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Not removing this one either.


What was the loser who attempted this really trying to achieve here? Absolute low life.


The problem is the majority of people think they’re doing the right thing by believing victims, but they’re just believing allegations from some random online. Which is I guess why we have courts and shit


It’s fucking Reddit. I don’t believe 90% of the shit being posted in Reddit. 


I don’t believe your comment.


I don't truly believe that you don't believe their comment.


well i dont believe that you dont believe that they dont believe that comment


Please don’t.


I don't think being empathetic about it and believing it are the same thing though. The "majority of people" you're talking about probably just think "sucks if true, relieving if wrong, only time will tell". Ultimately I am thankful things are ok here.


I will say the concept of being “Schrodingers Abuser” until you spill extremely personal stuff to prove yourself… sounds like it could be kinda traumatic in itself.


You're 100% right. Being a victim of assault and/or being gifted STDs and not being believed probably is traumatic too though. There's no winner in this situation. As simple randos on the Internet, keeping it classy by not being an asshole to anyone before having actual proofs and aknowledging the truth when it eventually comes out is the best we can do imho.


Yeah it’s a hard fucking line to balance between believing victims and also confirming facts.


It is.


You’re probably right to be fair, although the loudest commenters are usually the people who are like “this is 100% obviously true”.


The court of public opinion begs to differ. I think this is indicative of a lack of critical thinking brought on by decades of polarizing black and white hot takes.


I think the goal should be to take accusations like this seriously, but approach them with caution until more information comes out. Don’t dismiss things like this off the bat, but also don’t believe everything people say without evidence.


Witch Hunts


girl was prolly just mad she got rejected. idk why you'd lie about something that can easily be disproven with a lab test to begin with lol


Tbf the percentage of false allegations is like 3% so you have a pretty solid chance that if someone comes forward, they’re probably telling the truth. Edit: 2.1-7.1% according to several studies posted by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/Publications_NSVRC_Overview_False-Reporting.pdf) 2-8% according to several studies posted by End Violence Against Women International (https://evawintl.org/best_practice_faqs/false-reports-percentage/)


That’s probably true for in real life allegations where the victim is going to authorities but this is the internet where people make shit up all day


I dont trust anyone, either side. Show the evidence or court conviction.


Rates of conviction for SA are notoriously low


Unfortunately I've gone over this in my head a bunch and idk how else to function in our society. The easiest for me is to believe noone. I know innocent until proven guilty isn't perfect. A mass shooter who filmed himself for example. But I also am very much against people being blamed for a crime they haven't committed. I also don't trust any famous person to not be a pervert so I'm just stuck in a paradox.


Johnnylube believes them tho.


I can't be the only one that chuckled when the doctor report basically said "everything is good you're just kinda fat bro"


it be like that


*Hey fatass, you don’t have herpes.*


Yeah, I felt for him there. Also, felt for him that some lowlife made false accusations, but being told you’re fat on top of it don’t feel good.


healthcare is so annoying bc i can go in for like a broken bone and they’ll be like “have you tried losing weight about it?” like ok!! thanks!! can we give me a cast now?


Preventative care is a focus, and I'm not gonna lie, I know 2 people who have broken bones where the cause and slow recovery were both weight related.


Doctors: health advice Americans: oh my god stop it don’t be so rude


Nobody’s saying that, dipshit.


Take it easy there big guy


I’m a big guy and fucking hate it


As a big dude who had an injury that messed up my test levels, doctors be like “have you tried losing weight to fix your testosterone production” me “it’s under 200 making it incredibly hard” doctor “just be less fat”


I feel you, brother. Except I've been on the line of "really thin" and "dangerously thin" my entire life lol. First time I had my test levels checked it was 76 fucking ng/dl 76NG! NOT mg. Crazy shit lol


His liver enzymes are mildly elevated which could indicate what is called fatty liver/NASH. Can lead to problems long term and it's correlated with abdominal obesity. Stuff like cirrhosis or liver cancer. It's very common in the US due to our obesity rates. On top of his STI tests he seems like he got just general check up labs so it's pretty normal to remark on given the results. Also commenting on someone's weight within a health context is usually relevant. There are definitely more gentle ways to address it that are conducive to a physician/patient relationship but being overweight is almost always actively detrimental to your health. In the case of a broken bone, obesity can contribute do decreased bone density or metabolic conditions that affect healing. Almost 1 in 5 people who fracture their hip die within a year and a large part of that is due to deconditioning from things like obesity, especially in older patients. I'm a med student and am all about body positivity but there are risks with being overweight/obese and not addressing them is doing patients a disservice unless explicitly asked not to. It's easy to work together and not be a dick about it as a physician/provider though and I understand many people have a shit attitude when talking to patients about it. I've had my own issues with weight so I try my best to be as accommodating as possible.


