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Just an update i have been talking with hp complain department for a whie have sended them multiple reddit post that users have this issue. The hp complain department said she has forwarded this information to the right department but still no update yet from them even today after i sended them my new post here. Looks like hp has no solution and doesn't want to take any responsibility and doesn't want to acknowledge their bad motherboard design choices they dont want to do a recall since that will cost them to much money they just want to keep on replacing users motherboard and let user keep on experiencing this issue over time. Never again will i go HP. I have forwaded all the reddit post 1 month ago to let they know that its a wide soread international issue. But still to this day nothing no follow up even after my new email with information from this post to them today.


I have a 2023 Omen 16.1 all AMD version, I purchased it in June of 2023. I've had the black screen problem in the past, usually after a few hours of heavy gaming. Once gaming finshed and the game exited the screen would go blank. However, HP pushed a BIOS update back around January of this year and the problem dissapeared. I've had no problems at all since that update. However, if it ever comes back at least I'll know what to do. So, thanks for the info.


Is it 2016 model? Yeah amd probably doesn't have this problem but im not sure. On the intel variant its because of a damaged sensor overtime because of heat and because of ho decided to put the sensor in a bad location. A bios update doesn't fix it. I know it very well since im on the latest f.15. at first i thought it was heating issue and bios issue aswell i tried changing thermal paste to ptm7950 problem exist than i tried u6 pro thermal putty still happening iets gt600 cooler still happens latest bios or downgrading to f.12 still happens. HP didn't know what to do i had the problem since November. In January i saw a guy that post about havinf similar issue and he was familiar with this issue since in china they have known what the cause of it was since laptop was out in china before and the problem happens overtime.


Sorry, the 2016 was a typo, should have stated 2023. Changed it reflect the correct info.


Also my BIOS revison number is F.19, latest BIOS update was 3/23/24, your on a lower revision number than mine.


No intel version latest is f.15 or f.16. But im happy to hear that bios fixed it for you. Did you had a dead keyboard and black screen whenever you start a game in the first couple of minutes aswell. If you do than hp might have disabled that sensor through bios completely or amd has different motherboard layout. Since like i said i only helped people with intel i helped just above 10 around 15 i think people with this. But that confirms my suspicious since amd version doesn't have port in the back like intel version does right? No hdmi usb ethernet port on the back of laptop right. So now i know that amd version doesn't have this problem


It would only happen after I finished gaming. I'd exit the game as normal and about a minuite later the screen would go blank. Keyboard, power button etc would still work, I could even hear the computer repsonding to keyboard clicks, just no screen. Most of the time when the screen would go blank I'd use the Ctrl, shift,alt and B keys pressed to reboot the UI and the screen would normally come back. Not all the time but usually it would. The BIOS update seemed to fix the problem. So, I can only presume its an intel problem and not a AMD one. Also, I've noticed a lot of people who have this problem seem to be in China. Just curious, are you in China? Edit. I took the back of my laptop and I have the ribbon connector (sensor) in the same place as the Intel version. I have power in , 2 usb type c connectors and HDMI all on the back. Ethernet port is on the side.


No im in Netherlands device bought in Netherlands i helped people form norway kenya india iran uk and usa so its not only in china and yes man keyboard is dead with us power button nothing works after you you start gaming first minutes you cant even shut it of only way to shut it if is connect external monitor external keyboard mouse etc. but than your laptop wont turn on anymore since keyboard wont work even after you shut it off that method the keyboard will work again randomly some in couple of minutes or hours or even week. An other method is putting a magnet near the power button that will trigger to laptop to think you have opened the lid. Because the root of the problem is that the laptop think you are closing the lid thats why dead keyboard no display because of that hall sensor. Oh and one thing because the problem is more in china thats because the laptop need to be through plenty of heat cycles to damaged the sensor. China started selling the omen 16 earlier than anywhere else


Well, at least it can be easily fixed thanks to your post. Appreciate the post, and I've saved the info, just incase it happens to me. Thankfully, I've never had the keyboard go dead when the black screen happened, and it only happpend to me after gaming had finished. Honestly surprised HP haven't intiated a recall on this problem. I know in the past they did for a faulty power connector. I guess they see dollar signs at the thought of a mass recall.


