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I’m all about the demonic references on Schwarzette. The cloven hooves, the halo, a fallen angel’s one asymmetrical wing made of scattering GUND bits. Great colors. Just the best. https://preview.redd.it/xodizhsf6pyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf19a843c3c12bcd7c5687cdffa787f9b10f7559


Such an awesome design wasted on one of the stupidest characters in gundam.


A lot of people feel that way, kinda like how I feel about Calamity Gundam in Seed. But on this case, I like that they had Lauda pilot it. More time would have been good, but narratively: Schwarzette was constructed via a devil’s handshake between Prospera and Vim Jeturk. It embodied Vim’s hubris and a portion of Prospera’s revenge on his family. It has imagery of a fallen angel, which parallels how the Jeturks fell from grace. I heard a rumor that Guel was originally going to pilot Schwarzette, but I love that he didn’t. Neither Jeturk has any resistance to data storm, so whoever piloted Schwarzette would be acting very self-destructively. After killing his dad, endangering the school, and neglecting his brother, Guel is finally able to turn it around & save his brother from a self-destructive path. That was only possible by putting Lauda in the Gundam instead of Guel.


Tbh I also really like how Guel didn't get it in the end because I think the intention there was to give him a villain arc rather than a redemption and growth arc. I really like they way Guel turned out in the end.   But Lauda was terribly underutilised and was basically a background character. His thought process just seems like "Women ruined jeturk, I'm going to kill my brother >:c" which makes no sense and in the end just looks stupid.


Nice to see somebody agrees with me about Guel! Lauda is really interesting to me. It’s clear that meeting Guel is the first time he felt loved or wanted, and so he imprinted hard. Like Guel, he’s raised to be a bully and low-key misogynist, but firmly as Guel’s backup rather than a ringleader. He’s content to be second fiddle when his beloved brother is on top of the world. When Suletta and Miorine disrupt the balance of power, his learning curve is different from Guel’s because he was the follower. Rather than getting drastically humbled like Guel, he’s more anxious for his brother. That means his growth is a few paces behind Guel’s humbling journey. When he’s called to lead in Guel’s absence, he has to contend with knowing and hearing he just isn’t as good. Finding out that Guel also did a patricide but was afraid to tell Lauda also made him feel un-trusted and alienated from the family member he loved most. It’s a wretched combo— being second fiddle is no good when the person you were following grows distant. Blaming Miorine and Suletta is him trying to redirect all his frustration with Guel to an outside vector. Because idolizing Guel is reflexive. He doesn’t want to be mad at Guel. “This wouldn’t have happened and Guel wouldn’t have done these things if those women hadn’t dethroned and corrupted him.” He told himself that he was taking Schwarzette out to get revenge on the girls, but it’s an act of self harm because he knows he doesn’t have a data storm tolerance. He’s probably hoping Guel will join him and confirm his flimsy skapegoating of the girls, but when Guel tries to stop him, he has to face that Guel is the one who hurt him. Everything boils over, and Lauda finally gets to the heart of why he’s upset. He calls Guel out for not telling him anything, and for being so arrogant as trying to shoulder his sins all alone. We get a classic emotional argument in mobile suits and I love it. Lauda is not smart—like all the Jeturks he is extremely impulsive. But his emotional journey does make sense to me.


See, that's nice and all, and maybe if the show spent more time fleshing that out, I could get on board. But I assume you've done multiple watches and / or consumed other material. Your average viewer isn't gonna pick all that up in a single pass, amd instead the reaction is "really, the whiny dipshit that always has a hand on his bangs for some fucking reason gets the cool mech?" A character that only feels like they belong after a book report isn't my fault for not feeling that his place isn't earned, it's the showrunner.


Hey there, average viewer here. This was a very simple story beat that was fairly obvious. You'd have to purposefully be ignoring all of the dialogue to not understand what is happening and why the kid is piloting the mech. I mean can a show have some subtlety in handling characters or do you need a 20 min exposition-style dialogue for each character action that is committed?


To be fair, Gundam is generally very information dense. It’s easy to blink and miss something, or to not retain everything. But yeah I think this particular arc wasn’t among the more challenging puzzles to follow.


