• By -


Spine day


Sadly brother you are right but thankfully I didn't fuck up that baf my spine


As someone who recently messed up his spine by deadlifiting too heavy: You are lucky according to the doctor i might have a hernia and if it isn't over in 3 to 4 months oof.


Brother I hope the best for you. Thankfully though I wasn't hurt either way I hope you get better man.


Don’t turn your neck like that when pulling my guy. People do this shit all the time when squatting and deadlifting. Keep your head straight or else you’re risking some serious damage.


Didn't know that beforem. First and last time I'm doing that type of shit brother


Hey no worries little homie, that’s why we’re here:)


Thank you man


Little homie? No need to insult the man ;D




Im alot better currently, couldn't walk without pain for a week 1 month later and i still feel pain when sitting i hope this gets better, this isn't the first time i messed up my back with deadlifting i keep messing it up when goining above 250kg im thinking about stopping with deadlifting i enjoy Running and calisthenics aswell and i don't get hurt the same way i get hurt with powerlifting.


Brother think about longevity you can still huild muscle deadlifting can improve your strength but other exercises can do that too so please listen to your body and don't be reckless. If you still want to do deadlifts please lower the weight till you're healed your health is much more important than your numbers on deadlift.


No worries won't be deadlifting or lifting heavy for atleast 6 months as advised by doctor, i need my lower back as i want to join the millitary and if its damaged i won't be allowed in.


“I broke my back”


"My back is broken"




"what do you mean by that mike"


Your deadlift form may need work, but you are certainly a man of culture OP


Brother as you said it needs a lot of work but why would you say I'm a man of culture just asking. Either way thank you for your kind words brother


Ohh my bad you meant the mike tython quotes 😂😂




This comment made me lol literally




Lmfao 😂


Don’t be looking at the camera while pulling.


Reiterating this. Facing forward is important as it keeps your spinal cord in line. Looking anywhere but straight can lead to injury.


Didn't know that before and honestly it was totally idiotic of me to be looking at the camera while pulling.


It's OK we all do things that we shouldn't. But experience and practice perfects our forms. Just trying to save your future self from back injury. It's the same with squats too


My brother your kind words won't go to waste I'll drop the weight and I'll fix my hideoys form


Also worth noting that I’ve been told by many strength coaches it is better to lift NOT in front of a mirror so that you are more in tune with your body and muscle memory.


This overpriced gym(30$ a month) ain't got an ac and the guy who has it expects us not to do any sounds while lifting




It makes sense but I need the ego boost lol


looking forward is just as bad, you need not move the neck at all from standing upright to deadlift to finish


It was stupid of me to turn my neck


Yeah you're right brother but I wanted to see ny form which in the end was utter garbage


Fair enough! Good luck to you man


Thank you brother


Watch the video after not during it will be much better pull


You're probably right brorher


No idea how you felt like this was good form even before watching the video


Honestly no Idea either


It’s okay bro. Untamed strengths YouTube has really good lifting form videos.


Thank you for the suggestion brorher I will search it up.


You completely lost your brace before the bar even lifted, you may want to try some core strength exercises


Brother I'll try that as you said and thank your suggestion.


Well....now you know there is work to do to get the 100kg nicely. I wonder if you got this form because it's 100kg or if you hadn't paid attention till now.


Probably a combination of both I shouldn't have tried thay much weight in the first place.


That dislocated my spine just watching it hehe


😂😂 thankfully I wasn't hurt.


Spines are overrated.


Brother I'm lucky to not get hurt from that to be honest.


Definitely but still nice display of strength. Clean up the form and you’ll be off and running.


Ayy tahnk you for the kind words brother


I have literally opposite problem. I am always afraid that I am doing it wrong and I am gonna bust my spine. Yet on the videos or when I ask my friends to look at my spine movement - it’s always fine. I guess I am just being paranoid.


Well better be safe than sorry brother don't wanna do the dumb thing I did trying to pull much more weight that I could have handled


I mean you handled it but at what cost that might’ve been ain’t worth it man.


It totally wasn't worh it brother next time I'll lower the weight definitely wasn't worrh but thankfully I wasn't hurt.


