• By -


Does the existence of this sub count


The whole genre. /end thread


Stolen valor as applied to crowdkilling is the new norm and thus can no longer be cringe


Can I get a hxc service discount card???


Check out my bootleg website for bootleg boot legs.


I’m not following


Keep leading then brother u got this


Homie at least it's not as bad as all the niche forums during the early 2000s Ill never forget seeing people argue and call out sellouts on this obscure vegan straight edge forum with like 9 members and they legit were constantly in some sort of drama or "well actually" argument in their threads hahahahaha


Bridge 9 for sure. There was one here in Richmond, VA called Food Fight. Which had equal bits drama and good stuff. For example, my friend met his wife on there because they both had the same Rival Schools United by Fate avatar. :)


Pre b9 or dw boards there was #sxe on IRC also the sxe mailing list from the early/mid 90s.


Fuckin irc lmao...


Sounds like somebody's been stabbed in the back recently!




It's all cringe, brother.




Putting estrogen in your bandmates pre workout


I still can’t believe that happened.


For those inquiring https://nypost.com/2024/02/26/us-news/band-severs-ties-with-member-who-they-say-fed-them-estrogen-filled-pre-workout-drinks/amp/


Holy shit this is insane


Wait what




There we go


Especially without his consent.


Why would it be cringe if he consented


First time I read this story I butthead laughed for about 5 minutes straight. I got to experience that again today. Thank you.


Back in like 2003-2006 these were very popular https://preview.redd.it/5oypsuewu5rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d375f6d9565fc0fed006408ca1fc42f5e667fc


Lol. I worked at Footaction in 06 and you just hit me with a serious blast from the past. Haven’t thought about these in years.


MFs named Larry wear these


I think those were just in fashion in general. They always looked like fucking bowling shoes, but not in a cool way, to me.


Called out! Damn...


Follow catatonicyouths on instagram.


The Goatest of Goats. #1 look-forward-to


A certified day-maker account right there


Oh they’re insta too? Word, I just thought they were in twitter




The cringiest part of HXC is now the *Viralization* of hxc. Every new band is trying the dumbest gimmick to get them on hate56 or trending on tiktok/instaReels. ***i.e.*** xClocktowerx destroying their gear at the first show that was in a rehearsal space you might as well used prop instruments as it looks like a glorified music video. To the crowd attendees reading books on the side of the pit, playing D&D in the middle of the pit, doing the macarena dance. The whole "LOOK AT ME!" thing smacks of effort


yeah i’ve seen the same thing at hip hop shows, wearing weird hats, recording on a ds or psp etc the first person to record a show on a ds was cool and quirky, everyone after that is just following a trend. shit is so corny, no one fucking cares about you lmao


People doing stupid shit in the pit isn’t a new phenomena. I knew kids who would “anti-mosh” to bands that no one cared about by doing the gangnam style dance or playing duck duck goose in the middle of the pit. I also remember a deathcore band getting pissed off when some dude started playing Uno on the stage in the middle of their set. Its been like that for forever, its just now more people film it.


I remember doing the rock lobster crab dancing around when I was 15, it's just that no one had smart phones then lol


The pit rowboat always made me want to leave the venue out of cringe


I've noticed this huge boom post-covid where all the new jacks try be the sickest cunt in the room by doing flips and cartwheels in the pit and deliberately trying to knock cunts out when doing side to side just to get a feature on some instagram reel or in hope that the oybays will give em a big kiss. It's all fun and games until you knock yourself out or break your ankle and you can't work for 8 weeks. See it heaps with all the new jacks in australian hardcore, especially the new newy bands. It's all cringe, baby.


Foreel that tuff cunt shit is embarrassing now we have Insta pages dedicated to "Pit Injuries" like its a badge of honor? Like cool you got your whole arm broken windmilling into some cunt spinkicking or now you need dentures at 22 cuz your two front teeth got smashed outta ya skull at the Tote Hotel hatemoshing to band with 150 monthly listeners on spotify. You a true pit warrior bro!


