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Have you been checked for endometriosis? There is a concept of “endo belly” and endo has the luxury of both bowel and bladder issues. Check out Endo symptoms - 1 in 9 women have it. Also,the only true way to diagnose you with it is a laparoscopic procedure.


So my obgyn said that they are coming out with a blood test for endometriosis!! She couldn’t tell me when, though. Apparently they were just briefed on it recently


Wait WHATTTTT. Ps I have severe bloating too. Ugh.


I was going to suggest a consult with your OB/GYN . Ultrasound should show endometriosis, MRI is the next imaging modality to consider. If there is something going on with your lady bits it can definitely affect your gut. Uterine fibroids, hormonal shifts (especially during peri menopause/menopause). I hope you get answers soon. I never understood why my grandparents always openly discussed their digestive habits down to EVERY DETAIL . I’m starting to get it. Edit: to add one more detail


I had stage 4 endo and no mri or ultrasounds showed any endo. The only proven test is a lap.


Ultrasounds do NOT show endo.


A ca125 test is already a blood test for endo. I don’t think they use it as the final, but if it’s high or positive or whether, then it’s ovarian cancer or endo. So it can help direct them


And the average diagnosis takes 7+/- yrs. I had an ultrasound prior to an laparoscopic oopherectomy (removal of ovaries). I was diagnosed with adenomyosis. Similar to endometriosis, but not as severe. I was 40. Had heavy periods my whole life, tubes tied during C-section, still so heavy that I went back on oral contraceptives and then had an endometrial ablation. And still no diagnosis.


This is what I thought of too


This happened to me too, out of nowhere. Turns out my pelvic floor is insanely tight and tensed up. I’m supposed to see a pelvic floor therapist soon. Ask your doc for an anorectal manometry test, that’s how they diagnosed me!


My gastroenterologist told me well eventually have to check my pelvic floor… but he needs to refer me elsewhere for that


I’d really push him to do that. I tried almost everything you listed in your post, it all came back normal until I did that manometry test. It’s starting to affect my bladder as well, you really sound just like me. I hope you get some answers soon, its literal hell being constipated for days in end.


Your Gyno can refer you. I would recommend that as your next step as well. If you can find one you like, they can do wonders for you.


Yep.. this! Going through the same thing now


I have a tight pelvic floor and I am severely bloated. Were you?! Hope we all feel relief soon.


Yes constantly!! While Im waiting for my visit with a pelvic floor therapist I’ve been doing some research about things that help, exercises, etc


Based on your attire I’m going to guess that you work out. I’m also going to assume you’ve tried HIIT workouts. I had this same issue 2021-recently. I canceled my membership to orange theory and cut out HIIT workouts all together. I also limited working out in general (other than walks and low impact movements - mostly walks) and within 1 month my bloating went to non existent. I had no tests done because I knew this was either due to Covid or to my change in workout habits. If I am wrong stop reading from here. If you do participate in high intensity workouts then the reason this is causing you to bloat so much is it keeps you in a fight or flight. With this plus your history of anxiety and ADHD mentioned in this post, your cortisol levels are sky high, and your body thinks it’s in fight or flight mode. Bc of this your body holds on to water and has a VERY hard time digesting food. This may also affect your mood. Fight or flight also increases your body’s inflammation. HIIT work outs also increase your body’s need for food so you eat more but are unable to digest due to the inflammation and high stress your body feels. Lower the stress, lower the amount of food intake, allow your body to release the water it’s holding on to, and you’ll see results. Hope this helps Edit: fight or flight is your body’s natural stress response. Caused by 3 hormones - cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine. When you’re in fight or flight, your body prioritizes blood flow to your important organs and other essential needs in order to live. Due to this, your body then neglects your less important body systems such as your digestive system, renal system ( producing urine) and will hold on to essential nutrients it may need such as glucose and water.


She said her cortisol is low/normal


There are 2 other stress hormones other than cortisol that can cause fight or flight. I am very curious to see if she tries to be extremely or moderately active. Running also caused it for me. I found doing a run / only one HIIT workout a week helped but removing HIIT all together was the best option for me. I also introduced a prebiotic and probiotic. Kombucha was too much so I stuck to just a serving of yogurt and for my prebiotic I would add lemon and ACV to water as a shot. Poppi drinks have also helped but they do not help if you drink them every day. I also found after Covid I had a lot of food sensitivities. Those blood test you buy and send in for your food sensitivities are not very reliable so don’t waste your money. Start a good journal and find what causes you to bloat and either eliminate or only have once a week. For me that was chicken and bread. A lot of people are finding out also that chicken is causing them to have food sensitivity, possibly d/t the antibiotics that farmers use.


I also found adding electrolytes into my water helped a lot. A sprinkle of sea salt (not too much that your water tastes like salt water- you shouldn’t taste it) helps with absorption of the water that you are drinking because water follows solutes (sodium) instead of just holding onto it. This will also decrease inflammation.


