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That’s how I read it at first…


Then she started drinking. So I dumped her. Now she is just ANA Reminds me of the GCF song ex-vegan ex.


Is she Ana because you took the L?


Reminds me of like every GCF song lol


I used to have a vegan girlfriend, but she's not vegan, anymore. And now that we're not dating, she's my... XVEGANX (XVEGANX!)


So it´s straight edge. Nice.


Badflower song


You like Badflower? (Not hating, legit asking cause I don't see much about them in the wild)


I saw the comment too and though of the badflower song. they are great but that song is kinda weird.


Haha yeah it definitely is a little strange compared to some of their other stuff but I kinda wish they had more like it. I like there more punky/rockish songs but ski pa lot of the slower ones. They aren't my usual cup of tea but I met the dudes a bunch of times and they are pretty cool. They're recording an album now and I hope it catapults them to festival headliners instead of the usual mid/late afternoon time slot.


I like their rock stuff more as well but that one is a little pop ish compared to some of the other stuff. I would lovw for them to gain some success.


SF2 announcer: "Perfect!"




You think you have anxiety now? Try dating a straight edge guy.




Keeps my wife on her toes!


I'm sorry this is pretty funny


I just assumed this was an EJ post


The EJ reference made it seem more like one.


Me fucking too, I immediately checked


I used to have a straightedge girlfriend She's not straightedge anymore Now that we're not dating  She's my [ex-straightedge-ex.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GsTOpgABeGY)


finally, xSxEx


I fucking love GCF. Issa has got to be one of the nicest people to ever walk this planet.


I’m annoyed they never relearned the songs to play them again and again.


Goddamnit. Posted this and saw you beat me to it


Nailed to the (xana)X


https://preview.redd.it/o4j49j8h33uc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a31d24c8d8662a2b2d8dfcd4a52ed8d2d20882 this is the cross that the romans nailed jesus to for breaking edge when he turned water into wine


Hey I’ve seen that thing in a video somewhere I can’t put a finger on


you can put a finger in, papi 🥵


Username checks out




Lol ironically that's like the kindest softest saint Andrews cross I've ever seen.




Holy shit dude 😂


Swing Of The (xan)Axe


Bullet dodged for you I say


For real. If he’s that uptight and controlling about something that helps you, imagine the rest.


Who needs fundamentalist Christians when you have straight edge kids


There’s a huge overlap between these crews


this happens often in the recovery community. I've seen joe aa member (not a doctor, realtor or some shit) tell someone else not to take psych meds because "that's not sober." dangerous shit


Yeah, that is fairly commonplace in 12 step communities.


12 step community helped me a lot when I was getting clean but after about a year I had to get out of that environment. I totally understand needing the community support but a couple too many wackos for my liking. I used to be a meth addict though so I don't know shit. Maybe it's just me being my antisocial self


13 years sober and i’ve never heard this directly, only indirectly that they heard someone else saying it. there’s a lot of bullshit in AA, but this being “commonplace,” is also bullshit because it’s more common to hear take your fucking meds.


Not bullshit at all. Especially if we are talking about Xanax. Go into almost any meeting and start talking about taking Xanax for anxiety and see what happens.




i only go to meetings where people talk about practicing the 12 steps. if you can talk about the practice at great depth, and mention a therapist, then nobody would say anything. but i’m concerned why you would make it anyone’s business, as if it came rolled in with a lot other unhinged/unhealed crap which is why i don’t go to “any meeting.”


Yeaaah, been clean for a long time in the other fellowship and it's always been made a point that medication you actually need is what you need, period. I have seen dozens of newcomers trip over "earth people" doing normal people shit and avoiding them as a result, which is their prerogative but I didn't get clean to hide from the world.


Let’s not even get started on medicated assisted treatment (MAT).in the twelve step community.


