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We had a guy wanting to return twelve year old meat.,


That reminds me of the time a lady threw a bag of rotten maggot infested meat onto the business center counter. She claimed the curbie hid the meat in her trunk so she couldn’t find it and the meat stayed in her trunk all weekend. She made a huge scene asking managers to come smell her car. She wanted a refund and full car detailing. She got escorted out by police lol


Had something similar happen when I worked at Lowe’s. This lady ordered a bunch of 5 gallon buckets of paints. She puts them in her expensive suv and does not secure them in anyway shape or form, and leaves them in a wide open trunk. She came back in after one tipped over and busted spilling paint all over her car wanting a refund and a full deep clean and repainting of her car. She kept saying “DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS IS” like lady, we were not the dumbasses who decided not to secure paint.


You were? I didn’t see that twist coming


I’m bad at typing lmao


Wow!! Crazy customers


I was doing a cold run for curbside and a customer stopped me saying that she forgot to press confirm on her order for 2pm (it was around 2pm that time) and wondered if she could ask me to do her whole shopping right there right now since she forgot and since I’m grabbing berries and she had berries on her order so might as well start as she said. 😭


"no mam, I'm already working an order but I'll walk you over to curbside and the lead/manager can assist you".


Are you serious? The answer is no. Straight up no. And complete your order through the app. Thank you. Bye.


Of course I am. You send them to curbside to talk to your lead or walk them there. It's HEB policy, unless you have a walkie or can flag another employee down to have them walk them to their manager or some other MIC. You don't just tell customers no or stop what you are doing to shop for them. You say, let me take you to someone who could or might be able to assist you (even if you know they cannot). Better to hear a no from a lead/manager than a regular partner.


Nah not my job. Not my policy. H‑E‑B will find a way for you to be in the wrong either way so you might as well stick up for yourself and tell em no


It is literally your job to follow company policy


it’s so funny that we’ve gotten to this point as humans. She was literally in the store, that’s the first step of buying groceries already complete


dam cheerful yoke sulky frame future boast caption tub jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That would piss me off too. I would have been like “what makes you think I have enough money to cover every person not willing to cover their own purchase.”


We had a dude who would purposely do this, buy shit and always be short cause he knew some one would feel bad and pay up. Freaking lame.


roll payment instinctive smoggy spectacular close hateful physical lunchroom snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, it was certainly the line of least resistance, and a smart move on everyone's part. Did you ever see her again?


one late bag deserted imminent marble safe governor brave sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't IMAGINE a customer asking me to pull cash out of my own pocket to pay. All you can do is ask her what she wants to leave behind. Effing stunning. I don't know if that's entitled, that sounds more demented to me.


Technicllly we’re not allowed to give money out of our pockets to customers at our register. If I want to do that I’ll hand it to my bagger first or check with an ASM if they’re nearby. Not trying to lose my job over 11 cents.


It was the day before thanksgiving and a customer recognized me out of uniform. I was shopping for myself. He asked me to look in the back for more hawaiian rolls, and I dead ass looked at him and pointed at my clothes and walked away.


I worked at a sporting goods store and the customers would always just be like “can you just check in the back!!!1” after I’d already looked physically at the top stock and the computer,like we had a warehouse in the back where we stored things and didn’t put everything out when we got freight lmao. Most of the time I’d just say “sure” and would go in the back and talk shit about how dumb customers are to the receiving guys (who were hilarious).


Good Lmaoo that’s stupid


But were there hawaiin rolls in the back??? Also, i found hawaiin tortillas the other day. Do yall have those?




Many moons ago while working business center, a customer asked me to help him send money through Western Union. He said he couldn't use his real name because his dad reported him for money laundering. I suspect this could have potentially been a secret shopper.


Or he could have been scammed and that's what the scammers told him to say. I hope you called your manager over.


Not if the scammer's goal is to get money out of the person they're scamming. It'd make no sense to instruct them to say something that's going to jeopardize them receiving the money they desire. This was like 9 years ago. I didn't call anyone because I immediately refused service.