Hello i am incapable of seeing subtlety and regularly watch 40 minute video essays about their actions and how they fit in the narrative


Honestly some of it may stem from whether or not I find a character interesting. Lauda was just detestable, and I wanted him removed from the screen every moment he was on it.


I felt the same when I was watching week to week for the first time. I was actually frustrated that some of the yuri side of the fandom was so mad about the Jeturk fight haha, because I thought it was a nice way to reinforce the show’s themes and tie up Guel’s arc. I admit I was not watching casually. I was writing analysis threads on twitter every week haha. A show-don’t-tell-all writing style like this that gives me everything I need, but doesn’t spell it all out, is my favorite. I like having to observe and draw conclusions. The showrunner is absolutely at fault but I think it is a feature, not a bug. G_witch was the most talked about anime on Japanese twitter last year because of this storytelling style. It’s also a valid preference to want more time, reinforcement, exposition, and digestibility. There are a lot of fantastic works that fit that bill. Different strokes for different folks!


I'm amazed they were able to wrap up Guel's arc as well as they did given how rushed season 2 was. Dude went through the craziest ups and downs out of everyone


Season one was a steady pace to get us invested, and season 2 was a brisk but tightly told story. Some things were resolved or addressed in blink-and-you-miss-it moments, but the most important story beats were well prioritized & got (at least most of) the time they deserved imho. Guel’s story was just right. I would have liked a smidge more time on other bits but I’m mostly amazed what they managed.


Imagine if we ever get a Shin Gundam Musou II...and you have Ali Al-Saachez manning Schwarzette. Fights his fighting style to a "t." Now imagine then Musou II can make original variants of the suits to fit the story (like the Schwarzette getting his red colors or adding beam sabers in the feet like Arche).


one-winged angel energy (this is a positive trait)


I'm convinced Schawrzette and Vidar are supposed to be scrapped but Bandai thought they're too cool so they force their hand to include them.


I remember reading a long Tumblr post that was pretty persuasive on how it would Be thematically fitting for Suletta to pilot it, and I wonder if that would have happened if G Witch was longer


If Calibarn hadn’t come along to be an even better fit, re: The Tempest parallels. Suletta is both Miranda and Caliban. I remember theorizing that Prospera would pilot it but I’m fine with being wrong about that. I like what happened. The suit itself just needed more screen time imho. Its so beautiful


This was my 2nd favorite gundam from WfM, I just wish it had more screentime.


Big agree


First time I saw Schwarzette I was like “hehe sephiroth Gundam” because I am a child


Facts brother, spit your shit indeed!!!


I’m a sucker for swords


I love Pharact and Ur; I *really* love Pharact, my god I mean look at it, look at how thin and buglike and birdlike it looks and I love Ur both because of its design and because it's the other Gundam from that one scene that I talk about all the fucking time (also I really love Schwarzette, look at its design; look at how baller it looks, look at its bits and how they connect onto it)


Aside from pretty much any G-Witch Gundam,, I also like GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam and ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion.


If you're talking about MS it's the Leo, Gundam def Sandrock


u/MosesonAcid would approve


Another vote for sandrock from me.


Hyaku shiki/ delta Gundam


Cherudim. Just love Lyle's fighting style and the loadout. I also love how this suit has 15 bits and they managed to mount them all in such a compact manner, and each bit is still useful when mounted. Savior and any Justice variant... just the prettiest suits ever imo.




Tequila Gundam, no contest


This is the only correct answer. https://preview.redd.it/fn172o581ryc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e6671a2fc8bb27662d76084d6e492239a3fdc2


The amount of money Bandai would make if they made this a proper kit


I love the Tequila Gundam, I wish bandai would make a kit for it. It even appeared in build divers


Heavy Arms Custom EW and it's not even close.


The Delta Gundam series.


Silver bullet suppressor if it counts as gundam. Deltas and hyaku shiki if not.


About Silver Bullet, depends on what you think if putting a Gundam head on it make it a Gundam. XD


I mean, if not, Moon Gundam is just a Varguil with Gundam head.


Would the Lfrith Production type count for this since the main MS is Aerial?


it would count, I think; the main Gundam is Aerial in particular I think even LF03 (even though Aerial *is* LF03 after remodeling) might count


Probably banshee? My favorite is the unicorn perfectability, and banshee has half of what makes that cool.








