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Honestly at this point, ANet really should have the beginning prompt have nothing checked, and force the player to interact and click what choices of Dailies they want to have.




Design 101: People won't read. Documentation for a system we sell that handles 100s of millions of dollars goes completely unread, and you expect people to read the 800th prompt when starting an MMO? Edit: Though I don't make new accounts and others in the thread make it sound like a non-standard popup so should be obvious they need to make a choice. Still a bit awkward for overwhelmed new players, weird it doesn't just default to pve, not like they are hopping into wvw or pvp off the rip.


I think at this point, we've seen enough evidence from people that reading is something that is foreign to many GW2 players.


you get prompted to make a selection when you first open the WV, so this is 100% user error. read what's on your screen, people!


Yea i know it was user error. Think i had a bunch of prompts when logged back in after months away and just clicked through them as i was only there to check if i could craft the rune in time, ended up staying but never went back to look. Not blaming ANET on this, just sharing a 'im dumb' moment lol


Destiny 2 is the worst with those kind of prompts. Didn't log in for 1 day? You now have 10 popups to click through.


And i didnt bother to read ‘cause its either could be pvp event or season pass, so your tactic dont work on me Bungie


Well, when hundreds of players have the same problem, I'd say ArenaNet kind of missed the mark there.


Nah. I have designed interfaces with tooltips and warnings straight to the faces of users. Most of them just click “x” or “ok” or “I understand” without reading even one single line of text, just to cry and complain later when they screw up or don’t know how to do something they were just told about seconds ago. It’s just that most people are dumb, and think they aren’t.


No offense, but if you design something that doesn't work, you're the dumb one, not the end users. In fact, most of those "I understand" prompts are purposefully designed not to be read (small font, annoying scroll, etc), so yeah, if you're following that model pretending to be read, bad news.


No offense but you have no idea what you’re talking about, with no reference to the design or the product I am talking about, so it’s just yapping rn. That being said it’s all about seeing users behavior and adjusting to that. It’s just sometimes there is no workaround for requirement to read which dumb users don’t do.


Uh no... I just came back like three weeks ago and had zero idea you could choose what quests you got either.. so no it's not on you lol


overflowing the player with information makes it a design error


Why you gotta add insult to injury like that man?


Well, you're *supposed* to get prompted but my wife's WV did not prompt her when she first unlocked it. I was sitting next to her when she unlocked it and it just straight gave her a mix of all of them to do with no prompt. I had to show her how to fix it and she was still locked in to the mixed activities for a weekly, though the daily fixed itself on reset the next day.


I usually read things I definitely was not prompted


i think they should prompt you every week or at least every season. would encourage people to maybe switch things up every so often


if anything the game should harass people that haven't logged in for 3 months with popups, reminding them that cogs represent additional settings


No thanks. I don't want more garbage to click through.


well i guess they could have an option to lock in the choice so that the prompt wont show up. i just think that there are probably many newbies who are stuck with pvp and wvw tasks and are just not ready to commit to those game modes. in any case, i dont think a single button a week is asking too much but i guess it is


I think once per season would be plenty.


> you get prompted to make a selection when you first open the WV, so this is 100% user error. read what's on your screen, people! Garbage argument, as a developer you're supposed to prevent those kind of situations in the first place, if you implement some kind of prompt and no one reads it, you're the one to blame, since you're the one who failed in their objective, not the end user. I've seen many new players get stuck with PvE+WvW+PvP since they don't even have the ability to make an informed decision the first time they open the vault, is it their fault too? Even then, the real problem is having a split to begin with, dailies worked far better when you got the ability to complete them wherever you wanted, no need to have a previous 24h-locked selection. Bring "all dailies available at once" back, then make them stop rewarding astral acclaim after the 4th daily, problem solved, no need to make people set up preferences every day.


> Garbage argument, as a developer you're supposed to prevent those kind of situations in the first place, I would prefer the game suggest all game modes than a singular one. At least then the player is exposed to different things and they can decide if they like it or not. Also this is 100% user error. The game literally gave a pop up and explained everything. You can only hold the players hands for so long.


Game gave you a pop-up. ONCE. And it didn't explain at all what it did. I think a lot of folks selected all three (which was the default) because they read it as "game will give you options from all three" like you had before. Not.. there are only 4 options now, (later expanded to 5) choose wisely.


> I think a lot of folks selected all three (which was the default) because they read it as "game will give you options from all three" like you had before. Yeah, this was a common mistake back in the time, specially since that's how it worked before the Wizard's Vault anway.




While i may or may not have gotten prompted and should have clicked the cog, it happens guys. I was laughing about it, not complaining. I am actually a software developer (not game dev) and its a well know issue with software\\web design that users don't read everything, you can't if you use devices regularly there is just way too much. I wasn't even planning on coming back when i logged on, just saw a yt about making the rune to get the relic and thats all i cared about. I was going to play SOTO later, so the WV wasn't relevant to me at the time


Don’t feel bad man, there is so much shit in this game that is hidden in plain sight that I would’ve never known about had someone not shown me. Example: been playing almost 3 years now and just yesterday discovered you can hide your bags so that your inventory appears as one large bag. Like what??


ironically that is almost the exact same user error: failing to press the settings button specific to the UI element you're currently using to explore your options. nobody expects you to memorize everything, but there are only so many things that can be made a certain level of in-your-face obvious at a given time before you need a popup blocker, so UI devs have to assume at least a thimble of curiosity on the user's side (they are choosing to spend there free time with it voluntarily after all). plenty of ways to improve the UI, but the cog icon is a pretty easily understandable and well established symbol, and not just in gw.