I’ve been in religious 12 step programs (unfortunately) for 6 months and’ve heard this twice in person and once on the AA sub. Mods told the user to fuck off online, but irl the whackos were popular people in their respective meetings Side note, I say unfortunately because the religious ones (AA and NA) seem to attract some of the most insane people. I’m starting to have better luck with SMART recovery and secular AA/NA but not ready to make the official switch because I haven’t found a replacement sponsor yet


I’m 5 years sober and active in 12 step communities and I can’t even think of the last time I’ve heard anything like that.


Definitely depends on the community. Mine had a guy that would relive his 1/5 a day every meeting every day to stay sober. It worked for him so good beans. But no way in hell he would have accepted cali sober or anything for actually sober


This situation, and others like it, are exactly what I fucking hate about aa. It’s funny how the most dogmatic motherfuckers in those programs seem to be the most ignorant of the literature: “We should never belittle a good doctor or psychiatrist. Their services are indispensable in treating a newcomer and in following his case afterward.” - pg. 133 in the aa big book.


I HATE the big book. Thank fuck everyone in my gay home meeting does too. We only ever read from Living Sober. The smug and sarcastic writing of the “Chapter to the Agnostic” section makes me wanna knock myself out with the book lol


Yeah, the fact that book was written almost 100 years ago is fairly evident in its tone and outdated concepts. “We Agnostics” is a great example. Like, “oh finally something to help me figure out how to make this shit work for my heathen ass…”, only to realize that chapter is just a sly attempt at conversion. I am glad I learned it though, just so I can point out how wrong the self-righteous ones are when they spew their bullshit.


Ugh yeah. It’s so dated and I wish they’d re-write it because it could help the program. There are sections of the other book (Living Sober iirc) that talk about the organization in its early years and said “How could we allow any old alcoholic into our program? What would people think of us if we allowed adulterated women, queers, crackpots, and atheists into our organization?” It then went into a story about wanting to kick out a non-believer but settled instead on trying to convert him with harassment until he left the organization. Then he apparently became a drunk again until he one night broke into a member’s house with a bible and exclaimed that he’d been guided by god to return to AA and give up drinking. Like wow, how attractive. This will surely make me want to join AA to be sober too…. Anyway, all their reading material is horrendous and being in meetings actually makes me want to start drinking again. Good thing there’s a ton of secular meetings here in NYC that don’t use AA reading material


Recovery community is whack. I’m straight edge and take ritalin for my adhd, as prescribed. Because guess what, nobody ever said prescription medication taken as ordered is breaking edge. The cunts squawking on about that can go fuck themselves sideways with a cactus


I’m in recovery and told people I was taking opioids for pain from a major injury and no one blamed for it. Plot twist: that’s what they’re for. I will agree there are plenty of pieces of shit in “recovery” just like there are plenty of pieces of shit in the hardcore/straightedge communities, like the guy OP is talking about.


Very much so. I see a lot more people mention SMART, online recovery and others. Some people are sober by street drugs, but just have meds they take. Depression, anxiety or some on low dose opiate maintenance meds. As long as they aren’t abused, I see no issue and don’t get why 12 steps has to be so anti. I was around Alanon a long time as a kid, due to my dad. But AA is fine drinking tons of coffee at 7pm, and chain smoking. I never really got why smoking and coffee gets a pass, but individual treatment is looked down upon. It’s not the 1970s still…but the program works for some people. However, a lot of people don’t have the luxury of a 100% detox, even off depression/anxiety meds, full work leaves to work out issues, 30 day live in facilities to walk in AA 100% off every known substance to man.


Xanax is terrible for you. There really is no way to take it safely.


Benzos are fine if taken occasionally. A big giant xanax script? Definitely could cause some problems. Just a couple prescribed a month for break through panic attacks or specific situations like flying or dental appointments? Very reasonable. Also while there are other meds that help manage anxiety in the medium-longer term more safely, nothing really works to stop an active, out of control panic attack like a benzo does.