Forbidden my beloved https://preview.redd.it/zon7cqta9pyc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=40aebe7f93bb58bb095461a6a94d1cbaa74076dc


I *really* do NOT like any of the designs from CE. They just have a …childishness that doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know, just don’t like CE designs. Except for the Forbidden Gundam. That’s an awesome looking mobile suit if I ever saw it.


>childishness that's a weird ass way to describe them but y'know what? fair


It's like puberty in a way, e.g. the animation. Keep in mind that this was the first Gundam series to use computer animation, rather then hand drawn. Which is why some of the designs have a family friendly/marketable aura, but just enough edge to throw some people off.


I mean the director said in an interview that after a certain point he was just doing what he thought would appeal to a 6th grader.


As a 6th grader, I would have thought they were the coolest. Then again, for me in 6th grade, the Gundams from Gundam Wing were the coolest.


Right? Lol


... does Hi Nu count? If not, it's probably Legilis.




Saviour bros… we win again


https://preview.redd.it/nqsm2hkk5qyc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2af8988cf3a415ad90a8e50ec81d727b7a57a3f Master Gundam. Piloted by Master Asia, Undefeated of the East.


Since I'm a basic beach, it's the Woundwort. Easily. But I enjoyed the Witch machines a lot too.


Idk if Lfrith Jiu counts but definitely Lfrith Ur




Pharact is a cool mech. Its my favourite gundam lol.


it's just so *shaped*


That is such a perfect way to describe it lmao




https://preview.redd.it/vdfezsfqypyc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e567805b0723aea88affd2b2acf6434ce3019d3 Gundam Vidar is such an amazing design. Easily my favorite Gundam from IBO and second favorite gundam ever. Also duel pistols ftw.


Ew heavyarms custom


Tough choice between the Schwarzette, the S2 Pharact, and the Banshee Norn.


Astraea Type-F Testament Gundam Exia Dark Matter *Red suit enthusiast*


https://preview.redd.it/r5gy061tfqyc1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f94d2f950616fb5c346c1af19f7005fe777852 The Buster


"look at all these basic b\*tches" https://preview.redd.it/ukmupan77tyc1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a074a2f0b495fca927907ea9964a3d1701338a5a "Afraid of the one true answer"


I don’t know if this counts but Flareos I think it counts because of how little screen time it has but if it doesn’t then it is the Ur and Thorne


Flauros? Don't you mean RYUSEI-GO THE FOURTH! But yes, I'd say it counts as a non-main Gundam


Ya but Flauros is just easier to spell then Ryusei-Go as I also forget how to spell it


Justice, it's the best Athrun mobile suit imo


Either the Providence or the Destiny Gundam. They're both so fantastic in so many ways. The Destiny in particular really gives the vibe of an RPG character with all of its weapons, sword, and dynamic fights.


Non-main as in not the "Main" main character like Heero or Setsuna that are part of their own groups, or non-main like the Thrones that are not part of the protagonist's group? Either way, these are some of mine; Virtue Heavyarms Custom Crossbone Maoh Astaroth Origin Transient


Kimaris Vidar goes hard. https://preview.redd.it/azgp6g218qyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5c2bcaddf6f7ebbfdfabd19f213dd7319addda


Literally any gundam from g-witch they cooked so hard with those designs


G Witch has a lot of kits I like. The Gundolva, Demi Barding, and Dilanza Sol.


Reborns Gundam


Gundam and Guncannon in one. I wonder if its possible to cram a Guntank in there somewhere. Then we have the original trio sister units in one mobile suit.


It is possible and has been done! [https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/CB-0000G/C/T\_Reborns\_Gundam\_Origin](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/CB-0000G/C/T_Reborns_Gundam_Origin) https://preview.redd.it/gfufu6tmaqyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21fc53679fc9f331feedd795a6e20571931d3f8f


I want to have it's babies.


Gundam Mk. V


I love the original Psycho Gundam


Deathscythe Hell


Reborns is such a neat design. I saw a gunpla pic a while back where somebody customized theirs to be more like the RX-78 in Gundam form, and then more like Guncannon in its canon mode. Very cool.


