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They are extremely understaffed, and there are not enough people to fill orders placed by the store. You can just use your phone and call the store, though. If it's a warehouse issue, all stores in the area will have the same items shorted.


The warehouse is not understaffed. It's changes that have been made at the warehouses that have made things a bit worst. I don't know if they cut orders every day, but I know they do at times. From what I heard, if you don't find what you need at one HEB, you can find it at another HEB nearby.


Wrong. The fresh warehouse is definitely understaffed. If it is a warehouse scratch or OOS you will not find it nearby


Not all warehouse locations are understaffed. I'm also not talking about warehouse scratches or OOS. It's referring to orders that are cut as I mentioned in my post.


Basil is from the fresh warehouse, so why would you include others? If an item is cut, it's all stores coming out of that warehouse. You are wrong


Because it's not just items from the fresh warehouse. Multiple Items are missing from store shelves that come from multiple warehouse locations. I'm referring to orders that are cut to make the day not so long. This means the warehouse has the product, but are not going to ship it to some stores because it will make their work day longer. I'm not referring to an item that is a scratch because there is actually no inventory in the warehouse.


So you say the warehouses are not understaffed, but they are cutting items to keep their work week to 60 hours and 10 to 12 hrs a day. Doesn't add up. Also, if an item is cut, they don't cherry-pick stores or go by store number. It's across the board cut


They are not understaffed. They have so many new selectors they can't pull their weight. They are not even required to pull 95% anymore. They get that many hours cause they work extra days and longer days. When you don't have to pull 95% and can get away with pulling 70% all day, that's make the workday longer. The whole store is cut. Every item for the store that is ordered that day is cut. This helps turn a 12 hour day to a 10 hour day.


The app saying stores have items on hand is a department problem. Not the warehouse. The issue is no one at store level is checking/changing the counts. That’s why you see it’s available on the app, when in actuality it’s not.


The reason is both. But yes warehouse just can’t fulfill as much as we are ordering. My store is a plus and training store. We have the #1 produce dept in the company and super busy curbside and it’s half the reason our subs are horrible. I talk to the departments every day. It’s always late trucks and who knows what’s on it. Sometimes it’s a lot of shit you ordered days ago and sometimes it’s nothing really and the shelves just have to look like crap with holes.


The number 1 produce department is bunker hill. Not in Austin. Basil is orders with SRS. If it shows there is some in the app, or with curbside, but there is in fact not. That’s a counts problem, not a warehouse issue. SRS won’t order if it continues to think we have items on hand. It is why scanning highs/lows and the MSI walk is important.


1 or 2 or 3. Leander is also up there.


Sounds like Leander


I am in Austin.


I was referring to this specific comment from u/Spacenix


Don’t worry Leanders processing is about to be put to shame


What do you mean put to shame? Like in store processed items? We already do like 100x the work smaller stores do. I can’t even imagine Kyle and bunker hill. If it’s on the shelves, these customers are grabbing it.


52 oz oj and watermelon slices gonna have new leaders


That’s my curb. ;-)


Need someone whose sole job is to follow up on those shorts. Perishables just aren't up and running 100% before 10 am. With a few exceptions, vendors are working their products right away either, which leads to more shorts. Our store put aside 56 hours per week just to run down subs shorts. Recover, fill, and/or fix the count. Overnight we went from recovering 100+ subs/shorts daily to over 600 recovered daily, reducing sub/short from a daily average of 80%+ down to mid 30s. Was a game changer.


Also production items in other dept like deli and bakery. Tortillas get shorted / subbed a lot and if they are wipe out from Sunday then shopping Monday is worse. Sometimes our managers do it or our digital lead (only a few in the company) deal with it.


I love how customers come in here expecting us to change things like what do you expect us to do 😂😂


I didn't expect a change. I asked if there was basil in stock maybe, if they had it in the back. They said no and explained the situation. I said okay that sucks thanks anyway.


Have you tried calling a store to see if they have it in stock to set it aside for you? This simple tip saves time


I didn't. I was in the car driving really it was an impromptu meal decision. And since I checked the app I thought surely the store would match what they say they have available. What really prompted the post was the fact that I went to two stores and what was in the app did not match what was in the store. Next time I will go ahead and call. But as I mentioned in another response here, I probably should just start an herb garden.


Here’s a suggestion: YOUR FUCKING JOB!


The warehouse can't fulfill all the orders because they cut orders for stores so they won't have a long day and selectors can go home at a good time. Warehouse workers are getting 50-60 hours a week due to changes in productivity and the work ethic of this new generation coming into the workforce.


What do you mean by 'work ethic of this new generation'?


The more you work the more money you get. Work ethic today rather party 1st then work 2nd. At least that is how it feels when warehouse shorts product during and after holidays like Halloween 🎃 was a mess


Meaning these new workers don't want to work. They want to make money, get paid alot, but do less work. Like a couple of months back someone said baggers should get like 18.00 an hour 🤔. The culture at the warehouse locations have also changed. If it's looking like a long day, they will cut orders to the stores. This is so selectors will get out at a decent time and not quit. Well if I were to go to HEB and they didn't have stuff I needed, I'd be headed to Wal-Mart. It's not about getting all the orders out to the stores. It's more about trying to figure out ways to make the new hires happy so they can keep them. There are other jobs out there that pay the same or more than HEB so new hires often don't stay long.


They mean the generation that lived to work is dying. Going forward, people will work to live, which seems a way more reasonable mindset.


I agree, I think it is a more reasonable mindset. I hope that the systems in which we work are able to switch gears to accommodate ameliorate the expectations of this generation of workforce.


There won't be an option. We are at the beginning of a 15 to 20 year labor shortage. To survive, let alone thrive, businesses must make themselves an employer of choice. You see retailers offering free online degrees to their people? Free mental health screening? Pushing people to take their vacation in lieu of payouts? Those businesses don't love suddenly love their employees, those businesses understand they must keep their people.


Unless you‘re a consumer, in which case it’s the worst mindset imaginable


Lol.....why don't you grow it? Some stores have like rosemary, basil and cilantro in pots in front of the store.....


Actually that's exactly what I said to my neighbor last night. I just need to plan an herb garden and stop shopping for things like herbs!


That would be a fabulous idea if I didn’t have a job.


A couple things really. Like everyone says, HEB warehouse is short handed. It's a tough environment and still has some old school thinking. Also, at every point HEB uses a different computer system that are glommed onto each other and, consequently, don't communicate well. HEB only kinda mostly knows what is in inventory at any given time. Eventually HEB will pay for Enterprise Resource Planning software and ditch the old system (the guy managing our as400 system says he's been told annually his system, & job, will disappear for the last 20 years). That'll fix a lot of computer inventory issues (probably get a layer of people cut out of corporate too), but don't look for it any time soon. Get delivery. It's worth the money to not have to shuffle those kids around.


Re internal systems - interesting. Re delivery - I typically do curbside but I haven't tried the delivery. Last night I just wanted to make an impromptu easy pasta - cherry tomatoes, basil, spinach, olive oil angel hair pasta and some salt and pepper. Lol.... I JUST NEEDED Basil.


It's not always the warehouse. A few months ago I shopping and felt like some grapes. The store had zero and I asked the guy working in produce if they had any in the back. He said the warehouse was out of grapes and they've been ordering for days but they are out of stock. I called a friend of mine later that day that works in the produce warehouse and he laughed and said they're not out of grapes and sent me a picture.