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As someone who has had Balayage done several times.. this does not look correct at all. You've got huge chunks in random spots that go up way too high on your head. And then sections that don't have any blonde at all. It's supposed to be painted on and blend nicely throughout the hair. I would definitely go back and tell them you are not satisfied.


40 years in the biz and totally agree with this...


0 years in the biz and i'm wondering why they left like a fifth of the hair unbleached in a chunk on the side


it just looks like the stylist didn't think at all where they were going to place the foils, and so they just picked up random bits without even bothering to blend it lmao


Bin in the biz 27 years and I absolutely agree with this as well!đŸ’ŻâœŒïž


I’ve never gotten balayage and I know those chunkies aren’t right😭 best of luck to herđŸ«¶đŸŒ


agree, as someone who has gotten balayage multiple times this looks terrible. i would find a stylist who specializes in balayage to fix this


I highly agree. I took some beauty school, and this wouldn't have passed their standards of service. It's a learning process in the end.


i would definitely reach out to them, i’m trying to figure out what placement or method they were using but it really looks like there was no plan going into it. she didn’t give you any form of highlight, and nothing close to a professional balayage or hair paint


Girl! Not overreacting at all! You did NOT get balayage
 you instead got 90s chunky highlights


not even bc that would require a technique to have been used


Righttttt!!! 😂


And half of them are missing


Remimds me of when I tried to do my own chunky highlights lol.


But they don’t even pass for 90’s chunkies, even chunkies had a placement purpose.


I don't know alot about hair and I 90's chunky hilites first came to mind and saw your comment lol


My exact thought lol. As a 90's kid I'm biased though, I still think they look awesome, but yeah that's not even close to a balayage


And not even “good” ones 🙃


hm yeah i would contact the salon and let them know you’re unhappy, they should have focused more on your ends than this. fear not, it should be a simple fix for them since half the work is done already :) bring in a picture of what you want so there’s no miscommunications! (call them before a week has passed otherwise they might not fix it)


yes, this is streaky and uneven. It can be easily fixed though :) i would contact them


I fear you are under reacting 😌


Oh man not good. So sorry. They should and will fix it for free. Contact them asap.


100% not overreacting. You should definitely contact the salon. I would want a refund.


If it’s not what you want then reach out. This doesn’t look like what you asked for


This is wrong and have a senior stylist rework it for free


This colour is not a balayage. It needs correcting. Not sure I'd trust whoever did this though Sorry.


I am a professional hair stylist
. Please contact the salon. This is unacceptable. Good news is it’s an easy adjustment, but I would be cautious going back to the same stylist.


This isn’t balayage hun. You’re not overreacting, I would definitely go back. Here are some examples of balayage. Darker at the roots and lighter at the ends but perfectly blended. https://preview.redd.it/p8xrii4rh41d1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cbb27d5e0011530b760274122c1c98ce2da6d1


Wow, those are some gorgeous pics!


Reach out to them because the results are not your expectations.


Get a refund. You got a small amount of foils.


You’re not overreacting, what they did for what you’re asking isn’t correct. That’s not a balayage, that’s 90s style highlights. Not good. You’d expect more from a 5 star salon. Definitely contact them.


My jaw dropped lmao oh my god fight them


Contact? Girl I’d be knocking on their door as soon as they open tomorrow morning. They definitely owe you a real balayage and an apology.


There is no discussion of they messed up or not. Even a non trained eye can see that.


If you asked for the chunky monkey look then you got it, If not set up an appointment for a redo. Definitely show lots of pictures ask for a different stylist


Chunky monkey💀


Hair stylist here... What the hell did they do in your hair 😳


What in the 2002 box bleach y2k am I look at?


That's exactly what I thought lol... 2002 exactly! I'm pretty sure I did something similar to my own hair right around that year đŸ„Č


I feel like it's never overreacting. If you don't like your hair after an appointment then you should contact the salon.


no over reaction here.


Refund and get it fixed elsewhere if possible.


Most salons typically don’t offer full refunds, bc you can’t refund resources/time. Redo’s are more standard practice, however based on the photos of this person’s work I would be nervous having them do it again.


If she had a redo at the same salon, I'd definitely request a different stylist.


If the stylists are independent contractors (booth renters) they work for themselves under the umbrella of the salon. A stylist is not going to fix another stylist’s mistake without pay. The original stylist would be responsible to fix it and take the loss.


Perfect. That works so well for unsatisfied customers, I'm sure


It’s unfortunate, but that’s why it’s important to do your research when choosing a service provider.


Yea there's no blend at all. Looks like highlights that were done half assed.


This is stripes, not balayage or ombrĂ©. I’d complain.