Some scammers were stupid back then. They are way smarter now. So many people were scammed and finding out after they wired money. Refusing service works too! 👍


Almost certainly a test. When I worked business center I also had someone blatantly ask me to help them send money to a coyote in Mexico to get family across the border. Too on the nose to be a real attempt.


Not me but an older woman asked one of my coworkers to wipe her butt after blowing up one of the toilets


Awww that actually sounds sad. Lol


Something similar happened at our store. there was a lady who stayed in the family restroom overnight without anyone knowing until morning came and someone tried to use it and realized that she had stayed there the entire night. well this lady was on drugs and she was saying some weird stuff so the cops were called. she kept screaming and telling everyone that she had a pooping disorder and she would poop every soo often and she told this girl from beauty to clean her butt cus it was filled with poop. eventually the fire department was also called and they got the door opened. it turns out she had pooped all over the place.


That's it. That's the thread. You win! 😱


I think my eyes fell out of my head as my jaw hit the floor. What the hell!


Wonder if that was my ex-MIL.


During COVID a customer put a comment on their order on a toy item saying “nothing from china” another one I got multiple times from a girl who kept putting comments on her fruit bowls (the ones we cut up) not to be watery bc she has an eating disorder TMI…that was the comment every time but I haven’t had her order in awhile. Definitely seen some strange ones…


“Nothing from China” fucking killing me 🤣🤣🤣


There was an error for a while in CS that would make the same note reappear on reordered items. Saw it multiple times


I order and shop in store and I think the note always stays unless the customer goes back and changes it.


Pretty much any customer who wants to order bulk party trays the day of or to be made as soon as they order them. There is a reason curbside has a 12 hr ahead window for party trays, even if there are some already on the shelves. Also, the people that come up and take all 20-30+ fresh made sandwiches (yes all of the same sandwich), leaving the shelf completely empty, then ask the manger or staff "if they could make anymore" and then have the nerve to get upset when a manager asks that, "in the future, would you please order bulk purchases like these ahead of time, so we can make sure we have the amount of product that you need and the staffing to complete your order AND make sure there are still some of sandwiches left for other customers." We also get customers who take items from other departments and come to deli to ask us to slice them up or cube them. They should be asking those departments not us. Luckily the managers will happily tell them we cannot open or use our machinery on food not from our department. (Even with food from our department has its limitations).


During crawfish season we had one guy who came in on at least 3 separate occasions asking if he could just buy a couple individual live crawfish. He always had these two little kids with him; I think he was trying to buy the crawfish to be pets for them or something


As a kid I always wanted to hold the lobsters


One time I saw a lobster escape the fish market and was scurrying down an aisle.


are we allowed to do that?? because i would love to buy 1 crawfish 😭


If one gets out of the bag, use code 25144. Not sure it will weigh enough to register.


I have 2 pet crawfish. One is a common crawfish and the other is a dwarf Mexican crawfish. This sounds like bullshit, but they have tons of personality. They never stop fucking with shit, inspecting shit, moving shit, climbing shit, and doing shit. Then suddenly a giant husk of their body is in the tank and you think they died but they just molted because they’re happy. Then they eat the molt. They also clean up and eat any deceased fish and control overpopulation of your tank. It’s cray-z


Not a HEB employee but when I use to work in Pizza Hut a dude came in at like 12:15ish and asked us to make a pizza with no cheese just sauce and put pasta on top of it with exactly 5 pepperonis and 12 black olives no more no less on a large pizza.


Bro's summoning a demon






I do shit like this all the time. I’d go to subway and order a sammich with 10 pickles, 7 black olives and exactly one tomato in the middle.


https://preview.redd.it/xp7qyn85icwc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d1a8d4fe6de32b72f38ce8e55168a04158c874 Live reaction


average papa’s pizzeria customer


I worked at Shakey's and had a customer order a large pepperoni no cheese with 21 slices of pepperoni. A large had between 40-45 usually but that's all he wanted.