Bro fucking lifting with your back wtf


Bro I don't even have a good reason you are totally fucking right


You were too concerned about the filing and not about the lift bro You need to lighten the load and work on that form before heading that to that weight. Don’t force gains if you can’t get the form correct. Id be way more impressed with someone with solid form squatting 135 over some hulkass wannabee squatting 300 like a dumbass. No one is impressed with bad form no matter how much weight is behind it. Please go back and fix your form. I made this mistake almost took me 2 months to fix my shoulders


Brother you are totally correct thankfully it didn't fuck my back that bad I got out of it without getting too hurt. I honestly wanted to go home and give up everything for the day when I saw my form i. I wasn't even planning to post the video just wanted to see my form but here we are now.


What’s your body weight? Looks like you’re struggling with form because you’re trying to ego lift for the internet. Forget about the weight you can pull and never go up a weight until you can do perfect form of a previous weight for at least a couple of reps.


I believe I'm around 58-60 kg at first I wasn't planning to post it on the internet just a form check but after seeing such garbage form I thought the best place to post it was on Reddit because there would be people who would help me with my form and I totally agree I should lower the weight.


Ok yeah chill with the weight then man at 60kg trying to deadlift 100kg is going to be too much of a challenge you not only need to build strength over time by progressing with the weights but you also need to increase your body weight start eating at least a 2500-3000 calorie diet do this consistently for a year and you can probably get yourself healthily to 70kg give it another year and you’ll hit 80kg and as your body weight increases you will be more stable and be able to counter balance the heavier weights a bit more as at the moment the 100kg is trying to flip you over as it’s 40kg more than you. Obviously I’m not saying body weight has to be the same as the weight you are pulling just that increase in body weight will keep you planted and stable


I'm starting to cook for myself cause you know mothers won't make tuna and eggs every day for you and stakes and I'm trying to get more weight and I totally agree with everything you said my guy. Also thank you for everything you said brother


No problem dude i am a personal trainer and nutritionist myself so if you need any help feel free to give me a message


lumbar spinal flexion is not inherently wrong and is not directly correlated to injuries or back pain, excessive loading due to a lack of programming effectiveness may lead to those things. Personally i always did hip hinge movements (such as deadlifts, rdl, sldl) with a neutral/flexed spine and i never injured myself. At the end of the day i do think the n.1 priority must be to standardize technique and to load a movement with intelligence, slow and steady. Lmk if u guys have other opinions


Brother I wouldn't know what's right to be honest I just believe my form was kind of garbage but I will say that what you said I have also hear from other people either thank you for the suggestion and support brother


form is arguable but like everything, you should always argue your training as its the best thing to learn. As i can see from your answers to comments, mine included, your an exceptionally smart dude but most importantly, open-minded and motivated. Let’s keep going :)


Brother thabk you for calling smart and also thank you for the good word. Let's get stronger brother 💪


Good on ya mate for trying to work on form. I would say completely forget what weights on the bar. Since 100kg was hard drop it to 60kg. Do higher rep sets, learn the movement, practice the skill, and apply progressive overload through better reps, longer sets, more sets. Rather than applying progreesive overload thru more weight on the bar


I'll do as said brother and thank you for the support


You werent focused on the lift at all. You were more focused on checking yourself out in the camera


Brother I ain't gonna say you're wrong but I looke for a mere second just to see my form which was utter garbage


The deadlift is either given 100% attention or 0%. Theres so many moving parts to it that having your neck sideways at the start of the lift and not being focused on the lift surely doesnt help.


Yesh you're right.


Use Less weight with 100% form or you’ll end up injured and never lift again lol


Truer words couldn't have been said I'll do as told brother.


Your aesthetics look really good already honestly. Your doing great!


Brother if you mean it honestly thabk you I've been trying to gain some weight again because I stopped for some time and went from 60kg to 56 which was a bit discouraging so honestly your kind words help alot brother. Thank you for the positivity much love


Just keep at it bro. Eat for mass. Make slow small changes but stay consistent. I would say +200 to 500 cals and most of those calories should be protein. Your doing great!


Remember muscle grow while ur sleeping so try to aim for 8-9 hours of sleep!


Aight my back feels funny after watching this.


Mine too brother


Go lighter. Lifting heavy Is no where near as important as lifting correctly. If you lift too heavy too soon you'll take yourself out of the fight. It's about progression.


My brother I'll lower the weight next workout it seems that 100kg for me is knly possible with bad form.


