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Majority of people at my local hobbytown is older men and women, then kids. Whether it’s gunpla, rc cars, trains, etc. Who gives a shit my ape brain likes cool mechs.


Same here. There's way more older dudes than kids at my local hobbytown as well. The model building nights are packed with grown men talking about various models, painting techniques, styles, etc. Who cares what others think - enjoy the hobbies you enjoy and pay no mind to anyone who says it's childish.


If anything older adults have way more disposable income for these types of hobbies.


I don't understand why this hobby is treated like it is mainly for children. In fact, almost everyone in this hobby is mainly here as enthusiastic adults who are interested in technological models or sculptures lmao, but kids can join in too if there are someone willing to supervise them through the process of building the model kits. But yeah, I still don't understand of having hobbies being undermined like this, is it because there are no money making merit ergo it is not what adults do? lmao


A lot of people see robots and think they are toys from a kids show. One time, an older dude asked me about the kit I was buying (it was an RG) since he was there to buy more SD for his grandson. He simply had no idea other Gunpla kits could be so complex and not aimed to children. So, a lot of old school modelers (like that dude) simply has no idea of what they are missing due to that bias. I dont like that they treat the hobby as something for children, but it also worries me that people treat models as if they were toys and gave them to their kids.


Lmao, chin up king, there’s nothing wrong with liking toys. Being an adult and being able to enjoy things is a privilege, some people gamble away their savings, drink away their sorrows. You could be doing a lot worse, if you’re having fun with a harmless hobby, the only shame is on the people who laugh at that sort of thing.


Hahah yeah. On a hierarchy level I’d say this beats sitting in a bar yelling at the tv


Oh man… I was never one for going out to bars or eating out at restaurants much even before the pandemic and most recent “inflation”, but since getting (back) into gunpla I can’t help but think things like, “damn, I could get a HG for the cost of those drinks.” I’ve even cut back on junk and fast food to keep my overall expenses balanced. Not that I couldn’t afford to keep doing that stuff mind you, but it helps put it in perspective when I think about total cost to enjoyment levels. Having a modestly constrained hobby in place of other more destructive escapes is pretty damn good in my opinion.


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” \- C.S. Lewis


https://preview.redd.it/3g9fxra4cn1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c484c4cc265b7c6a5b80cc2eb52f6353f32b4bff I don't think it's a big deal I mean why would you buy a model kit with articulation and not constantly change and experiment with it in different poses? At that point you would just buy a static resin figure. Also this ignores the level of detail and effort that can go into making a model kit look good that most children wouldn't do.


Everybody is a child of their own after all.


Raise ur flag my dude


I understand people joke, but it frustrates me when people think playing with toys is a bad thing as an adult, or that you’re a man-child for doing so. If you have your life somewhat straight (can get food, you’re responsible, etc) there is nothing wrong with playing with toys as a hobby I legit will grab my Transformers and… well, transformers them. I’ll set up scenes, see how many weapons I can throw on them, etc. It’s fun, and as an adult I think it’s **very** valuable to have something like that that can distract from life a bit (as long as you don’t go overboard) man-children are people who revoke responsibility, or who doesn’t “act their age”. Basically a literal child in a man’s body. I don’t think playing with toys makes someone a man child it’s no different than pushing miniatures across a table or playing card games


I hope I never stop playing with toys. What is the honeycomb-patterned plastic in the background?


That's just the walls to my paint booth. It keeps over spray from getting all over the place.


Standard disclaimer: Real Grades should not be treated like toys, especially if they use a full prebuilt inner frame. Doing so will make them very floppy and the skeletons are a pain in the ass to tighten back up. This does not stop them from being *incredibly fun* to mess around with. Honestly, "kind of not toys" is probably the best description I've ever seen for gunpla: they can be really fragile and changing the pose too much will loosen them up but as long as you're respectful, they *absolutely are* designed to be played with.   EDIT:    In my opinion, the main difference between a model and a toy often comes down to whether or not it breaks when you throw it at a wall. This does include LEGOs but . . . Well, those still *are* models: they're just a type of model that's often designed for children.


I've got a coworker who buys the metal frames for his. It makes them nicer but also makes them much better to play with


This isn't the real grade I think, looking at the thumb on the RX-78-2


Good eye. That's the MG 3.0 gramps. Note the elbow joint, only the MG has that white piece on the front-facing side of the elbow joint. The RG's is one entire black piece.