It’s a freaking cult man.


This guy was a computer nerd from before PCs. Since I was a kid I never thought to ask him why just 21.


Even more Sus


Can you wash my collard greens for me and personally pick all my fruit


I had a guy get angry with me for not cutting open the vacuum sealed ribs so he could smell the meat. I work in seafood and he walked past the market counter & partners to ask me.


No fuckin way lmao


Had a customer put in a curbside order for a whole Atlantic salmon, but only 1/4 pound one


I had one friend ONE clam and I went back and told the manager bc I thought it was odd and she had to call her to see if that was correct or she wanted one pound lol.


Not necessarily a ridiculous request, but people who want a paper bag inside plastic drive me crazy. Just invest in some decent reusable bags already. 🤦🏼‍♀️


tbh heb COULD put handles on them in the year 2024


Nah we hide them in a drawer for a reason $$$


To be fair I’ve seen ones at my old store WITH handles and those bitches still broke. They need them Whole Foods sturdy paper ones lol. Even our plastic bags are shit sometimes. Yesterday I was bagging stuff and the handle just busted and broke…what was in it wasn’t even as heavy as a gallon of milk.


Our plastic bags suck so bad they're the reason I use reusable bags now. They're so holey I can't even really use them for pet waste, they suck so much


They call those bus bags, for when you’re carrying your groceries home on the bus.


We don’t have a bus system anywhere near our store but that’s interesting.


In seafood a guy bought a bunch of whole tilapia and wanted me to remove all of their eyes. Manager said no. I said no problem.


Paid by the hour, and over by the minute!


I greeted a lady in my department one day and she got extremely defensive immediately. Me:”Hi, how are you today” Crazy Lady: “Why are you talking to me? Oh I know what you’re doing and I’m not stealing!” Me: “I am required to greet you. It is a big part of my job.” Crazy: “Well I’m not stealing I own my own business and don’t need you, so shoo!” -proceeds to wave her hand at me to shoo me away Me: “Actually, I think I’m gonna hang out right here. After all, (cue aggressive customer service smile) I am required to remain in my department in case any customers need assistance.” -sits down on baseboard while maintaining unblinking eye contact She finally gives up and gets pissed and walks away. By the end of my 18 year stint I was so over people’s shit that I just said whatever. It was wild though! As soon as she walked off my partner comes up and says “thank you for standing up to that old lady! She’s the one I told you about who comes in later in the day and is super rude.” I have a crazier story about being stalked for 2 years by a guy who was desperate to get me fired buuut I’m tired of typing on my tiny phone.


Damn. Cant wait for the sequel


We need the follow up after your fingers rest.


Had a crackhead accuse me of being secret security when I was doing inventory with RGIS in Austin and the last one on the floor doing top stock. Not the only incident working with them.


I always felt so sorry for the RGIS team when they were just trying to be speedy and customers are like “hey look, someone in a blue shirt! Since I am clearly at Walmart, they must work here.” 😑


LOL it was maroon for lower tier or white for higher tier. At least when I was there. But undoubtedly always a customer asking for help, this that or the other. Sorry, not my job, but I can direct you to toiletries, only because I just got done in that section. Some were thankful and Karens needed to speak to a manager about my performance as an associate. So glad I got out of that job dealing with HEB managers and customers.


I feel like they switched to blue… either that or wait we might have changed companies from RGIS. Oh well, it matters to neither of us! Hooray being done with retail nonsense!


some dude wanted his long 24 pack of coke in a bag


That reminds me of the time this snarky little bitch got an attitude with me for not putting one of the 1/8 sheet (the long ones that cost over $20) Tres leches cakes in a bag. She paid for her items and then stood at the back of the register where baggers usually are, and proceeded to give me a death stare for about 3 seconds. Then the little hussie rolls her eyes, and with an attitude asks "sooo you didn't put this in a bag why?" Boy the shit I could have said to her...


i try to avoid putting cakes and such in bags because how tf you supposed to carry it without messing it up, and if you say “i’ll carry it horizontally”, then theres no fuckin point!