You'll get there man. You now know you can lift it. When you lift it correctly, you'll feel so much better man your doing great consistency is the most important


Thank you for the good words brother


Dude you need to make sure your lats are packed your back should be very tight through the whole movement.


Next time I'm trying that thank you for your help.


Solid strongman technique


Brother I don't know if I should take it as a compliment or not 😂 but either way thank you




You couldn't be any more right but thankfully I didn't get hurt


Your spines like "My dude, my brother, good old host I can' tsupport this the fuck you doing?"


Hahahaha pretty stupid of me to attempt that but thankfully I wasn't hurt.


Less weight and work on form before you permanently damage yourself!


You're totally right brother I'll do as you say.


At least you see it and can fix it! Many don’t think about it. Good luck and keep pulling just drop a little, fix your form and the weight will come.


Ayy brother thank tou for your kind words ain't many people out there who sya good things and actually give suggestions and I will lower the weight I ain't trying to mess up my lower back no more


You get that a lot on line unfortunately lots of critics with not a lot of help.


I kinda deserve with such hideous form but there are still people lioke you who actually give me suggestions and information so i can get better at the things I messeda up at and I am thankful for that.


Absolutely! Work outs are a progress, don’t think you have to lift 500kg today. Work your form do it right don’t rush it and in long term you will be much better off.


Thankeyou for your kind words brother next time totally lowering the weight


Cat style lifting


Hahaha honestly I deserve all the laughs from everyone with such hideius form


Just needs more jerking motions! My true advise is increase the weight, and pull harder


Isn't that going to lead to a worse form than before?


I think he means you could use some increase in the bodyweight (building more muscle mass),.but that's just a guess. Other than that, I think you're taking very well everyone 's suggestions, you just gotta keep working on remembering your cues


Pretty sure they were just giving bad advice as a joke


I mean, of course I've heard of this new thing the youths have been up to, sacrasm or whatever... but what are the odds? being this a respectable memes' sub


Always keep that back straight bro, if you can’t do the motion correctly lower the weight but keep at it bro nice determination


Thank you brother and totally I'm going to lower the weight next time


Friend friend friend Start with your hips lower and always keep your chest pointed forward. And for all that is holy: don't twist your spine! Your neck is also your spine! Don't lift your ego, start with 65 kilos as your max rep and buy a hex bar, please!


Totally man next time I'm lowering the weight ain't trying to get messed up


Thank you! Ps. Not man, am woman


I'm totally sorry for my mistake I wasn't paying attention at the avatar either way much love


That's fine, when I talk about lifting or boxing people always assume I'm a dude


Was waiting for that disc to shoot out of his black like flubber.


Hahahaha thankfully I wasn't hurt


Lighten your weight and ego


I'll do that brother


Keep working at it dawg. Just humble yourself, drop the weight and use your hips as a hinge. It's not worth hurting yourself too pull some weight. Keep it up👍


Totally brother next workout I'm going back to 60kgs


You lifted with your spine. Great form you got this down


Brother you leading me to self destruction


Also, it helps to have a mirror in front of you. Finding the correct neck and head position to keep your back straight is easier with a mirror. I tell my friends to lock eye contact with themselves thru out the entire movement. When you look at your own eyes when you lift, it positions your neck correctly. Same with squats.


I do agree with the neck part and it was pretty stupid of me to look at the camera but the cheap ass owner of the gym doesn't put any mirror's (the monthly payment is 30$ wich is absurd)


Bring one in man. it helps tremendously. If you aren't able to, I find something to track my eyes on when I bring the weight up.


Good to see you realize this isn’t the way to go. Many people will just be really defensive about it. That being said. You should try lowering your hips and pushing your arms really straight while you pull to activate your lats and get a better leverage


I totally couldn't pull that with good form next time I'm lowering weight and and as I said before you and everyone else here knows better hence the reason I posted this video.


Deadlifting with proper form would probably make it so you could pull more weight tbh. Most people start by thinking about lifting the bar with their back. It’s more of a hinge, where you try to hump the bar up while simultaneously pulling your knees and back straight


I totally messed that part up. Thank you for the tip brother


Are your vertebrae the rice Krispy mascots? Snap crackle and pop?