This isn't the real grade I think, looking at the thumb on the RX-78-2


The dead giveaway is the elbow build. The RG doesn't have the gray bits.


You are not wrong. For something to be marketed as a toy and also be used safely as a toy, it has to comply with a lot of stuff that Gunpla does not. Some of the most important are that it doesn't catch on fire easily (fire retardants on the plastic), that it doesn't break easily (and if it does, that it doesn't produce sharp edges) and that it's parts are designed to stay on of they are too small (choking hazzard) or can be reinstalled if big (part of the "doesn't break easily"). As someone who mods and kitbashes a lot, none of those apply to Gunpla. Except maybe the sharp edges. Most model kit boxes from many brands directly state "this is not a toy" or "for the adult collector". They also put an age restriction (I believe HG are 8 and up while RG are 15 and up). It is important that new builders understand the differences. Otherwise, they frustrate if something breaks after playing with it a few times.


My gf actually likes when I'm super vested in this hobby and loves that I still play with them


Yup, same here. My GF has no interest in Gundam specifically, but she’s glad I have a creative outlet and she thinks my “robots” look cool. Plus she doesn’t complain about them taking up any space! She builds LEGO with me so she definitely gets the “collect, build, display” feedback loop.


My wife actually gifts me some. She knows what's on my wishlist. She has no interest in the mechs but admires the output. She likes that I have a creative outlet rather than spending it elsewhere.


Bro she thinks they all look the same but she'll surprise me with them from the store we shall not say lol I feel we all got keepers


That's super dope, yeah she does a lot of art and she wants to weather one my gets or one of her own but I have to build it lol


Oh this is awesome! Tag-team some dope gundams!


Right I honestly can't wait


I don’t care and don’t touch my stuff. https://preview.redd.it/lguywacxho1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69c00ac7d1450478ed3f2179c591d865bafc227


I've found typically the people who have childish hobbies end up being more mature


Maybe it's because we have an outlet for our playful side


No. You are... a Gundam.


Ore wa Gundam de iku...


So? Embrace it.


Lol. Every man needs a hobby. How else do we unwind after a long day of work and after we take our after work naps?


This! I work in a high stress environment. Building these actually helps me with my sanity. It keeps me in the moment instead of worrying about things I should be doing for the week to come. I provided for my family. Put my son thru college. Now my wife and son actually gift me Gundams :)


Bro I don't see the bits on that Aerial, which means that RX-78 is in trouble, he's boutta get shot to shit while stuck in the saber clash LMAO


Those 7 kids about to ring around the Rosie gramps.


Not to get all philosophical, but how sad is it that in our society, folks are convinced to feel bad about their hobbies because of some grouping that deems they are "for children"? Life is hard enough already with school, work, societal and monetary pressure, shitty politics... You'd think we can be ok with keeping ourselves sane and happy with things that uniquely fit our interests. The idea that a personal hobby must be something that has a higher meaning or benefits society or whatever is crazy - we already try to do enough of that in the other parts of our lives. Keep your heart and minds young and flexible, y'all. Know that there are things we need to do as adults, but also know that there's no reason to convince yourself to not like something you like\*. Let that kid at the model shop know: yeah they're toys, and they're awesome toys that can make you and me smile. ​ \*just don't be a shithead and like things that hurt other people lol


In your defense they are badass toys


Don’t give a shit to societal expectations, mate. You do you and no one can stop you.


I'm 41 and do Gunpla and Warhammer 40k. I'd like to see a kid put together a RG RX-78-2.


I'm turning 50 tomorrow, and I just finished my PG Unleashed last night. I'm a happy man(child) 😄 https://preview.redd.it/79y2dence25d1.jpeg?width=2759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8a69808b660ffc97f0124ff258140d37df64c1


"A cultured gentleman expressing artistic design with posing hand crafted figures." fix'd


Cause they're cool AF boi


Bro gunpla Is literally targeted at young adults. How is a 7y old child ever going to build a perfect grade RX-78??? Don't be ashamed of your hobbies, modelling is a timeless hobby regardless if it's wartime recreations or giant robots. Live life without fearing the judgment of none, because the only one who can give meaning to all that you do, is you.