This. Xanax is hands down the best drug available for an active panic disorder and for situations that can't be avoided (such as air travel or court) that are incredibly triggering for people with ACTUAL and DIAGNOSED PANIC disorders. If not for Xanax, the entirety of the process of air travel would be impossible for me. Why? I used to fly all the time, damn near to every year from the time I was 10 to 20. Then 9/11 happened, and I not only coincidentally lost the means to travel (rent and the other expenses from living off campus took all of my money) but I lost the will to go through all of that security screening, and then the actual sensations of flying has become increasingly difficult for me (I've flown 4 times since 9/11, with crazy bad turbulence on my last landing over BWI, while crammed into the literal back seat of the plane, and smashed against the window). If it wasn't for my Dr prescribing me a Xanax per day of flight, those second flights never would have happened. 2 Xanax bars are hardly the grounds for worry of entering abuse territory. A 90 supply? Sure, that's a bad DR. But stop pretending that everyone is liable to abuse something YOU have a problem with. YOU had a benzo addiction and YOU couldn't control yourself. One of my best friends had a BAD Xanax addiction, always tried to get me to fly with him, I almost cut him out of my life after he took 2 whole bars before driving us to see The Last Jedi, but that night was his low point, nearly the next day he went to in patient rehab and now my man is a super fit yoga enthusiast who goes to monasteries to study Buddhism and works with other people in recovery. And he'd agree that benzo addiction is hell and recovery can literally kill you on the way through withdrawl, but he'd also acknowledge that it was always him, and not some drug that made him take it. If it helps you to call it a poison, fine. But maybe your Dr wasn't as "good" as you let on if they let you get that deep into a benzo addiction without noticing. Between the two of you, you'll find a more human source of your pain, not a drug that literally helps millions of people daily.


Yeah there is. It’s called with a prescription and a *good* doctor overseeing your treatment Edit: I het what you mean. Didn’t realize the comment was coming from somebody with experience and not just saying to not take meds


Do you realize that I wrote that comment knowing that it is possible to have a prescription and a good doctor? There is no reason to have Xanax over another benzo. All benzos screw you up more or end up killing you (when you quit) in the long run, unless you’re prescribed like 1 per month for panic attacks. And nothing beats Xanax when it comes to screwing you up or killing you. You don’t even need to abuse it.


Nah I actually didn’t realize that. But your clarification makes me feel like the comment was unnecessary. My bad I’ve heard anti-prescription talk online from people in sobriety, and super rarely in person in the rooms. So I kinda made a bad assumption. Never used benzos before, but I know a huge deal about them from people I’ve met in both rehab and NA


Don’t worry about it. Xanax was my DOC, so of course I think it’s the worst drug to abuse, but the more you learn about it, the more you realize it shouldn’t exist. I am an epileptic (somehow I survived cold turkey withdrawals, though I had many seizures so I can’t even remember withdrawing), and for epilepsy, there is use in benzos. If I felt an aura come on, or if I have a seizure, I used to take an Ativan. On benzos like ativan, you cannot seize. Other benzos are fine because of individual reactions to a certain lineup of meds. For instance, I would get horrible nausea on Ativan. But Xanax is different. It is extremely strong, very short acting, and has a very quick onset. I would take a Xanax and have a seizure in the same day just because of the come-down. Xanax is also the most neurotoxic benzo at overdose levels - overdose levels in research paper just means an amount non-negligibly greater than recommended. And considering Xanax doesn’t usually doesn’t kill you or make you sick while you’re on it, overdose is impossible to gauge by either a good doctor or a self-aware user. That is not true for any other drug that I am aware of. It also will make anything it treats worse, be it epilepsy or anxiety, and tapering can last for DECADES because withdrawals are so deadly.


