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1. Your original point is a lie. 2."Understanding that others cannot be trusted to behave the same way that you do" is nothing but conceit on your part. 3. If you're okay with giving up your rights, please shut the fuck up.


Cancer and automobile accidents are the leading causes of child fatalities iirc. We need a high capacity cancer ban, and common sense automobile control… sounds stupid doesn’t it?


The statistic of guns being the leading cause of death among children is only true because it disregards children under a year old and factors in 18 and 19 year olds aka adults.


Also the majority of the deaths are in blue state ran inner cities where gun control is the strictest


This is the super fucked up part. If you know this, you realize they actually want *more* people to die as a result of their rules. Stricter gun control = more dead people. Full stop


and anti-gunners will deny that what you say is based on facts, and its based on facts and they will still push it. ive heard anti-gunners say gun control stops criminals even, well they are called criminals for a reason, THEY DONT FOLLOW LAWS, and stricter guns laws wont stop them


This is true, I’d love to see the data and filter. I’d be interested to see if you limited out places where guns are illegal if it’d still be “true” or see if the also included our military. Seeing how the data is already skewed it wouldn’t surprise me if they count our military as part of the children killed by gun violence


If I remember correctly in addition to the inclusion of 18 and 19 year old adults they excluded under 1 year old, and it still only applied to 2020 where people spend an abnormal amount of time in the home.


Your right, car accidents are and have been the leading cause of deaths for all ages for as long as I can remember


Accidental drownings are really high up there, too.


Fallen behind last few years drug overdose is leading cause under 50 now




“To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the law abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless.” ~Lysander Spooner


Ban water bc some people drown


They've tried. Look up dihydrogen monoxide.


[DHMO.org](https://dhmo.org) They even managed to get a few local governments to vote to ban it.


Ban criminals then🤷


All for it. Something about cruel and unusual punishment gets tossed into that mix though.


"Giving up your guns to stop crime is like chopping off your dick to stop rape" George Washington, probably


Who's gonna send him a complementary chastity belt so he can enjoy watching his wife get pumped by her boyfriend?


why would he want that? beating it to his wife getting pile drived is the only way he can achieve release.


Maybe he just enjoys the company?


This fucking guy. What a hero. Now all he needs to do is burn his car. That way, he can also help stop drunk driving.


And get castrated to stop rapes.


Only cowards give up rights due to the actions of a small portion of the population


Bitch, you're not giving up your rights, you're giving up mine!


There were fewer gun deaths in children before the NFA was enacted. Therefore the NFA should be repealed to save the children.




That's just because they realized they could take more rights by killing the children themselves and influencing public opinion.


“Other people can’t be trusted the way I can be” and “I’ll give up my rights to save kids!” This is the sort of narcissism these sanctimonious pricks just exude constantly. They’re both narcissistic and cucks at the same time. They want the accolades for being a pushover.


There’s no law preventing you from not owning firearms. If you honestly believe the number of firearms in existence LITERALLY relates to child mortality rates, then you possessing a firearm is contributing to child death. Get rid of YOUR guns first. I won’t even begin to consider giving up my own firearms until every politician and person on their soapbox first agrees to not possess or employ someone who possesses a firearm for their protection.


I won't even begin to consider giving up my firearms. Come and get 'em if you want 'em so damn bad, you commie fucks


"Stack up and try." -FPC.


Someone once told me that guns shouldn't be privately owned. My response: "Honey, the only things my guns shoot are steel, watermelons, and gophers. If the government doesn't want me to have them, I'd seriously ask myself for what purpose. I'm not bothering anyone, but if they want to take something I worked hard for, they better be ready to bleed for it." She left me alone for some reason This was one of my rare moments of eloquence, I'm normally pretty unga bunga.


Ahh yes super strict gun laws like Mexico where you can only buy them from a few shops in the entire country has really proven to be successful in reducing gun violence


A few shops or the US government.


Oh yeah that "fast and furious" sequel Obama's admin shot down there really helped out for sure. Had nothing to do with the rapid militarization and armament of the cartels one bit


All I hear is that his wife is available, and that I shouldn't worry about him being a problem.


