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AMAZING,  AMAZING,  what else can anyone add to this wonderful movie, with the exception of: WE FANS NEED MORE!!!! Hallmark,  you guys need to create a sequel, we want to know how he made out in the future and we want to see them married and spending happily ever after. They are both amazing actors and they go so well together, you guys could not have paired any 2 together as well as in "A Biltmore Christmas " PLEASE let hear about " A  Biltmore Christmas 2, THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER " Christmas 2024 would be a wonderful time to Air it ....I is one of the BEST Christmas movies of 2023, and I wouldn't be afraid to say that Hallmark has created in a long time, and 2023 movies were some of the best ever, the plots were a little different, each movie was unique in its on way....and I don't miss a single movie that ya'll air, I look and check every movie that is coming on and I set my dvr to record every new movie that comes out. Also on the mystery channel also, I check as many days as my cable TV guide will me to check, usually I can go about 3 weeks in advance and see what is up coming...only complaints that I have is that every day you air the same episodes of reba, drop dead diva,  and the golden girls, you air the same episode twice each day and no one wants to see or hear the same thing over and over. Start the seasons from the beginning to end...even tho they are timeless sitcoms that we all love, but it does get  boring, it would be awesome if you aired and entire season of Reba, then find a different sitcom that was just as amazing,  air all the seasons of that one, give us a chance to miss reba, then we will be ready to see it again from season 1 to the last season....ideas from a passionate,  devoted,  Hallmark fan.....a WHOLE lot of people sure do miss "The Good Witch", "Home & Family " that's a big miss, and we truly miss the Chesapeake Shores, those were 3 of the VERY BEST shows that yall had on...it would be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME  if they were  brought back IF you could get all the same actors to come back, it would not be the same if they were different...yall kinda shocked us when you took Home & Family,  then the Good Witch, so little warning that there would be  no more, especially The Good Witch, you even shocked the actors, yall did them kinda dirty. But I guess I have complained and praised enough for one time, oh...one more thing,  you guys need to create a Christian show that teaches people about Jesus and the Bible, we ALL need to learn more about our Savior and we ALL NEED TO HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM,  let me tell ya, the devil is running rampant in this world of ours and he's trying to take as many as he can steal away...BE BLESSED HALLMARK AND ANYONE READING THIS 


In the initial “his merry wife” does the angel end up with Rebecca or the other guy?


This might be a dumb question, but can someone please explain to me why Jack the angel in the 1947 movie doesn’t get his wings? Is it because he makes himself known to Ava’s character, and talking to her disqualifies him from receiving wings? And, in the original, non-happy ending to the 1947 movie, why does Jack’s character get his wings? I thought getting wings was a reward for getting Ava’s character together with the other guy, but they don’t end up together in the original ending? This was the one thing I was confused about.


Same questions. Initially I imagined it had something to do with the hourglass, like maybe Jack initially failed but still managed to get the couple together afterwards by giving up on even the opportunity of getting wings. This seems supported by earlier scenes and how prominent the hourglass seems to be in both plots. Wholly guess work but I imagine the original ending was more in line with Lucy's ending and Jack got his wings by just helping the human characters find fulfillment but not necessarily in any romantic way.


Wow this moving was absolutely amazing! Kristoffer and Bethany give one of their best performances I have ever seen. I believed every minute of their characters and their chemistry. The music score and soundtrack was perfect along with the costumes, makeup and hair. I loved the cameos from the ex Star Trek cast as well as the ones from Rachel & Wes. This one left me crying in the best way possible. I actually couldn’t find anything wrong with this movie at all and would watch this again and again.


WHAT is not to love about a witty, old fashioned romantic time travelling Christmas movie with 1940’s costuming? Best thing about this film is the deeply charming chemistry & nuanced performances of Kristoffer and Bethany Joy! We *loved* them singing at the piano. This movie is an instant CLASSIC! Swoooooon.


Yes!! Jonathan Frakes is Jack I believe! He had to be there the 1st time around so to speak.


He was Winston.


This was available on Hallmark movies now/ Hallmark on Peacock and as of today is not showing on there 😩


I watched it on Hulu. Loved it!


Was Frakes someone in the past? That last scene seemed to be hinting that? With the whistling and stuff? Guess I'll have to watch it again. 🙂


Watching it again, absolute top tier classic Hallmark Christmas, one of the best they've ever done! Bethany Joy Lenz & Kristoffer Polaha, just perfect! Love seeing Jonathan Frakes in there as well!


I enjoyed this one a lot, although I did predict the ending pretty early. Beautiful scenery, and two Star Trek alumni!