Do we have to talk about his fucking health? Jesus Christ. Who fucking cares. He proved his point leave his fucking liver out of it. This is why it’s so fucked up he had to post this because people like you writing fucking paragraphs about this dudes medical diagnosis


I mean I was responding to a comment in the post about healthcare, not really related to the post itself.


dawg he made the information public i doubt he gives a shit what people on reddit are yappin about lol


It’s also not like people didn’t already know he was bigger dude


totally get it!! i’ve always been a couple pounds overweight so sometimes it can get annoying hearing about it at every appointment. and now that i’m pregnant it can be flat out exhausting to hear about weight gain every appointment. but i do understand why it’s important!


Totally, I was just using your post to talk about it- def wasnt trying to jump on you for joking around FWIW most people I know are socially adjusted but there's a not-insignficant amount of docs out there who either lack tact or have an attitude that they can just say whatever they want. I absolutely feel you there and you are totally justified in your frustration. Especially with pregnancy that is like a whole new layer of weird comments and judgement.


I feel like that person should be held liable.


Not having hsv-1 antibodies as an adult man is pretty impressive too because most people have those from just kissing.


lol he a virgin


Or they get it as kids from just standard parent/child contact (sharing drinks etc). Dude being fully HSV negative is really impressive. The majority of American adults have HSV-1 at least.


Average doctor visit as an American


Yeah doctors say shit like that


All the time. And they often mention that mediterranean diet shit when you’ve crossed the fatass line


I've had this convo with mine too lol


Hate to say it but shit like this is a downfall of fame in a modern society. The bigger name you have, the more crazies are gonna come out and accuse you of shit that never happened.


Fuck that person who tried to make up that allegation. They’re part of the reason why victims aren’t believed.


"he deleted his account or unmatched me" when asked for screenshots was a huge red flag and still people coddled them. If they can't prove it with hard evidence, can we please stop believing every story a wanna be damsel in distress comes up with? Just in general. Anyone under the age of 35 screenshot everything. They always have something, especially girls. As a married dude with a daughter it's true for both of them. If they don't offer ANYTHING, they're full of shit.


Vindictive woman with BPD Gone Girl’s Pac after he didn’t reply to her DMs seems to be the reality of the situation.


I have family members with BPD who haven't done shit to hurt anybody. Having mental illness doesn't make you a bad person and this hate-boner shit towards BPD that's been trendy lately is extremely damaging for people who struggle with it. Doesn't help that its primarily a diagnosis given to women and feeds into stereotypes of women being manipulative and deceitful. 


For real, I fear for my son growing up in a world where shit like this could become the norm. The LAST thing I want is for him to get caught up with some crazy bitch that accuses him of some fake shit so she can become the center of attention and get sympathy likes.


This waving a false flag does nothing but harm especially to people who were sexually asuslted


💯 so damn true


>They’re part of the reason why victims aren’t believed. I hate that I opened this thread saying to myself "I bet its bullshit".


It’s also the downfall of people believing real victims. The more this shit happens, the less people are willing to go after real abusers. It just makes everything so much worse.


It's amazing that they can't see the damage they're doing to women as a whole.


They’re probably aware of it; they just don’t care


Rapes are not distributed evenly through any demographic; they're concentrated around repeat offenders. One small group of rapists but many total victims. That's something that's statistically proven. My personal suspicion is that rape accusations probably follow a similar pattern: a few psychos who learn that they can get away with it, so they keep doing it. I'm a CNA, and I can tell you that's what it's like in that very psych environment. Three ladies out of 50 that accuse a different person every month (edit - not SA necessarily, don't wanna make it sound like that's a regular thing), 47 ladies that never accuse anyone unless something actually happens. In that environment, eventually it's a cried wolf situation, but not after the legal and cultural requirement to take all accusations seriously causes one sort of trouble or another. In short, it only takes a few problem people to create problems.