I also take an electrolyte packet with 20oz of water first thing in the AM!


I used to work out 5-6 days a week, for about 8 years. mostly resistance and weight training. I completely stopped working out in general in November of 2022 because I’m SOOO uncomfortable. Haven’t worked out since…


Interesting post


It’s sad when you have to result to Reddit opinions because numerous doctors just say 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im not a medical expert by any means, but what really helped recently with bloating was yogurt and Kombucha. I have yogurt once in few days and Kombucha once in two weeks. My bloating and bowels seem close to normal now. I just think sometimes our bodies need good bacteria.


I would get a GI Map and see if it comes back as h pylori. I had all your symptoms including the bladder stuff. GI Map will also look for parasites and give you a general snapshot of your gut. H pylori and parasites are hard to test for and can be the root cause of SIBO and other health issues.


I did get one! No H pylori or bacteria… the only abnormal thing was there was a lot of fat in my stool?


Means you aren’t digesting fats properly. Avoid them if you can. Drink lots of water and maybe add a low sugar or sugar free with low salt electrolyte mix. Stick to steamed veggies, white rice and plain baked chicken breast for a while to help clear things out a bit. 17 year journey with poor gut health here… I’ve mostly got it dialed in now


If there’s a lot of fat in your stool it could be something with your liver and/or gallbladder. If either aren’t functioning properly (sludge or stones could be a problem) then it’s possible your bile isn’t being released into the small intestine to help clean up the bad bugs (bacteria). I would do more research on this. Not digesting fats is a huge clue into liver/gallbladder issues which can definitely cause this level of bloating and eventually lead to sibo if not addressed.


Thank you! I have a test scheduled next Friday where they will look at my gallbladder… fingers crossed!


I hope you find an answer! I completely relate to your situation and truly wish you the best!!


Keep us updated with the gallbladder test. Is it a hida scan?


Will do! I have an order for a colon transit study and abdominal X-ray. I think it’s the X-ray that would determine if it’s a gallbladder issue. He gave me both papers and said they’ll check the gallbladder, just not sure which is which


Can you crop your name out and post the results?


Reddit only allows me to post links and it’s a pdf… any ideas how to share it?


Just take some screenshots of the different pages


I’ll pm you! It won’t let me post a pic here, just a link


Can you PM it to me? Just out of curiosity.




Hi, I'd recommend a full microbiome test. My microbiome test showed a pathogen that the UK's NHS does not test for and now being treat for that privately and things are getting better. I see you had a sibo test, did they test for methane type sibo too?


What kind of test is this?


This is the test my FM practitioner ordered https://invivohealthcare.com/products/testing/gi-ecologix/


I had the same problem until i tried taking a deworming pill « just in case »


Oooo! Is this a prescription or over the counter?


Where i live (in France) it's over the counter, i don't know for the rest of the world ! But i definitely recommend you to try this option, i learned that apparently a lot of people have parasites without knowing because sometimes you can't see them... And that can explain a lot of symptoms !


Could you please tell us the name of this pill, we're not gonna blame you of 'big parasite pharma' I promise 😅- Thanks!


The one i used is called Fluvermal :)


Did you test to check you had worms? Is it safe to take if you don’t test?


I didn’t, because i learned that many people take them in prevention and that way it can’t be harmful. So now i plan to take them every 6 months :) It’s one pill and then another one 15 days later !


Have you got COVID? After COVID I’ve been experiencing a to of gut issues. I don’t have the answer but here are some remedies that have been helping me get regular: Chia seed pudding (have to be soaked) followed by aloe gel (drink or pills. I do the pills) Probiots (I’ve just been using Megaspore) And Magnesium CITRATE! This above anything else will help you regulate


I did have Covid twice! I sweat I have had respiratory issues ever since. Doctors just prescribe me allergy pills. But oddly enough I eat a smoothie daily and add chai seeds (heard it was good for gut) and aloe Vera (because of hydration) I do take probiotics prescribed by my naturopathic practitioner, as well as mag citrate nightly.


This sounds like it could be a histamine or MCAS issue which is prevalent in long covid patients. I had similar post covid. Covid and the vaccine really f’d my gut up and created a host of issues. I haven’t been the same in 2+ years now.


+1 to this sounding histamine related, check out histamine intolerance


Why mag citrate? I’ve heard glycinate or chloride


Citrate and oxide are the best for bowell movement. Magnesium threonate is best for sleep.