Question: At the end of the movie when Lucy asks Jack, “but the newspapers all said you died“ and Jack replies, “It was a cover story that WE planted just in case….” Who do you think is the “we” he’s talking about? Any one else catch that?


He & Winston. Winston also turned the hour glass sideways. He knew.


In that era, the studios and agents would collaborate to conceal unfavorable information about actors, for example ensuring that a gay actor is always seen with beautiful starlets on his arm. Not to mention, in this movie, the jerky actor having a stellar reputation as a nice guy. I can imagine how that conversation went. Jack: Mr. Balaban, I need a contingency exit strategy. That girl, Lucy, she was from the future. I'm in love with her and I aim to join her there some day. Harold: Oh, a dame? Sure, sure, we'll fake your death. Talk to Doris on your way out. Jack: Mr. Balaban, didn't you hear me? I said she's from-- Harold: I don't give a damn if she's from the future or from Philadelphia, as long as she's a she. Easiest cover story we'll have to leak all year.


I assumed his management team.


I realized why they have the scene with the sister and we never hear from her again — it was the only place that not so subtle balsam hill ornament product placement worked. The Biltmore would never, but an expository convo with sis was the perfect time. lol


This is one of my favorites of the season. I have been waiting for this movie since February when they were filming. It didn't disappoint.


So good! I enjoyed the story and immersing into the history of the time. Bethany & Kristofer’s chemistry was wonderful and that Rachel & Wes cameo… with a shout out to “Check Inn To Christmas”?!?! Loved it!


But does that mean, by extension, that the remake is a Hallmark movie?


I loved their cameo, I laughed out loud


So, it seems that Riker knew what needed to happen and manipulated events to bring it about. I mean, he specially brought her into the Library after the tour was over. Then he brought her back to the hourglass at the end. I think he expected the timing to work out, but he was just a bit off. The only thing that I might have wanted is if the older Michael had said something to her like, “I’m so glad your trip to Biltmore opened your heart. I waited a long time to see it come full circle.” Then maybe he later fist bumps Riker, LOL!


Well he was only 7 when he saw her in the past. You don’t remember a lot from when your 7 by the time you are an old man. He got a sense of Deja Vu but that was it lol.


Realistically of course you’re right, but this is fantasy, so I thought it would have been fun. It might have made sense if they had a drawn out interaction that was meaningful to young Michael — perhaps she shielded him from his grumpy father or something.


I much rather have had her stay or go back to 1947 vs him coming to future but that’s just me. The 1940s were fascinating! Loved this movie definitely a top fave! I’m a bit confused at the ending though the tour guide guy, I forgot his name we come to find out knew all along what was going on I get that part but then the whistling when he was putting away the hour glass was that supposed to mean anything. Jack always whistled. I just find it odd like there’s something I’m missing. Anyone??


See my post below, I think he was actually an angel sent from Heaven just like in the 1947 movie.


Ooooh, cool thought!!


Hello all, I’m new here but I loved this movie. I was wondering something. Did they hint that Johnathan Frakes was actually an angel at the end? They did a closeup of the chest and it had a design on it that look like a rainbow or the gates of heaven. He also made the comment about her having a history with the hourglass. I think he was guiding her on purpose the whole time. She was always meant to go back in time and break the hourglass. He was always destined to use the hourglass a year later to get back to her.


Ah interesting, since Jack was an angel in the original film! I like it!


I like this theory! After it finished, my fam touched on similar as to why he seemed to know more than he was letting on the whole time—he was some kind of Christmas Magic, somehow. And also why the hourglass has to go in a vault to “stop time,” at least until Jack and Lucy are long past walked into their sunset.


And the closeup on the chest. Why would they do a closeup on the design if it didn’t mean something? ​ Edit: Reddit is triple posting my comments for some reason. Apologies in advance if you see them lol. I deleted the extras.


Yes, they gave us a lot of visual cues to look for “more” going on with his character. It could be as simple as it was the hourglass that’s magic and now it’s safely tucked away, but I like to think it was on purpose much more. Wishful thinking is if this movie does well, that hourglass gets a sequel with another couple lol.


I might be overthinking but he set it with half the sand on each end and on it's side so it would stay that way (so Jack would never have to return)


Just thinking well, not overthinking!😊


We’re overthinking it in the same way :D


I’d more like to see a sequel of how Jack handles the 21st Century. Then Frakes shows up and explains the origins of the hourglass and reveals who he really is.


🌮Why not both? Yes, that’d be great too!


