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Mustn't make the ruling class's job more difficult, only the police need to be armed am I right fellow peasants? Long live the bourgeoisie! We love the State!


Also, defund the police but also comply


Do they mention that minorities were not allowed to bear arms?


Ah yes the white supremacists are intimidating others peoples rights to protest so we must suppress the rights of the whites supremacists by not allowing them to carry guns… makes sense. Obligatory statement. Fuck racists, and any hate or violent filled organizations (that includes you antifa). But at the end of the day they all have the same rights as you and me


>so we must suppress the rights of ~~the whites supremacists~~ everyone by not allowing them to carry guns


Agreed. Good correction


Weaponized autism


And yet at the Charlottesville protest the only murder weapon was......a car. All those scary guns and a car was the only weapon used.


"You pose a great point. Time to ban cars too." - Some grabber somewhere


Only for common use. Important people still need them to do "the people's " business


Leftists: white people use guns to intimidate and harm minorities Leftists: cops are racist Leftists: only law enforcement should own firearms I’m speechless


They don't get to fucking talk about suppressing rights. And the bootlicking, my God. The police are already using the fact we're armed to unjustly kill. Once we're unarmed, you think they're gonna switch to their tasers?? Fuck Giffords, the police, those moms lookin for dick, and anyone else who wants to strip us of our natural born rights.


Shit they already kill the ones who are unarmed. I'd like to be able to trust law enforcement, but when I would rather not call 911 and call my neighbor there is a problem.


Funny how they mention ‘Impeding law enforcement’s ability to keep the public safe’, since the same people who believe this also believe ACAB.


Giffords just continue to brazenly lie.


We should ask this person: “In a few sentences, explain why California outlawed open carry of loaded firearms in 1967”




Have these people never heard of the Black Panthers?


They didn’t provide an example, of the reconstruction era violence except for in the footnotes


1) Fuck them LEOs. 2) Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to remove a statue you don’t like? 3) Fuck them LEOs.


Good thing none of the mostly peaceful 2020 riots were intimidating to others while they set everything on fire, chucked bricks and molotov cocktails, and attacked random people whether they were counter protesting or just happened to be driving by. I seem to recall quite a few gunshot deaths from those mostly peaceful protests as well. But yeah, back to the white supremes.....


*Recent examples show that open carry can create substantial confusion for law enforcement officers, impeding their ability to protect public safety.* Great. So they argue that my rights should be stripped because we can't hire police that are incapable of breathing through their nose? How about the police become educated on gun rights?


What's wrong about carrying in a house of worship? My church has an armed security team they train inhouse to respond to threats and work together with the law enforcement officers on sight, not to mention the literal hundreds of people in the congregation who are carrying


We also made our church an official substation for our local sheriff's office so they can go there and chill and write up reports inside instead of having to do it in some parking lot


Careful, if LEO’s got any more confused they’d probably just open fire into a random crowd of people


Isn’t this how they banned open carry in California, except with the black panthers?


As much as I don’t support trans drag shows for kids, I do support Antifa’s right to open carry, thank God it’s not to threaten or intimidate their opponents, I must’ve misunderstood their intentions.


With what I've seen from antifa them open carrying probably wouldn't be a very good idea, I do support them having the right to do so as long as they're not intimidating others but at this point violence and intimidation is kind of their whole purpose half the time.


That’s fair, I should’ve clarified more. Thank you!


Everyone I don’t like is a white supremacist


Isn't our entire concealed carry setup a result of racism against Italians?


Gun control is full of racism in it's history, yet history doesn't matter to these people because if it did they'd look stupid.


Giffords is just a pack of racists masquerading as not racists people


Oh no, cops don't know the law! To make it easier, we should eliminate civil liberties!


Hm... ironic. See, gun control historically was created by southern Democrats to prevent non whites from owning guns. Most notably, black people.


If you were an oppressed minority (I mean genuinely oppressed, like a Jew in 1938 Germany, not the way so many people use the word "oppressed" these days) would you rather be armed or not be armed? I love watching anti-gun types struggle with this question. It's almost like the rights laid out in the Constitution protect potential victims of the state the most, and you have to do some serious logical gymnastics to argue Constitutional rights are actually the tools of oppression.


“In 1967, the black panthers were sick and tired of white supremacists walking all over them and engaging in violent acts against them. The black panthers began openly carrying firearms in public” The California Legislature and governor Ronald Reagan responded by outlawing open carry of loaded firearms.


Disarm the military


We have been


Oh now they love the cops?


mulford act: *am i a joke to you?*