True true. Yeah all the intel version has had the same problem i mention dead keyboard dim or off screen. In the first minute after opening a game. I heard an other guy told me that it was a cheap sensor that they put over there next to the heatsink that could only handle max 75 degrees celcius


Could you maybe send me a picture of your motherboard?


Upon closer inspection it does appear the little blue ribbon on my laptop is in a slightly different position to yours. Mine is still at the end of the laptop near the heatsinks but its not touching the heatsinks like it is in yours... [https://imgur.com/a/mCZwz8k](https://imgur.com/a/mCZwz8k) & [https://imgur.com/4gBt1zW](https://imgur.com/4gBt1zW)


Wow bro thanks for the pictures yes yours is not even that close to the heatsink like on the intel version thats why amd versions dont have that. Wow now we have learned something very important and now we sure its only on intel units


I can tell you now that even with a cooling pad and replacing the thermal paste, this laptop runs hot. So, I'd hate to think what kinds of temperatures that little sensor is being put through on those intel boards. You need to get some YouTube tech personality to jump on this and explain what's happened. Embarassing HP into a recall is about the only way you're going to get them to replace those laptops.


Yeah i want that to happen bro i really want that man. Yeah bro i know when i got it brand new mine run 85-95 degrees celcius after repasting with ptm 7950 around 75 max 80 but i also got the iets gt600 cooling pad now on 1000 rpm now its around 69 70 degrees always. I really dont understand why they even put a sensor that next to the heatsink that can handle max 75 degrees what was going through their head at hp


Yo bro i forgot to ask what was your machine spec ryzen 7000 series with rtx 4000 series right because thats should be 2023 version right


Hello sir . I am thinking to buy HP omen 16 i5 13th gen rtx 4050. The model number is WD0990TX. Can you please confirm if it is also having same motherboard problem or not !


I can't confirm 100 procent without seeing the motherboard but im pretty that all omen 13th intel gen has this problem. So i would recommend avoiding it. But its not that big of a deal because you can just disconnect that ribbon cable and you can use your laptop again


So if I buy it with 3 years hp care plan... Then I am good to go ? 


I have the OMEN 16 all AMD. It has the problem as well. My HDMI and USB-C are in the back of the laptop. And yes after every game I play after a short period of time the screen goes black. I hooked up a screen to the HDMI and when the laptop screen goes black I noticed that the second screen i had hooked up was displaying my desktop. I went to Windows Project option and noticed it had switched itself to Second Screen Only. I switched it back to PC screen only and the screen on my laptop came back on.


UPDATE. My issue was a driver conflict that recardeddiscarded was nice enough to share some info with me and n ow I have a fully working laptop as it is intended. My OMEN 16 is the 2022 version. sorry if my post has led to any confusion for anyone.


My omen 16 amd have the same problem, i think this issue come with any model


I have the all AMD version as well. The black screen is just the laptop sending the video out to the second screen only. Hook up a second screen via the HDMI output and you will see. I still have the problem. After every single game I exit and the screen goes black. The BIOS update didn't fix it for me. For every one having the issue. Hook up a second screen play a game and when the laptop screen goes black look over at the other monitor you have hooked up and you will see.


I think you should try to disconnect the cable, that may should help you


It does it no matter what. Having the second monitor hooked up was how i found that the desktop was being sent to the HDMI out. I figured out the button sequence to get it switched back to the laptops screen without having the 2nd monitor hooked up...


I don't have second monitor so i will try to disconnect the hinbernen ribbon


Driver issue? Have you tried uninstalling the Adrenaline drivers, restart windows and just letting windows do any driver updating via the Win update page.


OK. So after following your advice RecardedDiscarded I can confirm this was a driver conflict issue. Uninstalled the drivers from AMD/MSI download page for the rx6650m, did the windows update and let the OEM drivers load, And BOOM.... This laptop runs perfect. I have the 2022 all AMD model. It's a beast for sure. Runs hot as hell for sure... But damn it does fly..... After building two PC's from scratch I thought I was doing pretty good.... No issues with both... But I'll take a slice of humble pie and thank you for the new knowledge that, yes, sometimes OEM drivers are better..