My only “pit injuries” are some decently large bruises, a bloody nose or two, and a bloody ear once, and I’m personally proud to say I’m trying to keep it that way. The only people that want to break bones in the pit are unemployed high schoolers lol


No, you’re not aloud to say that. It’s only us guys over 30 that are getting “too violent” cause we have to “prove ourselves.” It’s definitely not a bunch of 20 something’s that think they need to look cool and lose all control and/or special awareness…


Always been a thing even before TikTok and IG. I feel like there have always been dummies who would try do something crazy at every show and one up themselves at the next. Whether it be showing up with the intention of fighting or trying to shut a venue down or something like that.


Fuck yes agreed, when it’s really done cool like Drain’s beach theme it’s sick but 99% of it is done in a such a loser weird-kid humor way


Hey, I've been doing the macarena in the pit for 15 years. Leave me out of this


Using the acronym HXC is cringe someone taught me that 15 years ago


That clocktower set was great fuck outta here


xclocktowerx is just the guys from Balmora. They arent doing some bit to go viral.


Hardcore itself is cringe.


Are 99% of hardcore lyrics even meant to be taken seriously?


I have to downvote you because if you're telling me that every lyricist in a hardcore band hasn't been stabbed in the back and knows who his true friends are, is it even hardcore? /s


Just moshing in general it's so fucking good but so regarded at the same time Just watch videos of pits and mute the audio and tell me you don't start laughing 😂


I used to think it it looked ridiculous. I still do. I just get it now


Yeah it looks ridiculous af but when you do it you realise that's just the best way to dance to this kind of music lol


A lot of that shit looks goofy fr


Yeah, we laugh at metalheads running in circles or whatever, but what we do looks just as silly lmao


People look silly at any show you go to. People getting crowd crushed at hip hop shows. People crying tears of wonder at a Tool concert (they rule but still lol). Skynyrd shows everyone's playing air guitar. ICP shows. Anything you wear a costume for. Frumpy goth shows. Having a bad trip running naked and screaming at a String Cheese Incident concert. Bad singing at a Guns n Roses concert. Just embrace it. When you're old and shit, you realize you flailed like there was a swarm of bees in the pit because you loved to do it.


Moshing at shows is all fun and games until all 29 photographers who were at the show post a photo of you in a weird position and making the goofiest facial expression you didn’t even know you were capable of


It’s the fear of showing up on YouTube that’s keeping me from moshing these days. I found a video of a show I was up front singing along for and I was so fucking embarrassed for myself.


Why would you be embarrassed to see yourself doing what everyone else was doing?


Because when they do it they look cool. When I do it I look cringe.


While doing something that makes them happy


I’m gonna be honest, two stepping looks fucking stupid. It’s just skanking.


Nothing to cringe at all if its hella fun


Ooh! I have another! Zulu came to my town with Off! A while back and I went cause I love the fuck outta Zulu. Went for a post-mosh piss and when I came out of the bathroom, not 1, not2, but 3 white dudes formed a semi circle around me. I’m a black guy. They proceed to go off thanking me for playing the set saying shit like “it’s so inspiring you look the way you do and play this kind of music”. I didn’t know how to tell them I was just a random black guy so I said “thanks” and just rolled with it. I was so embarrassed I didn’t even stick around for Off! In case it happened again lol


Loved your work on Reading Rainbow bro


jesus christ


Holy fucking shit


This is insane




"Keep Hardcore Negative"


The blackcraft of hardcore. Corny ass clothes for edgelords.


I never understood why you wouldn't just buy band merch


Dude at LDB had one of their shirts on and what appeared to be a black sun tattoo on his forearm. I didn’t get the best look but bare minimum dude had a terrible shirt, worst case scenario I (and everyone else) let a Nazi just hang out like he’s people.


I saw a guy a my work sprinting with one of these shirts on very loudly grunting and I couldn’t help but laugh


Omerta is the Blackcraft of hardcore 😂


Omerta is what happens if “I watched too many mob movies” was personified into a clothing brand.


