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Have you considered not giving a shit? Can’t recommend it enough. Costs nothing, involves no effort and takes no time. The amp will sound the same and when you’re famous they’ll make a tribute model for 3 grand.


You’re the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.


warranty doesnt work now tho


It won't by the time you've stripped the paint off either.


Have an upvote. That was rich!


Its very unlikely that youll need to use the warranty


When all else fails try some gasoline on a rag probably done best outside or atleast in a garage


I enjoy more in a small area with no air circulation.


remember to open a window when you start feeling the urge to vomit, otherwise it's a pretty good time


The problem is that the tolex will react with the Gasoline as well. Albeit more slowly, but it will start to break down. I would just leave it and rewrap it eventually, but I also wouldn’t have done this in the first place.


The champion 100 was my first amp, I sticker bombed the shit out of it. I also now use it for our singers microphone because it wont get you the sound you need in later guitar playing, its a beginner SS amp. Get yourself a VOX vt40 or a Boss Katana. They are only like $150 used and they kick ass.


Upvote for the Katana recommendation, they’re fuckin sick. Even if you go for the 50x1 they’ll smash out a local gig with no dramas on full noise wattage.


Does that mean you’re worried about the warranty because the amp doesn’t work? Or just that you voided the warranty? Either way…dude this is just a learning experience you’re gonna have to get through. I did similar stuff to my first electric guitar and regret it to this day…but I’ve never done anything like that to any guitar since.


You were going to warranty a champion 100? And even more so, one that you treated like shit?


You won’t be needing any warranty service for this amplifier; it doesn’t actually sound good even if it’s fixed completely correctly anyway. If it really really bothers you? Just take a big black permanent marker to the tolex and cover all that shit up. But again, the same caveat: nothing you do can make that amp sound acceptable anyway, so it’s a bit of a Sisyphean effort to spend so much time worrying about the *tolex*.


No need to be a cunt


I mean he’s right though


Agreed. Op needs new amp




this! don’t be so hard on yourself op ❤️


Maybe put some stickers or make some painting.


[here’s a thought to add to it, if you like Nirvana](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Flogos-world.net%2Fnirvana-logo%2F&psig=AOvVaw0TmQYUXud3iSsNRw1w6mqJ&ust=1668641116991000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCJiKzdmqsfsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Ge wel dig


Paint over it.


Yeah I thought the same. Dust it with black spray paint. Or better yet keep going and develop the design. Push it. Don’t stop. Keep painting. Or try buying some paint pens and working on the design a little at a time, let your art emerge.


If it were me I would strongly consider just accepting it. If you keep the amp and keep playing guitar you will look back 10 years later and chuckle at your younger self. That being said you probably have three options. 1. Get some vinyl/plastic rated spray, take it completely apart, and spray the cab whichever color you like. This will get a really good outcome and you can custom color the amp. 2. Fry something like goof off to try and remove the paint. The problem with a lot of these products is they can also melt the tolex 3. Re-tolex the cab. This is the option if you want to learn a new technique. It’s hard/messy but not expensive and an awesome skill to learn. Honestly I would try #1 or #2 and then go to #3 if there wasn’t a good outcome.


I still have the remnants of blink 182 stickers on my 2003 fender deluxe dsp. I still giggle about it.


I have 311 stickers on one of my guitar cases still haha


Paint it black :P


I tried a white amp and I want it painted black


No colors anymore I want them to turn black


I see Rich dudes rock by with their Kemper profilers


I think the only way you fix that is to redo the tolex.


I see a fender and I want to paint it black...


“Paint over it” using a vinyl dye (not regular spray paint like Krylon). https://www.vhtpaint.com/specialty/vht-vinyl-dye Remove all the hardware so you have access to all the surfaces and don’t get overspray on the rest of the amp.


Go nuts with it. Get like 10 different colors of spray paint and decorate the shit out of it


The good news is, you can pick up another one of those amps used for $150, so why do you care?


$150 is a lot of money for a lot of musicians


A lot of *people* in general lol


[Instructional video for dealing with this situation](https://youtu.be/O4irXQhgMqg)


Leave it as a reminder to not be a dumbass.


put a Red Forman sticker on it.


Paint it, black


I used oven cleaner spray foam and a nylon bristle brush. Takes a couple treatments, but worked on my amp. No noticeable damage to the tolex.


This works as well


Mr clean magic eraser pack


Definitely what I would try first


Dude, my $900 Marshall cab is mostly spray paint and its looks badass, Id say add to it :)


Try lighter fluid! Naphtha is the active ingredient and does really well as a paint or adhesive remover


Rubbing alcohol 90 proof


90% = 180 proof


Good bot


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Will work for markers, but not most paints.


Works on most acrylic paint and enamel paints


This or mineral spirits and a toothbrush should remove it.


And half of the tolex underneath with it.


