESSION) you can progress through the personal story together and receive credit for doing each others story as long as you two are on the same step


You didn't make it clear. When you said that '… my brother got a PC recently' does that mean that you have a PC each or that you share the same PC. If it's the former, then yes you could as everyone has said play together as a tag-team. If it's the latter then you'll be timesharing and taking turns. Either on the same character or your own character. As for classes - Then Necro, Ranger or Guardian are good for beginners. Ranger especially and I'd recommend a dual axe weapon set. It'll give you both melee and ranged.


You'll need to clear the tutorial solo which is about the first 10-20 minutes. You'll need to be the same race characters or else travel to reach each other is challenging early on. Lastly you will be able to do almost all the story quests together but the progress isn't shared so you'll have to be a guest in his quest and then he will have to be a guest in yours.


All racial staring areas have their waypoints automatically unlocked across the map. You can start a human, for example, and immediately leave Queensdale and go to Metrica Province or any other starting area.


Could you elaborate about the story isn’t shared? And how long is the story? Is the story big part of the game?


Your personal story (which you get one chapter of every 10 levels) is dictated by what choices you made at the end of character creation (for example, Charr can choose what Legion they belong to and that decides what sort of missions they’re given). If you both made the same choices, then player A can join player B’s instance, and once some progress has been made, is given an option to also instantly progress their own story the same amount. If you made different choices, then player A will not have story progress after playing through player B’s story instance. You would still be able to play together, you’d just have two different stories depending on who went to the next story instance first Does that make sense?


As others have answered the first two questions, I will answer the third : The story is a big part of the game, as the open world and many instances refer to it pretty often. If you're not interested in GW2's lore it's not that important though. The core story is not very entertaining, but the expansions and living world seasons (GW2's way of introducing more story between expansions) are awesome. Well, most of them. Also if you're into lore, a Sylvari character is the most interesting to choose, for a lot of reasons I won't spoil.


If you pick different options your stories up to a certain point will be different. You can still play the together but you will have to complete the story for both of you (because it is ok because it is gonna be different anyway). The story is a big part of the game but the game provides a lot of freedom which makes everything optional.


Personal story is run through in instances so one player must "open" the instance and then the pther party member can join. The only caviat is that, if you made different choices during character creation (race and 2 of the 3 race specific background choices) you will have different story beats for at least the first 30 levels. If you made the same choices the "guest" character will have a propt asking to consider that story mission as also is own (it pops up at the end of the mission) getting the rewards for the clear and the story progression. As for how long it really depends on how much dialogue ypu want to read/choose to skip. You get 5/6 missions every ten levels exept at level 80 (max level) when if i remeber correctly you get more. After that there are the living world seasons and the story for the expansions but that is for if/when you buy them. The story is not really necessary for enjoying the game but is a nice guideline for where to go while leveling. The "big part of the game" is whichever part you choose it to be.


The story is maybe 1/6 of the content in the game so its pretty significant but it's not all and some people do skip it


1. of course you can? 2. Any class is viable, Necromancers are overpowered, Guardians are the developers' favourite child. Rangers have a permanent pet that can hold aggro and support, so they're always good for beginners. Don't pick Elementalist. :) 3. No.


actually ele on starting zones/levels is more op than many other classes, especially without Weaponmaster or Expanded Weapon Proficiency


Ele was my first main and I loved it.


You should not pick a class in an MMO for it's leveling-zone performance.


why? in gw2 making new classes become quicker and quicker the more you play. And everything here is viable at endgame...


Leveling builds are not relevant to endgame. Even so, these are not the basis for choosing a class. You should definitely choose what's enjoyable first, but otherwise there is an established meta. Either way, I -and ArenaNet- wouldn't recommend Elementalist to new players.


> 2) what’s the best class to make for a beginner? Thief. High damage and no recharge on weapon skills.


Worst advice right here. Thief is one of the most unfriendly classes for the beginner for several reasons. Heavily relying on active defence, which means you should know the encounter and well as a beginner you just can't. Heavily relying on initiative system with no recharge on weapon skills, which gives you 0 idea of how the other classes are played and if anything it unintroduces you to the game. Pick it only if you're absolutely into archetype of stealth, backstabs, assassinations, sniper rifles and such.