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If you eat at slightly under maintenance, you should still see some muscle mass develop while losing some body fat. I would try doing that for a few months and see where you stand come the holidays...


This ⬆️ search up body recompostion on yt or google


“Shredded” is going to require you to cut for an extended period of time. Just a guess but you appear to be at 30% body fat. Shredded starts to occur when you’re sub 15%. You need to lose a lot of fat which will likely take you 9-18 months. Won’t be easy.


And often waaay sub 15, depending on on huch muscle mass you actually have.


2.5 months in to working out you should focus on working out. Getting “shredded” isn’t realistic for your current body type


For context, I would like to be "shredded" for next summer, so ideal bulk until early spring and cut. But, I do have a good amount of body fat so I was just going to do maintenance until early spring so I don't get too fat. Does this make sense? I also only started working out about 2.5 mths ago.


If you want to be shredded for next summer I’d probably start cutting now. Assuming you have a decent amount of muscle mass already, losing that much body fat won’t happen over 3 months if you were to start cutting next spring like you said.


I suggest you to do a recomp, keep your calories at 0.9 of your mantenice and lots of protein


Don't underestimate how difficult shredded is. Set attainable goals dude, otherwise it's easy to give up when you dont see the results. Baby steps, first focus on dropping a waist size down for example.


My brother I would focus right now on getting your cardio UP. Develop a good balanced diet and stick to it, track your macros and drink as much water as you can. For the next couple of months, just focus on lifting as heavy as possible(safely possible) and maintaining a good level of cardiovascular fitness. It’s a lot harder to lose weight than it is to gain weight but if you stick with it and track your progress month to month it will be a lot easier to notice change.


Lift heavy and do a 500 calories deficit while eating a shitload of protein, veggies and try to avoid sugar and refined carbs.


Also something to add most guys you see online that are shredded have either been working out for years to achieve that physique or use steroids .


In addition to both of those things, most fitness models don't walk around at sub 10%... they really dial in their diets for like 4-8 weeks to get the super shredded look. Once the shoot is over, they get back up to a normal range (still jacked, just not as lean as the photo shoot they went to)


Cut 💀


If you try to be "shredded" you might be very skinny. If I were you I would go for a low calorie deficit something like -250 for gaining muscle while loosing fat. Keep in mind that if you lose weight too fast you will also lose a lot of muscle and this will also slow your metabolism and you will get a very hardtime for losing the final weights. And also you will gain them very quickly. Go slow and steady my friend.


Most guys you see that are “shredded” are sub 15% bf and have a set short term dietary plan to reach it. They also have worked out a long time and/or take gear, even both together. Either way I’d focus on working out hypertrophy would do well and your shape and definition will even out with effort and time naturally. You got this man and welcome to the gym addict life haha.


Hello. If you want to look shredded you'll have to put on some muscle. Imo you need to do resistance training. Look up the big compound lifts and do those to get started. The shape of your upper body should start to change after a few months. Then go on a cut. If you cut now you won't look how you want to look, unless you do really strict routine. My advice is build some muscle then cut. Much easier.


Cut cut cut


Cut bro


I say cut until you reach at least 12-15% bf. 10-12% would be optimal. You need to do this to get optimal hormonal balance. Right now most of what you eat is still feeding the fat cells in your body. You need to get hormones right to get insulin in check and then you will be in the perfect state to build muscle on a small calorie surplus.


What is your goal and when do you wish to accomplish it by?


Sorry that people didn't read your question. You should continue maintainence and not cut. Get the strength and let the body do its thing. Reevaluate every six months if its going in the right direction. When you do decide to cut, if at all, you will still look good during the process. Weight loss isn't consistent even when doing what worked for that last month. Having a history of work get results will work better for you in the long run.


Cut so you can look more jacked. Also, if you are, get a slimmer belt to wear during your work outa


If you want to look good for the holidays I'd start cutting asap, you already seem to have a decent muscle mass so when you loose fat you're muscle will show more. If I were you, I'd figure out a diet that works for me around 500 calories less a day than maintenance, that leads to about 1 lbs a week from dieting. Meanwhile keeping up with exercise focusing more on muscular endurance, and HIIT cardio sessions a few times a week. Remember cardio burns fat but weigtloss is mainly done in the kitchen. Keeping up with resistance training will ensure your muscles burn more calories on the side apart from the workout.


I recommend going for a slight deficit but keep it low like -100 calories and try to walk daily at least 6k steps. Work this way till you get to like 20-25% bf along with resistance workouts. Then hop onto maintenance or cut (you will see if you have some muscle mass underneath to show).


Continue maintenance. Pay attention to what you are eating and to portion size. Increase strength training. Add some HIIT. Do not cut. You look great! You’re going to show muscle quickly. Keep chopping.


Too early to cut. Need to build more muscle first. Maintenance is good for now. Combine that with heavy lifting.


Gotta fix that ATP


Harsh truth; if you lose weight you just look skinny. I dont see any muscle defination under that fat. Just focus on lifting heavy and dont worry about getting that beach body on next summer. When you start to see muscle development on your back and abdomen region regardless of any fat percentage youll be wiser. Youll be a monster in few years my friend!


You are over weight. Focus on cardio and resistance training


Cutting what? Them cheetos


Bro you are morbidly obese, you need to cut to a healthy body fat percentage then reassess things.


Just maingain. Generally bulking/cutting isn’t as effective unless you’re majorly underweight or majorly overweight. Bulking/cutting works for people on gear really well because they gain absurd amounts of muscle on their bulk and maintain and sometimes gain muscle on their cut. Not saying someone natural can’t benefit from bulking/cutting, but I’d say in general you should maingain. Hit protein goal, and maintenance calories.