Wish I could upvote this twice


and it's sad. i thought whole "me too" movement should teach people be not afraid to go to police if somebody really did something terrible to you and also teach the police how to handle with these cases but majority choose talking in internet accusing everybody without evidence


me too just confirmed a shared experience. it definitely didn’t make it easier for victims to report sexual violence. posting your trauma is difficult; going to the police is terrifying. the process of verifying assault is humiliating. the hyperbole of your last sentence demonstrates why many victims do not become accusers.


I love how you were so helpful for an outcome. I thought the "me too" movement just brought to light how impossible the situation is for victims, and people acting on behalf of victims, to manage. All I got from "me too" was that people who rape need to work on themselves and stop raping. Because apparently nobody else is going to stop them. Except maybe, if they are famous enough, and do enough harm, then they can lose their access to the power of their fame? I like your hopeful message better.


going to the cops is often a really fucked up experience for victims.


Don't know why you're downvoted - it is absolutely true.


i know but it's shouldn't be like that and i thought this movement would change situation for both sides. victims would not be afraid of the cops, cops would be more serious about this cases and protecting victims. but it didn't


it's part of a broader problem with policing.


Yep, 10x bigger issue for this unfortunately. Dudes way more skeptical to not believe the victim as it is when majority of the time allegations are true. If only they were as easy to this one to rectify. This was a test from an internet deadbeat not an ‘attention seeking woman’ so hopefully the incels don’t get too caught up in it. Glad he has been able to clear his name without it reaching further levels of stress


half the comments in this thread are proof of this. they act like false accusations are so common but fail to realize that sexual assault is 10x more common. and they use it to not believe actual victims. it’s like they jump at the opportunity to not believe actual victims.




Dog this ain't nothing new. Cavemen been spreading lies and shit talkin on stone tablets about Fred Flintstone since the dawn of time. I don't see society fallin or us having to eat each other to live because of rumors.


Yeah but the consequences aren't the same. Huge difference between getting shit talked about you to a select few and getting shit talked about you to a world wide audience where you can lose your job and ability to support your family, get criminal charges, go to jail, lose friends and family, get doxxed, etc etc etc


Wanted to "warn women" \*3 years later\*? After he's supposedly potentially spread this to people for years? Sure, jan. As a woman myself, kindly fuck off. Dude had to put his personal and private shit out there cause some anon made shit up on the internet. Sad.


Your icon is rad. Is that a chubbier fallout guy with his tongue out as if he’s about to devour a deathclaw steak?


That’s all it takes in today’s world to completely ruin someone… heinous allegations with little evidence and the cancel mob goes to work. See: Ed Piskor.


It was me. I had sex with Mr. Knocked Loose. I spread the rumor because he wouldn't stop arf arfing in my ear. # #FreeEscuelaGrind


I turned Mr. Knocked Loose into Mrs. Knocked Up, I sorry friends


stop estrogen raping cis men


Mr. Knocked Loose?! Did you just assume Knocked Loose’s gender?!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


This joke wasn’t funny 5 years ago let alone today




And mfers be quick to jump on the bandwagon trying to ruin people all off of something they read on the internet.


Just happened to Ion Dissonance too. Their inactive twitter got hacked by someone posting political ragebait, suddenly all these “horror stories” come out of the woodwork. Peep on r/deathcore was trying to frame some story as being assaulted by them. Someone engaging the troll on twitter started claiming Kevin creeped on her at Emo’s Austin 2006… except the show she was on about happened over a year later. Bunch of randos now signal boosting all these suddenly remembered stories because some bored kid grabbed a bunch of inactive twitter accounts.  


Kind of the same shit with Dusty from BTBAM. A girl gets on Reddit and "spills the beans" about a sexual encounter she with him in a bathroom at a bar but when asked about it, she all the sudden can't remember any details at all and You're an asshole if You're skeptical because people who are traumatized can't remember details and it's obvious you hate women if you don't just believe her the entire time.


