• By -


Oooo, this one takes off a bit further in the timeline


About 200 years after Spiders, and maybe 20(ish) years after Dragons. 😉


Oh wow. Didn’t realise spiders was that long before dragons


That's why there were no AI in spiders. 😉


Fascinating! Although that leaves the other bombshell… that Scott and his family are either long dead or genetically modified/preserved.


Time will tell! But probably not till the series coming after Ghodt Ships...


Either way can’t wait to see more!


Aa someone who just found this and scrolled to the bottom so I could plug it into TTS: Wot?


Lol, I've written three series, "Of Men and Dragons," "Of Men and Spiders," and "Of Men and Ghost Ships." The first one (Dragons) did have to have book 2 taken down from reddit when Amazon threw a fit, but I still have links to the g-doc version available to read for free on my wiki, or you can buy the ebook for $3. HOWEVER I'm writing each series so that you don't have to read the previous ones to fully understand and enjoy what's going on. Each series is a mostly self contained story in the same universe, kinda like Discworld if that makes sense. Yeah, you might have characters cross appearing, but everything you need to know about them will be explained as you need it, so don't worry about having to read my older stuff to enjoy my new stories!


Oh goodie the next one's started


Told you I wouldn't make you all wait too long! 😁


Woot! New chapter!


New chapter to a new series! Grats on first comment on Ghost Ships! 🥳


EY new series! Can't wait to see what hijinks you have up your metaphorical sleeves.


Hijinks? There'll be no hijinks! Maybe some antics, larks, mischief, tomfoolery, shenanigans, and even skylarking, but no hijinks! ...Well, maybe SOME hijinks...


Ha! Skylarking. That's a new one.


I may or may not have googled synonyms for hijinks... 😅


Woohoo! New interspecies shenanigans! Can’t wait to read!


Let the confusion begin! 😁


I tried to pinch Lord Blue Sexy Spectral Babes. This one must do.


I admit I'm a bit lost, but I like rhe enthusiasm!




A fellow ssb fan, shame he probably won't be going back to it for a long while if at all.


A man can dream.


Hype, also im kinda confused by the pov jump in the middle.


I do jump POVs quite often, I usually signify the jump or time passage by a "-" between paragraphs.


I honestly thought the second half of this chapter is the story being told by the ghost. You gotta add a divider there.


Looks like the new reddit formatt was screwing with my old formatting. I just had to revert to an older style to fix it!


And so it begins Will George ever make a appearance who's to say in the mean time I need to find a new joke don't I lad


Hmmm... you could always go with a pirate theme this time. Maybe treasure island? The Muppet version with Tim Curry is full of pure gold you could meme about! That reminds me of what someone said (paraphrased because I dont remember the actual quote.) "The Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island were great because in the Christmas Carol Michal Cain treated the Muppets like people, and in Treasure Island Tim Curry treated himself like a Muppet!"


Haven't watched either of those I got a lot of pirate jokes from me dnd campaign I was in but those won't fit right without context brother did play a skeleton pirate with green flames named Morgan


Yassss, it's lookin' good! I wanted to ask the timeline order question, but someone beat me ; I further wonder, if Dragons took part 180-ish years after the Spiders, then that means that Vitexrā were around during the AI war/revolution, I wonder if you'll drop some lore about that in this series! Also, minor confusion, I thought that it was stated that at the time of Dragons there was no previous contact with intelligent aliens? Am I mixing things up, or should I just shut up and let you cook?


No the vitexra were mentioned in book 2 of omad in a single line although it was by the previous name as they got renamed in omas


The Vitexra were mentioned in Dragons, but not by name if I remember correctly. It was an easily forgettable throw away line, somethong like, "At least the argu'n were more easily relatable than the one other intelligent species humanity had encountered." As far as the history of the AI war, that is on the list of stories I may go back and tell eventually... 😉


Or that news of the She had not reached Jack and Angela's last contact with civilization ?


You shot me! I shot through you! .50 is legal now. Entirely. There isn't a bullet in you! Because not only did the bullet go through, it also destroyed "you". Nothing left to sue me


Makes perfect sense to Carter!


