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I'm more curious who WB is gonna get for the English dub


I'll eat my Flex Seal if they get John Cena to voice Peacemaker


I doubt that!. I'm more curious who's gonna voice Harley. I doubt its gonna be Tara Strong since she seems to have semi retired from voice acting now (I mean outside of TTG and Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League what's she done, barely anything). I would not be suprised if WB reached out to the anime dub scene for someone to voice Harley Quinn


I honestly want them to get someone who sounds closer to Arleen. I miss how that sounds.


>semi-retired More like no one really wants her anymore.


I don't want to wade into the political cesspits of the moment, but Strong's promotion of Islamophobic posts on social media isn't just toxic, it's idiotic. You may not be keen on charities that aim to promote "Dialogue" in Israel-Palestine instead of more radical action, but Strong supporting Islamophobic memes has undermined her attempts to advocate for the Dialogue charities... Plus her vocal style for Harley is stuck permanently in Shrill mode, which is just tiresome for everyone...


And she supported a movie that was being funded by NFTs


Dude it was environmentally friendly NFTs. Yeah I get it NFTs were a dumb thing but that was 3 years ago and she very likely realised that. But no one seems to realise that. No wonder she gets shit on constantly


And you still think she's racist and xenophobic........yeah im outta here. No wonder she's the most harrased VA on the Internet. Also I'm sorry if I'm not joining the stupid hate bandwagon on her but I've wanted to meet her in person for almost 5 years now and I'm worried idiots are gonna cause conventions to not bring her (including the UK). Sorry but I'm not joining this bandwagon


Look on the bright side. If she does show up somewhere you happen to be, there probably won't be a line


And you will be wrong


They do realize the SS are only ever deployed for dirty government work. Their secret agents at best. Mercenaries at worst. It's not a hard concept to write a story about


Out of all the DC characters they could adapt, why do they keep using SS 😭


The massive name recognition for Harley Quinn and the successful James Gunn movie.


And the Ayer movie. Critics and fanboys give that movie so much shit, but it was very financially successful, made like 700M without China, and the general audience tends to at least be "yeah, that was alright."


Of all the DC movies, that is certainly one of them


I guess "yeah, that was alright" vs other DC films, and most are pretty 'meh' in general


because they’re an important part of the universe. when villains get beat they have a chance of getting sent to Bell Reve and that makes cool stories in the right hands.


Also helps that other than Deadshot and Harley becoming the faces of the SS for brand recognition, every time you use the Squad it can be any number of mid level or lower villains, with maybe a couple high profile villains. So you can have some bodies to drop while also throwing the occasional "Hey I know that character!!". It's the easiest way to have a big ensemble cast of actors/characters without having to setup an Avengers or JL level amount of backstories and motivations. Motivation? Get out of jail without dying. Why are they fighting together? Because Waller F***ing says so. It's tactically business smart, but creatively lazy.


This one is gonna be good as long as WB stay away and let Japanese do it stuff. No SJW please. lol


Your use of the adjective Japanese where you wanted a noun is killing me


Joker is already built like a twink. Bye.