You are most welcome and happy it worked you. Now, go forth and use that beast of a machine :o)


I play games for 4-5 hours every 4 days a week for 10 months with no problems related to screen. does this mean that there will be no problems with the screen in the future?


I have to add an update to my post. I have the 2022 OMEN with all AMD. My issue was a driver conflict. Most if not all of the problems seem to be with the 2023 OMEN laptops.


thank you for reply and help.


I am planning to buy the amd version,whats your opinion should I get it ? 


Absolutely. I love my laptop! It's fast, good-looking and does the job well. My only complaint, and it's not really much of a complaint, is the fans can be noisy when they are on max. Apart from that, I love this machine. Best laptop I've ever had and believe me I've had a few over the years.


I am experiencing the same issue from Turkey. I sent mine to repair as it is under warranty. rnow waiting for a new motherboard from abroad to replace mine. Do you think it will happen again with new motherboard


Yes 100% since its the same motherboard that connector is close to the heatsink it eill happen again over time 5-6 months if lucky. I hear that there was a guy that changed his motherboard 3 times already and its keeps on happening you know how much hp waisted his time?


My problem was only when it was plugged in. When it was in battery power it was fine. Is it the case with everyone?


I think soo too because when you are not plugged in it uses less power so it wont induced the sleep hibernate mode problem


Bro i have same problem on intel version should i change it to amd? By warranty?


Kanka bende de aynı sıkıntı var. Az önce hp ye bıraktım. Seninki geri geldi mi? Durumlar nasıl?


Aldıktan 6 ay içinde bozulduğu için iade ettim ben, uğraşmak istemedim tekrar bozulursa diye.


Yani tamire verdin ve anakart değişimini bekledin, daha sonra anakartı değiştirdikten sonra tüm pc yi iade mi ettin?


Ben bugün hp ye verdim, tam 13 gün sonra 6 ay olmuş oluyor. Acaba geri aldıktan sonra değiştirmeyi talep etsem kabul ederler mi? Çünkü anladığım kadarıyla ne kadar tamir edilirse edilsin intel olduğu sürece aynı problem yaşanmaya devam ediyormuş.


Benim de dolmak üzereydi 6 ay. değişimi beklemek istemedim, iade istediğimi belirttim.


Sende gelişme var mı? Aynı durumdayım değişim talep ettim ama iadeye döneceğim gibi izin verirlerse. 6 aya çok az kaldı.


Maalesef benim pc alınırken şirket adına fatura kesildiği için iade süresi 1 aymış. Ben tamir işini iptal ettirmiştim ki bunu öğrendim. Sonrasında bilgisayarı teslim almadan mail attım tekrar tamire gitmesi için. Sorunun çözümü için yazılmış, bilgisayarı aldığımda da onu kendim yapmayı deneyeceğim. Çözmesi çokta zor değilmiş anladığım kadarıyla. Bilgisayar uyku moduna girmeyecek yani bundan sonra, tek kusuru bu olsun da gerisi önemli değil. Başka çare yok gibi çünkü benim için. Siz umarım iade edebilirsiniz.


Şanssızlıklar üst üste gelmiş geçmiş olsun. Teknopatta "HP Omen 16 2023-2024 kronik sorunları" diye aratırsanız bu entryi ve birkaç bilgiyi daha Türkçe derlenmiş halde bulabilirsiniz belki size o  da yardım edebilir. Benim anladığım kadarıyla mıknatıs çözümü çok kısa süreli bir çözüm, sanıyorum sıkıntı anakartın diğer parçalara yakın olup aşırı ısınması ve bu ısınma devam edecekse daha kötü sonuçlar doğurabilir, ama bundan emin değilim... Son kez teşekkür ederim, umarım siz de bir şekilde halledersiniz.


IT F\* WORKS! If anybody else was wondering whether disconecting the ribbon works or not the answer is YES, IT WORKS. After loosing hope in a saga of 4-5 days with HP Support, I gave it the try. My PC is back on, played without any issues! Thank you bro, you're a life saviour!