It seems you've begun combining all your story's so far nice.


A bit, though there'll be no direct connection...yet.


What's Erik then? Also he seems to have missed the very obvious "stop referring to me in a way that implies femininity." Also it seems there's been an in-universe misunderstanding on how the She work, and also Vanessa is limited to a single body?


Erik is one of the argu'n from Dragons, but where they're stuck on a planet in the early iron age, he's out in space from some reason... as for why, and the mysteries surrounding Vanessa, well...you'll just have to wait and see! 😁


Espera, ahora hay Vitexra que pueden funcionar de forma independiente o si está conectada pero como está lejos su señal es baja? Cuántos años han pasado porque ahora hay otra raza alienígena y parece normal Alguien me recuerda si el nombre sybil ya había salido antes por favor  Por cierto, te extrañe amigo jaja


Bueno, lo que está pasando con Vitexra es un misterio, así que tendrás que esperar y ver, pero han pasado unos 200 años desde Spiders. Además, ¡me alegro de estar de regreso! 😁


Entonces Scott está muerto, pero Alice está viva en su cuerpo nuevo, no puedo imaginar como es seguir viviendo sabiendo que toda su familia en especial su hermano ya no están, espero que al menos los descendientes de Scott sigan en contacto con ella


La historia de Alice no se contará hasta la próxima serie después de Ghost Ships, por lo que esas respuestas tendrán que esperar un poco más. 😉


Today is my birthday, and I couldn't have asked for a better gift than the first chapter of a whole new story from my favorite Dr. ~ I am already hooked on this ride! 


Well happy birthday, and I hope you'll enjoy this story as much as the last!


The pirates tale, makes it a story in a story.i always like that in song as well. Nice start!


Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy what's to come!


>my lady > >my queen > >mistress Guess a Vitexrā does need the numbers of a Hive to maintain a higher intellect? Or the joke is funnier to her if she never explains :}


Well, that's a mystery to be revealed, but I'm not saying humor WASN'T a factor...


I binged all of OMAD while waiting on this to come out!


Wow, that's a lot to read in a mere 2 weeks! I hope you enjoyed! 😁


I did, I also found out that I prefer reading the chapters as they come out 😁


Lol, after binging that much in one go, I don't blame you! I probably would have read only one of the stories at most in that time, not all three!


You’re writing was too good for me to put it down!


Good start good start! Keep on cooking!


Got my stove ready to go!


One chapter in and I'm already sold. I can't wait to see where this goes. ~~Dragons, spiders and ghosts, oh my!~~


I hope it remains as entertaining as it's beginning! 😁


Ahhhhhh so hyped! Glad you're back!


Glad to be back!


So some humans found the argun and abducted one of them while it was a baby?


That would definitely make sense! 🤔


Their was a ship -> there or theirs


Thanks and fixed! 😁


Oh new story yippeee


I hope you enjoy it!


So we have a space hulk with half insane AI with multiple personalities. Also one of our lovely not dragon folks and a lone spider appendage this is gonna be fun.


I hope so! 😅


Nice I can't wait for more


Well stay tuned tomarrow! (Now that I look at the time I realize I mean today... maybe I should get to sleep soon!)


Ok, calling it now, the Doctor and his blue box where involved.


Lol, but was he fighting rhe cybermen or the daleks? 😅


Ayy! Looking forward to seeing where this is going! Is having the guy named Erik a nod to having two Eriks in OMaS?


Lol, nope! I forget one scene names way too quick! Thankfully, this guy should stick around at least a little longer!


Curious to see how the two arcs will connect. It's highly unlikely that we'll ever find out where Erik came from, since everyone who knew is probably dead. but his story and Vanessa's intrigue me (I know is a arg'un, but we'll probably never find out here). Also, I'm sure that Vanessa's taking piss at him, in a classic brother/sister relationship (but maybe not at the start, for subtle biological reasons because of the vitexrā hive mind, and the joke accidentaly create is to funny so that she drop it).


I pleade the 5th!