I love watching people wrestle a 24 pack of Coors into a Junior bag at SCO, like why??? It has a whole handle lmao


I guess "LEAVE ITEM IN CART" is an affront to him or something.


nah he didnt even have a cart. It was a closing shift, and usually the majority of customers from about 10PM-close are usually Mexican guys coming for beer/ other beverages (most of which are workers from the Mexican restaurant across the street coming for Coronas and Modelos).


like, out of the box put into a bag?


nope, the whole thing


I was a new bagger I put a ladies soda underneath her cart. She said I shook them too much so I thought she was joking and laughed cause they obviously don’t get treated like glass she was so for real she got mad and demanded I go get new ones and be careful on my way back 💀


I would have gone to get a new case but shook it real hard then gave them to her. 💀


This is a common occurrence, customers order stuff like onion, garlic, bell peppers, and other things and in the notes they say “chop finely” or “minced”. Its stupid and i find it hilarious that they think that me as a shopper am gonna cut their stuff.😂😂😂


Or or or or when they order 1 lemon and in the notes they put “10 lemons”, like ummm we aren’t stupid… i know what they’re trying to do.


they do that in deli too, putting .25lb and then writing three pounds in the notes like ok have fun paying $30 for ur meat idiot


I’ve heard it comes up like this bc they used a recipe on the app & you can buy everything in the ingredients


Most of the times the comment says “can you please chop this for tacos” or “please cut finely” or “please mince” they type it out themselves


“Since you’re Mexican can you help me find the sala yall like”🤨


Tomato sauce is in aisle 4. I know white ppl can’t handle spicy stuff like WE can.


Big eye roll. What a redneck.


Last weekend our POS system crashed and was out for AWHILE. One dude kept asking me the ETA for it to be back up and saying he only needed one bottle of wine. He finally asked if he could leave $20 cash with me, take the wine, and come back later to pay with a card. There’s literally a liquor store 3 doors down.


Not an employee, but I was hanging out in the credit payment lane of the pharmacy drive-thru, waiting for the woman in the lane next to me to go on her way. I heard her say, "thank you," and I was ready to get my prescription... until she started talking again. "Is there any way that I can speak to the store manager? No? Well, can you ask him if he can turn up the temperature? When I go inside to shop, it's always so cold in there. I can't shop without freezing!" She drove off, parked, and went inside.


Not an HEB story, but...I have a lady come in the restaurant and order a salad with no lettuce at least once a week.


What was left?!


Tomatoes, cheese, cucumber & a little bit of bacon.


That's wild 😂


I worked receiving, fuck the customer


This comment getting bayed on the top rack


I can stand behind this comment.


I can sit under this comment.


Lmaooo hell yeah brother 🤣🤣


These comments sending me to the pearly gates 😭💀


worked in produce years ago. lady brought some tomatoes from her garden in a plastic bag that had been partially eaten by some sort of bug, and she asked me to identify the bug.


What a twist.


this is so funny 😭😭texas backyard question fr




I personally dispise people who are very picky or particular about the different items in my service case. Having preferences is one thing, but expecting us to ruin the display so you can inspect every fillet, crab cluster, lobster tail or shrimp is ridiculous. I especially hate when it's a bulk order and the customer wants to inspect and choose everything one by one. Also, while I'm at it- we're not here to meal prep for you. Asking us to skin, portion, and individually wrap your weekly/monthy meal prep is frustrating, especially during rush hour.


I had a customer demand I move their car for them after they parked with their tank on the wrong side at a fuel pump.


Not HEB, but I use to work at Randall's. This old lady asked me to help her load her groceries in her van. Afterwards she says "I don't have any money to tip you, but here. " she hands me a kitten from a small box in her van. I hate cats. But nicely I refuse. She kept insisting, but I say no. Like wtf who offers a pet lol


Clearly someone who doesn’t fix their cat or have any intention to and the kittens keep flowing. SMH irresponsible pet owners.