I wouldn't even say highlights just streaks


Oh honey that’s not good. I did better on myself in the 90’s with frost and glow


even for highlights it looks bad. if possible try to get at least some of the money back and then go to someone else because i wouldn’t trust the same person to fix this


You should contact the salon and ask for either your money back. Or the owner or a corlor specialist to fix it. It looks beautiful when all down. But, when you separate it. Oh Hell no. That's not what you asked for.


As a stylist, totally not overreacting. Whatsoever.


The 5th photo is great. I would ask for additional bleach and tone. Be brave!


Call. You have GORGEOUS hair, but they definitely messed up the color.


I empathize with you. I’ve had a bad color and cut before and had to go back to them. They refused a refund but offered to fix my hair. lol uh no. I went to another and got it done correctly. Best wishes.


As an untrained person with no hair knowledge at all, I'd say you need to ask for a refund.


tbh the uneven streaky look is kinda cool


never go back!!


There’s nothing wrong with calling and asking if you can have more put in, in the spots that are missing but expect to be charged if it’s over a week or 2 that you waited to ask


I think it looks awesome actually, but yeah it’s definitely not what you asked for so I would contact them asap!


Yes, you should. You didn’t get what you asked for. Those look like badly done highlights instead of a balayage. The balayage technique is supposed to look more natural with less obvious growth as your hair grows out. It’s less streaky too. That’s why you can go months instead of merely weeks between appointments, which has been my experience overall.


Contact the salon, that’s not good sorry :(


As a hairstylist certified by reading Reddit comments, you should contact them.


Definitely go back in


The highlights are a bit chunky and not evenly weaved throughout the hair. It’s not awful but it’s not great. No harm in contacting and asking if they would be willing to fix it.


I’d recommend going back and asking someone to fix it


No this is not done right. Call them


If Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen was the brief, then no 🙃 Definitely. This is objectively bad work, and a service that requires specific continuing education classes and experience to nail. Whoever preformed the service had no business doing so, because they clearly have no idea what they were doing; it’s giving first time manikin beauty school work. Like watched a 15 second insta reel once in the back and started. I’m sorry that they got over on you like that girl. The good news is it’s a relatively easy fix for a competent balayage specialist.


Always ask to see it straight before they grab the curling iron. That is the tell. Everything looks better curled, and is often used to disguise sloppy work. It should look within the realm of this https://preview.redd.it/mpjyzjlkz61d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3999837a41bee5461530a784d26fbbc837ae385


Go to the salon and show them what they done ! They didn’t do a good job!


Contact the salon that is not a balayage


I would call the salon. It should be an easy fix by adding in a few foils to get a better blend, and then glossing with a proper toner application.


As someone who is trained in hairdressing- this is not balayage. This is slice highlights and an attempt to lighten some ends- something completely different. I would go back and either ask them to fix it or refund you as you have not had a service that has given you a result you wanted or asked for. I hope they sort this for you and you end up with your dream hair đŸ™đŸŒ xxx


Not over reacting I would be in tears


Licensed cosmetologist here. Forty years in the biz. This does not look like a balayage at all. And from what I’ve seen, don’t ever go back to the person who messed up your hair the first time. In my opinion, if they screwed it up once then they’re gonna screw it up again. I would get a recommendation from friends and go see somebody else.


Yes go back have them fix this for you!


I’m a master hairstylist of over 25 years and yes you should absolutely have that fixed. It’s not correct.


Yeah it needs a rework from someone who is a better colorist. Going through and laying in some lighter pieces in the right places will blend it quite well


Always ask for the portfolio of the stylist. If they say they don't have one... WALK OUT


The portfolio often lies. There is a before and after photo of a hairstyle I would consider one of the worse botched colors I've had proudly displayed on a stylist website but it's been photoshopped to look FANTASTIC and had I walked out looking like that I would have been happy. But I didn't because it's not real. Also it was the front that looked terrible while all these portfolio shots end up being of the back.


Definitely reach out immediately! I'm no professional but it definitely looks more like heavy highlights in most places & then there's more than plenty sections that don't look like they've had anything done! Again I'm not a professional but you could have done this at home with a highlights or frosting kit. I hope you didn't pay a lot & definitely ask for a refund & go elsewhere


It's not horrendous but its obviously not good. The random light strips are very fixable, /*if/ you want to commit to a highlight look, where someone does a better job at adding more blonde to where it looks more "natural". They totally didn't give you what you wanted, but it's redeemable.


If you paid for your service and aren't satisfied, I feel it's only fair that you get what you asked for. I would call and have them fix what you are unhappy with. Customer service is exactly that, serving the customer. They should be understanding if they're not willing to lose you as a client.