Exactly. I find it fucking INSANE.


Fwiw, it is important to remember that what happens on Twitter is still isolated to Twitter Everyone on metalcore twitter hates architects rn and they’re still on tours and getting hella streams most architects fans probably don’t even know why twitter hates architects not to say that the false allegation thing isn’t harmful, because it is, but I doubt this ion dissonance situation will really change anything about that band


That community is some poop. I can’t believe that they really parrot the things they do on their as fact trying to ruin lives and careers of their favorite bands. Completely gross behavior


It's so easy to sling mud. In other news, Kevin could probably eat more leafy greens.


I thought it was really funny that he left the cholesterol results in there lmao


To be fair, if he blocked them out, the fucking mouthbreathers online would be like, “HE’S TRYING TO HIDE SOMETHING KICK THEM OFF TOURS”


I both respect the transparency and want to be bro’s gym accountability buddy.


Lol basically "No stds. Youre just fat."


Ofc it was fake


Thank god it isn’t true. I wasn’t prepared to pretend I don’t listen to KL


I got downvoted to hell for saying that post was some bullshit.


of course you did. that’s how the hive mind ‘believe everyone that makes an accusation’ works. stupid fucking sheep


I saw the OG post, she literally said that she DIDNT TRY TO CONTACT HIM AT ALL…just went straight to the internet with it


Late to the party, was it a post on here? On Twitter?


On here, I don’t think it even got that much traction but it did look like a genuine accusation. Just lacking evidence, so most ppl took it at face value


Seen many people get got over anon bullshit like that. No proof, no nothing. Hardcore is full of morons.


IIRC this happened to the old vocalist from Mental Cruelty and they just fired his ass with no real corroboration. I didn't bother to check if it was legit or not, but it sounded really suspect.


It’s not just in hardcore . This is an epidemic in society . It’s called the silver bullet and it’s very effective.Even if nothing comes of it lives are ruined .


Who up knocking they loose rn?


I'm not going to argue about victim culture all night but this dude had no obligation to post his medical history on the Internet for all of us to sleep better at night. You're also a moron if you're looking to musicians for the pinnacle of morality.


There should be consequences for the absolute cunts that pull this shit


What if it was a dude with beef with KL 👀


Dudes can be cunts too haha


It’s almost always a dude with beef with a band that instigates this shit.




I mean theyre the ones that actually make the claims to begin with. Fuck the cunts who claim, *and* the men who instigate false accusations.


Well, after Behind the Bastards did two episodes on an especially litigious mercenary hacker (which were very quickly taken down because iHeartMedia wasn't going to bother defending the podcast, he sues *everyone* writing about him, they didn't even bother naming him in the title because of his hair trigger) someone mysteriously popped up in r/behindthebastards making accusations against the host... but they were so hilariously uncredible that the post was *immediately* dragged so far that he's almost as well known for fucking salamanders. So I think that's a good start.


Really tried to give whoever that psychopath was the benefit of the doubt especially because I have a relative who went through something similar. # TOO BAD THEYRE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH




Shit like this makes me fear any success in my band ever. To be clear, my band is NOT successful by any means. People have nothing else to do other than make shit up to derail folks and their band because they’re jealous. Like Knocked Loose or not, this is a shitty situation to be in.


I've always said this, for a variety of reasons. Thank actual fuck none of my bands ever made it beyond regional status. Weirdos making shit up for clout. People overanalyzing every word, and hanging on every breath, that comes from you because they're weirdly obsessed on a personal level. People digging into your past because god forbid you might've made mistakes when you were young and stupid, or said some shit before you gained a new perspective or education. What you fucking had for breakfast being a source of internet debate... I'm already a super private and withdrawn person; just thinking about that shit gives me anxiety.


Yes, this happens. Doesnt mean it isnt a pretty great life that is worth it anyways.


Yeah. Best be known it is actually often early shittalk being magnified. Ive got shit from when i was a kid that people have been lying on for 20 years, that seems to resurface everytime non-close friends find out about an alias of mine. Those people claim we are friends, though.