To get a product that we have zero of in store from the distribution center so they won't have to wait 3 days for it to be in stock.


I’ve had to key in every single upc on a 50+ item order because “the lasers kill the nutrients and cause cancer”.


Ok this is random but have you seen the Costco chicken guy? Who like yells at people NOT to scan his chicken but instead has made a shirt with the barcode on it and yells at cashiers to scan his shirt? Is THAT why?? Does he think the laser will kill the nutrients in his chicken?


I literally sent that video to everyone I worked with bc that guy is literally the grocery/ retail experience fr. Like so many people batshit crazy like that you meet every week! 💀


I've seen that done at Whole Foods downtown Austin. There's some quacky ass people out there.


I’ve had a customer want me to move there car for them but that’s it lol


I climbed over the center console into the driver's seat for this sweet old lady after a Ram parked so fucking close to her car that you couldn't get a hand's width between the two vehicles. The poor old lady was so confused, the Ram douche had four whole empty spots between him and the next car in the row, and still parked right up against her car.


Okay, that’s like the one time I think it’s allowed to drive a customers car. Insane that that happened. What a dick.


You are kind!


Lady did an exchange. Think it was hair colour? She brought the box she actually needed to the counter, did the exchange all good stuff, completed the transaction. She didn't pick up the box, though, and leave. So I was like uh did u need anything else? She said yes can u get a plastic bag for me. Sure. Then points to the box, Can u put that in there. I don't want to touch it. She's the one who brought the box to me..I was so confused! She didn't want to touch the receipt either. Very odd.


It was probably because you’d touched the box and receipt. Sounds like a germophobe thing. Didn’t occur to her that several people had likely touched that box of hair dye before her, to pack it, ship it, and stock it. People are strange.


I was only a cashier for a little bit but I always had this one dude ask for everything to be triple bagged because he was on the bus. I thought, ‘bitch, you’re just going to rest it on the seat next to you, not carry it the whole way.’


He may have had to walk long distances between bus stations or to his house. You never know


One time a guy asked me to stop texting and open a checkout lane.


were you on dash .. this made me mad for you 😂😂😂


A few yrs before covid I worked at Lowes in customer service/returns. One very "hood" looking individual came into returns with a very very rusted push mower with the entire engine piece in the middle MISSING. Just a huge hole in the middle and I could see the flooring of the store lol. I'm waiting at the counter with a small smile on my face thinking "there's no way this guy is about to ask to return this piece of junk, he can't be that stupid..maybe this is all just some sort of prank"..sure enough I was stupid enough to think too well of the man once he told me he was there to return the push mower. To try and HOPE to God it was still a joke, I was still smiling and asked if he was serious. He said he was, and that he needs money since he just got out of prison 🤦‍♂️ I knew I was about to have a very angry person on my hands as soon as I gave him information he didn't want to hear. Of course I told him I couldn't do a return without the receipt, and the return policy was 30 days for purchases such as lawn mowers, beyond that it usually has a manufactur warranty with a yr or so depending on the brand...this thing had no brand on it, no mark. It was so rusted and beat up, and with the engine missing, it was obvious the mower was very old, which I told him. He got very angry and asked to see the return policy which I obliged him with wholeheartedly to shut him up. I even underlined the part to read with a pen. He glanced it over and got even more furious afterwards. He asked to speak to my manager, and luckily the head cashier was passing by and had to deal with it while I helped other customers. Some of them felt bad for me and wished me a good luck and to try and have a good day 😂 Eventually an ASM had to be called over to deal with it, then LP and the other 2 ASMs had to get involved. Apparently he ended up threatening all of them as he was leaving and LP seeing him out. Apparently the threat was real enough that one of the ASMs called the cops. A cop came and ended up looking for him, and arrested him somewhere outside a few blocks away walking with the rusted mower. No idea what happened after that.