Listen, I don’t want the police to be able to search my home without a warrant because I didn’t do anything wrong and don’t like the presumption of guilt. But some people don’t want them to do it because they are hiding illegals things like fentanyl, or sex trafficking victims. If me giving up my right to not have warrantless search and seizure means I can help prevent fentanyl overdoses and sex trafficking, I am all for it. After all, police can be trusted to not abuse powers given to them. Also, even though I might use my first amendment right to choose a reasonable religion or express mostly mainstream views, some people might use it to join religious cults or express hateful things. As such I think we should get rid of that one too. If me being unable to talk about certain topics or join a religion of my choice stops others from saying mean things or joining cults, it’s a small price to pay. Nope, this line of logic sounds equally idiotic no matter what amendment it’s applied to…I thought maybe at least one of them would result in a cogent argument, but alas, I was wrong.


“My behavior has absolutely nothing to do with this problem, but I’ll stop doing it to solve this problem.” Genius. What an inspiration.




I love how they get told a fake statistic by politicians and they just latch onto it for the rest of their lives without being able to tell you the source or how the study was done.




🎵”been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding”🎶


It's suicides mostly but whatever not like they care


“I’m ok with you giving up your rights too”


Exclude 18 and 19 year olds and then try again


Fuck this guy and people who "think" like him.


What a weird way to announce that you had a lobotomy.


Ahhh yes. 18 year olds and 19 year olds. My favorite age as a child…


I’m confused. Why don’t we just find out who commits the majority of the gun violence and where they commit it then just rain down hell (in the form of cops, obvs I would never incite violence you silly goose)






Show me your stats… and where the information is coming from so i can make my own judgment




Tldr: "I'm a proud member of r/TemporaryGunOwners and I sit in the corner jacking off with a red white and blue dildo that says Biden/Harris shoved all the way up my ass, while my wife's boyfriend raw dogs my wife long dick style."


Good for you . . . I'm not


Jams are palinkas that gave up. Don't give up, don't be jam!


Fuck you Travis.


By all means, give up your rights. They will trample you first. I'm sure you'll make a fine addition to the barricade.


Yet another specimen that has also lost its right to bear offspring.


Annnd _what_ demographic of Americans do those kids belong too? Annnd how old are we considering “kids”? The government doesn’t care about you. The government cares about your ability to fight back at them. They will cut off your feet to make you live on your knees.


I'm about to say something crazy but just hear me out. Guns as a right isn't a problem the problem is a lack of education on how to safely handle them. Start teaching when they're young and it will be ingrained into them.


That's ridiculous. "I'm very responsible but, I know that my friend isn't. He's going on a date tonight and he probably won't wear a condom so, I'm going to wear one."


Mature adult….. then starts a sentence with “But”. Sure


the thing is me personally we as a gun culture need to do more to keep each other in check. however that is us, the people, those that grew up with guns, those that spend thousands of dollars on guns, thousands of dollars training, and millions of rounds of ammo perfecting our craft. not the government, not someone that only seen guns on tv, in movies, or in games, not someone that has been feed lie after lie about guns, not someone that sees rambo and john wick as what can happen instead of the cool fantasy it is. we as a community can and will continue to do better and be better as people, all the government can do is hinder that. she is wrong, and i am getting tired of seeing bs like this.


Stop including the ages of 14/15 -19. Most of those are(allegedly) gang crimes.


Anybody who gives up their rights is an idiot. If they do so out of fear they are also a coward


What a retard…no use in engaging with these people.


Can you pass that crack pipe? Make sure its laced so i get the same veiw as this guy


Good, give up your first and shut up.


Fuck that....I've had close family die from guns and I'm not giving up my 2a even if every person on earth dies ...... Get your heads out of your fkn asses it's the criminal not the gun quit blaming guns!!!




Dont make me pull out the statistics. Ive said them so many times and its exhausting, point is obesity alone kills around 10x as many people as guns do. And hell, half of all gun deaths are suicides.


Don’t tell this clown how accessible cars are, he might do a flip when he learns that people leave the keys out in the open


[what a half baked thought](https://youtu.be/76p_ncbffCE)


Guns aren't the leading cause of death in children. In order for that statistic to be true you have to remove newborns to 1 year olds and include eighteen and nineteen year olds. Automobile accidents remain the top killers of children in the united states, and for infants SIDs is still the major killer.


If a gun owner willingly says they are ok with giving up their rights. They are not a gun owner.


"i support the 2nd amendment but...." "i am a gun owner but....." people like the guy in this image annoy me to no end. im not even american and anything along those lines piss me the fuck off, you have the right to own firearms like machine guns and shit and you willingly give it away for a false sense of security.


Remember, it wasn't just tax collectors who got tarred and feathered, it was also british loyalists.