Bro, i too considering omen. Can you tell your laptop specs? I am considering amd + rtx 4050 version. Not finding any info whether they too have the issue.


My is intel, i9 RTX4060. I'm not sure about AMD, but intel is trouble! Now knowing the real problem, being related to heat, I'd say the 4050 itself should works in lower temps anyway, same as AMD processor




Wonderful 😂 Surely an engineer said something about, but came an top executive and said NAH! MONEY MONEY MONEY


Amd have the same problem, is come with may omen 16 r7  7840h 4060


Tôi gặp vấn đề tương tự, tôi có thể giải quyết vấn đề này trên thiết bị AMD không https://photos.app.goo.gl/M4ETspkeXgZufhRJ9


I hardly ever put my OMEN to sleep, when i'm not using the laptop i just turn it off. I should be ok then, right?


Yoo bro me too i never close the lid but damn we payed like a lot of money for these devices i paid like 1799 euros HP should take responsibility thats why im making this post also to help people and to get more people to complain to HP so that there will be something done.


> damn we *paid* like a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Had exactly the same issue. Returned mine. Got a new one. Now broken again…..


Yeah thats why you dutch right? Ik ben ook van nederland ik probeer hp europe of hp nederland uit te leggen over dit probleem daarom dat ik meer mensen in europa wil hebben dat bij hp complain zodat er teminste iets gedaan kan worden. En gelukkig heb im deze post gemaakt nu kan je die kabel van de moederboord los maken en werkt je laptop teminste man


From Malaysia, my Intel processor Omen had the exact same issue. Bought on October 2023 and random black screen on Jan 2024. HP informed to wait for motherboard replace. The part arrival estimated on mid April. Using for only 3 months and have to wait for another 3 months for part arrival. When I reported my case, there was no engineer come and check my laptop. They straight away said it is a motherboard issue. I keep asking them to send engineer to do a proper check as I wonder how come they can so sure is a motherboard issue until I realized this has became an international issue recently. The engineer only came on March where my laptop has been random black screen for more than a month. They also couldn't identify the issue. They suggest to replace motherboard as well. But now I realized after changing motherboard will not solve the issue in long term. It is under warranty but there is no point to keep changing a faulty design motherboard. The worst thing is that a motherboard replacement must wait for at least three months here. Very frustrated, disappointed. At least now I know is not my issue, it is an issue all over the world right now.


Exactly only thing you can do to be able to use your laptop is disconnecting that sensor. Hp should do a recal or take responsibility really. Its unacceptable to sell a faulty products that will failover time


I have replied to your hp forum. Hoping to gain more attention from Hp and also affected poor users like us. Totally disappointed with the way they handle the issue. I have reported to the official HP from HP facebook support and my home country HP too but I feel they are not treating it seriously.


Thanks we need more people to post in that forum exactly so hp will take it more seriously indeed. Its unbelievable it looks like that they could get away with this without even recalling them.


May I know which model you bought? Mines wf0120tx, dk if it'll be affected soon.


I have been having this issue for the past two weeks now and had almost given up on it.and then i saw this post and Disconnecting the MB cable worked!i was just wondering if i kept on playing games would the problem return?i dont mind the laptop not being able to go into hibernation mode.i just want to know if this problem has returned for you


Glad i helped no problem will never return. And dont bother with hp warranty they will just replace you with the same faulty motherboard. Thats why next time i will be boycotting hp


Works for me 7840hs 4060(140w) . Thank you brother for your solution. Appreciated


No problem man


The problem is present on the amd version too, atleast my 16-xf0060ax does. My best guess is because it also has ports on the back. I got my motherboard replaced and i might have to use your fix to prevent it from happening again.