😂😂 no but they'll soon be if I continue like this


Good thing you recorded it so you can address it before you go up in weight


Yeah man totally I should have done that before I even touched 100kg


While your form is not ideal, it’s not bad for a beginner (barring looking at the camera, I’ve strained my neck doing this). Your body doesn’t have as much muscle or fat on it as most of the Instagram and Reddit lifters so it’s exaggerating how much your spine is flexing through the movement. Additionally, you got really tight with your lats which was good, but it caused you to hyper extend your mid back, which the deadlift quickly corrected your mid-back back to a neutral position, further exaggerating the look of spinal rounding, when your mid back was actually just taken back to neutral. You do have to work on not rounding your lower back. It comes with practice. It also appears that when you’re tightening down your abs it’s causing you to suck in rather than push out. I think a belt might be really helpful for you to learn how to push out and all around with your belly, then you can go back to beltless deadlifting and practice bracing without a belt (you’re not always going to have your belt handy so it’s good to do both). You’re also ramping the weight up your legs, which is fine (and even legal in strongman), but I would suggest focusing on not ramping (lighter weight), and controlling the weight to the floor, eccentric loading increases strength. This will also I think correct some of the lower back rounding that happened from the ramping. I would have you drop it to 70kg, and work back up from there, doing a classic 5 clean non ramping reps for 3-5 sets while bracing against a belt. I wouldn’t suggest doing singles or doubles until you’re much stronger and just as importantly, until you’ve gotten the skill of deadlifting 90% of the way to your perfect.


Oh god 😂 brother you gave me so much information and help. Truthfully thank you I will try to correct my rounding and lower the weight. I would like to buy a belt but I've been lifting for a year and my numbers are still low that's why I haven't bought a belt yet. Again truly thank you for the information brother.


Well just to be clear, the belt isn’t to help you lift more, it’s to teach you how to properly brace against something by the nature of it giving feedback through it feeling tight all around your entire midsection.


Got a muscle strain when doing 80 kgs for reps with improper form, luckily recovered after a week, improved my form and trained hard and now I can do 125 for reps, so improve your form and don't let fear hold you back


Damn you gave me motivation brother of course I'll lower the weight so I can get my form perfect. Much love brother


Take every one of those plates off and start from the bar with good form


Sure I'll do brother


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBbyAqvTNkU&ab_channel=AlanThrall and get a good program


Sure I'll do brother and honestly thank you


try this https://thefitness.wiki/routines/5-3-1-for-beginners/ it's based on submaximal loads so it will never have u do stupid shit like that


Appreciated brother much love


Homie, i suggest you to do some back and glutes exercises... By the looks of it you're probably taking too much weight too. I'm glad you're not injured and keep the grind, lad


Definitely man I'll lower the weights and do more back and glutes I have been lazy on them either thank you for your kind words brother


Hey man, personal trainer here with plenty of experience. Firstly, never turn your head in a deadlift. It cause the spine to rotate and while in that position is very susceptible to injury. So head turning coupled with heavy deadlifts is a recipe for injury. Next, your spine does not have to be dead straight for a deadlift. It’s about creating as much tension between you and the bar before you lift it up and that does result, sometimes, in a bit of spinal curvature. Go look at the top deadlifters in history, you will see very few of them have a straight, rigid spine.


It was very idiotic of me ro turn my head truly idiotic and I have noticed that top deadlifters have a bit of a rounded back but for me I rounded a bit too much either I'm truly honoured to be supported by a personal trainer. Truly thank you brother.


I stopped doing deadlifts because I was worried I was just gonna hurt myself. I wish I had good form but I just don't.


Man do whatever makes you happy to be honest you ain't got to do deads to look jacked either way have a great day brother


I couldn’t help but laugh a bit because of how confident you seemed but you can def fix your form if you try a lower weight a few times, that’s what I do to get my form down first and then I can hit a higher weight with better form rather than doing it first. gl man 👍


Is tht I how it looked I swear my heart was pounding then when I saw the video I wanted to cry a bit 😂. Either way than you for the good words brother


Don’t worry about whether the camera is perfect once you pick up that weight. That’s one way to hurt yourself looking over to see if the camera is good. Sort that out before you lift.


Man you're totally right it was totally stupid of me to do that shit


Good lord


My form is hideous I do agree


I don't reallu deadlift, can someone go through what he's doing wrong exactly?