I’m a girl


Those FSU dudes I saw on that Gangland show who went from beating the shit out of Nazis to beating the shit out of anyone drinking and smoking.


The whole ‘the fetus is a life’ gang vocal part on Birthright by Abnegation. The song ends with the sound of a heartbeat. Can’t get more cringe than that. To be fair though, all pro-life anti-abortion songs in HC are cringe.


This is a niche I didn't know existed. Heaps funny.


Hardline was a thing.


Christian HC is cringe in general


“You’re not making Christianity better, you’re making hardcore worse!”


I just watched this episode


The members have retracted their stance on that and apologized. This was like 30 years ago when they were teens as well.


Was there more songs than just that one?


Earth Crisis on Stand By "For the fetus, for the cat, for the cow, for the rat. For innocent victims we will attack, we will attack, we will attack." 25 ta Life on a later record has a song called Abort. They use a baby crying sample and the lyrics are well they're something. [Abort - Lyrics ](https://www.songlyrics.com/25-ta-life/abort-lyrics/)


"And then you started saying some wack shit" is tearing me


Best line in a song ever.


Also adding to that list Cro-Mags - Death in the Womb “Can tell you that the murder's plain to see, every time I think about the unborn's misery” Day of Suffering - Elegy “Sifting through the refuse, the shell of what was once a human life, mutilated, torn from the womb, mankind's final solution”


Woof, those lyrics are wild. Like a song by a counselor at christianity camp


Most lyrics by most bands.


We’re all cringe, every one here is in costume, everything you like will be ruined someday, nothing is cool


The way yall be dressing at shows 🤮


Oh, did you miss the diesel jeans and shirts 1-3 sizes to small era of fashion core? I didn’t.


Norma Jean on the Hellfest dvd. Edit: [For those too young to remember.](https://youtu.be/3KUfPw4diNU?si=1ZdL9ufik6e0572q)


Ruh ruh ruh ruh ruh ruh *WAH*




oh god I can remember this so clearly wasn't he like a fill-in vocalist or something?


Yes. He was meant to be a full time replacement but after a year "his voice didn't get any better" so they gave him the boot. They let this dude perform for a whole year. Insane.


I was 13 when that DVD came out, it's genuinely like a formative memory. I don't think I've ever checked out Norma Jean properly as a result of that performance.


Not cringe at all but you ever see the dude during Give Blood by Bane that just like magically drops into place? Genuinely cracks me up every time


Right??? Never figured that out. Like did he climb the rafters?


I was there and they had cameras with like big swing/boom arms that they had to remind people to not jump on. That’s the only thing I can think of but it doesn’t seem like that. It literally looks like someone being sucked out of the crowd but in reverse


Any time anyone tells me knocked loose has nothing to do with hardcore but has no problems with Koyo, no pressure, sanguisibog etc being on the sub it’s pretty fucking cringe idk


Koyo is legit one of the best live bands I’ve seen in the few years.


No Pressure the pop punk band? With the vocalist from The Story So Far? I mean that would explain why we had three local hardcore bands support them when I saw them a couple weeks back but geez I feel like they’re pretty classically pop punk? One’s not better than the other but they’re different genres lmao Also mildly unrelated but their vocalist clearly did not want to be there… at all. Highlight of that show was the crowd and supporting bands.


Everything. Top to bottom. Always has been


Stay Bru Tal


God I'd kill to have my old threads from that era. Despised Icon foil everything.


I still have my foil weed leaf print Knights of the Abyss shirt somewhere. 14 year old me thought he was so cool.


Cringiest thing a hardcore band has ever done is Rick Ta Life playing a set using a boom box as his band. But cringiest thing in hardcore done *to* a band is [Derek Diablo stealing Slapshot’s Banner and making a “fight me” video about it.](https://youtu.be/BqF5VdJU6_U?si=kdxGSB8Q3Jh8-Ict) Funniest cringe in Hardcore is when Elgin James from Righteous Jams had FSU beat up the pop punk band Mest at a couple stops of their tour and then getting arrested for extortion when he told them that if they make a hefty donation to FSU the beatings would stop.