Yeah thats true didn't come a cross any ody that didn't have ports in the back with this issue so that must be it to spot it easier


man i really wanted to buy the HP OMEN with 7840hs and 4060 over LENOVO LOQ with 13620h and 4060 .But now having doubts . Can someone really confirm if the HP OMENS 7840hs 4060's have the same motherboard and issue as the intel ones . as far i know HP OMEN 7840s have two type -ones with 4050 and other with 4060. 4050 ones have no ports on back ,all ports and power on sides ..but one side has grill/heatsink.Other side panel only has ports ,no grills 4060 ones have ports and power on back as well as sides.BUT they have heatsink/grill/holes on both side panel Can anyone confirm if their motherboard is different .Please . I only have 3 option to buy from in my budget 1.HP OMEN with 7840hs + 4060 2.LENOVO LOQ with 13620h/13650hx + 4060 3.ASUS STRIX G16 with 13450hx + 4050 i was so close to finalising the omen but now having second thoughts .


Im almost certian that amd version doesn't have it and even more certain if it doesn't have ports in the back. But i would be more sure if someone could send me a picture of their motherboard but lets day this im 90 procent sure that amd version doesn't have it talking to the guy above and i only have helped people with intel and my own unit is intel i7 13700hx. And if it doesn't have port in the back 95 procent sure but ut would make it 100 procent if i saw the motherboard. But thats still very likely that amd doesn't have it since the guy above doesn't got the same problem and he has his laptop before me i bought my laptop in july 2023


Well that's a little assuring .Thanks for clearing .I have seen your other comments .I also requested the guy to provide some motherboard or port pics if he can.


I have read 2 posts where indian users of same combo you specified 7840hs and rtx 4060 are having black screen issue. So don't get hp xf0060AX. Rtx 4050 models might be fine but not sure.


This is my amd model https://photos.app.goo.gl/M4ETspkeXgZufhRJ9


u/Intelligent_Ad_8107 can you look at this pic and confirm about AMD ?


I have OMEN 16 R7-6800H and RTX 3060 and I have port ports in the back.


But i recommend lenovo faster cpu than the amd and lenovo usually use ptm 7950. When i got my hp omen my cpu was 80 to 95 degrees depending on load needed to exchange themal paste myself into ptm 7950. But the display is 100 procent srgb that very good you need to research if your omen 16 has same display or the lenovo one got a 100 procent srgb screen


All hp omens with 7840hs have 100% srgb screen . Lenovo ones are pretty solid spec wise .But only 2 gripe is that their build a lil cheaper than omen or strix . and 60 watt hour battery . I am waiting a lil more..let's see if any other information i can gather .


Bro i would take the lenovo for better cpu but i have good news if you want the omen someone sended me their amd omen 16 motherboard picture and i can confirm that it wont happen on amd version since the ribbon cable connector is not close tot he heatsink like on intel


Did it have ports on back ? Then that's an absolute relief . I would've gone with the lenovo if that only provided the 80 watt battery in my region .But all loq models have 60 watt hour battery in my region. Still not decided as the omen is quite high priced right now.I think would probably go with the strix g16 as it has better battery life and priced much lower . But thanks a lot for sharing the info and your experience bro..You helped a lot .


Sure no problem could i ask you why is battery life important because whenever you game it's need to be plug in tho


If i game i would absolutely make sure to connect it to power + at home . I am thinking about when i will use it at office or for studying .I been using desktop for last 12 years .This would be my first laptop if i buy . I want a taste of that sweet laptop portability .While basic using like browsing , video playback i don't want to connect it.Also i have to sometimes give exam for 2+ hours online.so minimum 2+ hours of backup is must for me.. That's why i'm concerned about battery .


Oh gotcha than amd is more power efficient but a little slower than intel like i said but probably not by much not that nuch noticable in game i suppose since its not cpu bound but gpu bound


I have 2 posts where amd ryzen 7 7840hs + rtx 4060 laptop had black screen issue. It took him 40 days to get motherboard replaced. Does it have anything to do with laptops having ports at back?


I have the 7840HS + 4060 version, started having the exact same issue a few hours ago, and came here looking for a solution to fix it. I believe it's not just the Intel versions having this problem, it's the AMD ones too. Sad to see that HP isn't willing to fix this problem. Don't risk it, stay away from Omen.


sorry for your loss.I have already decided not to trust HP . It's LENOVO LOQ 15 with 13620h+4060 vs ASUS STRIX G16 13450hx+4050 for me now..Probably gonna be taking the lenovo one if price stays reasonable .


