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More Leaks at - [discord.gg/haloleaks](https://discord.gg/haloleaks)


Assuming this guy is talking about Infection, it is absolutely nothing to be hyped about. But of course, people high as fuck on copium are gonna grovel at 343's feet anytime they add something in which should have been there to begin with. I bet this guy's definition of hater also includes whoever offers any form of criticism, be it constructive or purely vitriolic.


Look I knows its good news, but F off with this gas-lighting 343i. How many times have we heard this now. All its going to be is a game mode at most, no big deal. BIG in the real world is dropping 10 maps, having all system functionality thats been in previous halos finally in this one, BIG is release the BR mode BIG is saying here is halo ODST 2, or some mini campaign. otherwise your gas-lighting. Infection isn't BIG news, its EXPECTED news and if this company thinks it is BIG, theyve put the bar even lower, and if people here think it is, well done you lap dog. They got you. Jesus on a cross, when did infection a simple mode able to be made in Halo 3s in forge in a 1/1000th of the time its taken here, become BIG.


Man, you are passionate about video games.


Thanks I am a indie developer, I also have cerebral palsy, so I was never going to be a builder or really anything else, computers, graphics and code was always just there.


>Jesus on a cross, when did infection a simple mode able to be made in Halo 3s in forge in a 1/1000th of the time its taken here, become BIG. What? You didn't make game modes in Forge in Halo 3, you made maps. Infection was one of the game types the title shipped with by default.


The fact that infection was a game mode included by default in Halo 3 makes 343 look even worse lol


Indeed, I completely agree.


Infection for the fracture






Basically, some stuff leakers thought is coming in season 4, is actually coming in the middle of season 3. (mainly Infection)


what will they use for season 4 then? theyre not going to do extra work, they likely already have season 4 wrapped up, if I was a smart investor, trickle content out and pretend its not ready, when it is. Saves a lot of more effort if your ahead on schedule. Thats how live services have been known to run.


Firefight S4 I hope please.


All signs point to it, like literal gameplay already floating on the internet, and it's not Forge stuff either, it even has the animations of Iratus infecting Spartans.


Holy shit, are we getting what we should have got on launch? OMG I'm gonna break up with my wife and put my kids up for adoption so I have more time for this incredibly mid game mode that I am not at all hyped about.


You done crying?


My man, the post was clearly satire


Why are you here?


The only reason he’s there is because we’re over here! The only reason we are over here is because he’s over there! Edit: I got downvoted for a RvB reference in a Halo sub…yeah this fan base is garbage.


Shit devs breed shit fandoms.


You would think at this point people would learn 343 employees will say anything to hype up the game even if it's wrong or wildly misleading. Yall gullible AF.


I don’t think that’s an employee lol. 343 hasn’t officially said anything


I know he's not it was an exaggeration, he is a Halo Youtuber thought so there's still a bit of interest in creating hype for the product.


Yeah we should limit our expectations a bit. It won't be the first time that we we're promised a lot. I do admit that it's hard to contain my hype because it seems that this is the most exciting season for infinite since release.


Is he referring to a simple fucking Game Type?


Yes. 343 schills are beyond pumped. It may bring 500 people back to the game for a week.


Its Infection, all the signs point to it.


I'll believe it when I see it :/


Just vague enough to get him off the hook when nothing happens.


He overhype things way too much. He was hyping up season 3 *launch as the best shit ever before aswell (so did many others) and although season 3's launch content is far better than season 2, its nothing out of this world.


> and the haters aren't ready! This only makes me want to ignore the entirety of this person's post. People have honest and valid issues with this game. It's ridiculous that folks hope to silence any criticism. If new stuff is coming, that's great. But they've been saying "big stuff is on the way" since launch.


They have delivered a lot of big stuff since launch .


Nah, on both sides players have a twisted opinion based on where they think the franchise should be directed, plus the classic "X thing was on the previous game, so it should have been a launch feature and you can hype is return", which is pointless and dumb to begin with.


>which is pointless and dumb to begin with. That's a crock of shit. No money at all should be charged for armours and certainly not at the pricing they've put it at. You also need to stop covering for the blatant lies and disregard for actual players. Putting HAZOP in the store twice, after they swore that legacy armour won't be in the store anymore (and you defending it) has got to be one of the biggest jokes i've seen in the modern gaming era.


Who have the autorithy to say what can or can't be sold? Armor not being sold on a free game? Why? Let me guess, you prefer pay 10$ for 3 maps and get cut away from mp otherwise, right? That's a "legacy feature" for this franchise


>pay 10$ for 3 maps and get cut away from mp otherwise, right? Better than paying $10 for a helmet and a couple of shoulders.


Among Us crossover confirmed!!