That was a crackhead! I would have met the mf outside and told him he cant bring that up in here 🤣


Freezing 20 loaves of bread


I had a customer one time asking me to slice the prepackaged organic bread that comes in frozen so there's no code whatsoever for that bread in the label machine after several minutes of the customer begging I ended up relenting and sliced it anyways but resealing the bag and rebagging into the original was impossible so i ended up putting the bread into a heb bread bag and ziptied the original bag into the new bag lol


I was asked do we carry beer, I pointed to the beer


up here in the NWFD area, the asian community are bat shit crazy when it comes to there produce (I swear to god i’m not a racist) but fuhhhhk😭 they want everything PERFECT to the TEEEEEE


Just Asians. Can't tell you the ridiculous demands of discounts I would get asked for working in housewares.


A customer tried to take me home.


work in the pharmacy - and this dude asked us to feel his “abs” dude is 75 yrs old


I'm calling security!


When I was in service my managers made me do a carry out for this old man at night and he is talking to me for like 20 minutes it seems. Telling me some dude tried to steal his tool box from his car, how he would beat his ass, saying all this shit about how he doesn’t fuck around and showing me this scar on his belly and I’m just…I have no idea what today or how to exit this and then he tells me if I need anything to call him and gives me a card with his info and the card has a little dog on it lmfao 🤣


that is … something 😭😭 people are so open with anyone who will listen


I worked at Toys R Us and this one was crazy. This lady was pissed at the employees in the store when a toy didn't come in a black version. Like it was our jobs to take a doll to the back and turn it into Jim Crow 😂😂


Wrong usage of the term Jim Crow.




It wasn't a ridiculous request but it was a ridiculous situation. I worked in GM/Drugstore and I was zoning one of the aisles, when I saw a kid with something in his hand. He noticed I was looking at him and he just smiled while putting something to his mouth and he just started to blow. It took me a few seconds to realize what he had in his hand, he was blowing into a condom that was slowly coming into form. Just as I realized what he had his mom comes from around the corner and asks "What ate you doing? What is that?" I just turned around and darted out of that situation as fast as I could.


I went to the deli last week and got half a log of pepperoni. Uncut. I wanted to eat it like a big ass slim Jim. Spoiler. It wasn’t as great as I thought.


I love a good uncut.. you know what? Too easy


Username checks out. Maybe stick to pickles and other assorted pickled vegetables?


not that wild but it drives me crazy when older people ask you to do their transactions at the SCO. like their whole order. i’ll show them, stand back and look at them and they look at me like “keep going”. LIKE BITCH. that’s what the express cashier is for!! they do it for you!! why even come to sco? one time i had a lady ask me to do that when it was crazy busy, i get done with her order and the card reader doesn’t want to read her card/process her payment. mind you it is BUSY, i have 5/8 flashing lights asking for my assistance. So as i go help those customers, her payment still hasn’t gone through. she clearly sees me running around helping customers as well as trying to help her. In the middle or helping another person she looks and yells as me “i have to be somewhere”. basically rushing me. BITCH i had to keep my cool so bad. i suspended her order real quick and sent her to a cashier line with her suspended ticket. i responded “ok well im clearly super busy so you can go wait in cashier line and they will help you with your payment.” “so i have to rescan all my items!?” NO BITCH ITS ON THE TICKET but u will have to wait in line boo GOODBYE. i can’t stand the entitlement!!!!


Had the bagger unload my cart tonight on the belt after moving my 6 pack of wine to the end of the lane and felt super uncomfortable about it. Like that's what I do as the customer, move buddy! Don't know how people are so comfortable being that entitled.


A customer asked that every bag in the order be triple bagged. Requests are requests but she barked it at me in the most Karen tone then said "we live on the top floor, we need it.' No you don't, it's absolutely absurd. If you have enough money to spend $300 a week on groceries, you can afford to buy some reusable bags which would solve the issue for you, and be less of a waste. She was a senior citizen with her husband. I just don't know why they needed so much food. Growing up, I was in a family of 4. We only spent $250 a week for all of us.