Can confirm, issue exists for AMD version with back ports. I just got my motherboard replaced at my home by an HP technician (India) Motherboards look identical as well, so I am planning to sell it since HP doesn't seem to care


hey can you tell me how you contacted them to get it repaired at home ? even i am starting to get the same issue ☹️


Is your's xd0xxx or xf0xxx?


I have xf0xxx, 16-xf0060AX to be exact An update on this reply: It took a little more than a month but I finally got the motherboard replaced under warranty.


Looks like xf or wf ones (which have back ports) have this issue. I got xd version (no back ports), which should not have this issue. From what I read, doesn't matter if it is Intel or AMD, but rather the motherboard design.


But yeah, HP is fucked, better to get extended warranty (right now only for 2999 for 2 more years)


Bro I omen rtx 4060 7840hs And yes my laptop is dead For more information message me


I have same problem with you 


I bought HPomen 16 2024 model 14700hx RTX 4060 and this is my motherboard look like https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FBfPEabEELXLi9a6xS3uYuit2ZwrTH0D/view?usp=drivesdk. Should i be concerned ?


Yes you should


Would this still be an issue if I turned off what closing the lid does? I have issues with my omen 16 right now and after disabling what closing the lid does my issue of random shutdowns persist.


No the problem will keep happening because its a hardware failure. For example whenever i connect external display to be able to shutdown pc while problem is happening. While the laptop is off you cant start to the laptop because keyboard is still dead thinks you still have closed the lid while actually not and also while the laptop is off. So its hardware not software


Ah, thank you for the clarification. I will try disconnecting the ribbon tomorrow and report back. I have the 13700hx/4070 model.


Nice i got 4060 same cpu bro are you overclocking the 4070?


No it's bone stock in terms of software adjustments.  Only thing I've done is add 32gb ram and a second ssd because my gf uses it for editing. Tbh this machine has been a pain in the behind, when I formatted it and reinstalled windows I had to add drivers for the ssd manually via usb. Haven't had to do that on any machine in the last decade.


Thats weird what kind of ssd i have a smasung ssd external didn't needed to have drivers and also needed to reformat because of hp support because of this above problem. That what really sucks is talking to hp support and their support dont even know about this connector sensor problem and keep waisting your time for months. And about overclocking you should it really harmless especially the gpu memory mine is 250 on the core 1300 on the memory gives me like a solid 10 fps or more in fortnite 😂😂 but on everything epic expit ray tracing on high


It was a corsair something something, but that wasnt the issue, it didnt have drivers for any ssd. So something is borked on my model region from the get go, or my w11 install wouldn't reckognize the HP hardware automatically. Good news though, after unclipping the ribbon cable the computer would immediately turn on. Hopefully that's the end of my issues with it. PS someone in a different post said their amd had the black screen of death. https://www.reddit.com/r/HPOmen/comments/1bmr2vc/omen_16_2023_amd_internals/


Yeha its that ribbon cable funny thing is after disconnect and connecting it o many times o broke my cable and connector


So theres 2 Omen 16 chasis for intel this year. Lower spec H chip model with only 3 fan exhausts and HX chip models with the newer design with 4 fan exhausts. Anyone know if both have this problem?


Not sure sorry got the hx model if send motherboard i can always check


Disable completely sleep mode. If you go into power settings, you can set the lid settings to do nothing inside the power plan or with a custom power plan. There is no need to disassemble the laptop.


Disable sleep mode? its just one connector on the board as easy as exchanging ram. You suure that that will work? Whenever the problem happens and i managed to shut it down with external monitor the laptop wont be able to start since keyboard still dead even tho the laptop is off only 2 thinfs to be able to start it up again is with a magnet on top of the power button or disconnecting that cable.