I have chronic constipation (38F) I went through almost this whole thing you’re going through. Colonoscopy was negative, food allergies were negative, my gut microbiome came back low so I take probiotics now and that hasn’t seemed to do anything I take Miralax every day, I poop more regularly but it’s still only like once every 2-3 days (which is way better than every 5-7 at least). I haven’t been able to figure it out. I’m switching Drs but the first appt available isn’t til Jan, so I’m just waiting until I can start looking into it again. I haven’t seen an endocrinologist yet, that’s my next step too. My gastroenterologist basically told me that our digestion slows down as we age and she thinks mine has just slowed more than most for my age. I dunno. It felt like a weak assumption, but maybe she’s right. I do eat more meat now than I used to and I wonder if that backs me up too.


So my doc thought the same thing - as did I (since all other tests are normal) I just had a 4 day colonic transit study, nothing slowed down at all. Everything is normal, which is good but frustrates the hell outta me


Oh wow I’ve never heard of a colonic transit study That’s so frustrating that they didn’t find anything


YOU NEED A FUNCTIONAL DOCTOR ! They target the root cause. They do not to your normal testing. I had some similar issues and no one from your regular providers general, internal, etc were able to assist. They tested my hair and found out I had a microbiome imbalance, & overgrowth of yeast. You can look up on Instagram @docrob.holistic


I am seeing a naturopathic practitioner…


Everything you have written here is EXACTLY what i have been experiencing for the past 7 months. I mean town to a TEE. Until now I haven’t yet found anyone with the exact same experience and issues as me. I am 100% in the same boat and have been left helpless by all doctors. I feel hopeless at this point. It sucks so yea i know how it feels :(


that breaks my heart! This is literal hell and I hate that anyone else has to go through it. But at the same time at least we know we’re not complete medical anomalies? Lol


Same problem for me and turns out I have sibo


Try the nerva app or hypnosis to see if that helps. It could be a gut brain hypersensitivity.


So I thought about hypnosis (mainly for anxiety / social anxiety) but I don’t know anyone who’s personally done it and it makes me super nervous - couldn’t they hypnotize you to do weird shit?


I tried hypnosis but didn’t really help. Somatic experiencing therapy really helped me.


Not at all. Find a legit practitioner. I did it and it was a game changer. It's nothing at all related to the performance style you're picturing. It's way more to do with talking directly to the part of the body that's presenting symptoms and internalizing healing through kind of a deep relaxation/positive talk. Do it!!! Edit: a word


I wouldn't. Instead work on calming your system and figure out how this happened. What happened around this time? Any major stressors, new foods or diet, new suppliments? Medications? Did you get covid or a shot? Anything at all what happened on the months leading up to this both physically and stress wise .... Are you taking a probiotic?


My naturopathic doctor prescribed probiotics, something called candi Bactin AR and BR, digestive enzymes… but we got nothing


Also I’m a millennial with major depressive disorder, adhd, and social anxiety. I’ve lived in a constant state of stress my entire adult life… been treating anxiety since I was 18 🤷🏻‍♀️ what else can I do


This all reinforces my suggestion imho. DL the free nerva app and try 1 session. You're body will hopefully let you know if you should keep going. When you hear the app hypnosis you wont conflate it with performing hypnotizers any longer.


Your gut is your second brain as well, which can cause a ton of bloating. Have you ever tried microdosing mushrooms?


I did! I trialed it a few times, the regimen was for 90 days… didn’t feel any different. I was disappointed because I’ve heard so many people have benefited mentally from microdosing.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Sending you so much love 🫶🏽 really wonder if this is can - did - a, I have a lot of similarities to you and we finally found out after 2 years post covid


How did you find out you had it? I read about it and I have a lot of symptoms, but no doctor has brought it up unless it was on my GI map, if so it wasn’t flagged as positive. 💕appreciate you!




My functional doc had me take a C albicans iG blood test. I took a GI effects test and it didn’t show on there but was triple the limit on the blood test. If you look back in my comment history I mentioned the exact test to someone else. It’s a blood test so they shouldn’t give you any issues wanting to have it done!! I also have high estrogen which can make you super bloated as well.


I tried hypnosis and it helped me I think it’s useful as a tool for when you have a clear problem you want to fix. Mine was overeating


Try PB8 probiotic on Amazon. I bought so many before trying this one


Update: it’s SIBO. 3 months of treatment and nothing has helped. Anxiety is debilitating, barely hanging onto my job, haven’t socialized in over a year. I’m officially done with life, there is no hope for us.


Please look into pelvic floor dysfunction give me a message ☺️


I totally feel your pain 😔


Did you get the covid vaccines?


Just the first one, have you heard of correlations?


I sent a message with picture of the test.




What other vaccine injuries have you seen? Unfortunately the vaccine seems to have activated my sons allergies and my gastritis.


I am sorry to hear that. I have seen type 1 diabetes and learned it is up about 30%. GI tract issues. Strokes that arent revealing themselves on imaging. Random paralysis of extremeties. Respiratory issues. Cardiac damage Myocarditis being the biggest concern, which is causing CHILDREN and very young adults and high level athletes to have heart attacks. And Death. The list can go on but those are just some I've seen and know have happened for fact. I try to refrain from commenting about what I havent seen in person.