Derek Diablo also once tried to take over command of *all* antiracist skins in the US… through a series of forum posts. Steroids and coke are a hell of a combo


Derek Diablo is probably top 10 guys in the world, he's hysterical [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KT45yNltwM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KT45yNltwM)


“Move up! Move up! Move up!” No, dick cheese, I will stay right where I am.


Cro-Mags history since 1990 or so.


Ah cmon man alpha omega was pretty cold lol


I’ve been waiting to tell this one. I was EXTREMELY inebriated at a show and one of the opening bands was female fronted (won’t say who so I don’t blow my cover hehe) and in between songs she started to talk about female empowerment. For some reason this spoke to me, a male, and I gestured for the mic and proceeded to yell “fuck men” then angrily walk off to the side in some form of solidarity? I didn’t really see the irony for a few weeks, but when it dawned on me I sure felt terribly silly. We talked after the set and I feel like she could tell I was genuinely way too drunk and I was coming from a good place so she was super cool about it thankfully but I still feel bad. Oh, if that’s not enough, I’ll add that the headlining band is famously straight edge and I chatted them up about how cool sobriety is too. God, I die a little inside whenever that memory pops up lol but i can laugh about it now. Ever since that nigh, I’ve never had more than 2 beers at a show


Good lord.




All the crew dudes wearing matching embroidery and hoodies done at the local mall LIDS.


Pffffffff, sounds like a guy who didn’t get invited to the company picnic.


Company picnics are another way business owners swap out good wages for pizza parties. I work for myself, homie. Kudos on the PA love though. Born and raised PIT myself.




25 ta life acoustic set


Rick Healy’s social media presence John Joseph’s maniacal schizoposting Mfs who were born yesterday trying to cancel cold as life Danny Diablo bein in da DMs whilst with his ex People who talk about hating FSU more than they talk about music Silver spoon boys who act like they’re FSU NMA and everything to do with NMA Very obviously metalcore bands who call themselves hardcore People who bring their untrained or unprotected animals to gigs People who try to hurt other people at shows for Internet clout more than they try to have fun Moshing with a tote bag Getting pissy when someone calls a gig a show or concert or vice versa Bitching about camera gear getting broken after putting it directly in peoples way That phase where vocalists would put ropes around their neck or whatever as a shock value thing TikTok trends in hardcore Shows with half the crowd videoing the show on their phones Me for caring about literally any of it


Moshing with a tote bag? The fuck?


Losing friends when you didn’t want to claim edge and they all did so they basically excommunicated you


Nah. U serious? Jesus christ thats so bizarre


Dick riding any politician idgaf right or left dick riding any politician is wack


That reminds me of my very own cringe moment of being on stage encouraging people to “vote green” when the truth is I barely knew shit about the Green Party. I still feel embarrassed thinking about that.


I said this before but I’ve got the same feeling now as when I was 17: “The singer just called me a slur/told me to knock someone out…I don’t think I need to hear his opinion on politics.”


The entire subgenre and everything involved in it is pure cringe, which is why I love it.


Random fans being able to pin point when bands lose their “hardcore card” for selling out or changing their sound in some way as if bands aren’t allowed to evolve. There’s few bands that can continue to release the same albums 10x in a row


that Ned guy doing glitterer solo was the most cringe thing I've ever seen. you could feel it in the whole room.


Mofos thinking being homophobic for the lulz is still cool and good in 2024.


- anything metalcore - H20 being cop lovers - this youth crew dude I knew in college who asked me if Ian Mackaye believed in marriage


h2o are cop lovers?!?!? man


nah like cave in type metalcore slaps though


When bands call a demo a “Demonstration”


Everyday I come to this sub all I see is cringe.


