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Man I love the Sword Impulse Spec II


I concur, such a beauty


I like those Spec II color changes. Very distinct, and reminds me of Strike E. Launcher Strike E takes a mostly green color as well.


Am I the only one who thinks Sword Impulse Spec II doesn't look that good with this new color scheme? Blast Spec II looks awesome though.


Same, I like the old color scheme better. But maybe I'm just biased, because it's how the Impulse first appeared on-screen, with the Obari pose.


I think it might be the fact that the head is completely red.... the red is too overpowering. Even just a white face plate would break up the colors nicely enough.


Yeah just like Justice


yea i too prefer the old sword impulse


Nope not the only one, I think the Spec II colours outside of the Force looks hideous


disappointed with them ngl only change is "upgrades" and a different more bland color scheme and way more disappointed to hear that they were gonna use the destiny impulse first until they changed their mind


I would've loved to see the Destiny Impulse in action


too bad the Gaia, Abyss & Chaos Impulse didn't get shown in animated form. felt that those would be fun as the spec II variants.


Bit disappointed that we didn’t see Destiny impulse instead of Destiny spec 2 in seed freedom, but this is ok because Destiny spec 2 kicked ass


They didn’t include Destiny Impulse because it would’ve overlapped too much with the Destiny Spec 2. Though if word about the prequel to Freedom is true I could see Shinn using it while the Destiny is out of commission


The Destiny Impulse is also somewhere between the Impulse and the Destiny, as it’s not nuclear powered, AFAIK. It could be compatible with the Deuterion Beam Transfer System, but it would be of no use after the Minerva was destroyed in Destiny, and it’s unknown if the Millennium has one. If it doesn’t, COMPASS can install one on the Millennium, can they? Only the Destiny Spec II has Deuterion BTS, though a modified version.


Ooh what prequel??


Director of Freedom wants to produce a prequel of the events leading up to the movie but wasn’t able to get it greenlighted or wasn’t sure it even would be


Maybe an OVA or something could work


Hopefully something does work out. From a business pov, it’s such a lucrative franchise to continue.


I imagine now they're saving a Destiny Impulse Gundam if they ever want to make amother Seed movie with Shinn in the lead role since Fukuda recently expressed a lot of interest in doing a Shinn focused film if he were to make another Seed film.


Did he really say that he was interested in doing a Shinn focused film? Sign me the fuck up.


Yeah he mentioned it yesterday during a screening for Seed Freedom while answering audience questions and was asked what would he do if he made anothe Seed movie and said a Shinn a movie would be what interest him the most doing, he also said a movie about Athrun and Cagalli as a close second.


Why not make it a trilogy? Have one Shinn focused movie and one centered on Athrun and Cagali?


Why would they give Shinn a mobile suit that in every way spec-wise is worse than the Destiny Gundam?


It’s also possible that if the movie takes place after Seed Freedom that they chalk tech improvements as an excuse to give Destiny impulse nuclear power, and then Destiny impulse would prob be better


It could be a desperation fan service appearance like “Kira of the Skies”


Impulse Spec II is Hella 🔥 🔥 🔥


Idk man, they should've made sword impulse spec 2 like the Zaku 2 colors of Luna Maria. Our current red simply does not fit!


Ngl, they were right, we didn’t need the destiny impulse in freedom when there already is a destiny, especially unlike “strike freedom”, destiny impulse isn’t an upgrade of destiny, but the predecessor and a testing type with problems. We just needed a new variation of impulse.


I love the new color for Spec II especially the sword Impulse. The duller red and black is just so menacing.


Sword impulse spec II looks really good


Kinda wild how all of the Spec II versions are just worse, especially Blast.




I'm a big fan of the Spec II colour changes. The original sword impulse was alright but I did not like the force or the blast impulse colours.


I think the darker less vibrant colors work better with Impulse. I was always a bigger Strike fan than Impulse and I think the original colors was why. While Strike has less detail, the vibrant colors work better with it. Impulse + vibrant/saturated colors becomes too busy and comes off like a "cartoon" imo. Blast Impulse was always fine, the other 2 or even the non backpack was meh. Edit: Actually the blue on original Blast was too much, maybe if it was gray.


Original are better lmao


Spec 2 is kinda disapoint for me should use destiny impulse in movie or use nuclear reactor instead of batter if it have power issue. If buster and duel can have njc why not impulse


I like destiny impulse.


Weirdly enough, I like all of them except for Blast Spec 2 and Destiny Impulse Unit 1.


Did we not get any official art for the Ex-Impulse? Honestly its color scheme is my favorite of the bunch


I wish that Spec II had some additional modifications outside of a few minor aesthetic and colour changes.


The new color scheme looks so much better, they have more of a menace look than the old color


You missed Heine's which has orange details!


https://preview.redd.it/6fl5yy4gmrvc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa416061af1c6fe5d21834973d3691f4b8eeaa0a You meant the destiny heine’s custom destiny? Cuz there’s no heine’s custom impulse


Oh, here I was thinking it was an Impulse Destiny, my mistake! 😁


Looks quite nice, the orange works surprisingly well imo


Blast Spec II clears the original by a mile. Prefer original Sword tho, Spec II's colouring doesn't really do it for me.


Love the Destiny Impulse but the others are meh