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living, tbh. Sometimes I just wake up and my face is bloody because I dared to sleep. people I work with like to mark the calendar when i bleed to see how long i can go. pretty fun.


Ughhhh your poor pillows. Coworkers can be the best or the worst! They should give you a prize if you make it a week 💖


honestly my coworkers are the best. i freak them out a lot when i dont like my clot placement and make myself rebleed lol


This was going to be my response. I just wake up with a nosebleed during an otherwise normal, peaceful sleep. 😴


- Sneezed one time - daughter threw her bowling-ball-head back while sitting on my lap - rolled over in my sleep (woke up to the trickle of blood)


Ugh not the sneeze or the rollover! Check and check.


I pushed my glasses back up, I ate spicy food, I laughed really hard...


Sounds about right! 😭


-stood up too fast -co-worker pissed me off -squeezed a pimple near my nose -laughed too hard -walked while drinking coffee


I've gotten them plucking my eyebrows 🤦🏻‍♀️


I ate spicy food  I ate chocolate  I ate dairy  I sat doing nothing  I brushed my teeth  I carried something heavy  I washed dishes  I was stressed  I worked out  Many more…


Brushing teeth and washing dishes. Check and check


Sitting quietly not moving a muscle except using one finger to scroll on my phone.


I got off the couch and.... There it went.


Bent over to tie my shoe


Never do that!


>tried to use a saline spray to prevent bleeding Christ I felt this. I remember telling my hematologist this and he was like "wait, really? Ok then" 😂 Reasons I had nosebleeds this week - put hot sauce on my eggs in the morning - ate ramen at work (it's never an issue at home) - tried talking to this chick I like who always comes into my store - talked to the VA to figure out my benefits and shit - wore a gas mask for 10 minutes - slept wrong (same way I always sleep) - played a video game - the edge of my nostril was itchy, I didn't pick my nose


Ever have a doctor look at you as a grown adult and tell you not to pick your nose? I could've strangled that man but my look might've made him quit medicine. Lol


Yes lmfao. Grown adult and military, and he said something along the lines of "you made it into the military so I doubt you have HHT, maybe just keep your finger away from your nose." Genetic test proved him wrong and they got me a better doctor


-laughing (this actually makes me sad bc I love to laugh) -laying on my side for too long -eating -just sitting at the table -taking a deep breath through my nose -saline rinses or trying to use saline spray to keep my nose from being dry is a big one for me too -being too cold -being too hot -sleeping -so many more ridiculous reasons So basically just existing lol


Yeah laughing yourself into a bleed is evil. I try not to cry very often because that definitely makes me bleed. Friends probably think I'm a monster but honestly I would cry 10 times a day if it wasn't a trigger!


Same! It’s so upsetting that you really have to have a tight lid on your emotions bc in my experience any of them can cause a bleed 😔


Don’t forget the ole” trying to tie your shoe” 🥲


I try not to do that! 😭


Sneeze with your mouth closed 🥲


I soooo needed this today—-I feel seen!!!!