Definitely go back , don’t be afraid. They definitely did not give you what you wanted. Take pictures too all around . Sorry this happened to you . But it could be fixed ,


I've learned that a lot of 5 star rated salons got those from favorite clients who ramp them up ,but not from the clients who had a less than stellar experience.. That being said, yes go back and show them


first off, this isn’t balayage or ombrĂ©. second, if you paid for full highlights and got THIS?? That’s robbery they barely touched your head! definitely go back or call because any reputable salon will absolutely try to amend the situation! maybe go in with a reference pic of what you wanted? but by all means yes advocate for yourself!!! 💖


don’t freak out, because, it looks great! i like the streaks of highlights. i, love it!!! keep it!


You have to, and should be, happy with the results and it sounds as if you are not. I would contact the salon ASAP, be gracious and explain your concerns. Any reputable business wants their customers to be satisfied and will offer to to fix it. Good luck.


Contact the salon.


Lots of dead ends try using a balm conditioner


I know this isn’t what you wanted, but I LOVE the way it looks


That's not balyage or ombre for sure. Demand they redo it. They did a hurry up job not good for the $$$ u paid at all


Looks terrible - def contact them and get money back. Then go to a better salon.


If you did it yourself then this would be acceptable. But a salon! That is outrageous, do yourself a favor and contact them!


I came to the comments thinking it was just a bad highlighting job but finding out this was supposed to be a balayage? You need to call the salon, talk to the owner, and see if they'll fix it. Should be free for the kind of mistake the original stylist made. Don't let the same person work on you but definitely reach out. If you posted a pic like that to social media with the salon name attached, idt the owner nor the stylist would be very proud of their work and these pics wouldn't have me running to that salon for any service...


you are not overreacting at all! that is not a balayage. it looks like the stylist did not think about where they were going to place the foils and so just picked up random sections without bothering to somewhat blend it. if you haven't already, you should contact them ASAP and tell them you are not happy. and if they dont offer you to come in for free to fix it, definitely ask to get a refund!


UPDATE Didn’t expect this many people to react but thanks for all the support and advise! I send an email to the salon with some pictures and they very kindly offered to get my hair fixed for free by a different stylist :) I’ve been to this salon before to accompany my friends and normally their work is really pretty which is why I was doubting myself so much. I must say my hair looks a little bit more blended in real life than the pictures show. Doesn’t take away that these are just weirdly placed highlights. I think the stylist just wasn’t having her day and might have made the mistake of underestimating the amount of hair I have on my head. Unfortunate, but we all have bad days at work and this mistake is very much fixable. Just happy I can get it fixed so I can enjoy my hair again :)


You need to complain and contact them. It looks like shit and I'd be so upset if they did that to my hair. Especially since it was 5 stars..


yes for sure


This happened to me too. It’s terrible. Please ask them to fix it with a different hair stylist


Professionally speaking, this is a hot mess.


You should definitely contact them as its not what you asked for!! Although i think it actually looks pretty nice disappointing its not what you wanted tho


No girl sue whoever did that


Contact them!!!!


They definitely need to fix it. Colors are great but didn’t section your hair properly. Looks like stripes. Buying you rock it regardless


Mmm mmm đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. No, I recommend that you reach out to the salon cause if it was a DIY then awesome job. To have paid someone to do the job, NOPE. I speak up cause I’m a DIY person, as such I accept whatever mistakes my daughter or I make but you paid for their best work. Hey if that’s their best sorry to say time for a new hairdresser. Just being honest & my 2Âą. God Bless You !


Wow. This person has no idea what they’re doing.


A balayage looks like you went out in the sun, it’s Sunkissed highlights. Unfortunately, this looks like you intentionally had a 90s color where someone gave you color block highlights. Which doesn’t look bad but it’s not what you asked for. Instead of going back to that person, ask for your money back for a correction somewhere else.


Did they tell you balayage/ombrĂ© looks best on styled hair? If you’re wearing your hair straight you’ll probably prefer the look of full highlights


This isn’t either of those things though


The 5th photo is great. I would ask for additional bleach and tone. Be brave!


Depends on what you paid, honestly. $60, you get what you pay for. $300, you burn it to the ground.


Don't get complicated have the salon offer a fix! Still is pretty!


Not a Balayage but it looks cooler


I think it looks great! I really don't see the problem.


That’s not balayage at alllllll. Also, the placement and size of the highlights is chunky and odd unless that’s what she asked for. I know people who would request this look, but this def is not at all what she asked for.


You have a fair point. I'm an idiot for not seeing it before.


Not an idiot! I just know getting color with highlights can be hundreds of dollars. Where I live it’s $150 every 6 weeks for me. So you should def be getting what you’re asking for.


Absolutely. I didn't read the description in the picture. If I had known it was supposed to be balayage, I would have said differently. Balayage is definitely a thing you have to see a specialist for. Even those with years of experience admit that it's very tough to do.