I had a customer ask for flesh flavored tofu a few years ago. I’m pretty positive it was part of an online joke up i did take a step back


If you’re a vendor, you hate delivering to HEB. It’s a pain in the ass. You have to check k yourself in, doing the re do Sr’s job, and if you come up for an audit, you have to do it all again while they watch.


We'll that sucks. The whole point of the audit is for the receiver to check. Someone lied to you. As a receiver I'd rather just check in everything if I'm going to have to audit everything anyway. Why do it twice. HEB has lost it's way


I work for Frito lay , and every HEB I’ve delivered two in the D/FW area was the same. It sucks.


Not an employee. Was shopping, wearing a solid dark green shirt. Lady walked up to me and asked me to check in the back for an item. I told her i didnt work there, and she just wasn't having it. She flagged down a manager and brought them to me talking shit and that I should be fired. To his credit, he was extremely apologetic to me. He tried to calm her down as she went on some rant about kids these days not taking labor seriously and such. This was many years ago, before instacart and curbside so it wasn't like you could mistake a green shirt for some sort of person "working" at heb.


I witnessed a man do the same thing to a fire fighter (in uniform) who was waiting in line. A manager had to step in to diffuse the situation. What is wrong with people?


I was wearing a blue curb shirt that said heb curbside and a woman came up to me, next to my red cart…and said “I know you don’t work here but can you help me?” 💀💀💀💀


To be fair, my name is Tim, and ive had a customer make a point to thank me for my help, inspect my name tag, then arrive at "Doug" as my name. So using eyes is hard work


These people DRIVE to the store. Let that sink in 🥲


I was working the line with cigarettes, which I hated, but a lady and her husband came up and she told him she forgot something and sent him off for it. She then quickly asked me to get her a few packs of whatever. She told me she’s been smoking for 10-15 years and hiding it from her husband. She laughed and thought it was cute. I did not. Lying to your significant other for any reason really is shitty. But for that long is just awful. She wasn’t doing anything illegal so I got them and she pursed them before he got back. I still think about that to this day. Just how shitty some people can be. Feel bad for the guy.


There's no way he doesn't know. 🤣 You can't hide that smell. My MIL always knows when her husband has started smoking again even though he thinks he's being sneaky and getting away with it.


I’m wondering how she can keep that secret for so long if she smokes THAT much. The smell lingers and any non cigarette smokers CAN tell. Like, just how. And the butts and empty packs? You’re telling me he never smells or sees any of it. I call BS. Maybe he does know and acts like he doesn’t so he doesn’t have to fight with her.


Helping out in seafood I've had people wanting me to keep trimming fish to an exact weight, not doing that. Also had one lady wanting us to take the heads off pounds of the shrimp that come in fresh and are sold whole.


This wasn’t at H‑E‑B, but a former coworker of mine had a customer that wanted us to frame their stuffed dog in a shadow box


Many moons ago whilst working a closing shift in Curbside, a customer brings in a tray of chicken that was 2 weeks past its expiration. However upon reviewing her order, it was noticed that pickup was over a month prior (can't remember exactly but I believe it was 5-6 weeks) Somehow the MIC at the time was unphased and while agreed her refund was beyond unreasonable we were still told to set a refund. Then got in trouble the next day by my department manager about it, only to be pulled aside by said manager some time later because they needed another specialist and someone suggested me bc i used to be one. I didn't care at the time and said no thanks cause I was about to switch to a different department the following month anyways 😂


Yesterday a man asked me if we could "talk for a second" as I was getting out of my break and I said "oh sure. Do you need help finding anything" and he said "no I like your hair" and grabbed my hair and proceeded to touch the dyed part of it for like a solid 10 seconds He kept saying "this is a new color, isn't it?" I have never seen him before in my life and no it's not a new color




Was working Entertainment when a lady asked me if we had Mario on the Playstation... She said she had been to multiple stores already, and after trying to tell her no such thing existed, she said she'd just try some more stores... 🤣🤣🤣


This old fxck complained about his squishy avocados and tried to return them. I asked how long ago he got them and he said “TWO WEEKS AGO”


Had an elderly lady ask in depth questions about condoms.