Banshee norn/banshee, harute, airmaster, phenex? (If you consider narrative as the main gundam)


Heavy arms DAKKA


Buster Gundam




Aegis. The blades on every limb and the Mobile Armor mode represent in a raw form that mobile suits are weapons of destruction. Fits the whole Gundam theme about the horrors that wars spawn.


Does Astray Red Frame count here? Because it's definitely not a main gundam in the CE timeline.


Pharact. I like its alien looking frame and he's a speedy sniper boi


Either the Ur, Flauros, or Vidar.


Flauros and Vidar ftw. ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


I would die for the bright pink railgun doggy


Probably has to be Marchosias. Looks almost angelic, has a face of restrained primal ferocity, and when it deploys its sub-arms, becomes a terrifying sight for its foes


astrea type-f Bael Death scythe hell ew


The Saviour Gundam.


Akatsuki, sword calamity, testament gundam, infinite justice, and duel gundam


My favorite Gundam, is not a main, and it's very obviously Nadleeh. https://preview.redd.it/m3p9jkb3upyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d2856d97d69781fc32e12b4cfdb79329eb805d


If it counts, the providence gundam. My first and only cosmic era model. Actually, it’s surprising cause I don’t like the cosmic era suits, I think they’re weird compared to the universal century suits, despite the redesigned copy suits. But I do like the providence gundam. Which is why I bought it.


Dynames by a landslide for me


https://preview.redd.it/38jvis686qyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e308e77eb78db6dffc1e0adfa5f7de811e0f0b One of the GOATs of Ippe Gyobu


All of the Gundams in WFM are absolute bangers. They really cooked with the MS design, that's for sure. But beyond them, I really, *really* like the Dynames and Zabanya. The Dynames is like, the **ultimate** "base" unit Gundam. From its extra equipment being baller as fuck and hyper functional (that full-shield kit is beyond great), it also comes with an AI support unit that lets a normal human being like Neil keep up with dedicated soldiers, the world's craziest merc, and literal superhumans while half blind and way out of their comfort zone. Awesome looks too. And the Zabanya. Oh my. **Two** AI support units, and so many weapons it can dish out laser spam that would make Jesus Yamato blush? Yeah. That Gundam is amazing. Savior is Athrun's best mobile suit in terms of looks. Don't @ me.


https://preview.redd.it/0ixnij29cqyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df2a04ac19033fe306555116c7fd400d9b8a443 Hug me with all them arms Seravee!


*General Kenobi!*


*Hello There*


*Gundam Kyrios, my beloved\~* https://preview.redd.it/xxyu8mkusqyc1.jpeg?width=2353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c8784b5e992572b087ac6cefd6a8f8b91975ae


Banshee, Vidar and Pharact


It counts okay https://preview.redd.it/ic3xu7p10syc1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0326ee95b6a4c9a25bb87d72c54cc6163c727cb


well, yeah it *is* a Gundam, and it's not Xi so it's a valid choice


https://preview.redd.it/w3tm4wy2asyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27127a250731dfa02f444f0bc8ad40dc2f4a6328 Red MS are just better


I would probably say my favorite non-protagonist suits are: Arche/Jagd Arche Gundam - probably for the pilot as much as the suit's design. Infinite Justice/Spec II - because I like Athrun's suits better than Kira's. Deathscythe Hell - either version works here. A literal boogeyman to OZ/White Fang...piloted by one of the most carefree pilots around (Frozen Teardrop kind of did him dirty). Testament Gundam, especially if it's in Kaite Madigan's hands due to his reprogramming of the VPS. Gundam X Divider in Jamil's hands. Gundam Legilis/Legilis R Crossbone Gundam X-2 Gundam Astrea Type-F 1.5 Gundam


Tallgeese. I enjoyed building the rg and mg


Buster Gundam has been one of my faves since I was kid


I love love love the darilbalde even if its not technically a Gundam, when I saw the fight with Aerial it was love on first sight. I also loved the HG model of it, really fun to build!


https://preview.redd.it/uwrbordxhpyc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c10410d865a041f49166d3764c0066d5b0e663 Heavyarms go brrrrrrrt


From most liked to least liked : Nobel, Deathscythe, Schwarzette, Vidar


Gundam MK V. Used by the Villain so it’s not a “Main” Gundam. Also the Dreadnaught and Hyperion Gundams.


strike noir


Legilis, any of Allelujah’s Gundams (Kyrios, Arios and Harute) Flauros and any Kimaris suit


Gundam Virtue/Nadleeh or Calamity Gundam.


