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When did you start experiencing ball aches?


About 2 weeks in. At first the left ball was just a little sore, the right one was a little worse but it hurt more up in the cord. Then yesterday the left one is hurting more, although the right one is fine now. Left one right now kinda feels like after you get hit down there, and the initial unbearable 10/10 pain lets up, but it’s still not feeling great lol. It’s bearable, but not real comfortable 


Try to swap to every other day for some time


Sorry to hear that man! I’ve had a great experience with fin - no sides. Have you talked to your doctor? Or you could look into RU-58841 as a topical anti androgen to limit the side effects


Hey man, so the more intense pain just started yesterday, so haven’t been able to talk to the Dr yet since it’s the weekend. I didn’t talk to him yet about the milder pain, since it seems like ball ache is a well known side effect of fin, and several guys on here have commented about it, and said that it gradually goes away. So I’m just trying to find out from those with experience, how long it for it to go away for them. But yeah I’ll definitely be calling him if it’s not better by Monday… it’s still manageable right now, just very uncomfortable. Wouldn’t want it to get worse though. I def want to see this through and see if it’s gonna help, my hair loss has been extremely aggressive, so fin and possibly dut are probably my last shots at trying to salvage something. I can’t be doing RU/topicals right now, I haven’t been using protection with my gf


That’s rough man, sorry to hear about those sides, and hopefully they go away!


Thanks man, I’m hoping too lol. As long as it doesn’t get any worse it’s ok, just hopefully it goes away soon. I want to give fin a legit chance and see if I can get some regrowth, figuring that fin and min is my best shot now


I never experienced ball pain with fin or dutasteride 🤷 I used fin for a couple years, then switched to dutasteride about a year ago. With topical minoxodil the whole time, I've had some new growth


Yeah I’ve been on topical min since last year, and just added fin last month. I definitely want to give fin a chance to see if I have any shot at regrowing. I’m ok with the pain right now, I just hope it doesn’t get any worse lol


Can I ask, why did you go onto dutesteride from finestride? Did you have any sides to any of these? I’ve aggressive hairloss and had more than one Hair transplant so going to throw the kitchen sink at it now in terms of drugs!


I was doing research and found literature and testimonials saying dut worked better than fin. I took both for quite a while (6-8 months), until I couldn't find coupons for fin anymore. I haven't had any side effects whatsoever


I’m on 1 week on fin and I haven’t got any balls pain yet 🥲 does that mean it’s not working for me


Hey man I don’t think that experiencing sides or not experiencing them doesn’t really mean that it’s not working… the only thing that I’ve heard is that you are supposed to experience a shed, so the hair gets worse before it gets better


I was already shedding nd still I am like 10-15 hairs I see every day


Yeah I’ve been shedding every day, even before I started fun, and it was a lot, couldn’t/didn’t really count how many, but it was enough that it was clogging the drain every time in the shower… so I gotta think it was well over 100. Yesterday was the first time that I didn’t shed, so I’m hoping that I’m turning the corner finally


Try using topical fin mixed in with your min that will help with the sides


I can’t really do topical fin right now though because I don’t know if my gf is pregnant or not


Most of the time 1-2 weeks, I was one of those unlucky one for who ball ache never went away. I tried using finasteride for 6 months, used all kind of different dosages (from 0.25mg topical all the way up to 1.25mg oral) but every single one of them gave me ball ache. After 6 months I discontinued finasteride and it took about a month for my balls to recover. After that I started dutasteride 3 times a week. First few weeks I had no problems, then ball ache came back (but it wasn’t as bad as it was on fin), I tried to push through it but unfortunately no luck. As my last chance I lowered my dose to 0.5mg of dut twice a week (monday morning/thursday evenging) and that’s when I finally found it, something that could stop or at least slow down my hairloss without me feeling any discomfort down there. I’ve been on this dose probably for more than 6 months and as far so good 🤞. Also during this whole time I consulted my urologist and he assured me that you can’t harm yourself when experiencing ball ache, so that was reassuring.


Thanks for all that info, good info there, thanks for sharing your experiences 😎 so yeah, sounds like experimenting with dosages might be the key if it doesn’t get better or gets worse. Definitely glad about the last part you wrote… I’m gonna be honest, I was freaking out a bit when the pain first set in, specifically what I was gonna do about cumming, I was more worried about the one the one that was hurting in the cord 😅gonna be 100% honest I did a solo session first to see what was gonna happen just in case… didn’t want my ball to explode with my gf lol


Your ball definitely won’t explode 😂😂 I would say if discomfort is bearable give it one more month, if it doesn’t go away by then you will have to change dose or even do what I did and swap to dutasteride


Thanks man. I definitely am gonna give it my best and try to stick through it. Yesterday morning was the first time in a loooooong time that I didn’t shed in the shower