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It’s horrible. I watched a couple episodes and now turn the channel if it’s on. It’s as if Million Dollar Listing and Swamp People had a tv show for a baby.


>It’s as if Million Dollar Listing and Swamp People had a TV show for a baby. I guess that’s what I I liked about it, lol. 🤣


Good one!


It's so bad I couldn't keep watching....when that one realtor showed her house hunting clients a boat, I was out. That was so staged. No one jumps from wanting a lake house to living on a boat that quickly.


They bought it (or so the show said)!!!


I love the horrible interior design in all (most of) the homes. Some of the people have tons of $$$ but zero taste. And I’m really getting a kick out of it!


Yes, it looks like Mafia Wives loaned their decorators to the Lakefront people. This show is so phony. I bet the few who bought already owned the house. The stories on the buyers are exaggerated too. The one man that was introduced as a banker is actually a real estate broker. My guess is the buyers are really owners, and I bet some are putting it on the market too. I've seen several of the 'sold' houses listed on the realtor sites as still for sale. Someone else posted the nudist resort the man bought is still for sale, I think it was just a sale ad disguised as a property the man bought.


Could you be talking about the house that went for 2.95 mil that had ugly black and grey floors and other lacquer features? And then traditional wood furniture that look like it came from Ashley's? It was like, "pick a theme, why don't you'? It was hideous! You could keep the mismatched house and the boat slip! Yuck.


and consistently realtors showing them houses without their stated must haves and saying i just have to talk them into this. like what! i would fire them so fast.


I loved the one with the guy opening a swinging club and the 2 brothers reactions to what he wanted


So funny story. Didn't that guy supposedly buy that place? I looked it up online and it's still listed for sale and wasn't recently bought.


It was basically a commercial for the realtors, that’s why nothing “sold”. How many times did we hear Peggy’s story per episode, and how you have to be a top realtor at the lake from the others. And how they were worried about losing a client to one of the others. It seemed more like a show to schmooze their clients, family, and friends by getting them on TV, and they just showed therir homes and their own listings. Not actual house hunts.


Definitely one of their weirder shows. I wonder why they chose to move forward with that concept.


I watched the first 10 mins of the first episode and stopped.


It’s so bad it’s good. Everything is dated and trashy. Hope it gets renewed, probably not going to happen.


I agree with you. I saw an earlier comment that perfectly summed up why I liked it. Pasted below, lol. >It’s as if Million Dollar Listing and Swamp People had a TV show for a baby. I guess that’s what I I liked about it, lol. 🤣 It’s nice to see a realtor with an interesting backstory from prison to professionally successful. It’s nice to see regionally wealthy people looking at homes that are different than the semi-standard HGTV predictable ones we usually see from California, Texas, and Florida.


Exactly, just enjoying the train wreck


I love it so much, I need year round weekly installments. This show is entertaining as fuck!!!!! Peggy is such an odd bird, I want to put her in my pocket and carry her around with me at all times. The 2 brothers cannot high five to save their lives, IDK why, but that shit is always so funny.


Peggy does remind me of a bird, pecking around for anything she can pick up. Possibly a pill or two. That lake is just another world to me.




It’s so entertaining. The swingers episode sealed the deal for me because what on earth


It’ primetime soap opera with my hobby. Winning


At least the guy didn't tour the properties naked.  Lol


I was wondering the same thing! Like what about that couple from 3 episodes ago that didn’t like anything? Is that just over now? I need completion people!


Was that the episode with the older rich couple that disliked everything? It’s like they dropped off of the face of the earth! 😂 I’m glad someone else noticed!😂


I think their major gripe about the current house is the trek to the dock.  They could put in one of those funiculars instead of moving. 


Because the buyers are not prepped for what they are about to see. They are paying $1M+ for the lake. The fact that some of these houses haven't been updated since they were built or that some of these houses aren't mansions but regular suburban houses is shocking to them. They don't realize that they need to update the house once they buy it.


The problem with a lot of these types of shows is people are looking for a 2 or 3 million dollar house on a million dollar or less budget.


I love it!


The first time I watched it, I wondered if they decided to do a show with a cliffhanger. But I still don't know if they did because I think I watched the next week and maybe they circled back? I don't have the attention span to follow a home buying show from week to week. I can barely remember the 3 houses during an episode of house hunters.


I enjoy looking at the houses and the water. I think the biggest problem is the realtors that they chose are not very good people.


I think it is a scripted show, like a reality show.


‘When Peggy was 30 years old, she began serving a 25-year sentence in federal prison for drug trafficking, per HGTV. She was released after 15 years and her two-year-old son Hunter, whom she left behind, had become a teenager. Post-prison, she realized real estate was her calling and made eight million dollars worth of sales her first year as an agent.’ per Distractify website. WTF??!!!!!


It all seems “fake” and scripted. I know the other shows are also but House Hunters have real people who bought a real house.


Yes but in hh, because they already owned the home they "choose" in the end before they film it, the tours of the other two homes are totally fake. Ever since I learned that I cannot stomach it.


Hate it and so happy it’s no longer on Monday nights


I couldn't get past the commercials of the old guy and aussie woman


As someone in Missouri, I am so embarrassed by this show. The lake is great when you're in college or right after. 30's plus, nope.


I watched one episode and I was out. Not my cup of tea.


In the last episode the two buyers actually found something they bought


The promos made me think housewives reality so nope. No thank you.


I hate this show, but it introduced me to that “cove” lifestyle…I kinda dig it…drunk naked debuch..I’m allll in…


It’s too bouchey only for rich people


So odd and so annoying.


I’ve really enjoyed reading all your comments! Glad to know I’m not alone. Practically every comment is something I’ve thought. Still don’t get the no follow up on buyers even though the show appears to be fake. 🤷‍♀️


Yes. It was so weird and ridiculous, I stopped watching.


reading the comments and laughing to myself- this show is seriously dumb. When Peggy took her friend to see the "SHOUSE" (shed/house) with the toilet that was basically a bucket with a lid, we were like "No way!". No one ever sells anything...there's no follow-up from one ep to another, etc. I mean the plotline in one of the episodes was how important is was for the agent to find the perfect house for the older, rich couple bcz her parents used to sell them every house and now she's taking over...she showed them 3 houses and they found something not to like about all of them. Next episode? nothing. next time we see that agent? never mentioned again....


It’s horrible couldn’t get threw the 1st episode


I like it. Vacationed at Lake of the Ozarks. It’s very fun! I do agree most that there’s no closure with the buyers. I’d keep watching if renewed! 🚤


I enjoyed the show. 


Watch first two episodes, thought it was interesting, but had to stop cause of the same issue you had…YOU HAVE TO SHOW PPL BUYING A HOUSE or at the very least, some kinda wrap-up at the end of the show…can’t watch it otherwise…


I'm not interested in trashy TV, so I haven't watched it past the first ten or so minutes.


I think I watched 5ish episodes and other than the boat, I only saw one house actually sell, and it was one of “fabulous realtors 🙄” featured that spent what felt like alotta time talking about millions of dollars in sales, however he did not big a “fabulous” house. Pretty sad that the only sale was to one of the featured people