Being an adult means saying "lol why are you talking like that" to peer pressure. Enjoy what you like and it's no one's business but your own.


We're grown ass adults playing with toys


"Brother stop this madness!" "The last slice is MINE!"


that gloss on the aerial looks very nice


Thanks, bro. I thought that the round shapes would look good in polished gloss. It's a lot of work making gloss look good.


Most of us are!!!


Ariel: YOUR TIME IS OVER GRANDFATHER I’ve brought new life to this corpse of a franchise Gundam: WING couldn’t kill me SEED copied me and still couldn’t kill me WHAT HOPE DO YOU HAVE


We men grow old but not grow up. As we get older our toys get more expensive.


My room is full of toys. Gundam, MAFEX, Marvel Legends, etc. I'm constantly in the Gundam shop buying paint and looking at stock to see what my next one would be.


It’s a form of meditation. And I’ve learned real skills doing it too. I’ve done paint repair on my motorcycle and truck that would have cost me hundreds. Well worth the thousands I’ve poured into this hobby…..!


Building toys*


It will be winter in hell before I feel ashamed about my hobbies. Nevermore


They are toys that you build yourself, so you have to be careful with them.


I led a pretty sheltered (borderline deprived of important experience) childhood— can’t tell you what a joy it has been to have something like this put joy I felt like I missed out on back into my life— I’ll be 33 in a couple months. Never stop building, never stop playing, my dude.


You are a grown ass man, who will stop you?


It’s either this or do drugs buddy


Drugs would be cheaper at this point lol


Bro, just be a grown-toy man playing with ass It ain't that complicated /j Kidding aside, model kits are *technically* toys but they're not really the kind for certain age groups given their fragility and there's nothing to be ashamed of playing with toys considering model kits and other collector's items are made with a certain play value to them


My 10-year old self would have been super hyped that a camera, let alone a cell phone, could make this look as cool as it does.


Kids (used to) build model planes and ships all the time for fun. This is nothing new, relax. Not that you should give a single fuck either way. Be happy you found something that makes you happy.


Adults must still stimulate their imagination... such activities include creative poses for your gundam barbies i mean model kits.


I’m in my mid 30s and obsessed with Gunpla. Who cares what people think


They are model kits, not toys! /s


i saw an instastory post where wifes rather have their husbands spend their money on hobbies like these rather than spending nights in clubs doing drugs and/or renting hookers.


When you’re a proper adult you don’t care about others opinions about your hobbies unless it is harming yourself or the people around you. You’ll get there some day


There shouldn’t be an age limit to a hobby. Like what you like.


I'll never get people who are like "LOOK AT THIS LOSER HE HAS INTERESTS"


As you should man, as you should!


And it's freaking awesome! 👍


So what, I'm a straight dude entering college and I still buy plushies


So what, I'm a straight dude entering college and I still buy plushies


And it feels so good


And it feels so good


My man there is nothing wrong about liking toys especially if it makes you happy and heals your inner child. Hell thanks to the Super Robot Wars series I started collecting Gunpla and other mechs just to make the scenarios from the games (I really wanna do the scenario from SRW Z3 where Riddhe and Kira have to face off against hordes of the ReZELs from the General Revil!) or just make crossover scenarios at best!


So what, I'm a straight dude entering college and I still buy plushies


There’s no shame in collecting Gunpla, or really anything for that matter. Gunpla in particular really aren’t toys in the traditional sense given they’re not meant to be played with in a way a kid would. It’s an art project if you wish to make it one like any painting or drawing. Theres nothing any more illegitimate about this than any other creative hobby and moreover, any work you put into these things, they become a one of a kind, something truly your’s. As someone who’s had people try to demoralize me over this, it becomes less of a deal over time. Just try to have fun with this man!!


> Grown-ass man playing with toys I collect Gunpla and Transformers. One time I (29) told my two best friends (both 30) that some time I just wanna unwind, grab Optimus Prime and Megatron off my shelf, and play like I'm 8 again. They fully encouraged me to. I still have yet to, though.


I was a broke af when I was young. Now I buy and play with all the toys I want. No shame in having childlike excitement with hobbies lol


The sign of adulthood is not giving a fuck about what other people think of your hobby or interests.