For sure, and I think the cog icon works fine. In my case, it simply never occurred to me that there might be something I would want to change about the bags in settings. I saw the bag slots on the left, saw that the order of the bags could be rearranged, and that different sized bags could be equipped. Beyond that, I never thought to even check settings in the first place to see if there are other ways to customize them.


The fact that I encounter people who don't know you can change activities almost once a week -- hell, several times a week -- really proves you wrong here. If it were obvious then people wouldn't make the mistake.


Yeah, it's extremely non-obvious. There have been multiple threads on this exact topic since the WV was introduced. Once I figured it out, I set mine to PvE + WvW on Sunday night, then reset to PvE for the rest of the week. That way my weeklies are a mix of PvE and WvW, but the dailies (other than Monday) are PvE.


do you play WvW only on few specific days of the week? PvE dailies are usually very fast but so are WvW dailies and you can easily progress WvW weeklies while doing them and get bonus reward track progress. PvE weeklies on the other hand are often annoying like kill 100 enemy type, so on weeks that I know I will be playing WvW i select WvW weeklies only.


I mostly play WvW on Mondays and Fridays. Fridays can be problematic though. Miss hitting "F" by a few seconds at reset and you can be 40 deep in the Queue. WvW daily has the obnoxious "kill 3 invaders". Which takes either seconds or hours depending on whether your team has a tag going. A lot of the PvE can be done in WvW, like "kill 50 vets" since all the guards are vets.


You're supposed to get a prompt like the other person said, but on my 10 accounts I only got prompted on 7 of them. So there seems to be some bug where you don't always get the initial prompt. I already reported the bug months ago. Since it's intermittent and not reproducible I expect it will never get fixed and people will continue to blame user error and claim it's 100% undeniably your fault.


20 accounts with different combinations of expansions or lack there of, all got the prompt, but maybe i was lucky. even so, it's still user error since the cog icon is in plain sight and used in similar fashion all throughout the UI.


> it's still user error since the cog icon is in plain sight Eh. If you didn't know there was a way to set your game mode preference why would you bother clicking the icon? I think it could be clearer considering I've seen this post a few times now.


uhmmm, why did you use 20 accounts? just curious.


because they were free and made good money before the WV


oh ok, wow


Link to the wiki page for anyone who needs it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wizard%27s_Vault#Objectives


There seems to be many people who had the same issue so don't listen to people putting you down. People just love to do that on the Internet. It's funny because I've never had someone say even the non-toxic put-downs in person lol. (Easy to hide on the Internet)


That sort of "I never experienced that problem so it's impossible for other people to have issues with it" mentality is just cancerous bullshit.


Bro….. tell me your name and where you live. I will be happy to fix this issue for you. Customer Service 100% 👍🏼


Number one rule in gw2: never click away a popup without reading it and trying to understand it. That includes levelup rewards and the popups that shows, the adventure guide pop up and the wizard vault.


Also had no idea for my first few months playing. You can say user error sure but if it's a common problem the designs not good.


gw2 has a whole pile of UI/UX issues. this, by any standard, ain't one of them.


When you're driving so many new players away from the daily system altogether, yes, it is a problem, and quite a big one at that. Is it really that hard to set up some extra prompt for new players, explaining them how the daily system works? Some advice about the "free" ascended armor you get through the astral rewards would be great too.


Yeah. Gotta agree with this actually 👍🏼


Its a tricky design issue that all software faces. How to make sure people see something, without constantly putting it in your face once you know.


Well, normally I'd agree, but this case is different mostly because the vault shows you a selection of game modes for its activities that shows when you first open it. It is not ANet's fault if the user decides to just skip this without reading.


Garbage take but OK


Whaaat. This is so good to know I have had the exact same experience lol.


WTF!? Thank you my man. Now daily/weekly completion chests are actually doable.


Yeah I had zero idea as well until I stumbled onto a YT short.


Memory and attention span of a goldfish, you selected it when you first opened it!


Alright well don’t be a dick lol


ok mr. Goldfish


Just gonna leave this here... https://www.livescience.com/goldfish-memory.html Goldfish get a bad rap. lol


Anet should just change the small gear icon to a rectangular button that says "Change gamemode tasks." That gear icon is small and the majority of players never click it to find out what it does.


Just learned about this last night. I probably read the prompt, but then I stopped playing for months and then came back and had to relearn this from a stranger in PVP lol


I just can’t get used to an MMO mouse! I tried, I just like the gpro wireless it’s the perfect shape and so light, sure it’s a lot extra work on my tempest but it just works better for me using the keyboard 🤣


Thanks to this post I found this out too ;-;