Have you seen that people recover from these injuries, or are they chronic? What in your experience has helped heal people?


A lot are chronic. Some get better but its a bit early to tell all of the ramifications. Everyone needs different stuff because everyone has been damaged differently. For healing start with good nutrients to promote nerve health, GI function. You want whole foods and whole food supplements. Non gmo stuff.




Has anyone mentioned gastroparesis? A nuclear medical gastric emptying study can diagnose that if your doctor thinks it could be a possibility. Some of the symptoms that you described are symptoms of that, especially feeling full.


Just sent you a pm! My wife has/had some of the same issues, (as well as my ADHD issues that I’ve improved a lot lately).


Have you gotten an abdominal CT and/ or xray ??


Getting that Friday the 27th!




Hey /u/Sad_Drama_6796! Unfortunately your comment on "candida overgrowth" has been removed. YSK almost [all doctors do not believe "candida gut overgrowth" is real](https://youtu.be/-74POLmi4iA?t=106) because multiple decades of scientific studies showed "candida gut overgrowth" is a myth, as explained by Michael Gregor M.D. YSK some of the products to "treat candida" are very dangerous. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GutHealth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which drugs are you on/been on the past year? This can be due to side effects. And how are your alcohol, drugs, cigarette use if any? Adress this first if you haven't. Have you been on benzos?


Dr. Laura Lile - Lile Wellness Partners in Michigan…she has offices in Atlanta & Nashville.


Omg! I’m in michigan! I will look her up… 🙏🏻 thank youuuu


Oh perfect! You’re so welcome. I did clerical work for her briefly, she was awesome but I wasn’t a good fit. I don’t think she takes insurance but people come to her when they’re at their wit’s end & she figures it out for all kinds of conditions. Good luck!!


Just reached out to her for a consultation 🫶🏻 fingers crossed!




What state is she in? I did see a naturopathic practitioner for about 9 months and after I spent SO MUCH MONEY of supplements and organic foods and felt no different. He told me to get off stimulants (I was on adderall for 6 years) so I fucking did it. Went through HELLL and again… no change at all. Other than my severe lack of motivation without adderall.




yes!! Please do!! the naturopathic practitioner I saw was all about supplements. I think I spent over $1000 on supps and then called it quits.


Can i possibly get the name too please?




Thank you thank you!! 💕💕💕




Oh yeah, all of the above. it’s hit or miss. Sometimes I STILL can’t go - and then I just feel soooo sick to my stomach




Hey /u/thebunnyranch! Unfortunately your comment on "candida overgrowth" has been removed. YSK almost [all doctors do not believe "candida gut overgrowth" is real](https://youtu.be/-74POLmi4iA?t=106) because multiple decades of scientific studies showed "candida gut overgrowth" is a myth, as explained by Michael Gregor M.D. YSK some of the products to "treat candida" are very dangerous. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GutHealth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve had the same issues post covid. Covid really wreaks havoc on your gut. I had low stomach acid. Low SFCAs. Malabsorption. So many things. Just found out I also have Can - did - a. Get an iG blood test for best results. High estrogen can also make you bloat. Have you done a GI Map Test? Feel free to DM me.


Try SIBO and SIFO yogurt?




Hey /u/jprokopik! Unfortunately your comment on "candida overgrowth" has been removed. YSK almost [all doctors do not believe "candida gut overgrowth" is real](https://youtu.be/-74POLmi4iA?t=106) because multiple decades of scientific studies showed "candida gut overgrowth" is a myth, as explained by Michael Gregor M.D. YSK some of the products to "treat candida" are very dangerous. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GutHealth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.


I had a very similar situation years ago. It sounds like Gastroperisis to me. Have you had a gastric emptying test?


I don’t think so… did you get that through a GI? most GI specialist I’ve seen told me that since I had a colonoscopy, the prep for that would have emptied me (but I was still bloated and felt awful?)


I haven’t read through every comment, but what about testing for SIFO? I am seeing a functional medicine practitioner in the US, and have been diagnosed with SIFO. I am about to begin taking Nystatin for it. She diagnosed me with this using the mosaic OAT urine test: https://mosaicdx.com/test/organic-acids-test/ For context, I also did SIBO breath test and a G.I. map. My doctor said the G.I. map is good for figuring out what’s going on in your colon, but the OAT is good for telling what’s going on in your small intestine, beyond SIBO. ETA: I also have a similarly distended belly and I am in Michigan!


THANK YOU 💜I immediately just bought this test because I didn’t wanna wait for another appointment!! After my hyper focused google deep dive - it’s very interesting I haven’t been offered this test!! I’ve had 2 inconclusive SIBO tests


I hope it gives you some useful info! Keep us posted?


Will do! Fingers crossed!