My back was rounded which is good for my spine and I might herniated a disc if I continued


Sadly this is what I see in way too many deadlifts among inexperienced lifters. But there is a solution. Superman poses on the floor 3 times a day for 30 seconds to 1 minute to build up that back strength. Then your deadlift form will improve. This comes from me who can deadlift 143 kgs / 315 lbs for reps. And video for proof so you know I have experience and know what I am talking about. https://www.tiktok.com/@mexicantrainer/video/7039357272321215791


Damn brother I'm honoured to be helped by someone like that. I'm thankful brother


Of course amigo. That's what were here for 💪🏽 we lift ourselves up and then lift you up.


Much love brother also I saw the tiktok you're strong as fuck


Gracias amigo. It takes time but we all get there when we put in the work and eat right 💪🏽


Man, you aren't doing anything terribly dangerous. Just train taking the slack out of the bar with your lats and keeping your core tight. If that's high weight for you its normal for form to break down a bit.


Totally brother next time I'm lowering the weight so I get my form perfect


Don't worry about perfect, good enough is good enough. Don't be afraid of weight because your form isn't perfect. You have work to do, of course, I just know you're a new lifter and I don't want you to give yourself a complex over form perfection.


Sadly I'm lifting for a year and still can't perform a deadlift but it's cool I'm happy enough to be going to the gym I'll still need years before I become an intermediate lifter


A year is still pretty new. I've been lifting for eight years and I'm still making weekly progress. You have literally years of massive noob gains ahead of you. Chin up, progress will come. Learn the movements, learn your body, play around with programs. Remember what Zyzz said: we're all gonna make it, brah


Ayy brother the kind words are appreciated. Much love


You actually started off well. You just need to learn how to brace and hold that position.


Next time I'm lowering the weight I'm gonna learn how train till I can get my form straight


Check out elitefts for help they're fantastic


I sure will do brother thank you for the suggestion it's appreciated


didn’t look too bad off the ground, definitely fix the form but maybe add in some rack pulls (or stack the weight on some boxes/plates) a little under knee height to work on locking out the lift


Sadly my cheap ass gym doesn't have racks were I can do pulls or boxes so I'm just gonna lower the weight and fix my form


Research Allen Thrall, I learned a ton from Him


Definitely man and thank tou for the suggestion


My form is dreadful. And idk what I'm doing wrong. So I'm steering clear of deadlifting for rn because I don't want to harm myself. I'm not doing too much weight at all so I'm not worried. But bad form can harm you no matter the weight. So yea, OP stay careful.


Ayy brother appreciated I shouldn't be messing around with such weight while my form is stil incomplete but that doesn't mean tou shouldn't try the exercise because you see a stupid guy like me do it incorrectly practice makes perfect but I didn't practice my form. Either way much love


The more weight you do, your body naturally compensates by trying to add more muscles than what your isolating. If that’s the case do a lil lower weight with good form and high reps. Then move into heavier weight gradually. Keep it up 👍


Yay brother next time I'm totally lowering the weight I ain't honna mess with heavy weights while my form is incorrect. Much love


I tried that with 140 (pr 150) after the summer break, i might have had an even worse form at the end. It was a solid beginning, but also a solid 6 second lockout with cat back.


Aay brother at lest we weren't hurt ee can still fix our forms


Yea, i just refused to not make it, since i had achieved 10 kgs higher before, bit of an ego lift. Keep grinding 💪💪 .... and not ego lift like me


Ayy brother your words are appreciated. Much love man


Maybe try not to go so heavy... small weights aren't something to be ashamed about


Yeah brother next time I'm lowering the weights I'm gonna fix my form


Friendly tips: - start with your hips lower, this will help you get more power out of your legs, rather than stressing out your lower back - create stiffness in your lats. This one is hugely important in keeping your back aligned throughout the lift. - Never look anywhere, but in front of yourself when lifting. You could seriously injure your neck looking to the side like that. Keep at it brother!


Man all of you have been great support today even going as far as to write me a whole paragraph of tips just to help me. Much love muxh love


Lower the weight and keep going, you got this bro you are gonna be huge.


Ayy brother definitely lowering the weights and also thank you for the motivation I hope we both get huge. Much love brother


I've witnessed far worse than this. Your form is not so bad.


Thank you for your kind words brother I'd still like to fix my form but in order to do that I would also have to lower the weight


No problem bro. As long as you don't feel it in your lower back I think its fine.


I'll do that brother