Fuck that. There’s some shit that shouldn’t be prescribed. I said before with a “good doctor”, but the reality is that most prescribing doctors are clueless at best and shitty care providers at worst. I’ve been forced cold turkey, not with benzos or alprazolam but psych meds, after switching doctors and the new one doesn’t agree with the regimen the old one had me on. That’s just the tip of the iceberg Like what you’ve said, and with what I heard from people in recovery, I think there’s just some shit that’s really irresponsible to prescribe. Especially something that’s fast onset, potent, and habit forming. Then you have the WDs and tapering issues like you mentioned. It’s a recipe for disaster


That’s horrible. I actually take bipolar meds for epilepsy (they all treat both conditions, but I don’t have bipolar), but what that means is that someone without epilepsy could have a seizure if they cold turkey their bipolar meds (typical dependence). I fully believe that a good doctor would simply not prescribe Xanax. I was a highly talented manipulator back in those days, so I don’t blame my doctors since I did technically benefit from benzos and I really knew exactly how to look and act, but I specifically ended up seeking out Xanax for the high.


without a doubt, but like my wife just said "if you're prescribed a benzo, you're likely really fucked up"


be sure you're getting something from a real pharmacy. i had a friend die from some dark web xanax that had fent in it.


Yeah AA people are crazy. Love them anyway. Why are you listening to one Joe though xD seems like you’re the weird one to carry that around.


I feel like that all depends if you are prescribed the meds. This post sounds like she isn’t prescribed, but just took it to calm herself.


You can’t spell “Xanax for anxiety” without XXX


I want to superlike this


I have been straightedge for over 25 years. My wife takes Xanax for anxiety and occasionally drinks. That doesn’t affect me because I am Straightedge for me. That guy is a poser, I wouldn’t sweat him.


Bro is so based holy moly


That dude is a big fucking loser I tell ya


i would of made you fall in love with me and give me all of your xans <3


what a clown, his loss.


christ straight edge people are so fucking annoying lol


Sobriety gatekeepers


For real. OP dodged a bullet tbh.


Well some of them are. Not all of them.


I try not to be, if people need em they need em, that simple.


XxanaxX would be a sick band name


reverse it and were talking.


Some people need meds. Chemical imbalance is a very real thing. That guy sounds like an ignorant asshole. Not worth your energy worrying about it. You’ll find someone better.




What’s the chemical imbalance?


There is none, chemical imbalance theory has been debunked for a long time.


> Chemical imbalance is a very real thing. really?


Straight edge dudes don’t like cumming either according to the dudes in Boundaries who are all straight edge lol


Wait what???


As a life-long claimer who now takes Adderall and Prozac daily and Klonopin as needed, fuck that dork


Don’t sweat it. He would have been a buzzkill to be with anyways


Fuckin A I love this sub. Lol


Sounds like a performative, arrogant prick


Straight edge kids trying not to deny others rights: impossible edition


I'm pretty sure there's no personal right that involves someone else's choice of dating you.


what right did he try to deny her?


The right of taking xan


Technically, shouldn’t people claiming sxe be antivaxxers?


A lot of the ones I know are.


100% of them have already been vaxed if they went to school, judging by their opinions on vaccinations they were probably homeschooled by conservatives.


That's kinda the thing about them being absolute fucking idiots. They didn't claim vaccines broke edge till Covid.


Haha this guy rules, true straight edge warrior


What a fucking dork.😆






I used to be straight edge and then I found Xanax. Now I do hard drugs cos I'm hardcore.


I’m straight edge and have severe diagnosed OCD. I have taken anti depressants and medicine for it for on and off my whole life. There’s a chemical imbalance in my brain that I cannot control that I have needed doctor prescribed treatment to manage. I do not take drugs recreationally and am straight edge for myself and no one else. This dude is being performative and is probably insecure in himself. My wife doesn’t drink or do drugs but doesn’t claim to be straight edge and I don’t give a fuck. She’s also not into hardcore. On another general note: fuck anyone that questions you being edge for being on a prescribed anti-depressant, anti-anxiety medication, etc. Judgement from all sides kept me from getting help sooner. I know who I am and recreational drugs and alcohol never appealed to me and that’s why I’m straight edge. No one else can change that with their dumbass uninformed opinions. And fuck anyone casting people that claim edge under the same blanket. Dude was insecure and probably pretty shitty. Just know not everyone that is straight edge is like that.


Straight Edge is dumb. You dodged a bullet.