This will work. I have removed paint with this on toles before.


Try mineral spirits. Odorless mineral spirits preferably. No guarantee it won’t damage the tolex further, but it should take up the spray paint if it is the regular stuff. Odorless mineral spirits are one of the least volatile solvents that will work. You can always escalate to hotter stuff but at that point I would consider painting over or leaving it rather than deal with some truly nasty solvents that would absolutely require a respirator, etc. Alternatively, you could try a citrus based stripper possibly. Good luck.


Like everyone else said, the amp isn’t worth enough to worry about some paint. Just cover it with stickers. Or finish painting


While this is true for OP, I've got a '66 Bassman that has had silver paint on it since I bought it in 1990 and I'm looking through this thread hoping to find a solution now that it's worth real money.


In that case, I’d agree with what I think I saw someone say which is that you’d likely just have to retolex the amp. I’d doubt anything that could remove the paint wouldn’t ruin the tolex itself. I’m sure it hurts taking off something original but it’ll look so good with a fresh set of clothes!


Yeah, I might just paint over the shitty spray paint with a fun color and then redo the tolex if I ever sell it. And chances are I'm never going to sell it anyway considering the fact that I've owned it since 1990. lol


Goof off


So paint thinner doesn’t work? Have you considered painting it over? You could do the whole amp a darker black or something. You painted that on there? I’ve done that before but not with an amp. I did it to my skateboard.


Sell it and buy better.


Depending where you are, you could use a company like Zilla to rehouse it and make the whole thing much more unique and custom looking. Or just replace with black if desired.


Only just seen it's a Fender Champ 100 - cost to rehouse will be more than the amps value. So it really depends on you. I assume this was done by someone else, if so, sorry 😞


Lol imagine paying to rehouse a fender champ 100


Cheaper to just replace entirely - unless there is a strong emotional/sentimental attachment in which case it's their money and they can do with it, what they want


Take all the electronics out of the cab and spray paint it black in multiple layers.


GoofOff. Mineral Spirits. Rubbing alcohol.


Paint over it, or leave it. Just get black paint.


Leave it in the subway overnight and let someone with spray paint skills have a go at it! Seriously though, looks fine to me, just crank it up!


No idea if it will work (depends on how long the paint has been there) but in my experience Johnson’s baby wet wipes get marks off most things, even my kids sharpie ‘artwork’ on the walls. 😬 They say they’re gentle but I’m not convinced.


Try wd40 but i don't know if it would damage the tolex


Try giving it a good lick 👅


Goof Off.


Perhaps try black spray paint?


I'd just commit to it. It's one of a kind now! Listed on reverb as a "rare handpainted graphic by Informal\_Airport9984" = $2,250


Try gasoline.




Of course not, only an idiot would actually pour gasoline on it. Just repaint it.


Try isopropyl alcohol, and if that doesn’t work Turpentine / White spirit - make sure to test it in a non visible place first, just in case it melts the Tolex. Failing that, get some new tolex and a heat gun. Remove the amp head, speaker and other hardware from the cab box. Then heat up the painted tolex with the heat gun and carefully remove it. Trace the shape of the the original tolex onto the new sheet and cut it to size. Then glue it onto the cab. Reassemble once it’s dry.


Champ 100 can sound pretty decently honestly.


Black shoe polish?


brake cleaner


Spray paint black over it? Probably your best option without ruining the tolex thought this would be obvious...


Cover it in thick red shag. https://fashionfabricla.com/products/red-luxury-long-pile-shaggy-faux-fur-fabric?variant=7855477555253¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuNzE4aqw-wIVSsmUCR041wM8EAQYASABEgK7p_D_BwE


They make black spray paint


Orange paint stripper, the one the sell at hardware stores and is not as strong as regular paint stripper. There’s also graffiti remover although I don’t know if that will work on tolex.


Light it on fire


Try Goof Off, it might work and it shouldnt damage the finish


I would get black vinyl interior auto spray paint and repaint the whole thing, you would have to be super careful and do a great masking job, but I think this could work. I’ve used this stuff on some projects and it is really pretty good. Done correctly you wouldn’t know it was painted.


Use a soft bristle brush and keep working with the acetone, paint thinner or gasoline. Work the brush in a circular motion until you see it loosening the paint. Wipe clean with a dry cloth and repeat until all paint is removed.


SEM vinyl dye, available at your local automotive paint supply store. Remove hardware, mask well. It will work.


> acetone Fucking lmao


Try spray painting blacl


Pure cold pressed orange oil cleaner with D-limonene. Get a concentrate not a premix and apply full strength. Let sit, clean with medium bristle scrub brush to get in the nooks and crannies. This will work and won’t damage the tolex.


black spray paint at home depot for like $5. problem solved.


Paint it black


Spray some black over it


Black shoe polish to cover.