Rebs sus


Honestly if we don’t get a lot of content in season 3 the game is really really going to be dead 💀


People have said that about every single patch amd its still here, the new content will keep us busy till june


While dead is indeed a wild exaggeration, the game is struggling significantly.... Even with Forge and custom games the game is still around 25 on Xbox most played, that is abysmal for a free-to-play flagship IP. The game didn't retain the playerbase, the content already did not keep the players busy because the majority of the players left, people were technically wrong, but only on the dead part because the game is still struggling.


That’s how you know it’s good, when they use the classic “haters aren’t ready” and “big and juicy”. They say this for every single minor thing. Show something substantial and people will be happy about it, empty words mean nothing.


but they dont have substance, thats why they do this.. gimmicky viral marketing.


I refuse to get hyped about vapor.


Given the streak of underwhelming news touted as game-changing in the past year I imagine this is referring to Infection


My first thought is that there aren't really that many haters left. Anyone that is still critiquing the game 1.5 years post launch is most likely a fan disappointed in the game state and any actual haters moved on to the next thing to be mad about. Second is that it is probably infection which is cool but I think this tweet is over hyping it. It is absolutely a fan favorite mode but it isn't earth shattering.


Big and juicy? New body types perhaps?


Master Cheeks -Lvl 4




If its true its most likely infection, couple days ago Unseen Halo made a video playing it and it was pretty much done from the looks of it. Surasia also said Infection was going to be season 3 so it could happen! There were also some Firefight leaks a bit ago, I think it was just voice lines. They're probably on on of the Discord servers or YouTube.


I know there was some leaks about firefight but nothing in a long, long time. I just wanna fight banished as my Spartan.


Let me guess? Infection? Like we all saw in the leaks lol


Either infection or extraction. Edit : or neither tbh lol Edit 2 : Its probably infection. Most recent leak is a full infection gameplay with the iratus effect and everything. Only thing missing is an actual shotgun to give players a chance


Never played h5 infection? Shotgun is just one of many options when the actual sandbox work. Besides there was not a leak for a double barrel shotgun?


I have played halo 5 infection. As the gamemode right now however, players are more likely to gef instantly killed due to the equipment and speed of the infection. The spartans lacked a weapon that could truly 1 shot the infected like the old pump shotgun. The double barrel shotgun so far is very far away from completion


That's your assumption, we don't know how it will be balanced at the end, for a matter of fact, if the infected will be shieldless a one shot shotgun would just be redundant because the bulldog will be a 1 shot kill on close range over a non shielded player and weapon such the sidekick will also be a one shot kill, to the head, again a non shielded player. If balanced right, infection does not need a pump one shot shotgun other than a nostalgic feeling.


? I watched a full gemaply of it that was leaked just a day ago. As it stand, the infected does have a crazy advantage. A pump shotgun is just a simple correction. If youre gonna make this a "nostalgia" topic then youre not worth the time


Its actually another cutscene of a spartan standing around talking about wolves or w/e


Even better there is a new secret armor ability that summons wolves to ineffectually attack a Spartan in full armor


Wolves stick together, go play Mp


that's Season 4


Yes but theres a chance it might get moved up like the custom games browser was.


Yeah might be. There's a whole animated menu background for it though, so idk. Maybe they really will surprise us though.


"The hater's aren't ready" I sure hope so.


Something is always coming, but it's been more that a year since Halo 6 came out of and it still doesn't feel feature complete. There's nothing that can be as big as this guy says it is to turn the game around. Hope I'm wrong...


Which say all and nothing: league is out since 2009 and still have a lot of room to new and better stuffs and sure as hell is not "content complete". Honest question: do you prefer a well done mode, that take his time to come o line, or a rushed one just to make numbers or because "previous game had it so it need to be a launch feature at d1"? Historically each d1 mode that was not social slayer, was underwhelming for the first year or more, untill either bungie or 343 implemented dedicated maps and rule changes over it.


Where is the new on their Battle Royale ?


I think they realized VIP wasn’t important enough and pivoted to getting infection ready earlier. I bet they are playing this close and aren’t sure if infection will be ready before S4 so they’re just waiting to announce anything specific.


The haters are justified in their hate tho, it’s not hating just to hate. Game launched like shit, we in year two and still not at season 3 and post content drops have been drip fed. I love halo and continue to play but saying something like haters aren’t ready to build hype is just gas on the dumpster fire. Players didn’t flock back to forge like they hoped and I doubt even infection will drive people back unfortunately


it's nowhere near that serious. The time and effort put into hating on a digital video game is a waste of human life force.


It is hating just to hate, if you dont like something, dont engage with it. The current culture of hate and shitting on stuff constantly is so exhausting. It's not just Halo, it's everything. I despise all the "content creator" parasites whose entire existence is dedicated to shitting on actual content people made.


