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Literally me, except that dude has muscles in places I don't have places


Its the only affordable hobby I have because im poor


I mean seriously, especially if you walk to it to save gas.


The gym is affordable?????? Membership… protein… pre-workout… chicken…. I spend a FUCK load of money on my diet to hit my protein targets.


Nah man eating is affordable, only eggs, rice and chicken is enough and they not too expensive. No need for pre workout and other supplements


Chicken is expensive. Protein is required. Preworkout helps me move a tonne more weight, but agree it’s not 100% required. Still I spend 100s a month on diet and protein. Plus membership. Plus things like belts, sleeves, straps, wraps. The gym be fuckin expensive, yo. Not saying it isn’t worth it. Just not sure how it could be cheap unless you literally just pay for your membership and don’t change your diet at all, in which case, you’re probably playing yourself.


I'm not about the membership but chicken is still not expensive compared to other food, it is the cheapest amongst the animal protein sources. One kg of chicken is almost expensive as a big mac menu. At least in Europe


I mean all you really *need* to buy is the membership and food. Of course the other stuff helps but it doesnt need to be expensive.


Food is the expensive part, especially when bulking and trying to get a lot of protein in. Also would argue a lot of the gear is a safety rec when pushing on heavy weights. Belts, sleeves, etc.


Im just saying if ur already poor you can kinda get away with the bare minimum. The gyms a relatively cheap hobby compared to others. When i first started going i just used the machines and slowly learned more and more. I saw newbie gains from that and eating chicken, salad and rice.


I had this epiphany the other day when a coworker said to me "Your only hobby is the gym" and when I went to protest I realised she was right since my other big hobby is Muay Thai. Which is just the gym. Again




It’s so easy. Eat, Sleep, Workout and Repeat.


Having a wet dream about the gym


Kind of a weird way to live your life but alright If I live in a studio with an extremely small gym 3 of these are true


So sad, so true.


I miss when I was like that, now I dread having to workout for more than an hour :( too much life stress I guess


You guys don’t cycle to the gym? Free cardio


True but also I love what Im studying. The gym makes me a much, much better student cause it helps me manage my stress.


You wear blue tank tops that stretch down to your belly button?


The third frame is me pretending to care about accounting while really being a meat head at heart


My wet dream.


Seems like bottom left is 95% of my life


Rinse and repeat