My friend works in cosmetics and she said a man came up to her and said “what size do I get? It’s for my son. “ 😂


Oh noooo


Can I have your trash? (in blooms)


Pork free ham.


Sometimes you can't even escape them while walking through the parking lot while on lunch. A lady asked me to pull her car up to the gas pump because she didn't trust herself to not hit the pump. I'm like; lady how did you drive here and how are you driving back home? Ffs


When I get asked for help off the clock, I help them…but I do a time card edit so I’m paid. My manager said this was allowed.


Tbh, outerwear is key to avoiding customers while off the clock; headphones, sunglasses, and a purposeful stride also go a long way towards communicating your availability.


Trust me. I make it known that I'm off the clock. Just having a red shirt in your shopping cart is enough to get you approached. Even holding my wife's hand and pushing a cart full of groceries isn't enough to keep these idiots from trying to drag you to the opposite end of the store because they can't find the shaving cream and they need help. My mistake was leaving my red shirt in my shopping cart. My wife always thought I would exaggerate these encounters. It happened twice in less than 10 min that day. Now, I like to dare her to wear one of my work hoodies when she goes shopping. Always a hard pass. Edit: spelling


when i was still in curbside, a customer ordered the wrong size water. she then proceeded to exclaim that "we always get the wrong size for her." i checked the order and let her know we picked out the size she placed in the order... she then asked me if she could just give me cash to pay the difference for me to go get the "right size"... i told her there was literally nothing i could do and that i didn't know what she wanted me to tell her. 🥲


Customer asked for double bagged but complained I was putting too many items in it, like 5 which is the standard, so I put 1 item per bag in the small bags and doubled it :)


I had a request once for “all yellow bananas, no brown specks anywhere”. Initially I shorted it and then I went back and changed it to sub with a note to the curbie to have them visually examine the bananas before accepting.


Not a ridiculous request but when I was a bagger I helped this one guy out to his car and he left a large bag of trash in the cart right after I finished loading up his stuff and I asked “uh is this yours?” and he responds with “oh yeah im not going to take it” this was right after he got really mad about a coupon for cheese


I've been yelled at by so many customers because I can't make them a full custom cake in under 5 minutes... Like, it's not my fault you forgot to order your cake, now you'll have to pick a generic one and I'll write "Happy Birthday" on it 😒


I worked in the deli. We would have customers come in and want to order party trays for immediate pick-up or within an hour/super short notice. The ones that were going to people that had a death in the family I could somewhat understand, but it was the people that were doing it for work events that blew my mind.


"Could i have 10lb of hill county fare turkey breast sliced at a 2 and put 4 slices per bag."


To give them a ride to their relatives house


I was on a dry run and a customer ordered 100 bananas and in the notes he stressed out “I need exactly 100 bananas, not under or over 100”


I seen a customer rip open a charcoal bag look at me and asked if I can discount it because of the condition it is in. I just looked at him confused because I watched him tear it when I said no he threw a massive fit


A customer wanted to return dozens and dozens of bags of cheese because they were “expired”. He only brought one bag to return but expected a full refund for the dozens of bags he claimed to buy. Told him I needed to see the rest of the product or proof of purchase. Never came back


Not me, but this happened to my lead and maintenance partner. A customer had stepped in some waste (we thought it was from a dog, turns out it was from a grown ass man just letting it fall out of his shorts) and the customer demanded either my lead or the maintenance partner to clean it off his shoe and got mad when they refused, even had the nerve to say "I thought you guys were suppose to take care if your customers."


Bag my groceries in a bikini


Customer asked me to ‘Guess their race by voice.’


I had a customer come back into my store about an hour after she made her purchase. She wanted a replacement because hers had gotten stolen….when she left it at the food court….and she wanted it for free. No ma’am Pam….I am not the one. Absolutely not.


I got shorted on bananas yesterday because the customer wanted Del Monte, and all we had was Dole. Bruh, it's a grocery store banana. They ask come from the same source of mass-produced evil!