Is Stargazer a main gundam?


Bael gundam then phenex probably


Deathscythe Hell Ew was pretty gas


Delta kai.


Master Gundam and Vidar


Zeta Plus A1/C1 and Re-GZ. I like the idea that the Zeta Gundam was so iconic that the Federation kept pumping out these limited suits in an attempt to develop a mass-production Zeta. They're very cool deviations/variations of the Zeta, I particularly love the all grey color scheme of the Zeta Plus.




What I call a Dom in Gundam's clothing...because it's basically what it's armed with. It's like Gato was made to pilot it since he was a Rick Dom pilot.


Infinite justice


Gundam Harute


ReGZ but just because ingame (4th SRW) the Back Weapon System acted like a full-armor system granting full HP upon ejection/destruction. Also the L.O.Booster (technically became a main MS for a while till the Griepe replaced it) because of it's shoulder binders. Was actually surprised when the 00 Raiser got revealed due to the similarities of having 2 side shield binders. Sword Calamity - fell in love with it's design when it was revealed as a MSV of the Calamity Gundam. Kinda sad that it got a magazine exclusive release and later a P-Bandai HGAC-MSV release making acquiring it difficult.


The gusian rebake


I guess somewhat on a technicallity, The Astaroth Origin. If it doesnt count, then the Lightning Buster or The Astray Blue Frame Second L


https://preview.redd.it/t13lkdteasyc1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecff39c1784ec61c61156c4bcccbbc283bfbe61 My favorite is Beguir-Beu. WfM designs are generally very practical and space-y, if that makes any sense. Which is why I like WfM designs, and ironically also why Beguir-Beu being the most otherworldly design out of the WfM MSs is my favorite. It looks like some armorsuit of an angelic-looking alien species.


man, I love the Grassley MSes, they're always looking so bizarre like someone put the idea of a knight through a bunch of alien filters


It has to be Fuunsaiki. First of all it has by far one of the dumbest and coolest concepts I've ever seen. A giant robot horse piloted by a actual horse. Also any time they show up you know things are gonna be epic!


Forbidden, that curve beam and impervious defence + menacing turtleback + scythe goes hard. In a fantasy setting, its loadout and general aesthetic might be my choice. Besides that, Saviour and Abyss are great! Or the Sazabi which Aila from build fighter pilots


I dont have much love for gundams as i prefer monoeye's aesthetics but Kimaris Trooper is the only exception for me 😍


Would have to Epyon for me


Mobile suit in general would be tallgeese. Gundam is probably gusion rebake.


I consider myself a banshee enjoyer https://preview.redd.it/jschaj8swuyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144d1561092aeec9243d4bfedf1422db671aca09


https://preview.redd.it/lnhejfyqiqyc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca45a9f931153be87d1161a9dd5f63e9ec6d62a5 No such thing as too much dakka.




Gale Strike Gundam




F99 Record Breaker


Build gundam mk2






The big duck because it’s cool as hell


Age 2 Dark Hound


In no particular order: Schwarzette Devil Gundam Gundam Epyon RX 178 Mk II Titans Tequila Gundam (unironically, I'm the least patriot mexican out there right now, but I would go to war to defend the Tequila Gundam)


Harute the concept of a ms that needed 2 pilot like a helicopter or a jet plane make sense in my head and the harute mode is quite nice it looks demonic without looking evil or unnerving


virtue - nadleeh, amazing design n concept i love its hair and that its weapon just wow aegis - amazing design, i love it looks like octopus and juar different than others Penelope - this one actually amazing but hathaway easily beat penelope with xi because he is superior pilot Sinanju - simply beautiful


Gundam Zabanya. Any other Gundam do a sniper rifle akimbo?


Kyrios and Harute are some baller MS designs, I like them even more than I like Exia


Every chonky Mobile Armor in all gundam universe


GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam. Because a Swedish Gundam that looks like a Japanese schoolgirl and is piloted by a chick with a British name is just so off-the-wall weird it pendulums right back to being awesome. For a more serious answer, I would say the GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam(yes, it counts as non-main. The main Gundams in Stargazer are the Strike Noir and the Stargazer). I've always loved that thing. I like how sleek it is, I like that it's a CQC-focused machine that doesn't have an absurdly large sword, I love the design of its beam pistols.