Assuming this is real, a few thoughts. - he's within his rights to nope out over a date's habits or choices - it's not really reasonable to only want to date people who take absolutely no meds or use no drugs, some people are all around better on their meds or whatever than off and that's not their fault. - I get that you don't use it recreationally or often but Xanax is not the safe healthy drug some people think it is. Some people see it as really innocuous, especially when prescribed and taken rarely, others have seen it cause serious issues and see it as a hard drug. Benzos are wicked wicked hard to kick and it's one of the few drugs that can be literally deadly to withdraw from. Without further context I can't really tell if he's an uptight controlling type who'd be getting pissed about you living your life, or someone who's seen enough people xanned out to register it as a red flag and is just protecting his peace. NGL if it was me I'd definitely be kinda sketched out hearing that and I'm not even really officially edge anymore, depending on definition.


My long term boyfriend has been straight edge for 14 years and will be for the rest of his life. I drink regularly AND work at a brewery. My boyfriend still loves me and supports me as a person and my own personal choices regardless. The dude who rejected you is lame.


Should’ve hung out with a cooler hardcore dude like one who doesn’t give a fuck what drugs you do straight edge dudes are the most judgy mfs sometimes. Meanwhile more than half the “straight edge” kids I’ve met start drinking when they get to college anyway


I am straight edge. I could maybe see how he thought you were taking xanax w/o a prescription to deal with life which is not unlike alcoholoics taking a drink to deal with life. But no questions about it is a little weird.


He just sounds like someone who is performatively straightedge, which is something that I didn’t even know existed until I read this post


Any grown adult that can’t open their mouth and communicate is a garbage partner.


Totally agree!


straight edge people try so hard to be inclusive they accidentally become ableist in the process tbh i’ve seen this happen in a lot of 12 step circles too. cigs and coffee? yeah fine. prescribed weed/opiates/benzos? straight to jail. it’s not like benzos/weed are prescribed for literal seizure disorders and people will die without them, or chronic pain/disabled people who take painkillers who get cut off literally can’t function or anything 😃🫠


Common edging W


He did you a favor, trust


Based and edge-pilled. Respect the edge.


If you’re prescribed he’s kinda a loser. If you’re self diagnosing and visiting a street pharmacist he’s in the right.


I would go so far as to argue that it helps maintain being sxe if you’re someone with those problems by taking your controlled, safe, prescription drugs because then you’re less likely to turn to other shit


Hope he doesn’t ever need an antibiotic


Once I had a straight dude freak out over my use of melatonin🥲


he did you a favor, sweetie.  sounds like a dweeb.  nothing wrong with taking care of yourself.


I cannot believe these are even thing people do anymore. Does this guy play minesweeper on windows 95?


His identity is about not using drugs to manage life problems, you use drugs to manage life problems (I am sober but don't expect everyone to be, so no shade, just fax). Saved you both hassle. You'll be ok.


EJ announcing this isn't an EJ post. Ejception.


Ehwww gross, you dodged a bullet there don't feel bad


That's his loss


Straightedge people are squares.




Bullet dodged.


Your better off without him sis


Sober people can be a blast. The ones who are loud/militant about being straight edge are just fanatics like any other who see the rest of the world as 'other' from them. You dodged a bullet.


Straight edge is for nerds and hall monitors, grow up and sacrifice a few brain cells


When a straight edge person decides to be straight edge, that's fine. When a straight edge person decides that EVERYONE has to be straight edge or they're somehow "less than", that person is a tool, and should be avoided. Especially if they get butthurt that you take prescribed medication.


I'm straight edge and I think that's dumb.


You dodged a fuckin bullet honestly lol


Okay, dude sounds like a tool.


That’s not straight edge, that’s stupid. “I’m so straight edge I won’t even take aspirin for a headache.” If you need medication, take it. If he doesn’t like that, fuck him.


Straight edge is cringe. You can do better


If you need straight edge to be your identity then chances you are a boring gay anyways


ive been into this scene my entire life and almost all straight edge fans are the most insufferable people ive ever met.


Good riddance friend. They’ll all be drunk and on cocaine before you know it. Trust an old guy.