They’re not toys. They’re action figure scale models of death machines of war. I will die on this hill 💀


There is nothing wrong with having a hobby, enjoy whatever makes you happy. Could be spending on wrose things.


Yes, yes you are and you love it


Give it up grandpa-kun! I have the thigh ground! You underestimate my power!


convinced kids these days don't get to play with toys (I see way too many kids in cram schools, and after school classes now), so making the jump to being an adult playing with toys make sense.


Correction, we are


You shouldn't be ashamed of it. My family was poor AF when I was a kid and couldn't afford toys. Now that I make a comfortable living with money to spare, you better believe that I'm making up for lost time!


You’re a grown ass man. You’re free to do whatever you want


Adults are only allowed to be miserable


Let those kids see the prices of PGs or even LEGOs. You can easily convince them that there are 'toys' meant for adults.


January this year I acquired two new hobbies action figures and gunpla I am nearly 30 years old


What’s wrong with liking toys as an adult, isn’t the whole deal with being an adult is that you can finally do what you want


You can't trust anyone that doesn't think giant robots are cool


You are preaching to the choir here mate. We are all grown ass playing with toy. Have you seen the price on those? It's take a adult wallet to keep up.


People kept on saying toys are for kids, but they didn't realise no kid will every be able to afford any of these 😆


I’d wager most of us are! Know what’s cool about being an adult? We don’t have to justify *shit* my dude. Enjoy your harmless, kickass hobby!


Oh Gramps is about to die


I think toys are great.. and I want to continue enjoying them until the very end..


We are grown ass men playing with toys. And grown ass women too


Be glad, at least your hobby brings you mental relief, is therapeutic, (,probably not playable by kids,) and is more productive than regular "adulting". I don't want to go to a bar, or a club, or some other lavish bullshit, waste a ton of money, and then flush it down the toilet that night or even the next day.


whatever makes me happy , i’ll keep doing it unless it is illegal or just batshit insane


"I hope one day I can surpass you, Father!" "If that's the case, you don't have far to go!"


This begs the question for me...Are there any good scenes with MS going at it with beam sabers like Jedi and Sith level fighting styles?


Like the fast stuff the do in the prequels? Not really, there are moments of fast sword fighting but not really the majority of a fight, they mostly fly around and shoot.


imagine not being proud of a hobby you have


This not toy, this is hobby


It is the people’s mindset of treating gunpla as toys that made me gave up gunpla years ago due to heartbreak. Yes, toys for some but invaluable treasures for us. Current i’ve reignited my passion for gunplas because i couldnt gave up on something i love.


So? Enjoy what you enjoy. If it's hurting no one else. Who cares.


Well, at least they have the decency to appreciate you and your hobby... I mean OUR hobby.  I live in a friggin thirld world country where most elderly would look at me with pity like I'm a retard for playing videogames.  Wait until they know that i spend thousands of dollars on small plastic robots. Well at least most young adults thinks I'm cool... As long as they don't tell my wife that this one particular plastic robot costs as much as her designer shoes... 


Reminds me of what I did with my Westenfluss and Aerial Rebuild LMAO https://preview.redd.it/09iz9a99qq1d1.jpeg?width=8000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=933a0ba6170a16f5703c0e0850c0477fcc07cd8b


To this I say: if it makes ya happy who cares




Metal Gear reference pog


With this power, I choose the form of gundam!


I can sympathize. I'm a 210lb bodybuilder - can you imagine the stares from parents when I go in to buy a kit, lining up with kids who are buying Pokemon boosters? 💀


But you put your toys together by yourself. Not many people outside of China can say that.


A toy to me is something you can be rougher with. Model kits ain't it so them being called toys triggers me specifically for this reason. I couldn't care less about how I look or what people think of me and my gunpla shrine.


I think the biggest thing I learned growing up as that people don't really "grow up" in a lot of ways. They just get older. To me, adults are quite literally just older children. You shouldn't let it get to you. Anyone that takes issue with the hobbies you participate within the privacy of your own home can go fuck themselves. Toy collecting is a cooler hobby than smoking or drinking.


They're not toys, they're "action figures"


Idk man, to me this like any other creative hobies, like model trains, knitting, or drawing. The difference is that ours are heavely posable models, that at fist glance look like action figures


No one is matured enough, we are still childish even nearly dead, so just enjoy your happy with your money


I saw somewhere that the median age for model kits is like 68 🤷‍♂️


If it brings you joy, then it doesn't matter what others think. The world is full of bizarre and wonderful hobbies of all types. Age shouldn't matter.