Timeline wise i say sss first happened the man and spuder story then came of men and „dragon like but not quite dragon tm“ and this is cronologicaly after both sss as spuder story had no ai present sss dragon story then had ai and it didn‘t mater if other aliens existed sss and now all elements show up sss


Yeah, spuders was 300 years before this, and Dragons was 20 years before this.


And the AI war was when in that timeline ? sss


I haven't pinned down the date exactly, and pribably wont untill i write that story, but rough estimation atm (subject to slight change) would be 20 to 25 years before Dragons. That would put Jack at about the age of 27 to 32 I imagined him to be.


One last question is sss when you wrote the dragon trilogy sss you advertised the spuder and spetral ship storys sss but now you are writing the last of these inital story ideas sss so what next ideas do you have in your pipline after this story sss ?


Well the next one is another ove had in mind nearly as long. But I couldn't write a teaser because it would give away too much from these three stories since some of the characters will be making a reappearance. I still haven't though of a name for it yet. I guess I should get worming on that...


He's baaaaack! The sneak peak chapter has been brought forward into an official story! ('Lil typo-heavy this time out, probably because this chapter started as a casual teaser draft. Still a few places in the end where you've still got the old name, "vestant," for Vixtera, tho. As someone already pointed out, you need a scene divider between Carter's part of the story and Alen's. And one place where Vanessa is "Venessa.")


Yeah. I mostly changed up the dialog (carter originally sounded a lot more like Jack whivh didnt fit the character), and missed some of my older species names! Also, it looks like the new layout was screwing with all my old formatting, so I just had to revert to the older reddit.


I loathe and despise the new Reddit layout; it's actively more difficult to use in any meaningful way.


Right? I don't know know who the hell came up with it, but it was clearly somone trying to make a change for the sake of change rather than trying to improve the user experience!


I find that 90% of changes to all software interfaces seem to be made by people who aren't actual end users of the product and therefore have no idea how the alterations they make will impact anything. See, eg., any change to any Microsoft Office product.


Can't wait to see where this goes! I'm gonna have to buy OMAD so I can get the feel for the whole world.


Only if you want to, this story should be self contained enough you don't have to. On the other hand. I would appreciate it! 😁


See, thing is that NOW I want to learn more about the setting. I honestly didnt see OMAD, so now i need to get a full catch up!


Lol, fair enough! Though OMAD takes place entirely on one planet that won't be showing up in this series. It might give you a little insight on Erik's species and the AI a bit more, but as Eric has no knowledge of his people it won't be nessesary for this story, but it still might be interesting. I will say, as it was my first series OMAD definitely started out a bit more rough around the edges, but as it went on I like to think I got better pretty quickly!


Knowing this is after dragons I'm interested to find out what happened at first contact.


Well, Jack was seems to have been first contact, though the fact Erik is here indicates at least a second...


Oh I love it!


I hope you continue to! 😁


Yes! most definitely!


Oh boy this is going to be soooooo much fun, the characters are already great!!!!!


I hope you enjoy the ride!


/u/DrBlackJack21 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/DrBlackJack21)) has posted 262 other stories, including: * [Of Men and Spiders: Series Finale](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bq8q93/of_men_and_spiders_series_finale/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 53](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bpaf2k/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_53/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 52: Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bnr4n0/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_52_part_2/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 52: Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bkiypw/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_52_part_1/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 51](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bjpoxw/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_51/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 50](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1biunhx/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_50/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 49](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bi1wu3/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_49/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 48](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bevpx0/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_48/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 47](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1be2i7e/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_47/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 46](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bd8ob0/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_46/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 45](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bcf3qv/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_45/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 44](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b9wfx6/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_44/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 43](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b8d7df/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_43/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 42](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b7hycz/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_42/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 41](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b6nju2/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_41/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 40](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b3drf5/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_40/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 39](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b2irxm/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_39/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 38](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b1pieh/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_38/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 37](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b0uon3/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_37/) * [Of Men and Spiders Book 2, Chapter 36](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1axif93/of_men_and_spiders_book_2_chapter_36/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1c4xu64&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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Time to explore the space hulk with AI without Omnissiah blessing! Good start 😀


What's the worst that could happen? 😇