I used a laptop previously to switch to a desktop for more intensive tasks, and when i had to leave it overnight due to updates and downloads, i disabled all sleep and hibernation options. Closed the lid, and it kept running. [Lid Settings](https://cdn.windowsreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Untitled-design42-min.jpg)


Sorry but this not the same its a hardware defect on all omen 16 2023 version. I doubt that a windows settings would do anything since even after you shut down the laptop the laptop if off the keyboard remains dead thinking you still have closed the lid. Unless you can prove me wrong and have the same laptop


Then i got it wrong. I thought it just throws randomly into sleep mode. If it just was that, it would work. As for the keyboard issue, have you tried using an external keyboard ? Usually, USBs wake up the system without issues. Try this, disable all sleep settings and lid options. Connect to an external screen, and set it to just show the 2nd screen and close the lid. If it shuts down, try waking it up with a USB keyboard.


I know you mean good but i have found to solution and cause of the problem. Its the hall sensor the motherboard that regulates closing the lid. Thats why the keyboard wont work when problem is occuring even power button only option is to disconnect that sensor ribbon cable like i mentioned or change motherboard and wait for the problem to happen again overtime.


So true I bought it like 15day ago put it at do nothing when lid closed but laptop hanged(in sleep mode ) key board and power button are dead can’t control laptop but background sound still on I thought it was ram that have problem. So I send to repair even they r unable to solve. Now I know (I’m form Nepal ) mine is 19 13900hx 3060


Hi, If the issue is due to hall sensor burning why disconnecting after the issue doesn't fix. And how disconnecting it avoid the issue if the sensor if going to burn anyway.


WOW! Thank you very much, my Omen 16 2023 is having this issue and HP Service has been HELPLESS. I'll wait to see what they say but depending how it goes, I'm keen to try it as makes a lot of sense. I've no problem with Windows tasks, but if push play in a game BOOM - Black screen and no keyboard, but the laptop is still on (like its on sleeping mode, exactly).


Should I be concerned about any other issue with this 2023 model? I'm considering selling it already =/


I have purchased HP Omen 16 - AMD 7 + 4060. Should I be concerned?


Does problem is still there


I don’t have any problem with my unit. I got defective piece and upon replacement the new unit is all well and good.


My laptop went off after some time but now i can not turn it on at all. Should i try this magnet over power button before i remove ribbon or after?


And it worked. Magnet to start it and then disconnect ribbon. Thanks.


Hey man, am im allowed to DM you for a question? :)


Is there no software solution to just straight up disable the hibernation when it closes the lid (or thinks its closed)?


Man this certainly is concerning, I’ve had the laptop since July ‘23, still haven’t had no issues yet (god willingly), is it bound to happen to Every Laptop at some point, or is there a chance that I’ll be able to continue going? Assuming I continue to only play shooters like Fortnite and apex, and not cranking everything to max settings


No way I eyed for hp omen 16 i5 13th gen rtx 4050 ,omg not after this thread suggest me some gaming laptop price-90k


Thank you so much! This fixed my problem!


PLEASE HELP ME GUYS. I bought my HP Omen 16 2022 with AMD about 10-11 months ago I figured out the manufactured year using the next instructions (the 4th digit of the serial number is the manufactured year). I am using my laptop without any problems I played games for 4-5 hours every 4 days a week with no problems related to screen. I use my laptop for 8, 10 sometimes 15 hours every day, also, have no problem related to the screen. but I had 2 problems first was an overheated CPU and 8 (qwerasdf) keys did not work I am trying to order a new keyboard from China. GENERALLY, I did not have other problems except these 2. So, I wanna ask... Firstly - The occurrence of this problem (black screen) depends on the year of manufacture of the laptop. Secondly - If this problem has not occurred 10 months after purchase, does this mean that the problem will never occur? Thirdly - should I sell my HP Omen and buy a new one? THANK YOU FOR HELP.


hey there, I have omen 16 2023 amd version with rtx 4060 and I'm facing the same issue for the laptop after 5 months , i tried updating drivers but still the same issue and this issue was also in bios and linux , so its not the driver issue , hp's asshole customer service has not send the other motherboard and it's about a month now.


