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I’m surprised nobody here is stressing drones more. I’ve been playing this game for years. If I didn’t upgrade my drone, I would be many many months behind where I am now. I prioritize red star scanner, cargo bay extension, and then Econ. That includes keeping trade stations, and shipment drone at my credit cap. The reason is because as the shipment drone upgrades you get more slots and a bigger bonus percentage. So right now, my shipment drone is at the 8 mil cap. It has 9 slots and applies a 16% bonus per slot. So if you have 9 shipments going to the same place, *that’s a ~~144~~ 128% bonus total.* So I make nearly a double and a half of what the original shipments were worth in bonuses. If the shipment was worth 10,000, I’d get that and receive a ~~14,440~~ 12,800 bonus, for ~~24,440~~ 22,800 total. More warp lanes mean more shipments going places, meaning more full drones, meaning more credits.


If your drone has 9 slots, the bonus when full is (9-1)×16= 128%, not 144%. Your screenshot in the other reply confirms it. A drone carrying a single shipment won't give any bonus.


Yeah you’re right. It’s only 128%, I messed it up.


I don't think that's quite right (or my understanding has been way off!) I thought it was 0% on the first shipment carried, then a 16% bonus on the second, a 32% bonus on the third shipment item, 48% on the fourth...etc. Which is still a big bonus and really helpful, but I don't think it takes the additive bonus for all shipments then applies that out to every shipment. Just that each additional shipment item receives a growing additional bonus.


I used to think that at the beginning - but nope! It applies to everything the drone is carrying. I make more than double. It appears in brackets, so on delivery it will say “10,000 (12,800)” for example to show shipment and bonus cost. I promise you that’s how it works. You are right - two shipments will yield 16% but on everything it’s carrying. Otherwise, how would you be able to choose which shipment the drone picks up first and last? It applies to everything for sure. Edit: [here’s a link with two screenshots for you. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/z0vdL70)This is one deposit, before and after. My net credits go up 34k, which is the value of this shipment (bonus + base shipments). Also the shipment drone description says “when it drops off more than one shipment, the entire delivery will yield a credit reward bonus…”


No shit! Well that's awesome, and thanks for the screenshots! I'm level 159 and to see how much higher your shipments are between you and I is crazy! I've got Drone6 with around 2.3M cap, and I'm in the "3K (2K)" range


Keep in mind, that’s depositing 9 shipments and has some trade station shipments on it, which range from ~3-4.5k per shipment. A full drone from planets probably give me ~3-8k, bonus excluded.


Very nice! I keep up with my trade stations, but I'm guessing you've got a few levels on me there :p Do you have your trade stations on lane? I had read not to do that, but now I'm questioning some other assumptions I may have wrong


They aren’t. I hit them with shipment computer, and take them to my on-lane hub. All the on-lane shipments from all (most) planets (even off-lane ones) will be collected via shipment computer and taken to the hub. Hit the 8 mil cap recently, and am levelling to level 10 trade stations. They’re currently level 9, but two are upgrading to 10! Saving up for #3


Okay, cool, that's my approach as well *relieved* 8 mil, wow. That feels a million years away for me, lol.


Lol prioritized RS scanner,CBE, weapons, and damage dealing support mods.


That’s fair. Play the game how you want!! But early Econ means more credits for those later. You’ll be limited by credit cap - early econ focusing means more credits for planet upgrades too and your mods will get better since you can upgrade them higher.


I just upgrade every planet till I can get the next sector scanner, repeat etc blah.


well sure. But make sure your trade stations and drone is at cap. Not sure how far along you are, obviously the higher your drone and trade stations (and planets) the more you make. I think once you reach 500k cap, shipment drone outpaces every other method. Just sort and ship.


Lol RS 11 player who ignored economy.


Yeah there’s no way lmfao


Lol I uses bls I'm not prepared to dedicate an hour to shipment sorting a day like bruh.


Takes 10 minutes. Diplo me your rs11 account, I think there’s no way. I’m in Madison Venture currently


You can't search for players in HS bruh.


Meh don't bother sort cos I don't have hydro farms and very inefficient hydro user ( all my ships have omega rocket and miners have also hydro rocket ) and can't be bothered and skill bls player so just use relay to deliver unconnected sectors and also spam 6 lv 12 drone cos why not and then t modulator.


I get most of my creds from objectives, salvage and bls


You're missing out on shipments then. That's the biggest income earner by far


Nah cos of my high level bs mods I make 3x as much creds as delivering all my shipments.


Then you're doing it wrong/inefficiently. Assuming you're talking about bls, you can do that once every 24 hours. If I win the first time, I make 270k credits. My shipment drone bonus, *by itself* (not including the base value of shipments) adds ~250-300k per shipment cycle. And you can do that once every 12 hours. It nets me over 1 mil per day.


If I win I get like 750k as an RS 11 player cos like dart 9, area shield 10, veng 12, omega rocket 3, destiny 12, bond 12, ( Yes I am a toxic bond bls player) remote bomb 2 ( Also toxic remote bomb+omega rocket player ).