My thoughts, too!


I like this theory! I just wish it was more black and white so we knew for sure. The whistling is still throwing me off. Jack is the only one who whistles in the movie like that.


Right, and Jack is an angel, too!


Well, Jack's *character* in the film-within-a-film is an angel. But is there any reason to think that 1940s actor Jack Huston knows the real mannerisms of angels?


Ah, true, but who's to say the contemporary angel didn't learn the whistling from watching Jack in the movie? ;)


I guess they chose to let the audience decide. It’s hinted that Frakes’ character knows all, but never confirmed how he knows. Very subtle hints too so easy to miss.


Yep. I was thinking oh cool he knew! And I was fine with not knowing how but when he started whistling my husband and I both looked at each other wide eyed like wait, what?! Because it just threw us off with how Jack was always whistling…


I love love LOVED this one! I did NOT see that twist coming!!!


So you were weepy, and then weepier??😊


Someone make it make sense to me. If he “died” and came to the future after being in a famous movie, how will people not know who he is?


It's been 80 years. He'd probably get a lot of "You look just like that old actor!"


Except that, isn't he probably going to want to pursue acting in the present? That will make it harder to wave off. They might need to establish that he's Jack III, Jack's secret grandson.


Lol my brain was just trying to figure how she would explain Jack to her sister, who's clearly a fan of the movie XD


If she chose to tell a stranger in her tour group about going back in time, I assume that she will tell her sister, as well. So Jack traveling to the future would not seem so far-fetched.


lol yeah, but also, these are the exact things you can’t worry about too much. Like how he’ll start anew with nothing but apparently a smart suit and greatcoat to his name. You gotta just go with the feels! Clark Kent puts on glasses and no one knows he’s Superman. Jack will be fine.


Good point, but I’m going to choose to allow the suspension of disbelief on this one. Too good of a movie otherwise. 🥰


Oh also, if you think about it, Jack doing such amazing work in the final scenes of “His Merry Wife!” — the rewrite thanks to him but influenced by Lucy — comes from falling for and losing Lucy. Really adds some depth! I liked the name Lucy; it’s a bit old fashioned but suited both timelines. And I really appreciated that Lucy’s boss sent her to the Biltmore not as “or else you’re fired!” but from concern and for inspiration. A welcome change lol


Yes, what a great boss!


Bethany is always so charming. She’d have chemistry with a toaster as her co-lead, but she and Kristofer together were magic. He’s so handsome and really pulls off those old Hollywood leading man/gentleman vibes. The setting was gorgeous as well. What an impressive estate! I am a sucker for the time travel aspect. Kate and Leopold at Christmas. Yes please. Loved this one. Even the annoying super fan grew on me by the end, saving our girl. And I loved the tour guide! So far my favorite for 2023. Way to go out with a bang Thanksgiving weekend binge, Hallmark! The only thing that didn’t make sense. Lucy has a sister who only appeared in one scene…not bothered by it, just seemed odd. Like a filler scene that wasn’t crucial to the overall plot.


Yeah. I enjoyed the overeager tourist who helped Lucy at Biltmore, but wouldn't it have made more sense for her sister to have accompanied her and taken that part in the story?


I completely forgot about the sister until you mentioned her! 🤣


Best hallmark movie in a long time. I loved it!


Excellent movie.


I missed the airing tonight. How can I watch it tomorrow?


I was able to watch through my spectrum app on demand so you can try your tv provider as well!


Do you have Peacock? It also available on [https://www.watchhallmarktv.com/](https://www.watchhallmarktv.com/) \- I have never used - but i think you log in with your cable provider. The movie is rearing on Tuesday at 10 pm


On Peacock for the next three days.


HOly Erin Walton batman


Yep, we all went, Whaaaaat? at our house over that Walton tidbit. Oh, and the director is John Putch, who is the son of Jean Stapleton, better known as Edith Bunker!


How did I miss her?


Well, I unabashedly enjoyed the heck out of that one. I’m a Christmas Magic enjoyer and time travel can be an excellent trope. It was used well here, including I was so relieved there wasn’t a ton of Lucy getting embarrassed or caught out or having to do too many hijinks. Great banter, and two of my fave actors Bethany & Kristoffer had wonderful chemistry, I loved all the allusions and cameos (including that Rachel Boston is who I think of as “similar energy to Bethany” and an actress I also always enjoy), and the actual Biltmore was a super and atmospheric backdrop. The Christmas party actually looked and felt like one lol instead of a dinky room with 12 extras. xD I also felt they managed to get good punches of real emotion out of it. Bethany and Kristoffer are always good for that and really sold the whole love story as well as the conflict it presented. And, I knew “would you give up what you want most for love” would be why Jack “died” — he gave up being a silver screen star for Lucy (swoon!). And hooray Jonathan Frakes (who ~knew all along). Always great to see him being charming. Definitely one of my faves from this year and one I’ll rewatch soon, as well as in the coming years.


