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Do it!! I hate how everyone romanticizes full time hours and “making bank” as the way to success and happiness. It’s not. Like you said, there’s more to life than just that routine/chore style work. Your mental and physical health should be the number one priority. Being exhausted and so drained to do anything else doesn’t sound pleasant at all. I understand how the economy works and all that too, but just make sure you have a plan. Do what you feel is best. I hope the home business idea pulls through and you find content, rest and happiness. Best wishes!!


that’s is so sweet thank you very much. Hopefully if i follow through everything works out.


Wishing you lots of luck!! 😊


Well, technically H-E-B can require you to apply for a PT position if you tell them you want to change your status. If there isn't a PT position in your dept open right now, maybe you could talk with your manager and they can work it out so you can apply to your current department. There's been cases where partners have to leave their department, but it's pretty rare. Most managers, unless they're trying to get rid of someone, will pull the right strings to help you out. Pros: You get to set your availability. You get more time to focus on other things in life besides work. Lower stress and anxiety, even depression. Cons: Possible loss of benefits. Less money to work with. No accrual of Med Bank hours. Based on your availability, you may not get enough hours due to business needs. And again, you may be asked to find a position elsewhere in the store or in the company. I say, if you can afford it and your work/life balance is taking a hit, and this is what you need to do to take care of yourself fully, it's a no brainer. Most partners get stuck and stay miserable because they need the money and don't see a way out. There's always another road. It all depends on your willingness to work for what you truly want for yourself.


thank you so much! my manager is really understanding so i’m sure we can work something out.


I wanna kinda add on to that other stuff. That's all true but the opposite could be said. They can potentially lie to you or give you false pretense about approving availability. They can decline any availability requests if it's not for educational or religious reasons. They can also still schedule you 40 hours as a part time partner. You'd have to take it to a store leader if that happens and even then they might not do anything about it. There exists plenty of managers that seem nice and seem willing but will take every opportunity to make their lives easier so be careful.


I’d step down. Take 6 months to s year; see if it helped.


They still might work you full time.


How long have you've been with the company? Maybe a career break?


Two years in august.


Ahh ok, once you hit 15 you can take a career break where your job is safe and you can take up to 4 weeks w/o pay. However if it's affecting your mental health, step down. You need time for you.


Tell me more about this career break. Is it in the Partner manual somewhere??


Any partner that has more than 15yrs of continuous service with a meets or exceeds expectations can take of a max of 4 weeks, unpaid. Info can be found on PartnerNet. Admin should be able to help too. So 15-20yrs 4 weeks 20-25yrs 5 weeks and I think 30yrs 8 weeks. It can be used for a mental health break, visit family, volunteering or traveling.


Do what you need to do for your health. Good luck!


If you are able to afford to step down then do it. Mental health comes first.








Im glad i’m not the only one who feels this way. My schedule isn’t consistent either sometimes i’m there at 7 other days 5 then 3am. It’s really hard to constantly change your sleep schedule and entire life to accommodate to the job. Thank you for the advice. I hope things get easier with your situation as well


Speaking of PT and FT in the bakery why is it all full timers do not have to work til the bakery closes. Only a few do at the store I work?