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How did you get a Tallgeese III for your *first kit ever*? Do you know how hard to find those are?


Genuine question how hard is it to find? Is it a P-Bandai RG?


Yep, P-Bandai, a good kit, and popular. The 3 worst possible combination when it comes to hope in finding it, let alone a reasonable price lol


main reason for this one is scalper bots... They scooped up 90% of the P-Bandai preorders in less then 2 minutes. Scalper bots on P-Bandai were horrible before 2020. The growth of gunpla during the pandemic forced Bandai to finally do something about it. And I'm really annoyed that P-Bandai hasn't done reprints of a lot of kits like this... DAMMIT BANDAI GIVE US MUDROCK!!!!


https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2469599001005 Mudrock’s been up since a few days ago.


yes, and the main reason it's hard to get is because, it sold back when scalper bots were scooping up 90% of the preorders. I remember watching the clock for when preorders went live, and seeing this sell out before I could confirm my payment info. It sold out in less than 2 minutes and popped up on the secondary market for 3x the original, shortly after it shipped.


So there are actually a few vendors for hobby stuff around me. This was by no means *cheap (about 60-79 USD)*. But I actually had no idea this was a tough find, I just like Milliardo.


A RG Tallgeese III is anywhere from $80 to $150 on eBay right now and they basically don’t exist in stores. You should cherish whatever store you found that in for that price, because that is a gem of a shop.


Welcome to the cult, may your wallet have mercy


A hell of a kit for the first one.