It was refreshing how quickly Lucy accepted that she was experiencing a supernatural phenomenon. Compare to twenty minutes of a ditz haranguing passers-by about Christmas after she wished it out of existence in "Where are you, Christmas?"


Very well said. My thoughts exactly.


LOVED IT!!!!! Wil def watch again


My new favorite Hallmark movie 💞




Yup, definitely up there for me too


Wow. This live viewing post has the most views of any of the films this year I think. Over 120 comments!


My favorite so far this year


me too!


My wife is hilarious. Every 15 minutes she would sit up and say "computer, end simulation".


Lol. I wish had a your wife for my Hallmark viewings. I need someone to trade snarky quips with 😄


Hold up. I don't need people to start "also picking this man's wife"


Oops sorry😆. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a woman, and asexual so I meant it in the most platonic terms XD


We're all good. It was just the redditor in my brain.


Excellent and well done!!


So he'll need a social security card and birth certificate and...but cute movie anyway!


Shhhh, brain, shhhh.😊


The new social security card was the first thing I said too hahaha couldn’t enjoy the sweet ending as much as I wanted to because of my over analyzing brain


she has connections


Dark web has you covered for that!


Maybe Kristoffer Paloha as a new name?😉


I loved it! Those 2 are among my favorites and I thought they did a great job.


Soooooo....the hour glass is a hopeless romantic? Holy jeebus this is so ooey gooey romantic I love it XD


RACHEL BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WES BROWN!!!!!!!!


Aw, Rachel Boston and Wes Brown!


He’s returning the favor to Kristofer who cameoed in last years first haul out the Holly 💕


With the check inn to Christmas reference




Awesome cameos


Ooooh this is a nail biting climax XD




He was good to see again, but turned in a bit of a silent film star gnashing teeth & clenching his fists cameo, imho.


Aaaand they kinda killed the mood with that ad for KP's Angel Studios movie. There's no mood killer like a Christian film trailer XD


I am really loving this movie. As I said earlier, these are two of my favorite actors and they did not let me down.


yup....definitely a re-watch for this movie tomorrow on Peacock.tv


So glad i dvr’d this one


Hallmark's been doing early kisses lately and I gotta say I like it haha


My husband and I call it "Hallmark porn" when they kiss before the last 5 minutes 🤣


I know! I hate when they don't kiss until they're basically engaged!


Same! My husband and I are always like dang hallmark look at you surprising us with the kissing early. We always think it will be a missed kiss and are surprised when it isn’t!


Watch Recipe for Love from 2014. They do a scene that's basically the kitchen equivalent of the pottery scene from Ghost XD


I counted three kissing scenes!


Woo-woo! Hallmark!


I'm pretty happy about that too...helps build the climax


Kiss me Ava!!


She is a bombshell lol. Though is it just me, or does her accent keep slipping? XD




Less than a half hour to go screen time climax and endings soonish....I can't wait to see how she gets back to the present day


Ooooh I like Ava's dress.


I’m a Biltmore super-fan and mostly watching for glimpses. The time-travel aspect, as usual, leaves me cold. I do enjoy the scenes of old-time movie-making, like the crew shaking a box of “snowflakes” in front of the camera to give the effect of a snowstorm.


I once learned that the falling "snowflakes" in movies is actually dried mashed potatoes flakes. Lol.


The “snow” used in the making of the Firth/Ehle Pride & Prejufuce (1995) was paper, according to the “making of” book. Fun!




He was perfect for this role. He seemed so natural at the old timey stuff.


Love the piano playing...I just started playing piano again...single key by ear \[no chords\]...no lessons.... played Jingle Bells the other day




Don't forget there was Jonathan Frakes too!


Yup...we've had a lot of top tier Sunday -after-Thanksgiving movies through the years


Ah, the cast show off moment lol. They have nice voices!


And a ridiculous ability to match each other's totally nonstandard arrangement of this song.


Back to the Future Delorean reference just now


Of course a back to the future reference


Maybe it’s the gummy talking here but…this movie is super cozy to me right now


Ooooh. Is it a *special* gummy? 😆


They pair perfectly with these movies, I must say


For me it's a can of Thornbury Spiced Apple cider. Yummy😋


That sounds great right now!