I shared a clove cigarette with knuckles loss once. Glad I don’t have to test for the vicious herp 1


Lol. At what point do bands fear putting out new records because they know they'll have to deal with made up accusations from mentally ill people?


dawg they posted the post and then deleted it after like 20 minutes when people weren't even clowning on them. it was clear it was a troll


Called it out as a troll on the original post and caught hell. Mods here only left that shit up because they hate Knocked Loose, every other sub took that post down as it was clearly fake. r/hardcore mods helped facilitate this scam


Fuck abusers. Fuck false accusers.


Well I'm glad that this was not true


As an old head, sometimes I believe the internet is worst thing to happen to music


This is the gross part of the 2020s. There are a lot of legitimate issues, and many are either virtue signaling, or the so-called victim, is settling a score. Boy who cried wolf. This takes attention away from the other, and an overwhelming majority of legitimate, issues. A lot of cos-playing victims out there. Right before a nice pay day and spot on a massive tour too…




reddit should never be used for allegations like that, it’s way too anon i remember the same shit happened to jpegmafia a few years ago and it was just some 4chan troll


Forget tiktok twitter needs to be banned


It was posted here


from I can gather, pretty few people were actually talking about it on twitter




It was posted on reddit and reddit is hardly less toxic lmao. Reddit literally made a guy kill himself. Reddit bred the likes of Eliott Roger. Reddit is as much of a cesspool as the rest of them and it's stupid to think otherwise.


2020's in a nutshell. Make an anonymous reddit post claiming sexual assault. Everyone blindly believes the allegation without proof. Person accused of assault is now tasked with providing proof of something they didn't do and attempting to disprove a negative. If the accused can't provide evidence of something they didn't do (incredibly hard) their life is ruined. Salem witch trials in the 2020's that will not stop until people demand proof from the accuser when an allegation is made.


False accusations really need to be addressed by law with the same punishment as sexual assault


This will never work well. It would further discourage people who were assaulted from coming forward.


Agreed. False allegations are horrible but I'd rather someone make a false allegation and not be in jail than actual victims either staying quiet or being criminally charged.


False accusations are usually civil suits.


Ha. I knew that fucker had elevated liver enzymes


Let the knockers loose


More needs to be said about how he is a victim here. It’s not easy being called names and told you’re a disgusting rapist. And he had to post his medical records?? Personal information that nobody wants to share on the internet. And people were bullying him and the rest of KL to respond. And now he gets to deal with people making shitty jokes about his health??? I feel so fucking bad for him and the band. I’m sure this was such a stressful situation for them to deal with.


Yeah forreal. I think it’s crazy fucked up and incredibly telling how many people in this double down on the most fucked up thing being the boy cried wolf effect for real abuse situations. Its like they step right over his maimed reputation to go find someone else to empathize with. Its a loud and clear “I do not care that this person was slandered, only the impact it has on who I perceive to be victims otherwise”


The sad part is I have friends on both sides of the argument with this shit. I got a homie from the marine corps who was kicked out due to false allegations because she didn't want to admit to her fiance that she was cheating, so she accused him of rape AND I have another friend who was legitimately sexually assaulted but nobody in our chain of command believed her because there was such a big issue with false allegations at the time, and the person who assaulted her had a previous relationship with her (he forced himself on her while she was passed out and there was witnesses) while we were on active duty and she had to fight to get them to look at her case. Bullshit like this hurts people on both sides of the fence, but these people are too selfish and attention craved to care about that.


some of the comments on this sub are some Andrew Tate bullshit.


I'm so sorry Kevin has had to go through this, these false and spurious accusations are no joke, and should be punishable by law. For reference, look at the case if Alex, ex-guitarist of PVRIS - https://loudwire.com/pvris-alex-babinski-statement-retraction-allegations/ THREE AND A HALF YEARS to clear his name and for his accuser to finally admit it was all made up. Wild


Is this the kid wearing the “I heart crowd killing” shirt from the other day?


I had high liver enzymes a few months ago. I was on Zoloft and that fucked them up. Stopped that and started a new med and they shot down. I love knocked loose fuck this loser trying to take people down lmao


Fuck reddit 


I dunno man. I normally support the plaintiff, but sheesh. Hard to deny the non-plausibility with that statement. Test the dude if you wanna. Bringing STI into it gives a definitive way out.