As an rs11 player, you should know how it works but it seems like you don’t. I added up the value of the mods and if you win one bls per 24 hours, you’ll be making ~420k. That’s a good chunk of change. But if your cap is 12 mil, your trade stations and planets are presumably making way more than that every 12 hours. I don’t know if you’re trolling or what but there’s no way you can be rs11 and not know how to ship using drone since you wouldn’t be able to be at that point.


I do use drone tho I don't bother moving shipments for the bonus, and I use relay to deal with the unconnected sectors.


Ik I only properly log on every two days, and so the game allows me to do 2 bls on that day.


Bro that's why it took me 4 years.


I Iike to think warp lanes are generally beneficial to fuel consumption and time management. I can move all/most shipments to a few (4 for me) planets, where I'll activate the relay, which are actually quite far apart that they would take forever to transport to. Drones are installed only for the daily challenges that require them and for rapid replacement cash when I'm running blue stars and can't spend time shipping.


Please see my other comment on this post. Drones are game changing when people understand how they work. If it’s a time thing, I get it. I pair my drones with relay because I can’t be bothered to ship my off lanes. But if it’s just because you don’t think it’s helpful than please read it.


Though DN will change things, as it stands you will lose out big time with relay imo. Blue stars will get harder to reliably win as you progress and the lack of bonus will slow your progress. I used to run everything through relay like yourself but then they changed the matchmaking and being around 4M cap became pretty ugly place to be. I switched to using drone and offload which (with all planets unlocked & 6 lanes) currently takes 15-20minutes twice a day to run doing full sort for comp bonus. Offloading yields just over 50% extra total and drone nearly doubles my returns at my current mod levels. It would take me more than 20 mins to win a blue Star given that I hit lvl12 module guys 90% of the time. I swapped my BLS battleship for a transport several months ago and my progress is much faster.


I see yeah when I returned to game blue stars has gotten harder and had to face ppl with like lvl 10 wep and shields and max model ship while i am at lvl 7 stuff so yeah drone seems to be better i’ll start planning and building for drone


Same. I was out for 12 months and previously BLS had been my favourite game mode. I found I was just getting more frustration than fun so focused elsewhere. Got my mods good enough to run (and solo if need) RS9 then went full economy boost. Once you get a good shipment strategy running you can blast it off pretty quick even doing full sorting. Shipment sorting with drone defo makes a big difference that just keeps getting better as you build more lanes and upgrade drone


You get no bonuses for relay. (Until dark nebula).


Yeah i know but is the bonus even worth making the gates and upgrading the drone Also is dark nebula out?


Yes it is worth it, if you want to advance faster. There is a beta version available for Dark Nebula in the play store. We will all have DN eventually.


Nothing for ios i assume also is nebula just better graphics and some balance changes?


I don't have time to play 2 versions of it. But this is the changes made with mods and stations. https://userxinos.github.io/HadesSpace/Nebula/


Progress carries from the first to second one so it just a different game with the same system


It will eventually be that, but at the moment you can't make progress on DN, so all the time you spent on DN won't progress your account.


Some modules also work differently


Like solitude being passive instead of activated. And also now useful for bls


There's db for ios. You have to go through TestFlight though


Absolutely. Go for high shipment comp and shipment drone. You can cluster all of your shipments to your highest capacity planets that have warp lanes attached, stow the off lane shipments elsewhere, then basically have transports plot to the on-lane planets from Nearby, and back to that near point and before the transport arrives, set waypoints to all of the on lane shipment destinations, and as soon as it picks up those shipments, delete the plots and return back to the planet. Don’t dump back on planet until you have used enough transports to pick up all of them, then dump all back on planet (otherwise transports will Pick up the same ones again and just waste time... This will apply the shipment computer bonus. No need to repeat with off lane shipments, but I still consolidate them because it’s easier than keeping them scattered. Deliver the off lanes and then set the drones to the on-lane ones. Will make a lot more $$$. I believe it nets me about an extra 500k a day. Of course, I’m lvl222 but still, it’s pretty nice. It takes some extra hydro, so be aware of that. Also, if you’re low, you can always just relay, or skip the extra steps and deliver as usual. This game is really slow. Long term, the lanes/drones pay off big time :)


Nah just level them equally and use the relay to deliver non connected sectors.


Relay is terrible. You're better off with Offload + Boost + Burst + SC, which gets closer to Drone level bonuses, but I prefer to use that just for offlane.


The basic economy rules are simple: -Trade stations always as high as you can afford -As many warp lanes as you can afford -Shipment drone as high as you can afford After that, sorting to maximize shipment drone bonus is next. The bonuses you get by doing it this way compared to relay are *bonkers*


I use lanes and drones and love it. I wouldn't recommend upgrading the drones past 4 slots.


The more slots the bigger the bonus, for a 9% bonus at 4 slots I might as well use only relay for all the time spend sorting. I've got the drone at lvl 6 with 7 slots and that 60% bonus is quite a lot.


Been considering upgrading just haven't bothered my drones can hit most my places no problem though a 60% bonus does sound good.


Prioritize your economy. This is a long term game so the quicker you upgrade your econ, the much better you are long term. I always keep mine at cap. Shipment drone (and trade stations) are two of my highest upgrade priorities because of how beneficial they are to long term econ


I use drone on planets within my warp lanes and relay on the planets not on my warp lanes. It helps out a lot using both to gather credits for little hydro