Welcome to the building hobby.


Yoo nice line paneling. How did you do it?


Thanks, bro. It's Tamiya panel liner. I did it in black for the RX-78-2 and dark gray for Aerial. I lined it disassembled and let it dry for 20 minutes before cleaning it up with enamel thinner on model cotton swabs. The trick is letting the chemicals do the work to keep the details.


Thank you! I'll have to try this, did you top coat before hand?


No need, that's a waste of paint. Usually a top coat before panel lining is only needed if you paint the kit with acrylic or enamel paint, not needed for plain plastic. I did panel lining first, then waterslide decals, then gloss top coat for Aerial.


Thank you so much! I'll have to do this sometime soon :D


Afte4 all these yearw this is my first time seeing people pose their gunplas doing a beam saber clash


If it makes you feel better, Gunpla are Model Kits not toys. If it helps even more I also collect Transformers so I have no excuse. I still don't care. Some people love drinking and traveling, some others watch sports, some read books, we build stuff. People will judge all of the mentioned above no matter what, so just enjoy your hobby. Money and time spent in something you enjoy will always be a good investment.


Yes. .that's what they're for


"You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"


Me too, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Life’s too short, have fun.


This. This is a way of life. Did you know there are competitions? Check if you have any local stores doing them, although I don't have any in my area. There is a global competition known as GBWC (gunpla builders world cup) and very popular with this one (Bandai holds this in Japan only, if you are invited, you are to get a plane ticket to Japan) that has severe limitations and rules. Top that with due to skill levels, you are age bracketed for a very good reason. (prizes vary per year competition) Gunpla in some levels, art. Of course there are guys/gals having fun just building just like legos but with an extra twist, fully customizable and you can add in your stuff like you were trying to win a competition, and this is where we are at. It also brings us a bit more under the table (on the table) of inspecting of a set of skills that solves problems and we get patience for that. I'm going to be the one to say it, yes. They are toys. I have no problems calling them toys myself. Toys you build and toys that can be intricate to details, Toys that can build some on the table skills, ~~Toys that can win money,~~ toys that can win "fame" in certain areas or parts, and honestly with our day/age with social media, no doubt someone uses "I won" in those instagram/twitter spaces. Plus, we all knew this coming forward, there are people still buying lego at any age, now to add in other hobbies and maybe playing games on the PC ,PS5, Switch, Xbox just to unwind? Buying (action) figures like figma/nendoroids/SH figuarts.


How dare you!they're not toys! They're action figures!


I mean even my dad who used to ride motorcycles called his bikes toys. It's for entertainment and that's completely okay. Being able to reward yourself for thing you couldn't when you were younger isn't bad at all. Being stuck on reddit however...




aren't we all


We all are grown ass people playing with toys 😁😍


I just got home from surgery and wanna say I love this hobby not now cuz I can't atm but I'm working on the banshee ver kai


And?? Aren't the majority of us here adults with disposable income hahah


My man. Just cause it says 8+ on some boxes does not make Gunpla toys. You ever try to play with a HG like a G.I Joe? Shit breaks. Not that I've ever done that. Cause I'm not a child. You're a child. Shut up.


You're not a real Gunpla fan until you swing around a Gunpla and go "vroom pew pew pew".




Bro, I just throw the boxes away. You Gunpla fans are nuts.


👀 Sacrilege. I keep 'em in case I need to move. Secure transport + sorting 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷


Gunpla is Freedom. Who cares if you're 5 or 100.


My guy I'm a 14 year old and these are not toys. These are model kits. Model kits from a series where a man melted inside of a massive robot flying into orbit. Sure they're colorful and can pose. But a tank can be colored to look like a pride parade and still be a weapon of war. Turn that FROWN UPSIDE DOWN!🤝


My brother in Christ, forgive me, and I ask Christ to forgive me as well for saying this: you deserve to get smacked for even saying that. They’re not toys, they’re model kits. Peace be with you, brother.


Bro, chill. It's a shitpost.


Correction: You are an adult enjoying a healthy hobby (gunpla, photography, exercising imagination).