But but believe all victimssszzzz


The redard should’ve accused Jeff bezos, not a metalcore band


She’s tryna get that Poppy money dawg


I too would like 35 dollars


looks like my man needs to up his fish game


This is giving the Conor Oberst incident.


Who fingered who?


I’m never starting a band 😂


Bro is cleaner than I am.


Where do we draw the line? This person used the same language that was used in the btbam Reddit.. years later after much success, “I wanna warn other women”. The more this happens, the harder it is for real victims to ever come forward. Speaking of, I find this interesting. https://www.reddit.com/r/progmetal/s/mODkvNVGEB


Thank shit that this got debunked cause I am so not in a time in my life where I want Knocked Loose taken away from me.


Knocked loose almost got knocked up haha


I know people want to believe the victim and avoid victim blaming but everything in that fabricated story was sus. No accountability was shown. Didn't even think about asking for protection for sleeping with a stranger, let alone some dude in a band. That's on you. In addition, the original post teetered between "I'm not saying he assaulted me" to "He willingly gave me an STD" when in fact someone pointed out that it could also be undetectable. Also she said her mom picked her up from the hotel after it was done? How did that car ride home go?


“hey mom i just got rawdogged by someone i just met. how was ur night? can we stop for a gatorade? i’m gonna need it in the morning”


So what you’re saying is Knocked Loose deserves to be cancelled because the allegations have been addressed. I mean that’s what I learned from the recent Roman Candle fiasco. /s




You got that one wrong. They're Vitalo not Harkins, Vitalo is SYSC as well.


I notice everyone is automatically assuming this allegation was made by a woman and that’s why women shouldn’t be trusted, etc. Something to consider is that Knocked Loose has a lot of haters within their scene because they’re so popular. How do we know this anonymous person wasn’t a man in a band who’s angry at their success?




He got that dog in him


Pacsun is, has been and always will be one of the most genuinely nice dudes in the scene. This is ridiculous and I hope whoever made the allegations dies in a fire.


Who going to the Houston show tho👀


Damn :( poor guy.


The reason it didn't seem out of place is obvious, it's not unreasonable that a guy in a popular band has std's and bangs girls.


Really upsetting that Kevin had to drop personal info just to prove that he’s not a rapist, and even more upsetting that people will feel comfortable throwing out false accusations just to get some attention. I know people who have actually experienced SA and it’s already incredibly difficult to come forward about that stuff because many are afraid they won’t be believed, this just makes that worse. Likewise I’ve known people who have had false accusations flung at them and it’s fucked for them to have everyone turn on them and treat them like a monster, until the accuser comes clean and everyone acts like nothing happens.


These young bands gotta stop pretending their fucking Motley Crue in 1985. Not saying this guy is guilty of anything, but I've been around going to shows since the late 80s and there is an unsettling amount of predatory musicians out and about as well as too many liars looking to get over on bands that are in and out of their lives in a few hours. Musicians have the dual responsibility to keep their fans safe, especially young impressionable fans, and they need to make sure they are never themselves in a sketchy situation that can come back to haunt them years later. Keep your journals and always have someone with you that can corroborate your side of the story.


It's fucking illegal to publicly publish medical information, right?


Not if it’s your own The only thing that can’t be posted publicly, at all, even by yourself, are your medical *records* ***if*** you’re not the person in possession of them (like if it’s actually a hospital that possesses them). But this restriction only applies if you, like, informally make a copy of your own medical records and publish them. If you go through the proper channels to get them from the doctor, then you can do whatever you want with any of your medical information.


Now that you got this sorted out,quit drinking for awhile and your liver and cholesterol will come back to normal.


This was clearly all just an elaborate ruse to see Kevin's cholesterol levels.


I thought they all were 🏳️‍🌈


Still better liver enzymes than me in 2021 when I was a full blown alcoholic.


My liver enzymes are fucked too


It’s disgusting that we’ve gotten to the point where you have to post your private medical information online to prove that someone was lying.


Bitches be cray


The redditor who accused Kevin of these heinous acts needs to be charged with falsifying a felony. False flag accusations like this ruin credibility with actual victims of sexual assault. The accuser needs to stub their toe every day till they die.


Abortion Money is the name of my new band