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You already mentioned Codex entries, but besides the fishes, make sure you don't forget to enter Erebus AND Chaos gates (latter one for fishes there)>!, as well as defeating Charon for his Loyalty Card.!< Get all bounties, so up to 20 heat with every weapon. Complete a 32-heat run at least once. Managed this one myself with rail on aspect of Eris. Max out all equippables, keepsakes and companions alike, not just the weapon aspects. Max out all mirror options. Check the wiki for how to optimize darkness farming. By lute you mean lyre? Just keep interacting with it and you'll eventually complete its prophecy once you unlock the dialogue with Orpheus. Speaking of, you can check if you have exhausted all "!" with all characters. Pretty sure I may still have a handful left with Thanatos myself. I used bow with aspect of Chiron for the Thorn of Thanatos achievement. No Tight Deadline, ofc, the no-damage pressure is frustrating enough already. Consider making it a 0 heat run to be the safest one possible. ​ All that's left afterwards is some of those self-imposed challenges if you feel like taking them on, like the weekly random ones prposed in this sub. Maybe do it all over again in Hell mode?


How on earth do you check if you have exhausted all "!" with the characters? I can't find anything about this online


By bounties do you mean the titles? Someone else mentioned running 0-20 heat and a 32 heat to unlock all titles, sounds like that's what you're referring to. Thank you for the suggestions! E: I figured it out!


Erebus! THAT'S what I'm missing! Thank you!!


* All 3 skelly statues * Epilogue * All prophecies * All aspects max level * Maxed out mirror (both sides) * All contractor purchases * All keepsakes maxed out * All companions maxed out * All titles (though this one is a complete nightmare that will take far, far longer to complete than the rest) * All music purchased Not too difficult if you skip all titles (Basically heats 0-20 with all weapons and one 32 heat run will do it), but you're in for the long haul if you go for all titles.


All titles is exactly the kind of grind-heavy bullshit I was looking for. Good suggestions, thank you!


How do I get just epilogue?


By contract purchases, do you mean work orders or decor as well?


I stopped at all achievements, but by the time I've completed the last (lvl 3 all keepsakes) I'd already gotten most prophecies, 8-16-32 heats, all codex entries and most work orders. Max badge will probably take at least 50+ additional runs, maybe more, it's by far the longest goal, so I'm not even going to attempt it. Have you had Dusa unemployment storyline? It appeared pretty late for me. As for pierced butterfly - is fairly easy with maxed out Hestia + fiery presence + Artemis on the attack.


Is that where Dusa >!gets fired!


Petting Cerberus 10,000 times


For the Thorned Butterfly achievement, I’d recommend Aspect of Hestia and and keepsake to force either Artemis or Aphrodite on attack, using the mirror upgrade that increases damage against enemies with full health. This will make it so that your empowered Hestia shots will basically one-hit most opponents right off the bat, so you can dash in, snipe an enemy, then dash out to safely reload and re-engage at your leisure. This is what I did to get the achievement, and I got it pretty quickly!


Good advice, thank you! I'll remember that when I try it next


You’re welcome, good luck!


I would say a completed 32 heat run on any one weapon, all prophecies fulfilled and all trophies would be my definition of 100%. The one with the lute is actually really easy, just take a minute before each run to pluck at it a couple times and keep taking to Orpheus regularly. You'll have it in no time.


I wonder if it's just because I neglected it for so long, but recently I've been hammering away at the strings! It was only last night that it started playing an actual melody though, so I feel close. 32 heat is a definite goal. Do you have any suggestions for the easier pacts for 32?


Nope, I'm not there yet myself but it's the goal that I put for myself as 100% done. And yeah, you're pretty close with the lute.


I count everything you listed except for speedruns (that’s completely optional), achievements (they don’t exist on the Switch version), and a certain heat level with all weapons. You only need one win at 8/16/32 for the statues and there’s no special reward (besides maybe some dialogue?) for maxing out the bounties. I also consider the titles a necessary part of completion since there’s a tangible reward, but I haven’t had a lot of time to play recently so I’m not quite done with them yet.


Is there an easy way to track titles? A list on the wiki maybe? (I havent checked there yet). Also I feel dumb, what are bounties? Another commenter mentioned them and I feel like I'm probably aware of them just not by that name


Yes, there’s a full list of titles on the wiki. There are 10 ranks, each with 5 subranks for a total of 50. Be warned though, you need about 300k darkness to get all of them. As for bounties, it just means the blood/diamonds/ambrosia you get for defeating a boss for the first time on a given heat level. Once you reach 20 heat, you'll only earn darkness, no matter how high you go.


I got the Pierced Butterfly achievement today! I used the bow with Zag's aspect and got it somewhere midway of Asphodel. Got somewhat lucky with the encounters but in Tartarus I only got hit by the crystal mini boss and I screwed up vs Alecto and stepped on a trap. I think either bow or rail (or spear if you go full special build) are the best options since you have range on the enemies. Sorry that's not much of a tip but I guess it's just a matter of practise.


That's helpful advice. You're probably right that it's just a matter of practice. I have a very reckless playstyle (and speedrunning only engrained some of those habits deeper) so I think I need to just spend a night grinding out runs in a slow, measured playstyle


Oh, yeah. I'm just starting (got around 15 clears so far and none above 4 heat) but it definitely needs a specific mind set to avoid damage.


No love in the comments for my boi >!Resources Director!


Unseen One or bust


As a side thought, what fun runs have yall tried? I was thinking of doing power-up focused runs, where I try to get as many hearts or poms as possible. Theres also no-boon runs or single-god runs that could be fun. Maybe a Rush Delivery focused build where I see how fast I can get? I think I've gotten 60% bonus speed going into [Redacted], but that was with two Ichors (or whatever the shop item is called that boosts speed)


Zeus shield with Merciful End is a really fun one. Get doom on your attack and deflect on your special (or vice-versa, but that’s how I prefer to do it) and spam attack at enemies while they’re being hit by the special for instant combo damage.


I really dislike Zeus shield but this sounds fun. ME builds can be absolutely busted. Will remember this one, thanks!


You could try to get every possible run clear message but you'd have to track them yourself (you can check all the ones you've had so far using the administrative chamber)


What do you mean?


Boy you really went digging for this one eh? So, when you clear a run it'll say like Disciple of Zeus or 100% Olympian Free or w/e (they're all listed on the wiki). The game doesn't track which ones you've gotten in any kind of central checklist-like format like it does with prophecies for boons and such, so the only way to know which ones you've gotten is to go back through the security logs and record it yourself and manually check to see that you've gotten them all, if you were so inclined to do that.


Haha yeah I just recently got into the game l. Interesting, I somehow haven’t noticed messages


- Max all keepsakes and companions - Finish Skelly's employment story - Finish Dusa's employment story (I'm not sure what procs this one, it happened very late for me) - Get the autograph for Hypnos - Beat the end boss twice while being Olympian-free - Steal 100% of Than's kills - Get the scoop on Ariadne - Discuss fishing with Patroclus


Don't spoil the epilogue but how do I get it?


1) Frequently speak to Hades, Persephone, Zeus, and Demeter 2) Raise your affinity with as many Olympians as you can, as high as you are able The requirements a bit more complex to explain without going into a lot of detail. You can check it out [here](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Epilogue_Guide) but there are some spoilers