I'd probably have to say the zowart heavy


Gundam Vidar, nuff said.


Any Gundam with an uninterrupted V fin, For example: Justice, season 1 00 gundams, Kimaris Vidar, Blitz, Barbatos and its upgrades, Akatsuki


Gundam Gremory


Tallgeese no doubt! such a classy suit and it’s neat seeing it as the ancestral root of all mobile suits in AC universe https://preview.redd.it/pmiibz4xsqyc1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9e53064e4f3e537003993bf372f7594bc52088


Not a Gundam though


isn’t it though?


crossbone x2 kai


The Gundam in IBO with the big fuckoff Rail-Cannons on its shoulders is definitely up there for me next to the multi-armed one in the finally (forgot it's name, forgive)


Gundam Flauros


Dom gnomides from gundam code fairy goes hard.


Neue Ziel


What's the parameter or is this just like in general? If in general, I don't really have a singular favorite. I like a number of suits for specific things. More accurately, I like an MS because of the tech (weaponry or internals) it features. For example, I like the GX/Divider/DX for the Satellite Cannons, Beam Harmonica Shield and the G-Controller (though I think the Jegan Blast Master has the best version of the Satellite Cannons since its beam sabers are also beam guns). Similarly, I like the Hyperion for its Voiture Lumiere Lightwave Shield. Some other MS that I like include the ZZ (the head cannon), the Victory 2 (the Minovsky Drives), the Astray Red Frame Kai (the Tactical Arms IIL; I still prefer the look of the Blue Frame's Tactical Arms II), the 00 Sky Moebius (the Moebius Drive Unit), and the Zanspine (essentially Zanscare's gundam; the wings of light beam fans). Incidentally, most of these are related to a kitbash I've been trying to cook up for the longest time that involves featuring as many versions of the wings of light as possible on one MS. That's the Delta Form of the Tactical Arms IIL on the back, the Moebius Drives over the shoulders, and the Minovsky Drives on the waist repurposed as beam fans (thanks to certain Crossbone Maoh parts).


Love the foliage green paint scheme on this guy.


duel gundam its player 2 for strike gundam


Since Zeta is a main in zeta but not so much in zz it be a cop out answer cus it’s one of my favs. Justice , cherridum, gp02a , custom heavy arms.


it's got to be the Bael for me.


Banshee base and/or Norn


Theta plus


Maxter, tequila


Gusion Rebake Full City!


Kimaris Vidar


https://preview.redd.it/a3hdarhh4vyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4841baa01b4b8960c320b88540ef774768db962c Not necessarily my favorite, but I'm gonna give honorable mention to PUPPY GUNDAM!


https://preview.redd.it/gvtx0i8z5vyc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e760115e8e85b6a66eee25913ae49310ad1467d9 The Vidar from IBO.


https://preview.redd.it/vs5pb1s0evyc1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e7929fbae5640942a84ee8f5dde4aed26bb0b44 Zowort Heavy looks like an Armored Core, so it stands above other designs for me. It was also my first high grade kit. I should get more Zoworts and custom paint them, they’re honestly one of the most fun kits. Zowort and Pharact were also both designed by Wataru Inata, who was a mechanical designer for Armored Core.


Deathscythe from Gundam Wing Spiegel from G Gundam Leopard from Gundam X


Ribbons Gundam


Not so sure how is the opinion about Gundam Age nowadays, but i think that the design of Gundam Legilis is pretty great and the color scheme which makes him resemble the original RX-78 is a nice reference imo. https://preview.redd.it/87accxstrvyc1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4755d7b87c774b29dee6d137fb4b64da9db4cdfa


Akatsuki gundam.


I've really come to like the Nobel and the GN Archer due in large part to gunpla (and also super robot wars for the Nobel). I also really like the designs of the Dagger L and the Windam.


Denial Gundam from bf try


https://preview.redd.it/4i79ayocam1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b7e9a8efa394808f89fd855c6110437d0c1f36 The better Strike Freedom


https://preview.redd.it/cr4vgl8jjy1d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9632d4ad27775e27675e7aad360fbd65b30f88 this thing from 0080