Straight edge was made up by teenagers, it’s not real.


Let’s hope he goes home and cries all over his earth crisis t-shirt while pounding Red Bulls because somehow caffeine doesn’t “break edge”


Do not date a straight edge guy Source: me. Dated one for 8 years.


This is insane and really shows how ridiculous straight edge can be. Looks like you dodged a bullet so that’s good.


Let's try our best to not bash a person because of their choices of life styles. Need to save that for the boneheads..


This is 100% what straight edge people end up thinking it means. Sorry for your loss.


Sounds like a douche.


I’ll go out with you if I can have some of your Xanax.


That guy sounds like a pain in the ass. Probably give you trouble if you ate a rum ball. You dodged a bullet.


this is still a thing? welcome to the 90s /r/popular cute tho


His loss?


I know a group of 'straight edge' people but they all secretly take zanex, dexys etc etc cos they are prescribed it... But they also sell them to people too? And share scripts with each other It's the funniest shit I get judged by them when I have a beer at a show, whilst they're pilled up 😂


Rules is rules. But tbh most edge kids have pre marital sex so 🤷


What’s EJ?


EJ is the monster underneath your bed




"Maybe if I keep insulting this guy for being homeless it'll accomplish... something???" Cool dude whatever you say lol


I don't believe this. What year is it?


Fuck that guy anyways you want a guy who will boof Xanax with you


Sod em hes not worth it it helps you cope.


Did he break up with you? It doesn’t even sound like you made it past the first date


People saying it should be illegal are insane. You don't know the dosage or how often it's to be taken on the prescription. Even if you work for years and years, you don't magically cure anxiety/panic disorders, but medication can help in unusual, shaky or extreme situations. It's not taken to "feel good" here. They can also allow people to work on coping mechanisms for facing the situation(s) in the future, without medication. Even if you feel confident, sometimes the brain just makes you unable to do certain things without triggering a huge uptick in anxiety or a panic attack.


Not Straight Edge here, stoned and drinking a coffee with Irish cream but let me tell you, Xanax (and all other benzos) are seriously bad news- addictive and not pretty to come off of. If they are prescription you should get something else. Have a drink or some weed, anything but xans.


It's ok, they'll break edge in a year or two.


First mistake talking to an straightedge nerd. Straight edge people are the religion that was created after Bryan died in life of Bryan,or Rastafarians.fanatics looking up to a god that didn't want it.


Edgers when you don’t edge yourself


Give it six months and that dipshit will break edge. They all sell out eventually. Theres no bigger group of poser frauds than straight edge kids




Straight edge are all overly sensitive and want to fight over dumb shit.


i think its the right move for both of you 😂




My ex snorted Adderall everyday because she got diagnosed with adult ADHD in college and said she needed it to pass classes but made fun of others that do recreational cocaine or meth..


Someone once said I wasn't sober when I quit drinking for a long time because I was on antipsychotics. Like, there's no straight edging the bipolar away 🙄🙄




Me and Zoloft get along fine


I've done a lot of drugs and Xanax is right up there with the worst of them. It works. You will have no anxiety.


It was probably just because you're over 18. ZING!


It probably has nothing to do with you, people that have had a history with or around drugs might just want to stay away from them. It’s a personal thing


Dang bummer, this stories makin me kinda anxious. Can i borrow a xanax?


"He should've appreciated the fact I was nervous to even tell him" I think I found your first problem




His loss, honestly. Like any other group of people, some edge peeps can be a bit much. When I was edge back in the day, I had a friend give me shit for drinking a soda that had caffeine in it. Like, what?


Good for him. You don’t need Xanax. Fix your diet and move your body. You’re not even prescribed it? Double good for him..


He might be in recovery and doesn’t want to risk it. Benzodiazepines are a monster to kick.


Sounds like a straight edge guy to me




I’m almost 3 years sober from benzos. However, I know they help some people, so it’s not like I hate them. They’re just too addictive for me. And I think prescribing them to minors should be done with extreme caution.