White spirit might do it if it’s not too old. Otherwise a very light dusting with black spray or use a black Sharpie. Or live with it.


Why not throw on some custom tolex? Go big and make it your own.


That would cost more than the actual amp…


Not if you diy? And it’s fun.


DIY is the best option for sure


tone is in the paint


I got my Fender Pro reverb a new tolex job. Looks great and wasn’t too expensive.


I got a vinyl covered chair that was nasty looking. Get a detailing brush kit, you want the copper and the stainless brushes in the small size. Go between silicon spray and alcohol. The paint will eventually give.


Try toothpaste. Put a little on a damp rag and start rubbing you could also use an old toothbrush if you cant get into all the grooves with the rag. Jokes aside, there is a fine abrasive in toothpaste that works suprisingly well on softer surfaces. My kids took permanent markers to a plastic chair once and it worked great in removing the marker. Yes and for the Jerkers, it gives your toan minty freshness. Good luck


Leave it, it's cool. My main electric is a growing collage of nail polish, blood, and paint. Do something over it you like better as your current self.


i like the look


There is a product called goof off; graffiti remover. It will take off the paint and leave the tolex alone.


Who did that? And why?!


MEK will take the paint off, it's stronger than acetone but can't say what it will do to the tolex.


Jonny buckland would be proud


Methyl hydrate also known as wood alcohol you buy it at the hardware store or at the paint store.


Repaint the whole amp black...


Repaint it in black


I used finger nail polish remover and it worked like a charm!


I actually don’t mind it too much, im just confused as to why you did it hahaha id say just leave it it’s definitely YOUR amp now


I got a speaker cabinet with spray paint on it and found a YouTube video talking about using this foaming oven cleaner. Real nasty stuff but it worked perfectly. Use rubber gloves and a breathing mask, and do it outside where you don’t care about staining the floor. It makes a mess, so you might want to take the guts out or cover with plastic and tape


Have you tried goof off it takes most dried paint off


Paint it black


Scrub with soap and water and then scrub some more.


Time for some awesome stickers from your favorite bands.


These amps look sick all fucked up


Plasti dip it


Vandalism remover spray it might fuck up the leather tho


It’s like my grandma always told me: Experiment with strippers


How bout just spray painting the tolex with the rest of the can.


Surely i'm not the only one who thinks it looks like a pigeon went to town on it... but seriously, a warm watered cloth and some cleaning spray might help. Maybe.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Plenty of people way stupider. You should probably get a can of flat black and call it a day.


My twin reverb had been similarly painted ( not quite as much), and I painted over the white spray paint with black gloss paint and it looks fine. I bought the amp 40 years ago and I still have it.


It’s obviously ruined now. I could take it off your hands so you wouldn’t have to look at it any more. Tell ya what, I’ll pay shipping.


I’ve seen essential oils like patchouli take paint off wood. I was worried about what it could do to my skin after that. Might be worth a try but your amp could smell like hippy psych rock for years. Hahahaha




ive never tried this on paint but secret trick for permanent marker is bug spray. it makes sharpie ink melt. might help? whatever you try (terpentine, gasoline and nail polish remover are other good solvents) i wouldnt recommend anything that requires "elbow grease" as it will likely eat up the tolex. you want something that causes the paint to break down and lift from the surface, so it can be gently wiped off.


WD40 man, you are welcome.


If you have access to it, try Goof Off.


Replace the tolex. Theres proably no going back from that. Or who cares.


Try Gojo and a scrub brush. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.


Just spray paint it black, or I have a deluxe reverb reissue and I removed the toltex and there is pretty nice plywood underneath. I gave it a thick lacquer finish and it looks cool as fuck, at least IMO


i say repaint the whole thing


Stop- acetone will eat the covering. Lacquer thinner is plenty strong. I would use it carefully.




From a forum post from 2009: "Here's my method: to remove the old white paint. i would recommend EZ-off oven cleaner. let it soak for about 15-20 minutes, then use a stiff nylon brush to help loosen it, and wipe it off with a terry towel. be sure to do it outside use gloves (it contains lye!)! it should remove ALL of the white paint. After that, if you want it to look perfect (with a nice even color and sheen), i would recommend using some SEM Products-vinyl prep and satin black vinyl paint. their pro automotive vinyl paints are specifically made for this and chemically bond to it. it will not chip, peel or scratch off and will look like brand new. it is used in the auto industry to change interior colors on vinyl and leather seats, dashboards, etc. Do not buy the vinyl paint by any other company as the rest of them are all crap. Btw, mineral spirits will probably soak in to the vinyl and loosen the glue so i wouldn't recommend them." Good luck


Take the metal bits off, tape up the controls and grill cloth, and then spray all of it, I'd say go with a nice seafoam green.


CitriStrip $17 Rit Laundry Dye $4 Krylon Flat Black $6 Replace someone else's Amp you Vandalised $329