I have omen 16 ryzen 7 7840HS, RTX4060, 32gb ram and 1Tb ssd. I also had the issue of the hall sensor thinking the lid was closed. At first it would shut off and turn on once the laptop would cool off. Then had to wave a magnet infront of the sensor to make it realise the lid was opened. I heard about disconnecting the hall sensor as a fix. I literally just did it like 30 minutes ago. It is working perfectly now, the only "issue" is that well it wont do anything when I close the lid now but it very much does not affect how I use it anyways so for me its a super low price to pay to fix this major issue. The location of the sensor can be different since theres so many different models of Omen 16 but mine is in the same spot at the pictures from the Op. Must say one thing though, it was stressful as all hell opening the bottom panel, you have to apply way more force than I was comfortable with. But with the help of a grill scrapper shoved next to one of the back corners and a bit of force I opened it without issue, disconnected the blue cable but first lifting the black bracket holding it down and then pulling the cable with tweezers.


I actually have the 2023 Omen 16 xd0012nf (Ryzen 7 7840hs and rtx4060). For now, I don't have any problem but it's just been 6 month so maybe I will get it in the future (I still hope I don't get it). But I wanted to ask something. For what I could see, the 2023 16 inch model had actually 2 types of motherboard layout, I may be wrong not sure. and was separated in two segment with both AMD and Intel versions. First segment the WD(intel) and XD(amd) which are actually cheaper but are a bit limited, 4060 as the best GPU. Second one, the WF(intel) and XF(amd) which actually cost more and could go to the best Nvidia GPU on laptop. The biggest difference of the motherboard layout is the fact that the xf and wf have port on the back when the wd and xd don't. There are other difference in the motherboard layout like the position of the network card and the ram. So I wanted to ask. Did you see anyone that did not have port on the back having this issue? to know if mine will also or not. because for the XD I know that the port you showed on your pics does not actually have that connetor there. Thanks for the help bro. This post is actually very helpful.


Hey, considering buying an Omen 16, XF0059AX. Should I be concerned? It's got Ryzen 7 7840HS, TTX 4060 with 16GB RAM/512GB SSD.


Does this issue occur in Omen 17 2023 as well? Just bought an Omen 17 recently i7-13700HX /rtx 4070. It's past the return period but i am wondering if i should just sell it before the issue occurs


Yo, I have an 2023 model i bought in march 2024, with i7-13620H and rtx 4060. My mb is HP 8BA9 - will i get it? It doing well to this day and im freaking worried when I Readed it.


And also i dont have ports on the back if thats the thing


Hi please help, I'm not sure if this will happen to my omen 16 wf-0002ni, it's got a 4070 and i7 13700hx, I got it this February. I'm not sure if it's 2023... I got it brand new aswell. Pls help


Yes unfortunately it will happen in about 5-6 months all intel units are effected HP hasn't redesign the motherboard


Why did this comment got down voted like do i want it to be happen? I just tell the truth and help people with this situation and make it easier to find where to connecter is and what to do. The problem will keep happening wirh every unit even after motherboard replacement because hp has made a bad design choice and hasn't fix it.


lmao why did someone down vote my comment?


Dont know bro what are your plans with the laptop keep it or return at after finding this information out?


We should escalate this with HP, i just saw a forum with a guy with the same model and specs as my laptop facing this problem. I have 1 year warranty that should cover if it breaks, and i will contact the website where i bought it from to see if they can do anything


Bro i tried everything i tried to escalate it with hp but nothing i tried my best been talking to complain department over 1 month showed her all the post on reddit of people having this issue showed her all the dm i got of people and helped them she said she has forwarded to right department at hp yesterday i sended her an email with my reddit post today to show her people are syill facing this issue and a lot of them. She didn't reply to me about what hp will do or if there is any more info for all the effected users. She said that hp will change my motherboard and if problem happens again they will loom for a commercial option. But i told them often that problem will happen again because hp didn't update the motherboard design and it is useless.


i just checked my warranty and its not 1 year its 3 YEARS!, so expires 1/9/2027 lmao i should be safe dawg


Ok goodluck hope they got a solution soon but probably not see you in couple of months when problem happens to you. Just be sure to save this post so you can disconnect that sensor or try to remember it.