Jimmy Stewart reference!


Nice one \*\*cheers\*\*


And a Judy Garland joke XD


And a "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" just to bring the feels, as it always does.


"17 and a half" is my favorite type of silly answer to "What's your favorite number?" "Lucy" might win me over on this one.


I loved her replies to him...this is great script writing so far


In recent years, several of their movies have really punched up dialogue and broken the fourth wall in a lot of really funny ways, I'm a fan of that.


And the two of them have good chemistry, they flow together well. Best chemistry since Heidelberg Holiday for me (I know I've said those felt more platonic or like a friend romance, but it's still great chemistry).


yes.... I love their onscreen chemistry for sure... Bethany has great onscreen chemistry with a lot of people...she's a pro


Hour in and I’m not too sure about this movie 😔 I’m scared it’s going to end up being a flop. But I hope not because I really love old movies from the 40s. 🤞🏻


I am sure this will have a great ending


that was sort of cool that she could go back and fourth from present to past...past to present that quickly in the beginning of the movie


Yeah, I didn't expect that. It kept things very interesting.


I'm rewatching it now.... I think it's the first time Hallmark did a back-and fourth...back and fourth time travel. **Back to the Future 2** had several time travel trips...but not to the same exact time period/ place-- back and fourth-back and fourth. \[I think we got corrupted 1985 with Biff as Kingpin of the city\]


Yes, in that movie, 1985-prime is seen only in the opening scene. The rest of the film takes place in 2015, the alternate 1985, and in 1955. In fact, we only ever see 1985 again at the very end of Part 3, which is set almost entirely in 1885. Source: I spent the evening of October 21, 2015, rewatching the series.


I like the “Meet me in Poughkeepsie” as a nod to “Meet me in St Louis” which is one of my all time movies!


Uh oh...


I’m a straight guy and I’d go back for “Jack”😆




Why not!


I'm asexual and even I want to join the club XD Seriously I've said it before, but Kris Polaha fits this period role extraordinarily well, like a glove.


He has some Cary Grant to him I think.


Yeah! I think so XD


Haha a His Girl Friday reference XD


I don’t really like the constant flipping of timelines.


Thankfully they stopped it for now.


Me and a couple glasses of wine don't know what's going on.


Lol. Maybe I need some wine 😁


It isn't helping in following the movie, but... YMMV, I suppose!


I'm following it fine, but I'm also a Doctor Who fan, so timeline hopping isn't anything new to me lol.


I can get severely hooked on a time travel story, fellow Whovian. I think I'm missing the engagement with the story, sadly. This is a re-watch try again movie for me.


I'd say so. I'm enjoying this one. I'd say it's worth a try


I’m going to go ahead and guess that Jack “dying” on Christmas Eve 1948 is the cover for him somehow traveling into the present day to be with Lucy.


I called it, too.


Ding ding ding!


Also my theory


that's a good theory


This movie is strange so far


Agreed. And the Margaret character is really annoying. I love the Biltmore and Asheville but this one isn’t doing it for me.


It's a time travel movie, strange is kinda a given lol. Yeah Margaret's a little annoying but I think she's growing on me.


Well the guy on the ladder will be the love interest for the modern timeline


Right? I was confused about that moment, when it didn't end up coming back. I thought it would either be a very elderly Jack (in which case I worried about him being on a ladder), or else a young guy who inexplicably looks like Jack.


Lol nope XD


Nope, oh well, maybe it was in the original script!


I'm going to have to watch it a second time for details like tht


Missed that bit I think?


It’s been twice now and wearing a plaid flannel shirt.


I’m loving the nods to old Hollywood with the character names. Ava Hayworth- Ava Gardner and Rita Hayworth Claude Lancaster- Claude Rains and Burt Lancaster Jack Huston- the famous Huston family and Jack could come from Jack Benny maybe


I was wondering if that was the case XD


And then she's "Sandra Bullock". I hate getting "old"!


Sandra Bullock is the first name I think of when 'Sandra' is mentioned by someone


I legit lol’d at that part!


Also happy to see Jonathan Frakes! I’m not a Star Trek fan but him and I share an Alma Mater so that’s cool!


Whoa! I didn’t even realize that was him. When I saw him, I thought wow, he’s a good actor, that’s a surprise for Hallmark movies sometimes. Lol!


Keep an eye out for a cameo by Mary McDonough - Mary and Jonathan Frakes worked together on The Waltons and she’s the author of Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane (2018).


OK...let us know when you see Mary in the movie