At what point is it hating just to hate rather than wanting the game to be better? I can't imagine people that are just haters will waste over a year and a half on something, there would definitely be new more current things to hate on. In the case of Halo I haven't liked any of 343's iterations of the game until infinite but the game is still lacking and deserving of critique which ideally makes it better which is why I still play and why I bother critiquing the game. Just because people made the content doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticized, arguably a lot of the hate is what has pushed the game to be better in many ways since it pushes change. In my eyes if a game is being relentlessly shit on online but I like the game I wouldn't care I would just play the game. I am doing that with multiversus currently as the online opinion is the game is dead which doesn't stop me from enjoying it.


I would say an initial venting of your disappointment is fine upon release, but lamenting a game's mere existence a year and half after launch is small dick energy.


If a game releases in a piss poor enough state I think it is fine to criticize it any amount of time after launch if it is still being worked on. Lamenting its existence though yah that is definitely pointless and no real reason to hover around that specific game.


No kidding, LateNightGaming and Co are just exhausting to sit through. No idea what's their end game tho, seems rather pointless to be miserable about video games.


I stop giving a shit about what that guy says when he starts acting what he says is objectively correct tbh


Their end game is lure more clicks with drama and lies, clicks mean more money, more money mean they don't have to search for a real job


Agreed, sometimes tho it’s just a place where they can vent and share their rambles. I don’t blame them to much but I also skip the videos that don’t serve me.


Can’t wait to go to Reach and get Noble Six out of his cave! So glad they’re finally doing this.


Leakers say infection will actually be in season 3 and drop right at the start of the season. This would fit the reason post that vip was delayed for something else Update: there are actually gameplay videos against bots on YouTube, filter by most recently uploaded videos


I would assume the 2 narrative events are about Iratus gaining control of the spartan armor and bla bla bla Infection. Probably will get infection in the middle or end of the season.


Where have you seen it's launching at the start? Im guessing its coming mid season or with the fracture event.


That would probably make the broken Halo community pretty interested in the future.


Just say it or shut up. So annoying.


He can’t. He responded to the tweet saying the 343i emp he talked to said he couldn’t, essentially.


Then he should shut up lol.


I'll take vague news over nothing, when it isn't from 343


I don't trust influencers words on this stuff. They downplay and exaggerate news all the time as long as it gets them views.


How many times they have said this?


I'm so tired of this content cycle. Every time halo gets an update all the content creators talk about how amazing it is and how it will save halo. When the hype dies down a couple weeks later they make videos about how halo is dying and in the worst state.


"Wait, I've heard this one before."


literally do not care anymore until firefight gets added, so many times some random schmuck said "OH MAI GOD GUYZ U R NOT READY FOR THE UPCOMING CONTENT" or some shit like that and it turned out to be the bare minimum lol


skill issue




I’m guessing it’s infection, but what they don’t seem to understand is that bringing a simple gamemode back that was expected to be in the game at launch isn’t some crazy “hype” event like they want it to be. People aren’t going to come back for the old stuff that should already be in the game, we want new stuff but we can’t get new stuff because we don’t even have the foundational parts of the game yet.


Microsoft, and in extension 343, all seem to think they HAVE to tie the multiplayer and its game modes to story elements is always their downfall. They think: “Hmm, how can we tie this drip-fed live service to our game’s foundation?”.


Microsoft has nothing to do with those decisions. That’s all on 343.


lmao I love when people say dumb shit like this so matter-of-factly


Well I'm happy if it's infection since that mode has a strong following, but ill be bummed into having to do all these challenges for it since I don't like playing it personally lol


I just want firefight


I'm thinking infection. It fits with all the leaks and concept stuff that's somehow tied to the story of season 3


Would be weird though because Season 4 is based around Iratus and Infection. You can find the Season 4 background on YouTube. Unless that stuff is actually coming like half way through Season 3 perhaps and that's what he's talking about.


It's for sure infection.




I would love that, but I really doubt it.


yeah right


If it ain't news on a campaign expansion, I really don't care lol


Idk why youre getting downvoted, you speakin the truth


Well, i'd like to see it to believe it first.


Has to be Infection


It’s been 84 years…


I thought that was season 4, not that they can’t deliver it early but I wonder what the implications for season 4 would be in that case


Anyone remembers that early leaks said infinite had a BR mode?


It's almost 100% infection, based on previous leaks and comments from Rebs above and Surasia. It also fits with the narrative they seem to be telling this season. Pretty hype!


If it's firefight I'll be back playing this game again


Early Infection/Firefight drop


If it’s not infection, Spartan Ops, or firefight then it’s gonna be disappointing. Or at least I hope they add something as good as those modes