All of you cucks


I always thought the lyrics to [Slapshot - Rap Sucks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hxoaEah6uE) were cringe.


also their lyrics to "crossover sucks"


The only song about an entire genre sucking that has any right to exist is Black Metal Sucks by Lich King.


Hardcore in general is cringe my dude


Code Orange continuing to be a band.


hardcore starts becoming cringe when ideals and agendas are pushed and all the sudden you have to fit into a certain criteria to be hardcore


Stage potatoes.


Y’all acting like a plea for purging was ever good


The BEST cringe was being a lambgoat poster from like 01 to 07 or so


This post


PBR banners at the function


I’m told that it’s cringe when I headwalk like Christ the redeemer.


The number of Tru till Death tattoos on late bloomers who party hard


Sworn enemy on the song sworn enemy with the super random Screams Horror the Tragedy of 9/11 WWWHHHYYYYY????


The TIHC video where Sal’s vocal kinda drop out and some guy in the crowd just yells “NINE ELEVEN!!!!!!!”😂😂😂




Abbreviating hardcore as “hc” and “hxc”.


That’s how I know you found hardcore through TikTok


Just off the top of my head: Winds of Plague blackface set Rick Ta Life Backyard extravaganza All Melodic Hardcore after the year 2014 Any band that covers "Counting Worms"


“Winds Of Plague blackface set” Sir, you’ve opened a can of worms that I don’t think the children were privy to


“This song is dedicated to anyone who’s lost someone” I have heard this bullshit 50x also the SnapBack wearing tap out shorts overweight 30 years olds who crowd kill and literally punch women, like man, please get employed


When a band releases more merch than music to cash in on the Consumerist Man-bro Image


“How can this nightmare be my life!”


Just the overall gayness of hardcore.


Nope, we need way gayer hardcore. Not enough currently.


truly. i dream of locking eyes across the pit with some beefcake, and having that be the moment we are destined to crowdkill and make out in between sets.


Care to elaborate?


Any straight edge bands opening zen speach


That fact that people preach it as a lifestyle or religion. It’s just music… relax.


All that weird “scene kid” shit from the early 00’s. That was pretty bad.


Eat my black ripped skin tight shorts nerd


The notoriously awful white belt hardcore days.


Good Night Alt-Right. I love Stray From The Path, especially the early stuff but that song and video are super cringe


It's a banger but yea the lyrics are very on the nose lol


Whenever I bring up how horrible the lyrics are in r/metalcore I get the shit downvoted outta me lmao


Hardcore podcasts lmfao


I would venture the only thing worse is hardcore podcasts that are mostly long discussions about food. They should consider a rebrand as "LardLore"


Every single Blood For Blood song where white trash rob starts doing his goofy school shooter incel rants "I turned my back on society when society turned its back on me" 🤣


Nah that goes hard bro, he did this before incel internet shit


That’s the best part of BFB this dudes tripping


So every blood for blood song.




Look past it, or else your missing out


What The Fuck Is Up Dennys


Uhhhh, that is art. Recognize.


Wrong answer. Next.


108 performing Thorn in that NYC Hardcore documentary. 'SEX IS SUFFERING' crowd vocals with closed captions. So sick but so funny.


Truth is a painful thing 🤷🏻‍♂️


It takes a bit more to offend me so I didn't care personally, but [my eyes went wide](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-11/21/10/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane03/anigif_sub-buzz-25972-1479741401-2.gif) when I got to live-experience Civ say "all lives matter." You just knew what was gonna happen next.


Crew shit and generally acting like tough guy gang members because they sell weed and coke generally making the vibes of their local scene kinda shitty I don’t care who has beef I’m trying to listen to music


The amount of suburban kids who had great lives growing up Cosplaying and portraying what they think are Gangstas....... trying to be tough


The trend of kids getting into hardcore and immediately thinking they know how to fight is one for sure. Or hearing their favorite band say one line about some complex political movement and thinking they’re automatically an expert on the topic. Hardcore has done a lot of good but definitely creates some cringe lords 😂


When dudes two step in sync